Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 1010 Take the initiative to attack

Yu Zhan had already told Gao Yihuai what he needed to say, and the audience outside the stadium (Tao Hejin) also asked for help, and even brought a teammate (Song Junzhe) to the scene to help him out. Now he should go a little farther wisely and hand over the stage to Song Junzhe, otherwise the three of them will be embarrassed - Gao Yihuai definitely doesn't want to expose his family ugliness to an outsider like him.

Yu Zhan left his seat on the pretext of going to the bathroom, walked outside the restaurant, and called Liu Man. He threw her in the hospital and couldn't feel at ease at all. American media reporters are more dedicated than Chinese ones. There are always cameras around the hospital pointing at the exits. As long as Liu Man takes a step out of the hospital gate, countless media will flock to him.

Liu Man seems to have become the hottest foreign Internet celebrity in the United States recently, crushing a lot of local Internet celebrities. He Lushen's experience was really miserable, but it's hard to say that Liu Man didn't get a blessing in disguise. Her ins only posted a photo of her safety, and her fans soared to 200w+, and her number of YouTube fans was close to 1000w+— — because she released the video of He Lushen and Yu Zhan confronting the police at the airport.

Netizens were arguing in the message area, their faces were red, and the number of comments naturally increased, breaking through 200,000+ this morning.

It is worth mentioning that because of this incident, Richard’s ins was also flooded by comments from netizens. Many people were dissatisfied with the US police’s “race.race.discrimination”. They strongly demanded that the police also arrest Richard. Dangerous people should not be treated differently! No bail! Some people on Richard's side have been deleting comments and even banning users. Probably because they found that there were too many comments and too many people who scolded them, they couldn't handle it, so they began to block comments, and modified the profile, writing: Please respect the police , to respect the laws of the United States.

When Liu Man saw this sentence this morning, he was furious. She immediately posted a second picture update on her ins. This time she posted seven pictures in one go. The first three were taken by the nurse when she was just sent to the hospital, and the last three were taken by her with Li Xiaoru's help. A close-up of her bruises, the last one is a photo of Richard she found on the Internet. You became like this, and you have never apologized to me.

This is the first time Liu Man has publicly insulted Richard since he was injured.

Before that, her thinking has always been to calm things down, and peace is the most important thing. After all, He Lushen had already been released on bail at that time, and she was not seriously injured. Li Xiaoru still had to study at Julia, so Liu Man should not easily make enemies. It's not that I'm afraid of Richard, but that every place has a set of rules. When she first arrived in the United States, she would fight with the locals in a high-profile way, which might backfire.

But in the current situation - she kept backing down, but the other party pushed her forward. No matter how good-tempered a person is, he will not let the other party feel better if he is bullied urgently!

Liu Man has no better way to deal with Richard, let alone any ability to rescue He Lushen. She knew that Yu Zhan went to Canada last night, but Yu Zhan was in a hurry and didn't explain clearly to Liu Man.

Liu Man doesn't want to sit still, but as an outsider who doesn't understand anything, where does she get the energy to fight against the forces behind Richard? She herself reported to the police, and the police officer transferred her to the responsible police station. The police said that her case was already under investigation and told her not to call the police again. It seems that Liu Man has no choice but to find a local connection.

Her greatest support is Maria.

Maria said last night that the matter would be handled by her, but this morning Li Xiaoru found that the bodyguards of the Miller family around the hospital were gone, and only the general security guards of the hospital were left to continue to be responsible for the security work. Entering the hospital randomly will also affect the recuperation of other patients.

Li Xiaoru asked where the security guards had gone, but the security guards didn't know, saying that the group of people seemed to have received some order in the middle of the night and left suddenly. Li Xiaoru was very angry, and came back and said to Liu Man, You saved her! She knew how troublesome the situation is, but she withdrew her bodyguards, and she was ashamed to say that everything was on her, and she was responsible. How could she be responsible? Do you go to BB? The so-called high society ladies are really hypocritical!

She is not such a person, Liu Man wanted to explain to Maria.

How long have you known her? It's all superficial communication, knowing people and faces but not heart! Li Xiaoru believed that Maria was crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, and after using Liu Man, he threw her away.

In Li Xiaoru's perception, Maria is definitely one of the top socialites in the United States, the kind with eyes on the top of her head. Compared with Maria, the group of classmates in her school who claim to be famous ladies in the Upper East Side are instantly scumbags. How could such a high-ranking queen be willing to be friends with Liu Man?

It's not that Li Xiaoru looks down on Liu Man—Liu Man is her idol, but that Liu Man and Maria are not the same kind of people at all, they are so different in every respect. Li Xiaoru felt that Maria was just playing with Liu Man.

Liu Man didn't want Li Xiaoru to be angry, and agreed with her, but she still didn't want to believe that Maria was such a person, but Maria's friends all left messages supporting her on ins, but Maria didn't move at all—she also had ins, but it was very difficult. Update less. Liu Man sent Maria another message just now, asking about He Lushen's situation, but she never replied. It's already high in the sun, it's impossible for Maria to still sleep in, why doesn't she reply to the message?

It seems that Maria's path may not work, and she has to find someone else.

She thought of Peter again.

After confirming with the doctor that she was fine, Peter flew back to Los Angeles to resume his work.

Liu Man immediately dispelled her thoughts. Peter is from New Zealand, and he is a foreigner like her. He must have his own connections in the United States. He has been in business for many years and always knows a few big people who have the right to speak, but she is ashamed to let Peter Help her beg everywhere?

Not to mention that Peter and her mother have not formally established a relationship, even if he is already her prospective stepfather, she shouldn't open her mouth to trouble him casually, she is not that thick-skinned.

After thinking about it, it seems that Liu Man can only turn to Jason for help. The question is whether there is a sworn feud between Jason and He Lushen. She was afraid that if she spoke, Jason would put the phone down.

However, she still dialed Jason's number.

Jason is currently working in his own recording studio. Liu Man's injury only delays the shooting of the MV, but does not affect the production progress of the song. Even without the MV, they can still release the single first - this is plan B.

Jason decided to implement plan B.

As usual, Amanda made a cup of coffee for her boss and placed it in front of his desk. Jason glanced at the Chinese character tattoo pattern on her wrist and praised, Your new tattoo is very good.

Thank you! Amanda was very happy to hear the praise. I would like to thank Liu Man even more. May God bless her all the best!

Jason smiled and looked at his watch, Strange, what time is it now? The Cohen people haven't arrived yet?

The second is more done~

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