Top of the big era

Chapter 950 Tick Tick

The name of the micro-dot document is a bit monotonous, it only means "documentation". Google Docs is so named because the product only has document functions.

Ziweixing's document products, in addition to documents, also have video, voice, instant messaging and other functions, and will even open an open platform in the future to directly connect with many office management systems, such as financial management systems, personnel management systems, and so on.

With the changes of the times, the organizational form of the enterprise has not changed much. It is nothing more than the marketing department, technology department, public relations department, finance department, personnel department and other departments.

However, in the era of digitalization, the operating efficiency of enterprises can be greatly improved.

Improving efficiency is to enhance the competitiveness and vitality of enterprises.

What some companies do in 10 days, some companies can complete in 1 day, and the market competitiveness of the latter can be expressed as a 10-fold advantage at the data level. Unless it is some monopolistic state-owned enterprises, there is no competition, and it doesn't matter if the efficiency is low.

Optimization of organizational structure is very difficult.

Every reform is almost hurt.

However, there is another way to iterate and improve organizational forms, and that is tools.

Some use sickles to harvest crops, others use harvesters to harvest crops. The efficiency of the monomer is the same, because of the different tool selection, the results of work performance are very different.

Office software is such a tool.

The traditional working mode is that a department produces materials, and then prints them out, convenes a meeting of various departments, distributes the materials, and expresses various ideas clearly.

After the various departments got the documents, they went back to fight on their own. After the documents were completed, they held a meeting again, discussed collectively, and called back to rectify according to the new guidelines...

In this way, the efficiency is extremely poor.

It's like a group of farmers harvesting wheat with sickles. It seems that they are busy and hard work, which is all stupid work.

The document office software launched by Ziweixing is a harvester. Through the online collaboration of documents, many employees can carry out their work efficiently and orderly online without even meeting each other, even when they are far away.

This is the significance of the digitalization of government and enterprises that is being promoted all over the world.

Digitization is also divided into layers.

If a company usually communicates by email, the interaction with each other must be slow and inefficient;

If a company usually uses PPT to display, it must pay more attention to formalism;

If a company usually uses instant messaging software such as MSN as the communication method, then the work style will be very loose, and all kinds of tricks and tricks;

If a company works in Word, the corporate culture tends to favor individual creation rather than group collaboration.

The attributes of the tool itself will subtly affect the behavior of a team.

Compared with these modes, Google Docs is undoubtedly the best.

The product promoted by Ziweixing has richer functions than Google Docs, and its design is more in line with local and even Asian companies influenced by Confucian culture than Google Docs.

I had no idea what to name, so I passed it to the personnel, administration, and marketing departments, and asked the girls in those departments to give suggestions.

However, no good suggestions came up for several days.

Until the evening of this day, Zhou Buqi avoided everyone's sight and secretly called Shi Jinglin to get off work together.

"Recently, that document software is quite popular."

"It's hard to come up with a name."

Zhou Buqi sighed, and only chose a Chinese name, which is relatively easy, and several good Chinese names have appeared recently. However, if this product is to be promoted overseas, it must have an English name, which is not easy.

Shi Jinglin twirled her hair by her ears, "It's really not possible, let's take it separately. There is no need to link the Chinese name and the English name. Let's choose the Chinese name by ourselves, and ask foreigners for help for the English name."

Zhou Buqi nodded, and said "hmm".

Shi Jinglin smiled and said, "Speaking of which, this software is really good, and the work efficiency has been improved a lot."


"Well, in the past..." Shi Jinglin was a little embarrassed, "I used to assign tasks to do a PPT, and then each department held a meeting. First formulate a detailed business process, and then let everyone follow the process step by step. Since this After the emergence of document software, the working mode is different.”

Zhou Buqi is doing research, "Tell me specifically?"

Shi Jinglin said: "It's just... the working mode is more flexible, not as rigid as before. Write a document, @some individuals, form a business group, and the business will be arranged. The employees seem to be a little afraid of me, and they call me I, the Great Demon King, dare not express opinions in front of me. With this document mode, they don’t need to meet in person, they dare to express themselves enthusiastically, and a lot of fresh ideas emerge.”

Zhou Buqi nodded and said: "Well, breaking the hierarchy is more conducive to flat management."

Shi Jinglin smiled and said: "Yes, that's what it means. It used to be driven by assembly line threads, but now it's networked. Every tick, there is a collision of inspiration, which is very interesting."

Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment, "What 'tick'?"

Shi Jinglin despises him very much, "I don't think you have used this product before, right? The sound of 'tick'! Every time you come to the document or get @, there will be a 'tick' prompt."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, "This word is very interesting! Tick, very lively, very interesting! It is easy to understand and easy to remember, much better than Helo."


Shi Jinglin raised her eyebrows.

