Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 1018 Leaving the small black house

Only then did Liu Man know that the reason why Maria did not reply to her message was because she was on the plane. She flew from Boston to San Francisco for nearly seven hours to meet Tom, and the two of them took Tom's private jet to Los Angeles together, all the way non-stop, in a hurry , until now she took a breath.

So, you are in Los Angeles now? Liu Man asked in surprise.

Yes, my feet just touched the floor, Maria said in a weary voice, I've never tried that hard before!

spell what?

Liu Man was a little puzzled.

She also heard Tom's voice on the phone, and the whole call environment was very noisy.

Maria said again, Honey, don't worry, leave Adam to me, and I can take care of everything. Don't worry, and please trust me.

I believe you, Liu Man felt ashamed of her wavering heart before. She shouldn't have doubted Maria. She wanted to ask Maria what she was doing in Los Angeles and why she stayed with Tom. Could it be that they got back together?

That's when she heard Tom call, Maria, get in the car.


Liu Man quickly said, Then I won't bother you.

Yeah, I'll call you when I have definite news!

Maria hung up the phone and stooped into Tom's passenger seat. This car is Tom's regular car in Los Angeles - a top Ferrari sports car. Both he and Maria wore sunglasses, and Tom also wore a hat to conceal his appearance a little.

Tom said, Aren't we two internet celebrities now?

Yes, in a few days, we'll all be red and purple! Maria leaned on the back of the chair with no trace of sadness or joy on her expression.

The corner of Tom's mouth curled up, he started the car, and the car sped away in the direction of Hollywood.

A day later, Jason posted an official update on his ins, announcing that his new song That Princess from Han will be officially released next Friday! There is still about a week to go. Different from the usual publicity methods, Jason said that he will hold a mini performance for the new song at the Lion Club in New York that day.

This message quickly attracted the attention of J fans all over the world.

Everyone has already heard this song. Even though they know it is a semi-finished product, some people have played it on repeat for a few days. The ears of ordinary people can’t hear the subtle difference between the semi-finished product and the final demo. Moreover, the vast majority of foreigners are listening to Chinese-style pop music for the first time, and they don’t know much about Guqin and the lyrics sung by Liu Man. However, there is not much difference in the music appreciation ability of ordinary people. It sounds good, no matter how weird the instruments and singing methods are.

A foreign fan said, Forgive me for not deleting the pirated version, because I couldn't bear it. This song is really great. I like the harmony accompaniment of the Han Dynasty princess in the middle the most. After listening to it, I feel suddenly bright.

A fan who is probably Chinese commented, It's unbelievable that Jason, a foreigner, can write a song with such an artistic conception, which perfectly combines Chinese classical music and Western music, Chinese poetry and English, Chinese singing and American pop. The gods are cooperating!

The evaluations are indeed very good, but from another perspective, the fans actually have no sense of expectation for the song itself.

But Jason still managed to whet everyone's appetite. Because he mentioned a new term - mini performance.

What is a mini show? Everyone has never heard of it.

Counting the solo concerts held by Jason in the past, almost every show has an audience of 10,000 people. The largest number of people was once, a total of 50,000 people bought tickets to enter the venue, setting a world record for that year.

Let’s look at the performance venue he mentioned—Lion Club is an old-fashioned music club in New York. Nowadays, there are few young people patronizing it. The singers in this club are generally not well-known street singers or An aging singer. Jason certainly doesn't fall into that category, and his new songs are ample evidence that his musical talent is as good as ever.

And the Lion Club can only accommodate about 100 people, which is not comparable to Jason's 10,000-person concert.

Fans can't understand why Jason is going to the club to hold a concert. If it is to get rid of the negative shadow of leaking music and expand publicity, he can definitely have a big party with tens of millions of people in a higher place, even if he just finds a small Theaters are better than this club.

What kind of medicine is sold in his gourd?

It started with his cell phone. When he handed it to He Lushen, it didn't lock the screen.

After He Lushen finished listening to the song, he wrote his thoughts on the memo app on his mobile phone. There was surveillance in the interrogation room. He returned to the small black room before he started typing and wrote a nearly 2,000-word plan.

His core idea is still to make a good MV, but now he is going to shoot the MV. According to the conventional way, when the MV is finished, the audience's enthusiasm will be almost cool, so He Lushen suggested Jason to shoot in another way—— A Music Premiere Ceremony similar to a movie premiere - Jason, Liu Man and Li Xiaoru performed on the stage, facing the audience, performing the song again, the photographer took pictures of the whole process, and the MV was done!

Of course, this is just a main frame. If the MV is really as simple as a concert documentary, He Lushen won't have to write two thousand words. His planning book is all about telling Jason how to complete the show, and the theme of the MV he helped Jason formulate is-immersive Chinese elements.

After reading the proposal, Jason's heart was lifted up, and the smile on his face couldn't stop, Scott thought he had a nervous breakdown. Jason printed out the plan and threw it to Scott, Look at this Plan C.

Scott glanced at it casually, at first he didn't care about it, but the more he looked at it, the more he became more and more excited. At the end, he couldn't help but praise, It's a brilliant idea!

Hey, you're feeling better now, Jason said proudly.

You came up with this? Scott didn't quite believe it.

Jason didn't answer the question, Stop talking nonsense, quickly arrange someone, and we'll start to act!


Jason meant what he said, and he immediately met with the chief executive of the New York Police Department to discuss He Lushen's case with him. The American police leader told Jason that Richard's lawyer's request for He Lushen's non-bail was the reason Reasonable and legal, even if it goes to court, the judge will have no objection, but he will make a special case of this matter for Jason's sake.

The next day, He Lushen finally left the small black room and walked out of the police station, seeing the dazzling sun and the blue sky. Two policemen took him to Yu Zhan's apartment in a police car. In fact, he was not free. He was not released on bail. He was only allowed to stay in the apartment, but he was not allowed to leave the apartment, not even to walk the dog!

He also wears a smart bracelet on his foot, which will automatically call 911 if he has any behavior outside the range. He Lushen is already very content, at least he can sleep peacefully, watch the night view of New York, and swim for leisure.

The second is more done~

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