Top of the big era

Chapter 923 Everyone Participates

The official guidance forum is really not nutritious.

These are commonplace topics.

It is nothing more than encouragement, requiring domestic companies that are learning or planning to learn from multinational companies not to count on their fingers to become a world famous brand in a few years, but to have a long-term, long-term ideological and strategic preparation for a protracted war. It is necessary to scientifically recognize the strength of one's own brand, to explore and practice calmly, and to find a suitable development path according to local conditions.

"There is no shortcut to success, impetuousness is hard to do."

Only with perseverance and patience, hard work and silent hard work are the cornerstones for a company to become bigger and stronger and ultimately successful.

In fact, it is a protracted war.

It took eight years to win the Anti-Japanese War, and it took patience to go overseas.

But the problem is, expanding the market requires money!

After so many years of continuous investment and losses every year, who can persevere?

On the contrary, the old horse's words are more helpful.

Boss Ma is a director of Softbank, and he knows Ziwei Star's ambition in the Japanese market and its determination to win. To be an e-commerce business, what you need most is traffic.

If Ziweixing really builds a traffic matrix in Japan, then Ali's e-commerce business in Japan will be promising.

Although Zhou Buqi refused, the old horse did not give up, and invited him to the Chang'an club to drink tea together.

"Last year, an economics book was published with great influence called "Wikinomics". Have you read it?"


Zhou Buqi shook his head, but he had heard of it.

Once this book was published, it caused a huge sensation in the domestic business circles, especially in the IT circle, almost everyone has a copy. It can be called an economic phenomenon that was collectively discussed in the domestic business community after "The World Is Flat" and "The Long Tail Theory".

Boss Ma said: "I haven't seen it either, but I had someone tell me the reasoning behind it. It's very true. The concept of Wikipedia is that everyone participates, collaborates and shares. Single, independent, self-enclosed Enterprises will definitely be eliminated by this era.”

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Economists' books may not be all right, just use them as a reference. Do you think Penguin is doing well?"

Boss Ma said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense! The wiki economy has benefited you a lot, right?, Jinri Toutiao, and Helo's wallet system are all wiki economies. If this continues, if they don't change, within two or three years Within a few days, the number of users of Helo can exceed that of QQ!"

The development process of Helo has encountered a lot of resistance, but the success of Toutiao has been very smooth. It has been crushed by traditional portals within one month of its launch.

By what?

It's actually wikieconomics.

In the traditional portal network, editors post articles, and users read articles. Today's Toutiao is that everyone can participate and be their own self-media.

It's basically the automobile's transformation of the horse-drawn carriage.

The different dimensions make traditional portals not even qualified to compete in front of Toutiao.

Boss Ma waved his hand and said: "You are a clever kid, and this theory is better than me. Ali is planning an ecosystem composed of B2B, Taobao, Alipay, Yahoo,, Ali Mama, and Ali software. Ziweixing started earlier than me. But there is one thing I want to tell you, that is, the wiki economy is not only used in the Internet industry, but also widely used in traditional industries.”


"In October last year, the Entrepreneur Club visited the base of the Montmartre Company together."

"Yes, it seems that I was invited, but I was in the United States at the time."

Boss Ma said: "Yes, it was that time. I went to visit once, and I was very impressed. What Mengma sells is not milk, but a system. This traditional enterprise is integrating farmers and partner resources, building an industrial chain, and building an industrial chain. There is a clear judgment and a firm strategy on the chain. Build a platform for every dairy farmer to participate.”


Zhou Buqi sneered twice.


Boss Ma raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Buqi said coldly: "Old Ma, I understand what you mean, but I still say that, your model can't control fakes. Wikipedia is indeed a trend and represents the future, but it doesn't mean that it can be sold in China. Eat all industries! Montmartre... Heh, I don't like it!"

Boss Ma was not very happy, and waved his hand, "You haven't even seen it..."

Zhou Buqi seemed very angry, "Do I still need to watch it? Yes, let every dairy farmer participate and let it go, it can keep costs down and at the same time better stimulate the local economy. But what about product safety? Taobao sold fake milk. goods, that is, selling fake products. Once there is a problem with the milk of the dairy farmers, who can guarantee it?"

Boss Ma didn't take it seriously, "He has a test..."

Zhou Buqi snorted coldly: "Does Taobao have an anti-counterfeit mechanism? Can you put an end to counterfeit goods?"


Boss Ma blinked and remained silent for a while.

Zhou Buqi sighed.

Some things, it is really not a good person who dares to stand out for good deeds, and it must be within the scope of one's ability. Mr. Ji Xianlin said, "Don't tell any lies, but don't tell all the truth." That's why he can be the president of Peking University. In the same way, don't do all the bad things, and don't do all the good things.

Good people don't live long.

