Top of the big era

Chapter 894 Threat

Prior to this, Lei Jun revealed that Penguin had approached Jinshan, hoping to reach a strategic cooperation. Since we want to make security products, it is not enough to have a QQ computer butler, and anti-virus software is also required.

Penguin couldn't do it himself, so he wanted to cooperate with Kingsoft.

Kingsoft Antivirus is free, which probably means that Kingsoft and Penguin have reached a relatively in-depth strategic cooperation, and the two sides will join forces in the security market.

Of course, it is aimed at the almost monopolistic situation of "Micropoint Security Guard + Micropoint Antivirus" in the security market.

This is a bit threatening.

Kingsoft Antivirus used to be a paid version, but changing it to a free version will give people a feeling of taking advantage. In the past, others had to spend money to use it, but now they can use it for free, so I wanted to try it.

A lot of things, afraid to try.

Especially antivirus software.

From a technical point of view, anti-virus software cannot coexist. If you use Kingsoft Internet Security, you must uninstall Micropoint Anti-Virus. Once the use effect of Kingsoft Antivirus is not bad, and users are too lazy to operate repeatedly, Kingsoft Antivirus will be retained and cannot be replaced.

Once the cooperation of "QQ Computer Manager + Kingsoft Antivirus" is reached, the era when Micropoint's security products dominated more than 90% of the domestic market will be gone forever.

The next chain reaction is that Kingsoft Antivirus will be free, and more antivirus software will start to operate for free.

The wheels of the times are rolling forward, and it is impossible for security products to have a monopoly market, and it cannot be stopped.

For Ziweixing, the later this day comes, the better.

Especially now that Helo is competing head-on with QQ and is in a heated stalemate. Once the other party's security product strategy is successfully achieved, their morale will be boosted.

In the current chat software landscape, QQ is still the overlord, and its volume is about twice that of Helo.

However, Helo is attacking like a rainbow, and QQ is struggling to defend.

Once QQ is allowed to make a comeback in terms of security products, the morale will gather again, which will be very unfavorable to the promotion of Helo.

"No wonder this time going south to talk to Ji Zian was rejected, the other party was already prepared!"

Zhou Buqi is not very happy.

I feel that Jinshan is turning his elbow outward!

Jinshan and Ziweixing are both IT companies in the Beijing area, and they had many business cooperations in the past. How can they help outsiders fight against fellow villagers?

Zhou Buqi thought for a while, then called Qiu Bojun, the head of Jinshan, and said very politely: "President Qiu? I am Xiao Zhou from Ziweixing, Zhou Buqi."

"President Zhou?"

Qiu Bojun was obviously surprised.

Today's Zhou Buqi is not something he can climb as the boss of a software company.

Back then, when Zhou Buqi first started building Xiaonei, he personally visited Jinshan to talk about cooperation. At that time, Qiu Bojun didn’t even see each other, so that the two never had any friendship.

In just a few years, the back waves took the front waves on the beach.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Mr. Qiu, recently we launched a chat software called Helo, which is competing with QQ. Have you heard?"

Qiu Bo Jundao: "Well, I know, the subsidy of tens of billions is vigorous. It really is a young man with courage and ideas, much better than us old guys."

Zhou Buqi continued to be courteous to him, "Mr. Please, you are a senior, please don't say that. But... There is such a thing, in order to compete with Helo, QQ upgraded QQ Doctor to QQ Computer Manager, and used Bundled installation, induced uninstallation and other methods, and some unfriendly commercial competitions, have brought a lot of threats to our security software."

Qiu Bojun's face darkened, and he understood what the other party meant, but he couldn't say it clearly, so he pretended to be righteous and said, "Really? That's not okay, business competition should be within a reasonable range."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, but it's all a small trick, I'm not worried. A mere computer housekeeper can't be successful. As long as there is no anti-virus software to cooperate, the computer housekeeper can't do it at all."

Qiu Bojun's heart skipped a beat, and the flames rose immediately.

What an insinuation!

This kid must have heard something, threatening here!

Zhou Buqi said indifferently: "Please, in the past few years, Jinshan and Ziweixing have been cooperating very well. In the software library of Weidian Security Guard, the total number of software downloads of Jinshan series has exceeded 200 million!"

Qiu Bo Jundao: "Not that many, only 55 million."

Zhou Buqi cursed inwardly.

This kind of data comes out of his mouth. It can be seen that this old guy has investigated and weighed it a long time ago. He believes that Penguin can bring more traffic than Ziweixing, so he joined the Penguin camp.

After all, Micropoint Antivirus and Kingsoft Internet Security are products of the same type and are competitors. It is impossible for Micropoint's software library to help promote it wholeheartedly. Penguin does not have anti-virus software, so it has to rely entirely on the power of Jinshan.

Zhou Buqi didn't fool around with nonsense, and he didn't blush, and said half-jokingly: "The rounding is almost the same. That's what I mean. The business cooperation between Ziweixing and Jinshan can still satisfy both parties."


Qiu Bo Jun made a haha, unmoved.

