As a secretary, Wang Yaojin always believed that Ning Yaxian had some unclear relationship with her boss.

However, she has never had any evidence.

Don't even ask.

This time, she had caught the current situation.

Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, she heard some weird voices, and seeing the boss's expression of enjoyment, Ning Yaxian was nowhere to be seen... Most likely she was under the table!

In order to verify the idea in her heart, she stayed in the boss's office for a while, making tea and cleaning the table. Organize files for a while, tidy up the sofa for a while.

Sure enough, let her guess right!

After a long time, Ning Yaxian appeared from behind the boss's desk, with a delicate and charming face, silky eyes, and red lips like blood, like a vampire who just hunted.

"thank you boss."

Ning Yaxian's voice was cheerful and lively, as if she had just been paid.

Wang Yaojin took a deep breath and suddenly realized.

No wonder he is the first secretary, but he can only be the second secretary.

It turns out that after this kind of thing is over, you need to express your gratitude to the boss.

Then, Wang Yaojin felt a little angry in her heart, feeling that Ning Yaxian is really a small person, with such a secret of success, she doesn't pass it on to newcomers, which is against the rules of the workplace.

What about a colleague in the office, stingy!

Seeing her standing there stupidly, Ning Yaxian said softly, "Yaojin, bring me a bottle of mineral water, it's cold."

"Oh, oh oh."

Wang Yaojin hurried to the refrigerator and brought a bottle of water.

I saw Boss Zhou standing at the desk, drinking the green tea she had just brewed, while Ning Yaxian was squatting at his feet, helping him straighten his belt and wrinkled trousers.

"Secretary, your water."

"Oh, thank you."

Ning Yaxian quickly helped Boss Zhou tidy up, got up and took the mineral water, drank a couple of sips, and asked casually: "Does the office smell?"

"It's... not bad. I can't smell it, let Mu'er come over."

Wang Yaojin was a little flustered. Although there was resentment in her heart, she still couldn't let go in front of Secretary Ning, and she was a little afraid of her immediate boss.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Let's open the window and let it go, I'll go talk to He Yang about something."

"So much the better."

Ning Yaxian smiled sweetly, and rolled her hair by her ear, showing her charming temperament to the fullest. This is really not the kind of demeanor that young girls in their twenties like Wang Yaojin and Feng Muer can show.

"Here in the office, you packed up."

As a personal secretary, Ning Yaxian will go to He Yang's side with Zhou Buqi, and Wang Yaojin will be handing over the finishing work.

Wang Yaojin was completely unwilling.

The heart said that you are beautiful and proud, let me clean up the mess for you!

There was no way, Wang Yaojin could only put a smile on her face, and said sweetly, "Okay, just leave it to me." Then, she added a sentence, and said with a smile: "Sister Yaxian, congratulations."

Ning Yaxian's expression was relatively flat, she glanced at him and nodded slightly, "Thank you."

Seeing that the relationship between the first secretary and the second secretary was so harmonious, Zhou Buqi was in a good mood. He was full of energy for a while, as if every cell in his body was full of vitality.

I went to He Yang's office, mainly to talk about UC's merger and acquisition case.

UC's financial report is not very good, there is no profit at all, and it is still in the stage of burning money. The valuation is all based on guesswork, and there is no standard calculation method at all. The industry's saying is called the market dream rate. The bigger the dream, the higher the valuation.

Dreaming, Zhou Buqi is best at it.

Take down UC, and then use UC as the main brand of overseas strategy, arrogantly. This is much stronger than the current UC in the domestic market.

Recently, there have been many acquisitions initiated by Ziweixing.

The main reason is that the B round of financing will be completed immediately.


After the financing, it is bound to burn a few fires, complete a few big acquisitions, and expand the track and business scope.

On the one hand, it is to tell better stories to the capital and give them confidence. On the one hand, it can magnify the event of the B round of financing, and through a series of acquisitions, let the peers feel that a world-class IT giant is rising.

"This case is easy. Our valuation is 120 million US dollars, Lei Jun's quotation is 100 million US dollars, and the management's asking price is 150 million US dollars. They are all about the same. After negotiation, we can probably get 120-130 million US dollar price to complete the merger."

He Yang's expression was very relaxed.

The merger of Ziwei Star and UC is a happy event for all.

Lei Jun and the investors brought by Lei Jun all hope to facilitate the transaction. They invest successfully and leave the market with a big profit; the management is also optimistic about the big pie drawn by Ziweixing, and wants to use the resources of large companies to make a fortune; Not to mention Ziweixing, who also wants to use UC's overseas operation capabilities to help Tang Binchen develop the Japanese market.

This kind of transaction will be relatively smooth, and the transaction will be completed at the market price.

Same as stock trading.

A stock with a face value of 50 yuan, if the buyer wants to buy it and the seller wants to sell it, the deal can be done at 50 yuan at once; If the buyer wants to buy and the seller does not want to sell, the price will rise.

