Top of the big era

Chapter 951 Tolerating traitors and dissidents

In the evening, after get off work.

Shi Jinglin came to Zhou Buqi's office and said seriously, "Secretary Ning, I have a few words with the boss."

Ning Yaxian understood, pursed her lips and withdrew.

Zhou Buqi was surprised, "What's wrong?"

Shi Jinglin blushed and walked around his big desk, a little coyly, "It's off work, let's leave early."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows and immediately understood what she meant.


It's addicting!

Seeing his playful expression, Shi Jinglin couldn't get off the stage, and said very dissatisfied: "What's the matter, as long as you are chic outside every day? Can't you just bring me with you? Are you still my man?"

Zhou Buqi said in a low voice: "I just went there yesterday, you have to let the little girl rest, right? She's so embarrassed, can't you see it?"

Shi Jinglin stomped her feet angrily, turned her head and sat on the sofa, very unhappy.

Zhou Buqi walked over, sat beside her, and said in a low voice: "You can't do this, if you take the initiative, you will reveal your secrets, just go there every now and then."

Shi Jinglin said, "Then you call that Yang Mi, she's pretty good too."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Yang Mi and Jiang Bingjie are in the same group, and they are going to shoot the Red Mansion. Do you think they are whispering in private?"

Shi Jinglin was very disappointed, "Then what should I do?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "What are you in a hurry for? I just met a new one, the heroine of "Yangtze River No. 7"..."


Shi Jinglin's eyes lit up. It's not that the whole family doesn't want to enter the family. She is also very interested in the female star industry.

Zhou Buqi said: "She is doing laser hair removal, and she needs several courses of treatment. Next month, I will find a chance to arrange it for you. You are about the same, don't be so fussy."

Shi Jinglin blushed and said angrily, "You're Huahua! You think I don't know? You called that Teacher Han last night, and said tenderly, who is it? It can't be Han Leshui, right?"

Zhou Buqi coughed, "Don't make trouble, you can't leave at night, Han Leshui has a lecture, it's very important."

Shi Jinglin pursed her lips and said, "Just read the materials tomorrow, it's a waste of time."

Zhou Buqi widened his eyes and snorted, "Can it be the same? Only by listening to the scene can I feel more empathetic. People have posted that all executives above M5 in Beijing will participate. We have to set an example. Moreover, this The theme of this lecture is "Leadership Principles", which requires on-site interactive communication."

Shi Jinglin felt a little resentful, "Then don't forget!"

Zhou Buqi almost laughed, "Yeah, I know, I can't forget!"

Shi Jinglin also felt embarrassed, so she straightened her face and said seriously: "By the way, you can give me advice on one matter, how to deal with it."

"What's up?"

"In August last year, didn't Baidu poach seven or eight backbones from the group buying on campus."

"Well, I even took revenge a little at the time."

"A few days ago, two people contacted me and said they wanted to come back."


Zhou Buqi was quite surprised.

Many people will stick to the previous company until they get the year-end bonus, and then leave. So after the Spring Festival, there will be a wave of recruiting, which is a common practice.

But what happened this time? ?

It has only been half a year since Baidu paid a lot of money to dig people in the past, so they are coming back? It is definitely not a matter of ability to leave the job in such a short period of time.

Nine times out of ten, it is a matter of power distribution and internal fighting within the enterprise.

It can also be seen from this incident that Baidu's e-commerce business is useless. This has not been officially launched yet, and this kind of thing is done internally, and there is no internal combat effectiveness at all.

Shi Jinglin said indignantly: "Baidu came to poach people back then, but I tried hard to keep them, and imposed various conditions on them, but they still left. I trained them all, a bunch of traitors!"

Zhou Buqi waved his hands and said calmly: "The more traitors there are, the faster the industry can develop and be full of vitality and competitiveness. The most popular thing in the entire Internet industry is the culture of traitors."

Shi Jinglin said angrily: "As long as you have a big picture, why pretend?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "What am I pretending, the whole company has thousands of employees, and a few people change jobs, isn't it normal?"

Shi Jinglin glanced at him contemptuously, and snorted, "Anyway, they rejected all the conditions I offered at the beginning, and resolutely jumped to Baidu. Now there are two requests to come back, and I don't want those extra conditions. What was it like before? What is it like now?"

"Good thing!"

"But they are traitors. I feel that their character...values ​​are not very good. How should we deal with it?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Did they resign voluntarily, or were they fired for making a mistake?"

