Top of the big era

Chapter 924: Customer Service Center

If there is a country in the world that is most suitable for the development of e-commerce, it must be South Korea. If there were two, then it would be South Korea and Japan.

The reason is simple. South Korea and Japan are small countries with a large population density.

The local area is small, there are no deserts, no big rivers, no complex terrain surrounded by mountains, and well-developed highways, so express transportation is very convenient. Moreover, half of South Korea's population of 50 million is in the Seoul area. It's so easy to place an order on the same day and deliver it on the same day, just like delivering food. Japan is similar, half of the population is concentrated in the big cities of Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto, and it is very easy to operate.

Small European countries have no advantage because of their different cultures, and the labor costs in Europe are too high and difficult to control. Labor costs in South Korea and Japan are also relatively high, but one important point is that employees are easy to control. The courier guy is very dedicated, obedient, and hardworking. Except for higher wages and better benefits, Korean and Japanese couriers are no different from domestic couriers.

Europe and the United States are no good, the poorer the more reasonable, couriers are like their ancestors. The company wants to punish and expel, but it is strictly restricted by the judiciary. If you encounter a courier from Da Lao Hei, it is best to pick up the goods while protecting your own safety.

A very important aspect of domestic e-commerce difficulties is that the infrastructure coverage is too wide. Telecom operators such as Europe, America, South Korea and Japan are all for profit, and do not operate in areas where they cannot make money, so there are many places where there is no signal. No signal, no internet access. If you can’t access the Internet, you don’t need to send express delivery, and it’s easier to develop e-commerce.

This is not the case in China. Even the most remote mountain villages have to lay infrastructure there. Even if they lose money every year, they must properly solve the problems of people's livelihood.

This has led to the domestic e-commerce and express delivery industries being sent down to the village level.

The more layers, the greater the cost and the less profit.

In many remote places, the express delivery industry does not want to do it, but it cannot be done. This is a dead order. If we only focus on big cities and major cities like Europe, America, South Korea and Japan, then the development of e-commerce business will be easier.

On the whole, South Korea and Japan have avoided the difficulties of e-commerce in China and the United States. The advantages of e-commerce in China and the United States are shared by South Korea and Japan. Influenced by Confucian culture, simple and hardworking, but also influenced by the capitalist society, it is only for profit, and there is no need to serve the poor in remote areas...

From the perspective of consumers, China is the best; from the perspective of couriers, the United States is the best; from the perspective of e-commerce companies, of course South Korea and Japan are the best.

Zhou Buqi also had his own nationalism.

To be an enterprise in China, one has to assume social responsibilities, one cannot do everything just to make money, and one has to do something for the society, the country, and the nation.

There is no need to go abroad.

The more mercenary you are, the better!

Ziweixing has no obligation to assume social responsibility abroad, and it is enough to make money and pay taxes. In China, in addition to being legal, it must also be compliant and reasonable. Going abroad, as long as it is legal is enough.

Zhou Buqi has no confidence in the e-commerce market in Europe and America, the environment there is too complicated. However, South Korea and Japan, if given the opportunity, it is best to do it.

Save worry and effort, be happy.

But the problem is that Ziweixing is very weak in the field of e-commerce. The operation of group buying on campus also relies on for help. Among the six major Internet businesses, e-commerce operations are the most complex.

Looking for Liu Qiangdong, he hesitated without confidence.

Boss Ma is full of confidence and wants to do business in Japan, but he doesn't like his model.

Zhou Buqi was caught between the two and fought for another two days, but retreated if he couldn't get it done.

He wants to go back to his hometown in the Northeast!

Guo Dan's side is almost in operation, and the location of Ziweiyun's backup data center has been finalized, which is in the high-tech development zone in Spring City, not far from Jida South Campus.

There are more than half a month until the Spring Festival.

Last year, grandpa lived with his uncle's family, and this year he will celebrate the new year here. For the old man, going to the grave before the Spring Festival is an essential part.

Zhou Buqi didn't like this link.

The main concern is personal safety.

Zhou Jianguo and Zhou Bubi have been in the local area for 20 years, and they have been in the mountain goods business for more than 20 years... This is a wild business, they are pure local snakes, and many methods are disgraceful.

Now Zhou Jianjun, Zhou Buqi and his son are doing well in the capital and have become the top entrepreneurs in the country.

Once jealousy turns into hatred, trouble will happen.

Zhou Buqi went to Spring City with the company's people first, and his father and grandfather will be there in two days.

After landing, Zhou Buqi received an unprecedented grand welcome.

The main leaders of the province and the city have come, and sincerely welcome this young entrepreneur who has gone out of Spring City to return to his hometown and make more contributions to the economic construction of his hometown.

Ordinary people may not know much about Zhou Buqi, but people at this level know how powerful this kid is.

News broadcasts are on!

When the Internet industry is mentioned in many important documents issued by the central government, the order of companies is Ziweixing, Baidu, Alibaba, Penguin, Sina, NetEase...

The order of this kind of official documents is not random, and it can basically represent the official ranking of domestic Internet companies.

Ziwei Star overwhelmed Baidu and was number one!

Accompanied by provincial and municipal leaders, Zhou Buqi went to see the site selection of the cloud data center, and was then invited by the leaders to attend a symposium.

Very simple, how many jobs can a cloud computing center create?

