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Jiang Mochen smiled, Yan Qingchi smiled better than him, Go, I'll accompany you two up.

He stood up, approached Jiang Mochen, lowered his voice and said in his ear: That's it, you still told me that it's okay.

Jiang Mochen: ... a daughter-in-law is too smart and sensitive, sometimes it's not a good thing.

Yan Qingchi thought that he was probably really sick, otherwise Jiang Mochen wouldn't be able to stop going to work in the morning, so he drove him and asked him to accompany him to the hospital for a physical examination.

Yan Qingchi was a little helpless, pointed to himself and asked him, Am I a fool?

If you are a fool, most people in the world will be foolish. Jiang Mochen said sincerely.

Yan Qingchi nodded, So you don't have to tell me to accompany you to your physical examination in order to take care of my mood. Just tell me what's wrong with me? Don't worry, I can bear it.

It's not a big deal, you're fine.

Is there such a problem that you even thought of an excuse for me to go to the hospital?

Jiang Mochen: ...

Seeing that he had nothing to say for a while, Yan Qingchi sighed, thinking that he was also doing it for his own good, so he followed him as if he didn't know anything.

He got up and took his coat, Well, you're thinking of me anyway, just listen to you. Let's go, Mr. Jiang, I'll accompany you for the physical examination.

Jiang Mochen rubbed his brow bone, Qingchi, it's not that I don't tell you, but that I don't know it myself.


Doctor Li just suggested that I accompany you to the hospital for a check-up, but he didn't say what happened to you.

When Yan Qingchi heard the words, he only felt a squeaky in his heart. Usually, the family members carrying the sick number and the sick number would say something to take him to a major hospital for a check-up. Isn't this a prelude to a serious illness? Could it be that he also has some incurable disease?

Yan Qingchi recalled the original book carefully, he didn't remember what illness the original owner had. Before he was beaten to death by the scumbag, the original owner was a lively and energetic man who had never been sick.

Yan Qingchi only felt a headache, what was going on? Is it because the original owner in the original book died in the end, so he must also die, not to be beaten to death by Li Xinran, but also to die of illness? Yan Qingchi only felt that if this was the case, then he would really be irritable online, why? ! He has worked so hard to change the plot, and now the characters in the original book are in such a mess, why does he have to die? Do supporting roles have no rights? Can't the supporting cast save themselves? Besides, if he really dies, what will happen to his family, Jiang Mochen and Qiqi, and those little fans who call him every day?

Yan Qingchi only felt that his head was getting bigger, Go, go, go now. He urged.

Extending his head is also a knife, and shrinking his head is also a knife, and he wants to see if he is really so miserable, even if he somehow penetrated into the book, and he will die inexplicably? What the hell did he do in his last life?

Let's go, I want to see what's wrong with me.

However, the two of them were mentally prepared. The moment they heard the doctor's words, they were stunned. Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen looked at each other for a while, and some couldn't believe that they had just hear the words.

Wait, did I hear it wrong? Yan Qingchi looked at the male doctor in front of him, What did you just say?

I know it's hard to believe, and I can't believe it myself, but believe me, you are indeed pregnant.

Yan Qingchi tried hard to calm herself down, but it didn't work at all, Did you check it wrong? Me? Pregnant? I'm a man.

I know.

Then you say I'm pregnant now?

Sister-in-law, you don't have to believe me, but you have to believe in modern medicine.

Yan Qingchi thought for a while, Are you sure it's a child? Didn't I have a tumor?

When Jiang Mochen heard the words, he looked at him helplessly, Then let's have a child, a child is better than a tumor.

Yan Qingchi looked at him, Don't worry, the benign can still be saved.

Jiang Mochen: ... @Infinite Good Text, all in


It's really a child. It's been two months. Sister-in-law, did you and Brother Chen have sex two months ago?

Yan Qingchi recalled that it was February 6th now. Two months ago, Yan Qingchi immediately thought of it, but it wasn't Jiang Mochen's birthday.

Yes. Jiang Mochen obviously thought of it and answered for him.

That's right.

What about the last one! ! ! Why can men and men drive and have children? ! ! Is this world so scary! ! ! Boys and boys! ! !

