Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 1011 New Song Leaked

Cohen has a big shelf, and is often late for various reasons such as sleeping late and eating breakfast, but like today, he was late for more than an hour, which is very unusual. Jason waited and waited, and the coffee was all finished, but no one arrived yet!

He asked Amanda to call Cohen, Amanda didn't want to contact Cohen, reluctantly found his number:

Sorry, the number you dialed is invalid.

Amanda looked at the name on the screen for confirmation, it was Cohen, that's right! She called again, but the number was still invalid.

She informed Jason of this strange situation, How is it possible, I saw him yesterday! You must have misremembered his number, Jason said, and took out his mobile phone to call Cohen, and the same notification sounded .

Jason was surprised, what's going on?

At this time, an employee ran in in a panic and told them, Our new single has been leaked on the Internet!

The news was so sudden that both Jason and Amanda were stunned, and their nerve centers didn't even have time to express their shock. Soon Jason realized, f#@*\u0026k, are you joking?

The employee was frightened by Jason's ferocious face when he breathed out the fragrance, took a step back, held up his mobile phone, and stammered,'s true, the audition file of the complete track appeared on the Internet, and it seems to have spread.

Jason snatched his mobile phone and took a look. #Jason Harmer's new song That Princess from Han is the first to try it out#, #J曲风大改,Joint Han Dynasty Princess Deduce Chinese Style# …

The screen is full of such eye-catching titles, attracting clicks from netizens, especially Jason's fans. My idol hasn't released a new song for so long. No.—Jason has never publicly mentioned that he will cooperate with Liu Man this time, and let the outside world conjecture, but he just refuses to admit it. His intention is obvious, and he keeps the surprise for the last.

Therefore, netizens of course don't care whether it is true or not, and download it as soon as possible before talking about it. And they didn't take it seriously at first, thinking it was a gimmick, they just clicked the play button and tried it out.

What caught my ear was a piano prelude...

The prelude does not seem to be very important. A good prelude does not mean that the song is good, but if the song is good, its prelude must be able to catch people's hearts at the very beginning, and people can't help but calm down and continue listening. European and American pop songs use It is not uncommon to use pure piano music as the prelude, but it usually has a strong sense of rhythm and a bright style of music, because young people now like to listen to more explosive music.

And this new song has a very different style from the prelude. It is different from other singers, and it is also different from the songs Jason has written in recent years. It makes people feel like returning to the era when American folk songs were popular thirty or forty years ago. When the listeners were wondering whether there would be some harmonica or guitar accompaniment in the next paragraph, the male voice unique to Jason sounded:

I prey that you will look my way;

I stay awake at night;


His singing voice is so gentle that it reaches everyone's heart, everyone seems to see a pair of gentle eyes, looking at the girl they like.

Oh my god, it's so nice, J can actually sing love so warmly, it's so unlike his own style! But I like it so much! (shy)

I just listened to it casually. For some reason, I remembered the first girl I fell in love with when I was in middle school. I also dreamed of her face at night. Listening to this song and recalling it, I am really moved.

The piano is very good, but I feel that if the accompaniment is only the piano, it is a bit thin, and it seems to be missing something.

As soon as this netizen finished writing the comment, the sound of another unfamiliar instrument sounded in the player. It merged into the sound of the piano, and the sound of the piano gradually became smaller, becoming a supporting role, and the new instrument took the lead. Jason's singing continued, and at the same time, everyone heard a very soft female chorus, Guan Guan Jujiu, in the river continent, a fair lady, a gentleman is so good...

Wow, this is definitely the sound of the Guqin of the princess of the Han Dynasty!

She came to America to make music with Jason!

The harmony is also sung by her, it's the first time I heard her sing!

Ninety-nine percent of the listeners could not understand these Chinese lyrics. Even Chinese who understand Chinese are not sure what they are singing. After all, who would have thought that she would sing The Book of Songs in an American pop song!

But this does not prevent netizens from being amazed by the sound of Guqin and her singing.

The simple and quiet sound of the guqin seems to have come from thousands of years ago, and has the energy to sweep away the noise in the world. If the main line lyrics are Jason’s confession, then Liu Man’s harmony is more like a bystander, representing the tranquility of the sea And indifference, the calmness and leisure of the wind, and a fresh and free heart, in a word, it is erratic and untouchable by Jason, just like the title of this song Princess from the Han Dynasty of China.

A love song, with the addition of her Chinese-style harmony and accompaniment, the theme is sublimated and the artistic conception is also different.

I want to emphasize that I'm not a fan of Jason, I don't like his previous music, that's not my style, but I should become his fan because of this song!

Now American pop music is like mass-produced goods on the assembly line. There is nothing new, but this song makes my ears enjoy, and I would like to give it a thumbs up!

It was the first time I heard Chinese in an English song. It was a wonderful experience. It turns out that singing in Chinese is so beautiful. I don't need to know its meaning. I just know that it is beautiful.


Netizens praised this song all the time, forwarding it to their relatives and friends in various ways, and sharing a good song together. They have ignored a very important issue - Jason's record company has not released his new single publicly! They unknowingly contribute to the spread of piracy.

It's not that they don't have copyright awareness, but that this song doesn't look like a pirated version at all!

Almost every popular singer will be targeted by pirates. Before a new album is released, the track and content will be classified as top secret by the record company, but many singers still have the experience of their songs being leaked. Jason was also arrested ten years ago. once.

But a pirated version is still a pirated version. Compared with the official sound source, the sound quality of the leaked version is relatively poor, and there is a big gap with the final song. The ears are slightly sharper, and listeners with pickier tastes can recognize it.

The pre-release version of That Princess from Han is almost perfect with clear sound quality, excellent production, rich emotions, singing, writing, and instrument performance are all online. How can such a song be a pirated version?

Everyone thought it was the Jason United Records company deliberately leaking the new song in advance - this is also a hype coup that some small record companies often use for lesser-known singers. Once the song is officially released, it will have a certain fan base.

The first update~The second update is at night~

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