There are all servers here, just arrange a few people to maintain them.

The economic value created to the place every year, that is, electricity, water and network service fees, really cannot satisfy the appetite of the leaders. Returning to the hometown for construction requires a little more blood.

At the symposium, the leaders held Boss Zhou up in the sky and raised him high. I can't refuse even if I want to.

Zhou Buqi immediately stated, "It is my duty to benefit my hometown. However, in terms of infrastructure and talent structure, there is still a big gap between my hometown and big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Not realistic. However, Ziweixing will definitely build a branch here in its hometown, and within three years, it will provide 1200-1500 jobs!"

Leader Liu, the second in command in the province, sat next to him and asked, "Oh? What are you going to do?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Next year, Ziweixing's customer service center will be located here. This year, we will first set up the framework of the branch office and recruit a group of network editors from our hometown."

"Customer Service?"

Leader Liu automatically ignored the last sentence.

The call center is a huge project!

An investment of 1 billion yuan will not come down!

He has visited China Mobile before and knows what kind of customer service center a big company is.

In IT companies, customer service is defined as a cost department, and the bigger the plate, the bigger the cost.

Staff salaries are only a small part of it, and training costs, site costs, and maintenance costs are all high.

This is still small money.

With a customer service center, customers are provided with a claim settlement channel, and they will definitely receive various claims settlement needs. This kind of compensation business is to spit out the money collected by the company, and more than one billion yuan is refunded every year.

A mobile customer service center with 1,500 people costs 3 billion yuan per year.

Therefore, QQ cannot build its own customer service center. If it does, it will have to eat up its annual profits.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Our customer service center will not be too big, and the scale is about 100 people. It is mainly to solve the problems of the gold coin wallet system, some e-commerce businesses and value-added services for customers. However, this is only temporary. , with the development of Ziweixing's business, our editorial team and client team will definitely grow bigger and bigger."

"The editorial team, what do you mainly do?"

"The article review of Toutiao, the content review of interest circles and secret circles, and next we will do a project called Weibo. The Internet is not a trash can, and the Internet content must be limited to legal and compliant areas."

"Well, it should be. Especially in the Olympic year, we must pay attention to the social impact."

Leader Liu's eyes changed slightly, and he felt that his political awareness was very high, and he was indeed a big entrepreneur who talked and laughed happily with big leaders.

Zhou Buqi went on to say: "To give back to the hometown, Ziweixing's family alone is not enough. Leaders, the city needs to plan in the future to draw an industrial park for the Internet industry. Ziweixing will be the first to go in and build a building." , Move the branch office there. Then, both sides will work together to attract more Internet peers and arrange service jobs here.”

Leader Liu praised, "This idea is good! It should be!"

Due to the influence of the region, it is difficult to carry out some technical business here in my hometown, and front-line talents will not come here. However, the job requirements for network editors and customer service personnel are relatively low, and their professionalism is not so strong. College students can basically work after training, and their hometown is enough.

There are also many universities in Spring City, and there is Jida University, a top comprehensive university in the country.

It is enough to meet the demand for talents.

As network supervision becomes more and more stringent, there will be more and more posts for network editors and review editors. Giant online media such as ByteDance, Baidu, Ali, and Penguin have a large-scale review and editorial team of thousands of people.

When group buying on campus is opened in the future, customer service personnel will also increase on a large scale.

From this point of view, the customer service center in my hometown needs to be bigger and more spectacular.

After the symposium in the province, I met with the leaders of the city.

After a set of procedures, it was after nine o'clock in the evening.

Zhou Buqi invited another city leader to the hotel to chat about private affairs, and talked about the matter of the old man coming back to worship the ancestors the day after tomorrow. At that time, he would give money to the old people in the village in public. Needless to say, the city will send police force to help to ensure safety.

"By the way, Mr. Zhou, I remember... Wanchao Group belongs to your family, right?" The leader surnamed Chen lowered his voice, as if he was talking about something confidential.

Zhou Buqi quickly separated the relationship, "Mayor Chen, we have separated long ago. The previous affairs of Wanchao Group have nothing to do with me, nor my father. My father had no real power in Wanchao Group before."

"Huh?" The leader surnamed Chen vaguely heard something, with a tentative tone, "Well... I heard that Wanchao Group seems to be engaged in real estate and applied for a loan. I didn't say that. It seems to have raised another sum in the society. Money, it's a bit against the rules..."

As far as the size of Wanchao Group is concerned, the little money involved is not worth mentioning in front of Ziweixing Group.

If Zhou Buqi wants to be protected, it's just a matter of one sentence.

Moreover, no one cares even if there is a violation of the regulations. As long as there is no thunderstorm and contributes to the economic development of the city, everyone will turn a blind eye and close their eyes, pretending not to see it.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Buqi looked cold and said calmly: "Mayor Chen, I'm not afraid of your jokes. This is also a scandal in my family. The head of the Wanchao Group is my uncle, and I broke up with my family long ago. They How, it has nothing to do with us. Even if something happened, it has nothing to do with Ziwei Xing."

"That's it..."

Mayor Chen took a deep look at him, feeling confident, and felt that he had to report to his superiors later. Now the provincial and municipal leaders regard Mr. Zhou as a treasure, and they want to confess to him as the God of Wealth. They are trying to curry favor with him, but don't do bad things with good intentions to make him unhappy.

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