Yan Qingchi looked up at the doctor in front of him, I have a question.

@Infinite good text, all in

you say.

Have you encountered something similar? Or heard of it?

The doctor shook his head, Don't look at how calm I am now, in fact, I am completely shocked! Shocked! The title at the beginning, I even thought I could apply to the UD shock department. It's just that my facial nerves are not developed. So it seems to have been calm and calm.”

Yan Qingchi: ...Then you are really good at hiding.

So this world man

Boys are not the norm, so why does he get pregnant?

Sister-in-law, sit down first, the doctor said. I'll get you some folic acid or something. Don't be too tired these days. The first three months are the time when you need to be most careful.

Yan Qingchi: ...

Jiang Mochen: ...Okay.

Since they all need to be careful, Jiang Mochen took out the prescription that Dr. Li issued yesterday and let the doctor take a look. After the doctor took it, he glanced at it and got a general idea. He nodded and said, It's almost the same. We also have a Chinese medicine department here. If you are willing, I will directly help you get the medicine.

Jiang Mochen said yes, after all, everyone has come here, not to mention that he was diagnosed here. For the sake of privacy, it is better to finish everything here.

Then I'll trouble you. Jiang Mochen said.

The doctor smiled, You're welcome.

Until the doctor left and there were only the two of them left in the office, Yan Qingchi didn't get much out of the shock this incident brought him.

Jiang Mochen was quicker than he accepted in this matter. After all, he didn't really feel pregnant. He just got the fact that he and Yan Qingchi had a child from this matter. So after the initial shock, the belated joy and happiness rushed in, giving him an unreal sense of luck.

He saw that Yan Qingchi was still a little stunned, thinking that he still couldn't accept it, he stretched out his arms to embrace him, and comforted: It's okay, it's a good thing, we're going to have a child, it's a good thing.

Yan Qingchi turned to look at him with no sadness or joy on his face, he just looked at him without speaking.

Seeing this, Jiang Mochen quickly reacted again. A man in Yan Qingchi was suddenly told that he was pregnant and had a child. He must be shocked. Maybe he would feel that he was abnormal and didn't really want this child. He immediately added: Of course, this is a bit sudden, but I have read it in the book before, and there have been such cases abroad. You are not the first such person, so you don't need to feel scared or surprised. Children's words , We also have chess and chess now, so if you think it's strange and don't want it, then we don't want it, as if nothing happened, just like a pair of ordinary husbands, just keep chess and chess.

Yan Qingchi felt that he really knew how to speak, but this didn't change the wind roaring in his heart, so that he didn't even have the strength to speak.

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Jiang Mochen held his shoulder and turned him to him, Listen, Qingchi, when the two of us got married, we never thought that one day we would have a child of our own. So now, if you want, we can stay Play him, if you don't want to, we can don't have him. For me, it's enough to have you and chess, so you don't need to have too much pressure, and you don't need to feel that you are different from others Surprised, everything in the world is reasonable. There are too many things in this world that we don’t know. The world is unknowable, and people are unknowable, so you just need to do things according to your own ideas. You have always been A very assertive person, I will listen to you.

Yan Qingchi sighed. He felt that Jiang Mochen was really not easy. In order to coax himself, he even brought the philosophy of agnosticism out. Learn how to talk to a man who offends the other half.

Don't worry, I'm not that fragile, I just haven't recovered, you let me slow down again. I know you're afraid of me being cranky, don't worry, I won't.

Okay. Jiang Mochen said warmly.

The doctor came back soon, gave Yan Qingchi some folic acid, vitamin tablets, etc., and specially instructed him, Folic acid is good for the fetus, and vitamins are also indispensable during pregnancy, so these must be supplemented in time. Just eat according to the instructions, and if you feel any discomfort, you should come and check in time.

Next, the doctor said a bunch of bits and pieces, and gave them the manual printed by the obstetrics department.

Yan Qingchi nodded weakly and left the hospital. When I came, I was really angry, and I wanted the heavens to know that I would not admit defeat. When I left, I was in a heavy heart, and I wanted to kneel down and call my father for this God who didn't play cards according to the routine.

