Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 314 Making Paper and Lettering

Realizing that the camera was facing him, Wu Qu's writing movements became stiff. He is just an ordinary person. He has never been on TV, and he is rarely watched by others. When he thinks that there are countless viewers watching him at this moment, he becomes nervous and nervous. Restrained, my mind went blank, and I almost forgot what I just thought.

However, the photographer came up to him to shoot him and wrote the beginning of the work, which put more pressure on Wu Qu, and he accidentally wrote a word wrong.

But the photographer doesn't care about this, he turns around and leaves to shoot other people.

Wu Qu looked at the typo on the paper and didn't know what to do.

The judge Chen Jianqiu has already said before that each person only has one piece of rice paper and only one chance. Is he going to continue writing like this?

Wu Qu is a perfectionist. To be precise, all calligraphers are perfectionists. When he saw the typo on the paper, he was in a bad mood, and he was very irritable. Dead, let him continue to write as uncomfortable as forcing him to swallow a fly.

It happened that Chen Jianqiu was patrolling past Wu Qu at this time,

Wu Qu stopped him, Mr. Chen, can I change a piece of rice paper?

what happened?

Chen Jianqiu was deeply impressed by Wu Qu's courage. If he hadn't dared to expose, the brazen Su Xuezhen might still be a judge now.

Wu Qu pointed to the paper and said, I made a typo.

Chen Jianqiu saw the typo as he pointed, it was still an irreparable typo, he shook his head and said, Didn't you listen carefully to the rules I just read out? There is only one piece of paper, you can cross out this word and write on the side correct.

Will the alteration affect my grades? Wu Qu asked anxiously.

It is difficult for Chen Jianqiu to answer this question, he can only say,

A small number of judges pay more attention to the cleanliness of the roll, but most of them, including me, don't care much.

The ambiguous answer made Wu Qu feel even more uncertain. He explained, The reason why I made a typo is because the photographer just interfered with me, so I missed it.

Chen Jianqiu asked, Did he meet you?

Wu Qu said no.

Then you can't change the paper. Although Chen Jianqiu sympathized with Wu Qu, the rules were made to restrain everyone, without exception. Moreover, the photographer also took pictures of other people, and none of them had the same situation as Wu Qu, which shows that his own psychological quality is not good enough.

Go ahead and write. It's okay. I will tell the other judges about your special situation during the final judging. Chen Jianqiu was already very considerate of Wu Qu.

After speaking, he walked up to the cameraman of the TV station, and sternly warned him that idlers are not allowed to enter the center of the field, and stop wandering around to affect others.

The photographer immediately apologized, and obediently stood on the outfield, not daring to move.

Wu Qu was fascinated by his typo. He was self-aware. He knew that among the 40 students in the calligraphy group, he belonged to the middle and lower level. all lost.

Liu Man's position was diagonally behind Wu Qu. She saw Wu Qu talking with Chen Jianqiu. After Chen Jianqiu left, Wu Qu put down his pen and remained still.

She felt strange.

Seeing Chen Jianqiu patrolling over, Liu Man asked him in a low voice, Mr. Chen, what's wrong with Wu Qu?

Chen Jianqiu admired Liu Man's works very much, and said to her kindly, Wu Qu made a typo and wanted to change a piece of rice paper. According to the regulations, it is not allowed. He may be psychologically burdened.

Speaking of this, Chen Jianqiu noticed Liu Man's empty rice paper, and said in surprise, Why haven't you started yet?

I haven't decided where to write it yet.

Chen Jianqiu is inexplicable, if it is not written on paper, where else can it be written?

But I've made up my mind now, Liu Man smiled, Mr. Zhang, please give Wu Qu my rice paper. I won't use paper this round.

Chen Jianqiu was surprised, Then what do you use?

I engraved.

When Liu Man was thinking about the Han Style, he accidentally found a small carving knife in the pen holder on his desk, probably because the staff at the venue were too hasty and negligent when they were making preparations. After seeing the knife, her thoughts gradually became clear.

As mentioned earlier, Liu Man began to learn calligraphy with Mrs. Xu when she was young, so she was actually best at seal cutting.

Since she doesn't need this piece of rice paper, she might as well do a good deed in exchange for Wu Qu,

Even if you give up your own paper to Wu Qu, we won't prepare rough stones and wooden plaques for you. How do you carve them? Chen Jianqiu disagreed with her approach.

On this occasion, it is better to be unconventional than to be conservative.

Liu Man looked at the solid wooden table in front of him.

Chen Jianqiu didn't understand what she meant at first, but suddenly thought of it, and said incredulously, You want to engrave it on the table?!

Well, I will compensate you for the material cost according to the price of the table afterwards.

Chen Jianqiu: ...

I can't make decisions about you and Wu Qu on my own. I need to discuss it with the other judges.

Chen Jianqiu immediately went to the other judges.

At this time, there were only 60 minutes left before the end of the competition. Liu Man was not in a hurry, and she did not intend to write a long speech.

The judges quickly reached a consensus, agreeing that Liu Man should exchange his rice paper for Wu Qu. First, Wu Qu’s situation is indeed justifiable, so that the paper should not be re-prepared, and other authors cannot raise opinions to refute it; , They read the rules of the competition schedule again. The rules did not prohibit the participants from giving paper to each other, nor did they prohibit the use of wooden tables as lettering carriers for creation.

Liu Man took advantage of the incomplete rules.

Because photographers no longer take close-up shots of the contestants one by one, the audience in front of the TV can only see a group of people writing or engraving quietly at their desks from a distance, and laymen can’t see why. Honestly, super boring! ! And this scene will last for an hour!

When everyone was hesitating whether to change the channel, a judge suddenly took the rice paper from Liu Man's desk and gave it to the man diagonally in front of her.

The camera is too far away, and the audience can't see the man's appearance clearly. They can recognize Liu Man's position because of her clothes.

The audience is at a loss, wondering what is the operation of moving the rice paper? Exchange exam papers? Why hasn't the man's rice paper been replaced?

Then Liu Man's behavior became even more strange. She put all the pens, inkstones and other things on the table on the ground, facing an empty table, and started gesturing.

The audience stopped changing channels, they were curious about what Liu Man wanted to do.

Not only them, but the people present were equally curious. Some of Liu Man's competitors frequently looked at her and Wu Qu. Zhou Buyi also temporarily stopped writing and looked up, trying to figure out what Liu Man was doing.

Second update~

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