The venue was very quiet, no one spoke anymore.

Ouyang Cen and two aura middle-aged men walked to the front. Ouyang Cen was still wearing a gray robe, while the other two were wearing formal suits, shirts and trousers, which was the standard official attire.

One of them is the mayor of the ancient city, and the other is a very powerful person, the vice-minister of the Ministry of Culture, surnamed Guo.

Seeing this person, Yu Zhan had a trace of surprise in his eyes,

Yu Zhan is standing with a group of middle-aged and elderly literati at this moment. If you say he has no sense of existence, he is the youngest and most beautiful. If you say he has a sense of presence, in this artistic environment, he is the only one who is not in the circle. people.

The mayor of the ancient city first took the stage to give a speech, and read it according to the script written in advance. It was still those official formulas, Implement XXX, Insist on XXX, It is an honor and thanks to the National Calligraphy Association for choosing the ancient capital as the venue and so on. ten minutes.

Everyone listened patiently and finally finished.

Next, it was Vice Minister Guo's turn to speak. He had no manuscript, so he gave an impromptu speech. He first introduced the current orientation of cultural work in the country, one is to insist on innovation, and the other is to promote traditional culture.

Then he said, I just took a general look at the candidates at the scene. There are only a handful of young faces. Could it be that the younger generation can't write calligraphy well? I don't think so, but they can't calm down and learn. Nowadays There are endless new things for people to entertain in the society, so that young people have completely lost interest in the things left by their ancestors. Even very young children are playing with their mobile phones. In such a social environment, when they grow up, , Can you still know calligraphy, Chinese medicine, embroidery, folk music, and opera?

Although I really don’t want to admit it, our traditional culture is on the decline, and there is even a fault. I hope that the success of this calligraphy exhibition will make more people realize that traditional culture is the collective wisdom of countless people from ancient times to the present. Crystallization is the most precious heritage left to us by our ancestors. They are treasures and the quintessence of the country! We have the obligation and responsibility to inherit them and carry them forward.

Vice Minister Guo's speech made the young viewers in front of the TV very ashamed, because they were the younger generation he was referring to.

That's right, if it wasn't for the goddess of Hanfu, they wouldn't know about this calligraphy exhibition at all. Even if they were watching the live broadcast now, most of them were joining in the fun, and few people really knew calligraphy. Even if some people learned calligraphy when they were young, they didn't persevere and gave up.

Vice Minister Guo's speech was thought-provoking, and he received warm applause from the scene, and Yu Zhan also applauded.

The last speaker was Ouyang Cen, I would like to extend a few words about the cultural gap mentioned by Minister Guo just now. Thirty years ago, I was one of the judges of the calligraphy exhibition. At that time, more than half of the exhibitors were two Young people between the ages of ten and thirty, most of them are already famous calligraphers and the backbone of Chinese calligraphy, but in this year, there are only two candidates in this age group. , I am very afraid that in another thirty years, our generation will be gone, and the backbone generation will also be old. Will there be any heirs for the next generation?

For the first time, we tried to cooperate with the media to broadcast live, just to let everyone understand that calligraphy is not as advanced as you imagine, it is actually a daily art, everyone can get started, and it really takes talent to become a calligrapher, but calligraphy as It is easy to like to cultivate temperament. I hope that more people will like calligraphy and try to write calligraphy.

The camera gave a close-up of Ouyang Cen, the white-haired old man with a pitiful expression. He was really worried about calligraphy and had no successors.

Even those netizens who watched the broadcast on their mobile phones in the live broadcast room stopped bluffing and commenting, and quietly listened to the old man's teachings.

After Ouyang Cen finished speaking, he announced the official start of the competition.

The judge Chen Jianqiu first read the rules of the competition: the mobile phone must be turned off, and the creation time is 90 minutes. According to the different types of works of the participants, they prepared a page of rice paper or a piece of rough stone or a wooden plaque for each participant, that is to say Everyone has only one chance to create. If you make a mistake, you cannot go back and start over.

The 10 judges began to discuss the topic on the spot. Each person first thought of a topic and wrote it down. Finally, 10 people voted to select the most suitable topic.

A seal cutting judge from the capital announced the final title: Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, the founding emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, when he was the emperor, he first established his capital in Luoyang, and moved to Chang'an shortly thereafter. It was called the Western Han Dynasty in history. This is the beginning of a prosperous dynasty. Since we are all in Chang'an at this moment, recalling this period of history, we should feel more deeply. Therefore, please describe the Han Dynasty in your impression in the way you are best at. wind'.

After speaking, the venue was still very quiet, and everyone was pondering over the judges' words and examining the questions carefully.

The calligraphers who were watching were also thinking about this topic. Su Yi thinks that the topic is not difficult, but it also means that everyone can create works with their own ideas, unless the point of view is particularly clear and different, in order to stand out.

Yu Zhan didn't have any special feelings about the Han Dynasty before. Han, like Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing, was nothing more than the country's name at a specific time, but now when he hears the Han style, he subconsciously thinks of the little girl in his dream, and The majestic Weiyang Palace, and all kinds of characters shuttling in the palace.

Liu Man was also thinking about Weiyang Palace.

The so-called Han style to her is just a small world in the corner of Weiyang Palace. Those talented emperors and their great achievements are also far away from her. She has never seen the prosperous scene of a big man. The cognition of the outside world comes from Mrs. Xu's books and the narrations of the women in the cold palace.

Liu Man is in a predicament, she doesn't know what she can write, writing something well-known, wouldn't it fall into a cliché, and there is no possibility of winning an award.

And there are a few quick-thinking participants who have already started to write or use a knife.

Zhou Buyi was also thinking hard. The reason he struggled was because he could write too much. As a native of the ancient capital, he was able to dictate the history of the Han Dynasty according to the year and events when he was six years old, and write an article Han Style It's easy for him.

Wu Qu began to write with confidence. During his retreat, he pondered many topics, among which were topics similar to Han style.

The cameraman of the TV station saw Wu Qu's fast and beautiful writing posture, so he took the camera and walked up to him, wanting to take a close-up of him.

First update today~

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