Zhou Buqi saw that he kept avoiding Tai Chi, so he was not polite, showing his edge, and said plainly: "Please, Baidu is developing the Japanese market, don't you know?"


"Ziweixing is also doing it."

"Hehe, I heard."

Zhou Buqi said: "Recently, I am summarizing the success model of Ziweixing. One of the important reasons why Ziweixing has been able to go so smoothly and develop so fast in the past few years is that it has established a precise system in the security software industry. Set the tone, promote free anti-virus software, and let Weidian anti-virus spread all over the country. Then use the reputation of the security software to obtain traffic and promote other businesses.”

Qiu Bojun smiled and said, "Not necessarily."

Zhou Buqi said: "The general direction is always right, and antivirus software is just needed. This time I went to the Japanese market, I have been thinking, what kind of method should I use to quickly open up the market? This is not easy. After thinking about it, we still need to learn from domestic models and learn from domestic development experience.”

Mr. Qiubo panicked immediately, and his voice became higher, "Domestic model? Mr. Zhou, what do you mean by that?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Weidian Antivirus implements a free policy in China, which provides infrastructure-level guarantee for Ziweixing's product strategy. This model, in the whole world, Ziweixing is the only one."

Qiu Bojun gasped, and immediately froze.


What a blatant threat!

He heard it!

Jinshan is a listed company, and its pursuit of profit is particularly high.

Kingsoft Internet Security really wants to cooperate with Penguin and implement a free strategy. Because in the domestic market, micro-point antivirus is already the world. Paid antivirus software, whether it is Jinshan, Rising, Jiangmin, or Kaspersky, cannot survive.

Micropoint Antivirus is like a bomb, completely destroying the domestic antivirus software market! The leisurely days of honestly selling software to make money are gone forever.

Fortunately, the Japanese market is complete.

Kingsoft Internet Security has poor sales in China, but it does well in the Japanese market. In addition, the price in Japan is relatively high, and the performance of Kingsoft Antivirus is not bad through overseas business recovery.

This time Jinshan made business adjustments, and only the domestic market was adjusted. Kingsoft Antivirus is free in China, but it is still a paid version abroad. In this way, users can also praise Jinshan. Fees for foreigners, free for Chinese people, this is the best marketing gimmick.

Unexpectedly, this kid Zhou Buqi wanted to make a drastic move!

He wants to bring the free model to the Japanese market!

This is to completely cut off the source of income of Jinshan Drug Bully!

Although Zhou Buqi looked like a tiger with a smiling face, what he said was very kind, and he always maintained a junior's respect for his seniors. But the threatening meaning contained in the speech can't be concealed no matter what.

Qiu Bojun took a deep breath and said with a smile: "The national conditions are different, and this domestic model may not be suitable for the Japanese market."


Zhou Buqi laughed.

Under the market economy, are there any countries where you can't play for free? The Japanese can't be so cheap, they would rather spend money to use it than free it?

Mr. Qiubo felt powerless and had difficulty breathing in front of Houlang. He said seriously: "Xiao Zhou, Japan is the country with the highest usage rate of genuine software in the world, almost 100%. They have spending power. It's a pity to make free software. Not worth it either."

"Yeah, it seems to be the case. The Japanese don't earn money for nothing." Zhou Buqi suddenly realized, and then sighed, "It's also caused by recent domestic incidents. My brain is like mud , QQ computer housekeeper has become my heart disease."

Mr. Qiu Bo knew what he was referring to, and said: "I know that Jinshan has always advocated fair, just, legal and compliant market competition. In this regard, I support Ziweixing."

Zhou Buqi got a satisfactory answer, and said with a smile: "The darkness is finally fading, and the dawn is coming. Please, let's work together and work together for the healthy development of the domestic IT industry."

Qiu Bojun gritted his teeth angrily, but he could only respond with good words, "Yes! It should be!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Buqi shouted: "Yaxian, come here!"

"What's wrong?"

"I just had an idea to promote free antivirus software in Japan, what do you think?"

Ning Yaxian rolled her eyes at him, "You ask me this kind of question? I'm just a little secretary."

Zhou Buqi snorted, "Stop complaining, answer well, and give you an injection, feed you medicine, and reward you when you have time!"

Ning Yaxian glanced at him with beautiful eyes, thought for a while, and said slowly: "From my personal understanding, it's best not to. Anti-virus software is a relatively large market in Japan. We just went there, it's best to be able to follow The local forces are more united, and the strong dragon does not overwhelm the top snake. If you play for free as soon as it appears, and clear everyone else, it will offend people. Not to mention anything else, it is impossible for you to cooperate with Yahoo Japan.”

"Well, that's how it is, and I don't think it's too good." Zhou Buqi nodded, then waved his hand, "Okay, you go, prepare a copy of the UC materials for me."

Ning Yaxian bit her lip, her eyebrows were affectionate, "What about the reward you mentioned?"

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi was very helpless, "Why are you so greedy? I've been so busy recently, how can I have time to treat your illness? Bring the documents and get under the table by yourself."

Ning Yaxian pursed her lips and smiled, leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Drill it, I haven't done it yet, try it."

"Greedy cat!"

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