Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 203 Live Broadcast Exposure

Can I go back and think about it?

For the sake of you being a little white rabbit, I'll give you a day to think about it. You have to answer me at this time tomorrow. Time waits for no one. If it takes too long, the school will officially issue a document asking you to drop out of school. Changing your score won't save you.

Thank you, Teacher Zhu Xiyang, Liu Man read out Zhu Xiyang's full name word by word, I'll go first, see you tomorrow.

Zhu Xiyang thought that the prey had been obtained, and said cheerfully, See you tomorrow, little white rabbit.

Liu Man walked out of Zhu Xiyang's office and walked to his mother who was waiting downstairs, then took out the phone from his pocket and pressed the recording stop button.

When Zhang Pei saw her, he quickly asked, Has the teacher agreed to change the grade?

Agreed, Liu Man said.

Zhang Pei breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Man dared not tell Zhang Pei her plan, she was afraid that Zhang Pei would get sick from anger.

On the way home for the mother and daughter, Liu Man received a WeChat message from Yu Zhan, I called Xiaoru, she has already told me everything, don't worry, I have a solution.

When Yu Zhan was editing his second message, he received a reply from Liu Man, I'm going to do something later, which may offend many people and cause me to be expelled from school. You agree with me doing this ?

Yu Zhan deleted the message he was going to send and retyped, No matter what you want to do, I will support you.

At this moment, he could probably guess Liu Man's intentions, but he didn't know that Liu Man took the risk alone to meet Zhu Xiyang in order to obtain evidence. So much so that he was furious from behind, no longer kept a low profile, and went out in person.

Yu Zhan's words gave Liu Man great confidence, and she was very fortunate to have found a boyfriend who could be her strong backing.

Because of the final exam, Princess Qieman, who hadn't broadcast live for more than two weeks, opened the live broadcast room, and the fans flooded into the live broadcast room with joy,

Miss, how did your exam go?

My princess is so powerful, it will definitely be a piece of cake to take the test.

I think the princess' big expression doesn't seem quite right.

As soon as this fan said it, everyone noticed that the princess Qiman in front of the screen had a trace of sadness on her picturesque face.

My lord princess is in a bad mood.

Did you really fail the exam?

Don't be a crow's mouth upstairs.

Miss, what's the matter with you, why don't you say a word?

I'm so worried about her...

Princess Qieman sighed deeply, and then said, I learned a bad news today, and I will probably be dismissed by the school.

! ! ! ! ! !

One sentence shocked all the viewers in the live broadcast room. They couldn't connect the excellent princess Qieman with the dropout scum. Even some diving fans were blown out.

What's going on, anchor, please explain clearly.

Yeah, why does a good school ask you to drop out?

Is the school a sand sculpture? Expelling a gifted student!?

Everyone, calm down first. Let's listen to the princess explain what happened clearly, and then it will not be too late to seek justice for her.

Liu Man took out his pre-printed report card and put it in front of the camera, This is my test result for this semester.

She specially made the font very large so that presbyopia can read it clearly.

The princess did very well in the exam. Basically, I got 80 points in every class, except chamber music ensemble and English 4, which are a bit low. Hey, why is the average score only 68 in the end?

Look carefully, these two courses account for a large proportion of the credits. English 4 has 4 credits, and Chamber Music Ensemble has 16 credits. It immediately lowered the overall score of Miss Sister.

Chamber ensemble is the chamber music ensemble concert held by the Capital Conservatory of Music in May?

That's right, this is the class.

Miss Sister and her roommate performed such amazing performances, yet they only got 60 points!!!!! It's so unreasonable! ——The strange young man in the fat house

The young man was furious in the dormitory. Liu Man got 60 points, which meant that Li Xiaoru also only got 60 points. Could he not be angry?

Roommate B said, There must be something inside.

Roommate A said, Obviously the princess Qiaman had no choice but to disclose this matter on the Internet.

Roommate C said, Isn't she afraid of offending the school?

She's going to be persuaded to leave, she's afraid of a woolen yarn! The young man complained angrily.

The fans in the live broadcast room were also very angry,

Are all the teachers at the Capital Conservatory of Music collectively blind?

If I were a teacher, 100 points would be too little.

Anchor, have you asked your teacher of this course why he gave you such a low score?

Liu Man said, I asked, and he said that the trio between the two of us is not a trio, and that we shouldn't change the guzheng for a guqin halfway through.

This reason is too far-fetched.

It's not farfetched. If it's a serious teacher, there's nothing wrong with him saying that.

That's right, the trio is supposed to have a mix of three voices. No matter how the host and her companion play together, there are only two voices. It is indeed illegal, and some teachers hate students who don't greet and make decisions without authorization. Students don't take them seriously. So it depends on which side we look at this issue.

Hey, hey, upstairs, why are you talking to the teacher! Do you mean that the princess should drop out of school?

I didn't mean that. I just stated the facts objectively (grievance). Don't hit me.

Even if the average test score is only 68 points, it will not be expelled, right? And there is no failure!

Princess Qieman replied, At the beginning of this year, our school issued a new school rule: at the end of the second semester of the sophomore year, we will rank students in the bottom ten according to their total grades in the four semesters of the two years.

After Zhang Daqiang broke the news, everyone knows that I used to have poor grades. I am here to tell you the truth. In the first semester, I failed 7 courses and ranked 129th in the grade. In the second semester, I failed 5 courses. I failed the class and ranked 126th in my grade. Last semester, I almost failed my English, but fortunately, I reviewed other courses carefully and got 102nd in my grade. There are only 132 students in our grade. I thought that through my hard work this semester, I could equalize the previous disadvantages. Unexpectedly, a single course of chamber music ensemble made all my efforts go to waste.

Khan~~ Miss, you failed too many subjects before, more than a dozen...

Anchor, your grade... I'm also drunk.

Really. Scholar.

If this were in our school, you would be dismissed as a freshman... ——Speaking by the young man's roommate B

I just want to know why you went there in your freshman year. It's not easy to fail so many courses.

Second update~

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