Top of the big era

Chapter 851 Traffic Matrix

IOE, that is, IBM's servers, Oracle's databases, and EMC's storage devices, are the world's top equipment manufacturers and also have the highest prices.

General websites do not need to be too high-grade.

But when it comes to financial transactions, you can't be sloppy. For example, in the banking industry, almost all banks around the world adopt the IOE architecture, which is the most stable, safest, and most reliable.

An online shopping platform like Taobao must use the best.

Even part of the business of

Ziweixing rented 20,000 servers in CNNIC's data center, and allocated 5,000 servers to, which was enough. But there is one piece of business that is not working-Taobao's preferred channel.

The equipment in the data center is very popular and low-end, and it is not suitable for online shopping.

So at the headquarters, Ziwei Star also has a server room with about 1,000 servers, all of which are top-notch equipment, to operate the Taobao channel and group buying on campus.

However, this is the approach of "insufficient technology, equipment to make up".

When the gold coin wallet system is completed and the business is in order, IOE can be abandoned and some low-end equipment can be used to complete high-end services. There is not only a technical issue here, but also a creative one.

The technical principle relied on is to carry out multi-party accounting through distributed powerful data processing capabilities and a larger amount of data...

For example, Musk's Space rocket.

Traditional Chinese, Russian, European and American rockets use chips that cost more than millions of dollars, which are more high-end than military chips. Because there is particle radiation in space, after the rocket goes to space, the chip may mutate due to radiation, causing calculation errors and causing the satellite not to enter the expected orbit. So this chip must be a special material with special protection.

Musk is different. He directly carries civilian chips in his rocket, and the price is only 100 US dollars, which directly reduces the cost by tens of thousands of times.

The method is the same as the distributed principle.

Make three civilian chips in the rocket and connect them in parallel. The result of each calculation must be calculated by three parties at the same time, and the result should be given at the same time.

If the results of the three parties are the same, execute; if the results are different, feed back and recalculate until the results of the three parties are unified.

Even if radiation mutates the chips, the probability that all three chips are mutated is very small; even if all three chips are mutated, it is almost impossible to give the same result.

In this way, a breakthrough in high-end technology is achieved using low-end equipment.

This is typical Internet thinking, which is not at all the same as traditional rocket experts. Distributed logic is badly played on the Internet, and traditional rocket experts are still making super sophisticated anti-radiation chips.

For Taobao, including on-campus group buying and gold coin wallet systems, the current difficulty lies in the immaturity of big data technology and the unification of distributed algorithm synergy is not enough.

It can only make up for the lack of technology through high-end equipment.

In this field, Ziwei Star is considered to be at the forefront of the world, and it is a little worse than Amazon. Amazon doesn't need high-end equipment like IOE for a long time, but Ebay and PayPal do.


Zhou Buqi is a bit strange.

Did this old horse call himself out for tea just to talk about this? It's not possible that he found another expert and gave birth to the idea of ​​cloud computing, right?

Boss Ma coughed lightly and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I really admire you!"


Zhou Buqi smiled, knowing that there was something in his words, he was very defensive, afraid of being fooled by him.

Boss Ma said with emotion: "You are really successful in everything. Xiaonei,, anti-virus software, micro-point search, and recently even outsourced services. By the way, how much is your page loading system? gone?"

Zhou Buqi thought for a while, "Less than 70 sets."

Boss Ma opened his eyes wide and was really shocked, "The sales are more than 200 million?"


"Fuck! Damn it!"

"Old horse, what do you mean? Pay attention to your quality!"

Zhou Buqi was amused by him.

Boss Ma took a deep breath, "Your so irritating, you took all the good things."

Zhou Buqi laughed, "Luck, good luck. Who would have thought that a system developed casually would be so popular, opening up the high-end outsourcing market at once."

Boss Ma said: "You have done a good job in this outsourcing business, which is no worse than Ali's B2B business."

"It's over, it's over."

"Sure enough, selling technology is more profitable than selling goods, you boy, amazing, wizard!"

"Okay, old horse." Zhou Buqi remained calm, so he would not be flattered by him, "Don't get around with me, tell me, what's the matter?"

Boss Ma sighed, "Ziweixing is doing really well! Alisoft can't do it any more. Fortunately, you can launch a new business and become the focus of the industry. Your headline today, It's amazing!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Or you have a good vision, Taobao is the first advertiser of Jinri Toutiao. Taking advantage of Jinri Toutiao's first launch, the popularity is not high, and there are not many advertisers. It's a great deal."


Boss Ma admitted it frankly.

That's why he came here today.

Baidu has officially announced that it will be an e-commerce company, and Li Yanhong publicly said that Taobao will be defeated within three years! From next year, Taobao and Baidu will officially break up and block each other.

For Taobao, it will lose a large source of traffic.

