You can't deny Princess Princess' hard work in her sophomore year just because her grades were not good in her freshman year. Look at her report card for this semester. In fact, she has made great progress. Who of you can score 80 points in every course? Is it?

Yeah, she also improved by more than 20 last semester, which means that she has been studying hard, trying to change her state, and doesn't want to be a scumbag!

I carefully analyzed Miss Sister's report card, and I found that the scores of the chamber music ensemble course were very unreasonable. Miss Sister's physical education class—basketball, all scored 85 points. Does Miss Sister know how to play basketball? ???? Courses like this are mainly based on the usual grades. Doesn’t the chamber music ensemble have the usual grades? Who only gets 60 points in the usual grades?” ——The strange young man in the fat house

That's right. In our school, the teachers generally take good care of the students. When grading, they will consider according to the actual situation. They are afraid that the students will be expelled and expelled because of themselves. Although Xiaoman and Xiaoru's trio is not in compliance, but The live performance was very exciting, and the response from netizens was also very good. The music level of the two of them is unquestionable. I don’t understand the purpose of this teacher who gave her a score of 60.” —— Taozi is a little fairy

The old fans of Princess Qieman all know that these two administrators are clearly the masters of Capital University and Jinghua University. Everyone always has a blind obedience to the masters of the school. They think that the masters of the school have said so, which shows the anchor Grades are really problematic.

My lord princess, have you gone to this teacher to ask about the situation?

Yeah, I always feel that Miss Sister seems to have offended this teacher, so he gave her such a low score.

I only got 60 points in this course! Did I offend the teacher too? - Hehehe

'Hee Hee Haha' is Miss Sister's roommate Li Xiaoru, the beauty who plays the piano.

I know, since I watched her performance, I have followed her Weibo.

I paid attention too.

Me too......

Li Xiaoru now has 5000+ fans on Weibo.

Liu Man did not expect that Li Xiaoru was also watching her live broadcast tonight.

I'm going to die of anger! I'm different from Man Man, I'm a top student! My grades have always been very good. I was ranked 15th in the last semester, and I was ranked 11th and 13th in the first and second semesters of my freshman year. Guess what I'm doing this semester How many? - Hee Hee Haha

Xiaoru, don't talk about it, Liu Man frowned and persuaded. She didn't want Li Xiaoru to make such a head on the Internet. She exposed the darkness of the school in the live broadcast room. expulsion. She couldn't let Li Xiaoru take such a big risk.

I said yes, you will be persuaded to quit, I can't sit idly by. - Hehe

Li Xiaoru's attitude is very firm.

The princess and her roommate have a very deep relationship, and I was a little touched.

Our anchor's popularity has always been very good, and she has become friends with many people.

Don't interrupt, we want to listen to her performances jokingly.

Is it ridiculous that I am ranked 71st this semester? My grades in other courses are all above 85, and only the chamber music ensemble scored 60. Our teacher Zhu Xiyang pushed me from the front of the grade to the bottom at once. I In the future, there is not much hope for the graduate school.” ——Hehehe

Without fear, Li Xiaoru directly called Zhu Xiyang by his full name.

And as far as I know, except for me and Man Man, the other students have the least score of 70 in the chamber music ensemble class, and the whole grade... No, all the Western music majors that offer this course are only the two of us. Low. - Hee Hee Haha

It's obviously tricky.

The teacher of this course is called Zhu Xiyang? Go to Baidu to see who is the most sacred.

I've already published it on Baidu. It's on Baidu Encyclopedia. Looking at his profile, he can still cheat. He graduated from Berkeley, a prestigious music school in the United States, and his undergraduate degree is also from the Capital Conservatory of Music. He is a famous young pianist and has participated in many National-level large-scale concerts are all performed by piano solo.”


6 pieces of wool, don't use 6666 for everything. You have to find out the situation. He caused the princess to be forced to drop out of school, and her roommate couldn't keep her graduate school.

Yes, this person is good or bad.

Now that Li Xiaoru has been implicated, Liu Man decided to go all out, and said, The overall ranking of the four semesters has come out, and it is estimated that the notice of dismissal will be issued soon, so my mother and I went to school together today, My mother wanted to plead with the head of the department, but the leader avoided seeing her, and even sent a message to the counselor, saying that this is to follow the rules and not set a precedent, and they will not give us any sympathy.

To be honest, I don't think there is a problem with what the leader said, but the anchor's mother has gone, at least meet once, to show respect, no one shows up, I feel a little contemptuous.

It's not just a little bit, it's very contemptuous of people! A dog's eyes look down on people! Our school also has this kind of leadership.

But the world is like this. Although Miss Sister is an Internet celebrity, she gradually became famous on her own. She is not a real public figure and has no real influence. She can only appeal to us netizens and fans. , in real life, who would ignore her? Look at the bedroom background behind her. Her home is well-decorated, but it looks like an ordinary family. It’s most middle-class. It’s obviously not a rich second-generation official. Why should the school leaders How about giving her mother face?

The words upstairs are too realistic... so realistic that it makes me feel so cruel.

That's the way society is. Many people are snobbish. Don't think that university leaders and teachers are so noble. They have a steelyard in their hearts and know which students are rich and which are poor.

Hey, we chat with people online and watch live broadcasts just to escape this reality.

I feel sorry for our princess.

Her mother is so pitiful. She ran all the way to school, and she was never seen by anyone.


Liu Man also felt that her mother had suffered unfair treatment, and seeing netizens complaining for her mother strengthened her determination to expose the scandal.

Leaving the department leadership office building, I sent a text message to Teacher Zhu, asking him about the grades, and he asked me to meet with him to discuss in detail.

It's strange, why do we have to meet each other? Teachers with successful careers like this are usually very busy. If they have anything to say, they usually finish talking on the phone.

Yes, the teacher teaches too many students. They don't want to see the students at all, okay? They don't want to be disturbed by the students during their spare time and affect their lives.

I feel like things are going in a weird direction...

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