The more buyers want to buy and the less sellers want to sell, the higher the premium will be.

For example, another deal of Ziweixing, the acquisition of Shanda Literature.

Shanda is building a large platform for interactive entertainment. The literature business has very important strategic value, and they don't want to sell it. Ziweixing hopes to have in-depth cooperation with China Mobile, so as to avoid the interference of its business from operators. It especially needs the literature department and wants to buy it.

Premiums can be severe.

If it weren't for some other relationships, maybe it wouldn't be able to buy at a premium.

He Yangdao: "Now there is a question, what level should be given to UC after the acquisition of UC."

Zhou Buqi didn't dare to be good at it, and asked, "What do you think?"

He Yang sat on the sofa and put Erlang's legs down, "Two, it's either M5 or M6. If it's M6, it's the level of the business department. It doesn't feel like enough. If it's M5, take Lao Yu His qualifications are a bit low, and I'm afraid he will have any ideas."

Yu Yongfu used to be the vice president of Legend Holdings, at the level of M6 or M7. It is also because of his high level and deep qualifications that he was able to overwhelm the two founders of UC as a newcomer and serve as chairman and CEO.

If I joined Ziweixing, I only rated one M5, which is a bit unreasonable.

Zhou Buqi frowned, "Tang Binchen is only M5. The president and president of Ziweixing Japan Co., Ltd. can only be Tang Binchen, and UC must obey his arrangement to carry out overseas business."

He Yang sighed, "Yes, this is the most difficult thing to do. If the arrangement is not good, it will cause management chaos. Just like MSN, the operation of MSN must be responsible to Microsoft China and MSN headquarters at the same time. In the cracks, you have to keep swinging from side to side."

Zhou Buqi looked serious, "Well! You're right! Go to someone and call Xu Liangjie over!"

Xu Liangjie just finished a technical decision-making meeting on the gold coin wallet system.

Technical meetings are the hardest to hold.

Because the technicians are all straight men, most of them have poor EQ, and they are all more tempered than the other, and they slam the table with the leader, the leader of the leader, and the leader of the leader.

For this atmosphere, Ziweixing tacitly approves and supports it from top to bottom.

Technology is different from strategy.

Strategy must be from top to bottom, indiscriminate and must be implemented.

Technology is not necessarily the case. Those with lower levels may not necessarily have a lower level of technology than those with higher levels. Especially young children, the ability to accept new technologies is faster and their understanding is higher.

In the face of technology, the level of the position does not mean much. The technical personnel just want to get together, explain their views, and see who has the highest technical level.

Technology is science, with strong logic and traces to follow. The more discussions and deductions, the more likely it is to come up with a plan that meets everyone's requirements.

Strategy is a bit like liberal arts. It often depends on the talent of entrepreneurs, and it can be done with a slap on the head and a foot.

Xu Liangjie had just held a technical meeting, his mouth was dry, his throat was smoky, and he was about to take a break when Boss Zhou called him over.

After hearing what he came for, Xu Liangjie said simply and neatly: "It's simple! Let UC be designated as M6 and operate independently. However, the business must be coordinated by the headquarters and run in Taiwan. Whatever Tang Binchen needs, he will come and ask for it. Tang Binchen will Like the captain of the special forces on the front line, we are the command room of the aircraft carrier, so we can’t command remotely from tens of thousands of miles away, right? How to fight this battle still depends on the arrangements of the front line.”

He Yang frowned and said, "That is to say, the purpose of our acquisition of UC is to help UC expand overseas markets. However, if we don't give UC power and let Tang Binchen make the decision, isn't this a breach of trust?"

Zhou Buqi nodded.

He favors UC because he also likes the strong ability of the UC team to carry out overseas business. If it is acquired, but only limited to the domestic market, it would be a bit wasteful.

The strategic significance of acquiring UC no longer exists.

Xu Liangjie was in charge of eBay's overseas business back then, and he has more experience. He said: "Tang Binchen is a website maker, and it may not work if he is asked to grasp the software. In this way, let Tang Binchen be the president and mainly work on the website. Let UC send a vice president In the past, we mainly worked on software. Tang Binchen was responsible for the strategy.”

He Yang said: "Let's make it tentative. UC, as an independent sub-group, will be M6, and let UC send an M5 to Japan to assist Tang Binchen in making software."

Zhou Buqi agreed.

Next, let's talk about the rank arrangement for Shanda Literature.

This is easier.

After the acquisition, Shanda Literature Society was merged into the network media business department headed by Guo Pengfei, and became a sub-channel of Toutiao, which was renamed Toutiao Literature.

As the president of the business department, Guo Pengfei is M6, the director of the core sub-channel is M5, and the weaker one is M4.

One M4 and four M3 positions can be provided to Shanda Literature.

With the gradual expansion of the online literature industry, the level will be raised slowly.

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