On Sunday night, the TV talk show The Katie Show, as usual, aired on time in millions of households.

The national conditions are different. Even with the maturity and popularization of the Internet and the rapid development of smart phones, Americans have not abandoned TV. They still watch TV for more than 7 hours a day on average. This may be because American TV programs are relatively rich and of high quality. , especially some variety show interviews and reality shows are almost popular all over the world.

Weekends are prime time for these shows, and many ordinary families get together to watch TV for entertainment.

The Katie Show is one such show, which is very popular with Americans and airs weekly. Each episode will attract at least 30 million American viewers, and the ratings have ranked first in similar programs for ten consecutive years. The hostess of this show, Katie, is also a god. Her experience is very legendary. She has been dubbed the queen of talk shows and is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

The interview guests of Katie's talk show are of course all celebrities who are either rich or expensive. Entertainment stars and sports superstars are all small people. Wall Street snipers, Silicon Valley CEOs, political party candidates, and even the world's richest man Katie has been face to face. This is the main reason why this show has endured for so long. Through this show, ordinary people can understand the daily life of the big shots they can't touch.

Moreover, before each episode of Katie's talk show is broadcast, who is the guest of this episode is never revealed, and the audience will not know until the official broadcast. Leaving suspense and arousing the curiosity of the public is also a means of increasing ratings.

After the show ended, Katie, dressed in gray formal attire, made her exclusive facial expressions and signature moves towards the camera, Hi everyone, welcome to this week's Katie talk show, I'm your friend Katie. Blowing kisses, her fans' hearts would melt.

She chuckled softly, Today we have two guests, they are both participating in a variety show for the first time, and they started to get nervous backstage.

It's not uncommon for the two to be on the show at the same time. In Katie's previous shows, there were three and four people, and there was even a show where the players of a team sat in a row. However, a combination of two people is usually a couple or a band combination.

When the audience was guessing which couple the guests might be, Maria and Tom walked into everyone's field of vision one after the other. Maria was wearing a black low-necked dress, stepping on black high-heeled shoes, her hair was tied on top of her head, and she was young Light but not inferior to Katie's ability, but also with aloofness.

Compared with her, Tom's aura was a bit weaker. Although he specially changed into a shirt and trousers for this show, which looked very formal, but he was used to being wild on the court, so he didn't pay much attention to it. Moreover, it was the first time for him to participate in this kind of entertainment program, and he seemed a little stiff and unnatural.

Experienced Katie came over to shake his hand and said with a smile, Tom, you are welcome to Katie's talk show, don't put on a posture like an enemy, our audience are very friendly people, they won't hit you of!

As soon as this remark came out, Tom laughed, and a smile appeared in Maria's eyes.

The audience in front of the TV was so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear.

Maria Miller will actually participate in the entertainment show? ! Or with her ex-boyfriend? ! !

If it wasn't for her bad private life, Maria is actually a low-key and pragmatic daughter of a wealthy family. Every time the media reported every sneak shot, she didn't ask her permission. She was forced to become the topic queen.

The news of Maria's appearance on TV reached everyone familiar with her, including her family and friends, at the speed of light. Everyone's first reaction was shock, to participate in a talk show? Is she someone who wants to be talked to? It's not in Maria's character at all! If these people are indoors and there is a TV beside them, they should turn on the TV immediately to check what is going on.

On TV, Katie is introducing Maria and Tom to the audience. They are not serious stars, and there are always people who don't know them. The talk show does not have live audiences, but it also keeps pace with the times. While the live broadcast, its official website will open a real-time question window for TV viewers to leave messages. At this moment, the most frequently asked question is whether they got back together or not.

Katie satisfied everyone's curiosity and asked Maria and Tom directly.

The honest Tom wanted to answer that they are not back together, they are just ordinary friends. Maria was already one step ahead of him, and asked Katie with a smile, Do you have to be a couple to participate in your show?

No, no, our show never sticks to the rules, Katie thought to herself, Maria really lived up to her reputation, she was witty and strong, and she must hold the conversation in her own hands. Some hosts may not welcome such guests, but Katie likes to accept challenges, because people like Maria also have a strong sense of variety.

She had already predicted that tonight's ratings would not be low.

In fact, the weekly guest candidates for Katie's talk show will be decided a month in advance. The guests can adjust their schedules, and the TV station can also make corresponding production preparations, such as preparing the host speech and questions that need to be asked.

The arrival of Maria and Tom was a very unexpected situation. The guest of this issue was originally a female fashion designer. The topic should be fashion outfits and the growth history of designers. Katie and the team have done almost all the preparations. Suddenly received a call from the designer, she said that she was in a hurry and couldn't record the show, it didn't matter, the TV station would be prepared. Unexpectedly, in order to express his apology, the designer insisted on helping them contact new guests, and said that the topic of new guests was much higher than her.

The recommended ones were of course Maria and Tom. The designer was also a socialite and a friend of Maria. She had nothing urgent and just gave up the opportunity of the show to Maria.

Katie and the people on the TV station are old-timers, and they immediately understood the twists and turns. If it weren't for Maria, who is indeed a difficult guest to invite, and is on the cusp of the limelight, it is worth talking about, and they will definitely block the designer permanently. So Maria and Tom hurried to Los Angeles - the show was being taped in Hollywood.

These two days, they were with Katie, communicating what they were going to say on the show, or what they were going to reveal. Therefore, on the show, Katie is following the script. For example, she deliberately mentioned the fact that Tom was beaten, and now she asks Tom, is he really a male mistress? What the hell was going on with his fight with Richard?

Tom made a very embarrassed expression, This is really an unbearable past.

Katie smiled and said, Then why do you still come to my place with the people around you who can't bear to look back?

The audience's emotions were instantly mobilized,

Good guy! From the beginning of the show, she directly entered into such a hot and tricky topic. As expected of Katie, in the entire host world, she is probably the only one who dares to ask such a question!

The first update~the second update is at night~Thank you very much for your votes!

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