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Yan Qingchi felt that he was not very comfortable in the upcoming New Year. This discomfort was not psychological. After all, he was very good at chess and chess, and Jiang Mochen was also good enough to him. What he called discomfort was purely physical. of discomfort.

I don't know if it was because I didn't have time to exercise before filming, but Yan Qingchi felt that he was more tired recently than before, and he would be more sleepy than before. Not only that, he also started to be picky eaters, specifically because he didn't like the taste of chicken soup and felt fishy, ​​but he liked the pickled fish made by Aunt Zhang. To this end, they have eaten three days of pickled fish, beef in golden soup, and pickled rice noodles.

When Jiang Mochen asked him what he wanted to eat tonight? Hot and sour powder?

Yan Qingchi felt that he couldn't go on like this. Whoever eats the same main dish for several days in a row, that is, Jiang Mochen and chess and chess follow him. Besides, when chess and chess is still growing, you should take in some different nutrients every day, how can you eat such a few kinds of food every day.

So he replied: Don't eat this, ask Qiqi what you want to eat, and follow his ideas.

Chess and chess has been on vacation, and he has been playing with Yan Qingchi at home these days. He doesn't like taking a nap, but he likes to take a nap after four o'clock in the afternoon.

Hearing Yan Qingchi asking himself what would he like to eat? Chess thought about it for a long time, and asked him, Can I have hamburgers and fries? I haven't eaten Chess for a long time.

Okay. Yan Qingchi said softly, and after coaxing him to fall asleep, he discussed with Aunt Zhang to buy some ingredients to make at home.

Aunt Zhang naturally agreed. After talking to Yan Qingchi, she went out to buy ingredients. When she bought it back, Yan Qingchi wanted to help her, but when she helped her, she felt disgusted.

Aunt Zhang saw that he didn't seem to be feeling well, so she let him leave it alone, and she did it herself. Yan Qingchi didn't insist any longer, and returned to the sofa, lying down and chatting with Wei Lan on WeChat.

He thinks that he has been so strange recently. Could it be because he has been busy before, and now he is not used to it when he is free?

Just as he was thinking, Qiqi woke up, rubbed his eyes, went downstairs, and walked to his side. @Infinite good text, all in

Yan Qingchi stretched out his hand and took Chess into his arms and asked him, Did you sleep well?

Yeah. Qiqi nodded, Dad, I had a dream that I had a lot of little rabbits, and they were all so small. He reached out and gestured for a size, and said softly, So cute.

Do you want to have a pet in Qiqi? Yan Qingchi asked him, A kitten, dog, or rabbit?

After thinking about chess and chess for a while, he couldn't decide which one to support. He hesitated and said: Well, I don't know, I have to think about chess and chess.

Okay, think about chess and chess, are you hungry?

A little. Qiqi touched his stomach, Are you going to eat?

Don't worry, Aunt Zhang is making you hamburgers and french fries, and you can eat them in a while. Yan Qingchi said.

When Qiqi heard the hamburger and fries, he instantly became happy and said, I'll go take a look. He jumped off the sofa and went into the kitchen.

Seeing him coming, Aunt Zhang smiled and said, Are you hungry?

Not yet, Chess replied crisply, I'll take a look first, and don't eat it.

Wait for a while before the oil is hot and then fry the french fries. Go out with the chess and chess first, and fry it in a while. I'll bring it out to you, okay?

Qiqi nodded, Thank you auntie.

You're welcome. Aunt Zhang smiled.

Chess went out again, and continued to find Yan Qingchi to play.

After a while, Aunt Zhang came out with the freshly fried French fries, and served the two of them with ketchup. Yan Qingchi fed a few chess pieces and started eating them himself, but he was obviously more keen on ketchup than French fries, and before he knew it, he ate it all in one plate.

When Jiang Mochen came home, he found that Qiqi was already eating hamburgers, and Yan Qingchi sat next to him and dipped in ketchup and ate French fries. Jiang Mochen changed his shoes, washed his hands, sat beside them, and asked him, Why don't you eat.

I don't really want to eat it, it's a little disgusting. Yan Qingchi said while feeding Jiang Mochen some fries.

After Jiang Mochen finished eating, he was a little worried about him, You seem to have no appetite for the past two days, always nauseated.

It's too dry at home, so stay bored. I'll take chess and chess out to play tomorrow.

Jiang Mochen didn't feel like he was working at home. Besides, even if the air was dry, it couldn't affect people's appetite so much. He was a little worried about whether Yan Qingchi had a physical problem recently.

I made an appointment with a family doctor and I'll show you later. Jiang Mochen said.

Yan Qingchi was shocked, You still have an appointment with a family doctor? When did you make an appointment?

This afternoon. Don't worry, the family doctor was originally hired to prevent someone in the family from getting sick, so they will come for regular check-ups, but we were busy filming and were not at home, so they didn't come. Next time, take a look at me and chess and see if there is anything to pay attention to, not just because of you.

Yan Qingchi squinted at him, Do you think I believe it?

Jiang Mochen stretched out his arms and put his arms around his shoulders, Believe it, otherwise? What better explanation do you have to comfort yourself?