Shi Jinglin gave him an angry look.

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly: "So, they were not fired because of fault. Such employees will be a very valuable asset if they want to return to the company after leaving."

Shi Jinglin curled her lips, "It's the same as what Wang Haiyang said."

"Really?" Zhou Buqi was very happy, and smiled, "Heroes see the same thing. Think about it, why did they come back? If there is no comparison, there will be no harm! Young people will only know what they are after going out for a while. What kind of company is a good company, and what kind of boss is a good boss. With the comparison, it is so rare to look back with dignity down?"

Shi Jinglin remained silent.

She had previously communicated with Wang Haiyang, who was in charge of personnel affairs, and that guy had a similar opinion. It is said that employees who return for the second time tend to have higher loyalty.

But it's psychologically unbalanced.

At the same time, she also had another thought, that these two people are really capable, if they don't agree to their return... At least in terms of the business development of group buying on campus, it will be a loss.

So I want to discuss with Boss Zhou.

Zhou Buqi has lived with her for more than two years, and has also figured out her temperament. He has to praise her and follow her, and said with a smile: "Think about it, what a team building opportunity they have. I went to Baidu! I went to Baidu, and came back after less than half a year. What does that mean? It means that Baidu is much worse than Ziwei Star! At least Baidu’s e-commerce department is much worse than your school group buying.”

Shi Jinglin's beautiful eyes flashed, and she was really happy. The corners of her mouth curled slightly, and she said with a light smile, "Baidu is not as good as us. How good are our benefits? It's the Spring Festival, and there is a big red envelope of 1,000 yuan. Do they have any?" ? And this time it snowed heavily in the south, companies are donating money, and our employees are envied by their peers."


"Don't you know? There is a special discussion post on the school website, which is about this matter. In other companies, employees donate from their own pockets. Our company has a fixed welfare system, and we will give employees 1,000 yuan a year The donation subsidy, this money must be used to donate, to express love, to show the boundless love of Ziweixing employees. How good this is, the employees are not only famous, but also benefit.”

Zhou Buqi nodded and said: "Anyway, I think you should let them come back, whatever you want. After joining the job, share with other employees what you have seen, heard and thought in the past six months. What you think. You should communicate with Wang Haiyang about this matter, and it is best to treat it as a topic. Many people, especially fresh graduates, have never been to other companies, and they think that other people’s houses have a rounder moon. Make this matter If done well, it can effectively dispel some people’s desire to change jobs.”

Shi Jinglin listened to it, and felt that this idea was very good.

This is stepping on Baidu's shoulders and elevating Ziweixing's status!


Good thing! Good thing!

Some time ago, Baidu poached another middle-level from Ziweixing. This time, in the name of Baidu, I will give lessons to the employees and let them see the true face of Baidu.

Among BAT, Baidu is the most famous.

Even Baidu is like this, how can the other two be better?

In the end, Ziweixing is the best.

This is to maximize the use of a small matter of employee entry at the group level.

Zhou Buqi asked: "By the way, what level are those two people?"

Shi Jinglin snorted, "One M2 and one M3. I pulled them out with my own hands. Hmph! Traitor!"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "The level is so low, it's impossible to work carefully. There is no such thing as a traitor or a traitor, just use it boldly. Be tolerant. You can think of it this way, they are traitors from Baidu who jumped to Ziwei Star , you can get as much information as possible about Baidu’s e-commerce department in as much detail as possible.”

Shi Jinglin said: "That's right, the traitor culture has made the Internet have no secrets. This is probably the true meaning of sharing."


Ziweixing Lecture Hall.

Professor Han Leshui combined the management concepts of the Internet industry at home and abroad, as well as the corporate management ideas of Boss Zhou, and came up with a set of leadership guidelines that are completely different from the traditional corporate model.

In fact, it is declassification.

M9 executives and interns are equal, there is no distinction between high and low. No orders can be given, only work assignments can be carried out, and there should be no relationship between superiors and subordinates.

However, this kind of culture is difficult to truly achieve in Asian countries that are deeply influenced by Confucianism. Many new interns, when they saw a small M1 leader, their bones became weak, their mouths became swollen, and their waists could not straighten up.

This is a very bad thing.

If it continues to develop, the subordinates will not even have the courage to argue for the truth, and will become obedient to their superiors and sing praises.