However, in the past month, Taobao's statistics are astonishing.

In the past month, the traffic imported to Taobao through Toutiao is only 31% less than the traffic imported to Taobao through Baidu! There is also a more important point, the traffic import of today's headlines is showing an increasing trend.

According to Taobao's internal calculations, according to the current growth rate, within a year, the traffic brought by Toutiao to Taobao may be equal to that of Baidu.

In other words, after Taobao broke with Baidu, there was another traffic substitute - Toutiao.

Combined with Weidian and, Taobao has no shortage of traffic!

There is no need to be afraid of the menacing Baidu!

This time I came here to strengthen the partnership between Taobao and Toutiao. Just advertising is not enough. That is to say, Toutiao has just launched today, and Taobao has taken the lead. When Toutiao grows bigger in the future, the advertising fee will definitely rise, and Taobao's advertising budget may not be enough.

We can only rely on Mama Ali.

Boss Ma said: "I see that there are many channels on Toutiao today, including follow channels, recommended channels, news channels, entertainment channels, sports channels, and financial channels."

"Yes, the main channels are the following channel and the recommended channel. The former is the media account that users follow, and the latter is the main channel, which is the homepage recommended by the algorithm."

"Why is there no video channel?"

"This channel is too big to be available in a short time. There should be one in the future, take your time. But a comic channel will be launched soon."

"What about the shopping channel?"


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows and glanced at him.


Now I understand.

It turns out that this is the purpose of Lao Ma, turning Toutiao into a Taobao customer.

It really is a wonderful move!

Today's headlines rank relatively high in Baidu search. Baidu blocked Taobao, but there is a Taobao channel in Toutiao today. It is equivalent to Baidu indirectly providing traffic to Taobao.

Coupled with Weidian,, and the recently opened MSN Chinese website,, and Maopu, Taobao's traffic matrix has been built.

Baidu has just established an e-commerce department, and Taobao has already set up a huge network, just waiting for Li Yanhong to take the bait.

Boss Ma asked: "How is it? The cooperation between Taobao and is doing very well. Last month's turnover exceeded 200 million, right? Your commission is also 20 to 30 million."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Lao Ma, you have a good plan. Just now you said that Taobao's peak traffic is too high and there are not enough servers. This time, I want to let Toutiao share it for you."

Just like the Taobao channel of, Taobao is used in the background, and is used in the foreground. It is equivalent to helping Taobao to bear half of the traffic load on, and the pressure on Taobao's servers is less.

"Don't do it?"

Boss Ma is also a little uncertain. After all, Toutiao has just been launched not long ago, and the first task is to stabilize the basic market, rather than rushing to make money.

Zhou Buqi said: "Do it! It must be done! The contract is based on the friend website?"

Boss Ma was very happy, "No problem! In order to show the sincerity of the cooperation, Taobao's advertising budget on Toutiao next year can be increased by 20% to reach 60 million yuan. How about it? Isn't this a small scale?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's so-so. I signed a big deal a few days ago. It's with an annual advertising budget of 30 million. Hyundai Motor is even more powerful. Calculated by PV volume, it has given an advertisement of up to 50 million. fee."

Boss Ma twitched the corners of his mouth.

I thought in my heart that this kid jumped out of the crack of the rock, he is simply a monster, he seems to be picking up money even more when he makes money.

Zhou Buqi suddenly thought of something, frowned and said: "Lao Ma, the online shopping environment is getting better and better, but the infrastructure is a bit behind. I'm talking about the payment system, which is an obstacle."

"Well, online banking."

Boss Ma is also very helpless, this is an unavoidable hurdle.

Zhou Buqi said seriously: "If Taobao's business wants to further expand, this hurdle must be passed. At that time, Taobao's transaction volume will be restricted by the flow of the bank's gateway, which will be troublesome. Taobao can use various means to solve big data, The problem of high traffic. What about online banking? They have the heart but not the technology.”

Boss Ma agreed deeply, "You are right, this problem will have to be resolved sooner or later."

Zhou Buqi's eyes were full of deep meaning, "I heard... have you cleared up the relationship?"

"Don't spread the word."

Boss Ma's face changed solemnly.

Zhou Buqi smiled, "I'll just say it casually."

Boss Ma waved his hand, with a firm expression on his face, "Take it easy, the traffic peak at the online banking gateway has not yet been reached. Wait until... the relevant departments will take action to solve it. The development of the overall economic situation cannot be restricted by the backwardness of infrastructure. "

Seeing that he was full of confidence, Zhou Buqi knew it in his heart.

It looks like it's done.

Then, he felt that he and Lao Ma got along pretty well and got along pretty well, so he couldn't help but say: "Success is Xiao He, defeat is Xiao He, pay attention."

Boss Ma curled his lips, his expression relatively flat.

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