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes, thought for a while, and said, "How about this, the Chinese name is '嘿嗤', and the English name is 'Tita'. It echoes the onomatopoeia when I came to the document."

Shi Jinglin's expression brightened, "I'll post on the intranet that night, and I suggest calling them Tita and Dida. You will make a formal decision tomorrow when you file a document."

Zhou Buqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "There's no reward, so you're greedy for this little credit?"

Shi Jinglin raised her chin slightly, and snorted, "Who is greedy? Say it yourself, did I tell you the word 'tick'? I thought of it in the first place."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Yes, you are right!"

This time the two went off work together, not to go home early.

It's that Boss Zhou wants to take his girlfriend with him to live a luxurious and corrupt life.

Jiang Bingjie returned from her hometown after the Spring Festival.

Zhou Buqi invited her to a meal, and by the way, made out and comforted her.

The location was chosen at the Lan Club.

Jiang Bingjie was still a little nervous when she saw Shi Jinglin, but even more nervous when she heard Zhou's father say that she was her girlfriend.

I really want to play Lin Daiyu, this temperament is really similar!

Zhou Buqi smiled and reassured, "It's okay, you can just call Sister Linlin, she is not fierce, don't be afraid."

Jiang Bingjie breathed a sigh of relief, bit her lips lightly and called out: "Sister Linlin".

Shi Jinglin was overjoyed, her eyes were narrowed into slits, her brows were wide open, she was happier than winning the lottery prize, she went to hold Jiang Bingjie's little hand, her saliva seemed to flow out, "How old is my sister this year?"

Jiang Bingjie was weak, her voice was very low, "Eighteen."

Shi Jinglin smiled even brighter, "Happy eighteen, good eighteen."

My heart is happy.


This sister is good!

This face is so handsome! This little hand is so soft! This small figure is really budding and delicious!

It seems that the smelly man is also quite useful.

My old lady didn't spend time with him!


The next day, the decision-making committee.

Zhou Buqi made a final decision and officially named the document software. The Chinese version is called "Dida", and the overseas version is called "Tita".

At present, the overseas version is still in the fantasy stage, and the domestic version is still in the internal testing stage.

This product of Dida has video conferencing and voice conferencing, as well as a large number of documents. These contents must be stored in the cloud, which is convenient for employees in various locations to participate online and review afterwards.

These all require a lot of cloud storage space.

At present, the cloud data center in the capital will be completed in September-October.

Even if the cloud computing platform has not been built yet, but the technology of cloud storage is not high, we can start this business first. As long as the cloud data center is built and there are enough servers, Dida can be opened.

The first wave must be the northern region.

After Pengcheng's cloud data center is also built, it will be opened to the southern region.

In this case, it is necessary for the cloud computing business to expand overseas, and the first target to be conquered is Japan.

Go to Japan to build a cloud data center.

In addition to serving Tita, it can also meet the development needs of Ziweixing's own business in Japan. After the business of Ziweixing Japan Co., Ltd. expands, it will need to purchase servers continuously, which will cost too much, so it is better to go directly to cloud computing.

Taking advantage of the financial tsunami this year, it is just right to go to sea!

Tokyo's population density, traffic volume, and degree of development far exceed those of the capital. It is extremely difficult to obtain land there, and there are no technological discounts to talk about.

This year is a good opportunity.

We won a large piece of land in Tokyo, built a house, built Ziweixing Japan's headquarters building, and built a cloud data center in Japan. Under the influence of the economic crisis, the Japanese government will definitely welcome it, and will give a series of preferential investment policies...

At the decision-making committee, after discussion, I felt that Boss Zhou's idea was a bit risky.

Now, Japanese business spends money like water without seeing a single shadow of it.

Such continuous large-scale investment, once the Japanese business does not start, it will be miserable.

But Zhou Buqi was very resolute and stated his position beyond doubt, "The Japanese business must be successful, and it can only be successful. It will be too late to invest after the business is done. Put the money in first. Everyone is doing their best!"

Only when the Japanese business is established, Boss Zhou will be able to travel to Tokyo frequently in the future, and then he will have the opportunity to have some in-depth exchanges with Japanese girls and understand some local customs.

Of course, none of this matters.

What matters is business development.

Then, the big frame is settled.

In May of this year, let Guo Dan lead a team to Japan to discuss land transactions.

The total investment is 200 million US dollars!

US$100 million is used to build the headquarters building of Ziweixing Japan Co., Ltd.

US$100 million is used to invest in Ziwei Star's cloud data center in Japan. Don't make it too big first, just approve a piece of land, build a building, build a data module, and get 10,000 servers.

Even if Tita is not promoted in Japan, 10,000 servers can be self-sufficient to meet the facility needs of Ziweixing's Japanese business.

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