Is your friend reliable? Don't talk nonsense? Yan Qingchi asked.

@Infinite good text, all in

Reliable, Dr. Li specially asked me to find an acquaintance, so I found him. We are high school classmates.

That's good.

Jiang Mochen finally reacted at this moment, why he said it was true, it was a good thing; it was not true, but it was also a good thing.

It's true, they have their own crystallization of love, which is naturally a good thing; it's not true, Yan Qingchi is just like ordinary people, nothing special, and it's also a good thing. However, Jiang Mochen thought, maybe this is a bit selfish, but he is still happy for the arrival of this child. ——No one will be unhappy because the person they like is pregnant with their child, no matter how strange it is, the joy brought by this fact is enough to cover up all the surprise and shock.

It was not until the two returned home that Yan Qingchi finally recovered. He is different from others. He knows that the existence of this world stems from a book of dog blood and danmei, so why is he clearly a man, but pregnant with a child? Rather than relying on science to explain, he prefers, he is dying The book that undead traveled in just happened to be a childish text!

Then everything is solved, why he is pregnant, why no one else has children but he has, there can only be one explanation, because no one else is the protagonist, and Jiang Mochen is the protagonist.

Jiang Mochen and Yuan Mingxu are the attack and suffering in this dog-blooded beauty article he read before, so if he guessed correctly, this is really a child-birthing article, that is, in the setting of the original book, Jiang Mochen He and Yuan Mingxu have children, especially Yuan Mingxu, as Jiang Mochen's other half, has the ability to have children, so when Yuan Mingxu and Jiang Mochen were separated, he became Jiang Mochen's spouse, then there was Similar to the two known conditions [1, the original book Yuan Mingxu = Jiang Mochen's lover = can have children] and [2, the original book Yuan Mingxu = Jiang Mochen's lover = current self], so the equivalent substitution can be derived. [Current self = able to have children] This conclusion.

Yan Qingchi only thought that this was really too showy. This kind of show-stopping operation could actually exist. It was really too 666, right?

Jiang Mochen called Jiang Xingchen and said that he would not go to the company today if he had something to do, and would concentrate on accompanying Yan Qingchi at home.

However, Yan Qingchi looked at him, but his mind was filled with the option of Jiang Mochen's lover, whom he had agreed to divide, so that he was dissatisfied when he looked at him. It's all Jiang Mochen's fault. If he wasn't from the original book, then he wouldn't be pregnant, and he wouldn't have a cognitive barrier to his gender now.

Yan Qingchi even thought that if he and Jiang Mochen were the ones who attacked him from the beginning, would it be Jiang Mochen who was pregnant? Thinking of this, he instantly felt a sense of relief, and even wanted Jiang Mochen to experience the pleasure of pregnancy. However, it was of no use, Yan Qingchi thought, that is, just thinking about it, it was really too subtle, he should bear this subtle feeling himself, instead of pulling Jiang Mochen into the water together.

After all, Jiang Mochen was not easy today.

Jiang Mochen looked at him sitting on the bed alone and seemed to be thinking about something. He wanted to go into the bedroom to talk to him and ask him what he thought, but he was afraid that being by Yan Qingchi's side would put pressure on him invisibly, so he had to keep going. Wandered outside the door, waiting for him to call himself in.

Yan Qingchi had seen him outside the door for a long time, but he was too lazy to pay attention to him. As long as he thought that his pregnancy was because of Jiang Mochen, he felt that the price he paid for this inexplicable book reading was too great, time, energy, Love, and now Jiang Mochen has to give birth to a child in a man's body! ! !

Yan Qingchi felt that he was really good to Jiang Mochen, otherwise he couldn't accept the fact that he could have a child so easily, and even was willing to give birth. So, now, today, after what happened, he can still be depressed for a while, regenerate Jiang Mochen's anger for a while, and then, with a new mood, welcome the arrival of this child and a new tomorrow.

only! Yan Qingchi was trembling a little and even couldn't believe it and touched his belly. No matter if you are a boy or a girl, since you were born in my belly, you must be like me! look like me!

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