Yan Qingchi: ...then according to what you said, when you arrive, I will check all the chess and chess for you.

it is good.

Not long after the three of them finished eating, they were eating fruit and watching TV. The family doctor came. The doctor who came was Li, who looked to be in his 40s and had kind eyes.

Jiang Mochen stood up and said, It's hard work.

It's not hard, it's not hard, I haven't come to show you for a long time. After Dr. Li said, he walked in front of Yan Qingchi, Is this your target?

Yes, he has been feeling a little sick recently, and his appetite is not very good.

Oh, let me see.

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As Dr. Li said that, he sat down beside Yan Qingchi, looked at his eyes, and then let him stick out his tongue to take a look, and gave him a pulse, only then did Yan Qingchi react. is a Chinese medicine. He thought that all family doctors were Western medicine?

He sat obediently and cooperated quietly, but when he saw the doctor's face slowly getting weird, Yan Qingchi was instantly shocked, wouldn't it really be a big problem!

What's wrong with me? Yan Qingchi asked cautiously, It's not serious.

The doctor looked at him with doubts and surprises on his face. He hesitated to speak, and finally asked, Have you been more sleepy recently, don't like greasy, like hot and sour, and get sick from time to time?

Yan Qingchi nodded, I think it's because the house is too dry, so I have no appetite and want to eat something appetizing, or maybe I've been busy for a while, and now I'm finally free, so I'm unconsciously sleepy?

The doctor looked at him, nodding his head to indicate that it was possible, took out the prescription form, and scribbled a few lines. Although the doctor's font was incomprehensible to ordinary people, Yan Qingchi thought that it meant to prescribe a few medicines for him.

Yan Qingchi always felt that Dr. Li was a little strange, but it was not easy to say anything in front of him, so he didn't speak, thinking about waiting for Dr. Li to leave.

Chess has been beside the two of them, watching curiously.

After Dr. Li checked Yan Qingchi, he also checked Qiqi and Jiang Mochen. They were both healthy, so Dr. Li just asked Jiang Mochen to rest and not be too tired.

Jiang Mochen nodded and got up to send him out.

When it was delivered to the door, Dr. Li said, You can send me off again.

Jiang Mochen closed the door and took him to the elevator.

Dr. Li looked at him, hesitating to say anything, Jiang Mochen was puzzled, What's wrong? Just say it.

It's a little hard to say that. Dr. Li looked sad, Mo Chen, take him to the hospital for an ultrasound, check it out, remember to find someone you know well, the kind you can trust. Then, see what the doctor has to say.

Jiang Mochen became nervous when he said this, Is there something wrong with his body? Please clarify.

Oh, it's not a big problem. You should go to the b-ultrasound test and you should know it. I can't say it here, mainly because I haven't seen it before, I don't think it should be, but his symptoms and pulse are the same. , I can't figure it out myself, so I can only ask you to go to the hospital to check, alas, what the hell is going on? Dr. Li said, frowning again.

Jiang Mochen was so told by him that he wanted to take Yan Qingchi to the hospital now, but he was worried that he would scare Yan Qingchi in this way, so he could only ask again, Isn't it a big problem?

No, it shouldn't be, it's just too strange. Dr. Li said, the elevator came, and he went straight in, Don't worry, if it's true, it's not a bad thing, it's a good thing, if not Really, that's a good thing too. Well, I'm going first.

@Infinite good text, all in

After he finished speaking, the elevator closed, leaving Jiang Mochen alone to stare at the closed elevator door, what the hell was going on! How is it true, it is a good thing; how is it false, it is also a good thing? ! And this logic? !

Yan Qingchi watched Jiang Mochen enter the door as usual, and asked him, What's wrong? What's wrong with me?


Are you okay? I see that Dr. Li has a strange expression. Speaking of which, I thought Dr. Li was a Western doctor, but it turned out to be a traditional Chinese medicine.

Well, traditional Chinese medicine is good at conditioning, so our family doctors are generally traditional Chinese medicine, which is more convenient to maintain the body.

So the two of you went out to chat for a long time, and he didn't tell you anything? Yan Qingchi was very suspicious.

Jiang Mochen looked at him and was puzzled. He always felt that Yan Qingchi's physical fitness was very good, why did he suddenly need to go to the hospital for examination? But although he was worried, his face was calm, Talked to me about you. After all, I was not married when he saw me last time. Now that I am married, I am a little curious about you.

Yan Qingchi didn't believe it, It's just that simple?

It's that simple.

Okay then. Yan Qingchi's voice just fell, and Qiqi had already watched the cartoon. He reached out to Yan Qingchi and asked him to hug him, Dad, it's time for me to go to bed.

Okay, Yan Qingchi said, bending over to pick him up.

As a result, as soon as he made a move, he heard Jiang Mochen say, Come here with chess and chess, and I will carry you up.

Qiqi heard the words, Oh, and walked towards Jiang Mochen with open arms.

Jiang Mochen bent over and picked him up, and saw Yan Qingchi propped his head up and looked at him.


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