Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 1036: The Curtain Comes to a Successful End

Jason sang the last line of the lyrics, Li Xiaoru played the last note, and the scene became calm again. The audience didn't realize that the performance had ended, and their hearts could not be peaceful for a long time.

It was not until Liu Man and Li Xiaoru stood up, Lina stood on the stage, and the three girls saluted and thanked the audience around them at the same time, that everyone applauded belatedly, and there was a commotion in the crowd:

Wonderful, really wonderful!

Ah, this is the end? It seems that there are not even ten minutes, the time flies too fast! Is there a second program?

The answer is obviously no, because Jason has walked into the audience and said to them, I hope you will enjoy our performance today!

His 20 fans, as well as several American Internet celebrities, screamed and replied, How can you not like it! I love it to death!, I love you!, Can I perform another song? I can't suppress my fanatical love for Jason, and surround him from all directions. This is a real star chasing!

Jason didn't resist at all, instead he laughed and enjoyed the feeling of being supported, but because they were all wearing Hanfu, the scene became funny, and the other guests couldn't help laughing.

The bosses have seen many operas, musicals, and concerts, and they are well-informed. Their reactions will not be as exaggerated as the fans, but they still have a lot of shock in their hearts.

Jason made a stop gesture, he was very charismatic, his fans fell silent in unison, he looked around and said to everyone, I thank you all for coming here to watch my new single That Princess from Han 》In the opening ceremony, thank you for your willingness to cooperate with our work, changing clothes, not allowing the use of mobile phones...etc. These are very strict regulations. If someone with a bad temper, such as me, may walk away people.

Jason's candor and self-knowledge amuse the audience, and everyone laughs.

Since it's the first music ceremony, I have to act like a host, give a speech and express my inner feelings, even though my eloquence is mediocre... Oh, there happens to be a host here, Jason looked at Katie, I must first apologize to you. For the incident the year before last, I was in a bad mood and said some nonsense. I didn't mean anything against you. Please forgive my slip of the tongue.

Everyone looked at Katie. Others didn't know what that incident the year before last was. Jason satirized Katie's talk show in the ins without naming her name. He deleted it later, and few people remembered it. The gossip eyes made Katie feel very embarrassed, what's wrong with Jason! She could only say, God, I didn't even care about it, you still care so much? Let the past go.

Katie's words had the meaning of forgiving Jason and letting go of the past, and she would never be so easy to talk about in normal times. At the same time, she was also a little moved. There are countless things in the entertainment industry that swear at people, how many people have apologized? Richard has not said sorry to Liu Man so far!

It seemed that she really didn't know enough about Jason. His personality is too changeable and perverse, one second he can scold f(*^▽^*)k like a hooligan, and the next second he can sing songs that move people to tears. Music is different from acting. Acting, the better the disguise, the more successful the actor is; singing, the more real and rich the emotions contained in the music, the more touching people's hearts. Katie saw Jason's respect for Liu Man and her friends. She thinks this man is not bad!

Jason's sudden apology didn't have any intention of benefiting, he didn't expect Katie to help him brag about anything on his show, he was just in a good mood and on a whim.

Similarly, he also apologized to Brother Micro. He said that the reason why he refused to compose the theme song of the movie that year was because he was out of inspiration and couldn't write it, and he also felt that the movie was not good.

It's that honest!

Harvey, who is so introverted, smiled in surprise.

He said, Then let me ask the question my uncle asked back then. Michael is preparing a new film. Are you interested in writing and singing the theme song for it?

Jason looked at Harvey's expression, wasn't he joking? Then he stopped joking. He walked up to Harvey and asked solemnly, What kind of movie is it?

Both of them are wearing domineering ancient Chinese costumes. Standing together, it’s quite interesting. Jason wears black and red Hanfu, and Harvey wears platinum Qinfu. They are about the same height and age, and both have black hair ( Jason wig), don't look at the face, just look at the back, as if two kings descended, the effect of the town is first-class.

Harvey only took over Migao's company last year. He usually acts low-key and rarely appears under flashing lights. Many people don't know him. They ask him who he is, and when they learn that he is the president of Migao, their mouths become O-shaped.

A J fan whispered, Is it true that except for us, everyone else is a big shot?

Obviously yes, thankfully we only now know...

Harvey glanced at Liu Man who was standing outside the crowd, The theme is similar to today's performance, I think you will like it.

Jason raised his eyebrows, Migao Company wants to make a movie with a Chinese style theme? The sun came out from the west, I... yes, I can. The question is, are you sure? Don't let me prepare excitedly, when the time comes, you can decide.

OK, it's enough to have your words, you can continue to give a speech.

Jason: ...

Bryan sniggered from the side, as expected of his wise and mighty cousin, he didn't give Jason any face at all.

Jason was in the mood, and didn't care about these details, and began to talk about the source of his inspiration for creating this song, and the whole story of leaking the song. In fact, at this time, the camera is facing them, and everyone can see the machinery and the cameraman.

Man, Xiaoru, Lina, Jason waved at them, what are you doing hiding behind? Come here, let everyone get to know you.

The three girls didn't hesitate, and walked to Jason with a smile. Everyone knew Liu Man and Li Xiaoru very well. At this time, they saw the appearance of the ballet girl clearly, and they were surprised that she was a Caucasian. They all thought that the three girls were all Chinese—the stage was the farthest, the space was closed, and the lighting engineer deliberately created deep and dark light. , Lina combed all her hair into a ball when dancing, leaving nothing behind, it was difficult to identify her hair color and complexion.

Liu Man is my source of inspiration and my muse. I really 'love' her. Li Xiaoru is a very good pianist. I gave her the sheet music and asked her to play it again. Make a demo, and the effect she plays the first time will be the same as now.

Jason praised every girl, and it was Lina's turn, You may think she is unfamiliar, her name is Lina Atkinson, she is from New Zealand, she is a professional ballet dancer, oh yes, she is still my fan, I am in China Got to know her and her father, they are very nice people, thank you Lina, and thank you to your father, Hey, Peter, I know you can hear me.

The second is more done~

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