Entrepreneurial teams must be more effective than executive teams.

The former is based on me, arguing with investors and daring to insist on the right thing; the latter is different, it is to obey the orders of the leaders, right or wrong does not matter, and the orders of the superiors are the most correct.

Ziweixing is no longer a start-up company at this stage of development, but a large company.

Han Leshui will conduct a series of leadership training courses to prevent large companies from the organizational structure.

As a manager, you cannot rely on the power given by the platform to lead the team. This is an illusion. Without the platform, you are nothing. It should rely on ability and charisma.

With ability and charisma, not to mention leading the team, you can even lead the superiors forward together. This is the guarantee of your own strength.

Zhou Buqi also had the same idea before, encouraging "stabbing" and opposing obedience; encouraging subordinates to challenge superiors and opposing superiors oppressing subordinates with power; encouraging business differences between superiors and subordinates, and prioritizing the subordinates when there is no complete and accurate judgment , try it first, if it fails, then redo it according to the requirements of the superior...

However, Zhou Buqi is a grassroots team, and he has no system of his own.

Professor Han has standardized this set of concepts.

Coupled with the "tick" tool, the grid-based office in the document mode can also effectively avoid the oppressive relationship between superiors and subordinates. If you dare not say it in person, you can leave a message in the document. Not good at expressing, can express ideas in words.

This training ends at 9:30 in the evening.

The executives each returned to work.

Han Leshui followed Zhou Buqi all the way, going to his office, and said as he walked, "If you are in a traditional enterprise, such as Wanda, which is engaged in real estate, the relationship between superiors and subordinates is very important. The clearer the hierarchical relationship, the stronger the execution. In a word, the people below dare not have any objections, and if they act immediately, they can point and hit wherever, and the efficiency can be greatly improved."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "But we are in the technology industry."

Han Leshui said: "Yes, the technology industry...especially the industry with technology research and development as the core, must not do this. In real estate, there is no technical content, and the boss will do it as soon as he slaps his head. Making money. Technology research and development is different. Leaders are not all-knowing and omnipotent, and they can’t do what they want to do. This requires encouraging the rebellious and stabbing spirit of newcomers, and they can’t do research and development if they are obedient. Let them dare to resist, dare to put forward different opinions, dare to Challenge authority, dare to express yourself, and dare to be dissidents. As an enterprise, it is necessary to form an inclusive corporate culture that allows diversity. The more different opinions, the more diverse the different ideas, the more intense the collision, the more Friction creates sparks of inspiration. The more ideas, the more sparks. The fewer ideas, the less sparks. Without sparks, there will be no research and development. This requires the tolerance, understanding and generosity of each of our managers, allowing them to speak out."

On this point, Ziweixing did a good job.

At technical conferences, there are often quarrels, and Xu Liangjie has been dismissed several times, such as "old age", "technical concept is too backward", "eliminated by the times"...

So much so that Xu Liangjie mentioned to Zhou Buqi several times that he wanted to give up the title of chairman of the technical committee to Shen Xiangyang.

If it is placed in a traditional enterprise, this is unimaginable.

Small employees dare to insult the leader?

Must be fired!

This is the case with the Yuanwei Group. Whoever dares to ridicule Zhou's father behind his back will inevitably end up packing up and leaving.

When he came to the office, Han Leshui said another thing, "He Yang told me, let me sort out your marketing idea."


Zhou Buqi was a little uncertain, when did I become so wise? The concept of leadership has been compiled into a book by Professor Han, so should we also sort out the concept of marketing?

Han Leshui said: "From the earliest Xiaonei website, free apples for Christmas, and free books for winter vacation. Later... Weidian anti-virus TV commercials, panda burning incense... and the launch of Helo, this series is very good. Amazing."

Zhou Buqi blushed a little and coughed lightly, "It's all colleagues brainstorming."

Han Leshui said: "I heard that when you first opened the milk tea shop, you also gave a lot of marketing ideas."

"It's all little things."

"Small things make a lot of sense."

"Well... yes."

Zhou Buqi sighed, he was so great, no matter how humble he was, he couldn't hide it.

Han Leshui said: "I plan to apply for a funding of 300,000 yuan, set up a research team of five or six people, review Ziweixing's development history, and then go to Yuanwei Group to investigate and summarize the experience. If possible, Could write a monograph on marketing."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, that's fine. You can ask Meng Houkun for help if you need help."

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