Anyway, he had already agreed with Mr. Wen that his daughter would invite two wet nurses to drink imported milk powder.

After pondering for a long time, Boss Ma said slowly, "Anyway, the business model is changing. By the way, have you studied Huawei?"

"What's wrong?"

"In the 1990s, the reengineering theory was popular, and most of the large American companies completed the reengineering. Huawei also asked IBM for help under this trend and completed the reengineering. Now, the wiki theory is closer than the reengineering theory. One step. For example, the competition between Helo and QQ, is it really just the competition between Helo and QQ? If it’s just the competition between these two products, Helo will fail like MSN and Yahoo Messenger.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, the competition between Helo and QQ is essentially the competition between the two ecosystems of Ziweixing and Penguin. Without the collaboration of, Jinri Toutiao, and the gold coin wallet system, Helo would not be possible. "

Boss Ma praised: "That's right, that's the truth. Let's zoom in and say that the future business competition is no longer a competition between an enterprise and an enterprise, but a competition between an ecosystem and an ecosystem!"

Zhou Buqi said simply, "Agreed."

For example, the competition between Helo and QQ is actually an ecosystem built by many products such as Helo, Weidian Search, Weidian Antivirus, Jinri Toutiao,, Weidian Input Method, Weidian Browser, Jinri Toutiao, and Gold Coin Wallet System. Competing with the ecosystem formed by QQ, Qzone, QQ game platform, Penguin, Soso and other products.

Helo can stand out, in addition to the excellent product itself, more importantly, the power of the ecosystem behind it is too strong.

If Penguin only had QQ and no other businesses, this battle would have ended long ago.

A group army fights a company, and when it goes up, it will be covered by firepower, and it will be crushed directly.

Boss Ma said: "The characteristics of the wiki economy are openness, sharing, peer-to-peer, and global collaboration. Enterprises must break through boundaries, build ecosystems, and use a strong ecosystem to fight against an independent enterprise. The competitive advantage is very large."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Yes, keep exploring at the border and play infinite games. Old Ma, don't talk to me about theories, don't treat me like a child, I understand all these. You just say it straight!"

Boss Ma said in a deep voice: "It is not easy to open up the Japanese market! I know your determination to go to Japan, but I also intend to enter the Japanese market. If possible, Ziweixing and Ali can carry out in-depth strategic cooperation and bring the two companies together. To compete with local local companies! Business competition is actually ecosystem competition. Whoever has a strong ecosystem will have an advantage.”

Zhou Buqi was really angry and funny, "Old Ma, why do you always treat me like a child?"

Boss Ma was a little embarrassed, "No, I'm telling the truth."

Zhou Buqi said indifferently: "You are right. Ali's model is indeed more in line with the theory of Wikipedia. Everyone can participate, and merchants can sell on Ali's platform. But I still say that, It is necessary to consider the national conditions. It is not necessarily good for everyone to participate. To make milk without building a breeding base by yourself, and to collect milk from dairy farmers, this model will cause big problems. If the problem of counterfeit products of small and medium-sized enterprises cannot be solved, Ali’s model will be difficult to be real Realize the idea of ​​wiki economy."

Boss Ma was very helpless, "Then what are you going to do?"

"As I said, learn from Amazon, build your own warehouse, and operate your own business. First, let's get everyone involved. First, let's strictly control product quality and quality. Rather than spending more money, we must improve quality and word of mouth."

"Do you really want to do it yourself?"

"No, I invested in a company called Jingdong."

"Depend on!"

Boss Ma was a little crazy, his eyes widened.

This is his train of thought, taught to this kid. Then this kid took this set of ideas and turned around to cooperate with others? Too badass?

A small broken company like doesn’t know how to do it in China, so it’s going to do overseas business? What are you talking about?


Break up with the old horse.

It was snowing heavily outside.

Zhou Buqi wanted to pick Wu Yu and Xue Baoshan from get off work.

After receiving Wu Yu, she found that she was holding a book in her hand, and said triumphantly, "Husband, I've been working hard recently, and I'm studying economics!"

"Really? What?"

"This is a very famous economics book published last year!"


Zhou Buqi was stunned, this Miss Wu, has changed her sex? Did you watch Wikinomics? This book is complicated and mysterious, and I can't understand it without spending a little effort.

As a result, Wu Yu lit up the paper, and Zhou Buqi collapsed on the spot.

It turned out to be the bestseller, Currency Wars.

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "What kind of work is this? It's all anti-intellectual conspiracy theories. Throw it away. Real works are divorced from the public. Is it possible to sell well?"

Wu Yu grinned, "I think it's quite fake, like a novel."

"Say no to bestsellers, and you grow."

"I want to eat hot pot tonight."


Zhou Buqi glanced at her, speechless.

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