Top of the big era

Chapter 850 Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors

The day after tomorrow, Zhou Buqi will take his younger sister Bao to America for honeymoon.

Accompanying them were Aunt Xue and Wu Yu.

Ms. Wu hasn't been abroad yet. I heard that this trip is half work and half fun, and it's still a honeymoon, so she will go no matter what. Zhou Buqi thought about it and agreed. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to bring only Aunt Xue and Sister Bao.

This afternoon, Zhou Buqi came to Jieyu Media to pick up Sister Bao from get off work.

But she's going on her honeymoon, she's been busy recently, she needs to arrange all the work in her hands properly, and has been in meetings.

Zhou Buqi went to Xu Baihui's office.

She is reading a script.

"Oh, you're here, take a look!"



"What am I looking at?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, stretched himself and sat on the sofa in the office, and called out, "Xiao Gao, bring me a cup of coffee."

The little secretary pursed her lips and smiled, and obediently went to arrange it.

Xu Baihui said very lively: "Help me see, I have seven or eight projects here, let's see which one to vote for."

Zhou Buqi was annoyed and funny, "What is this mess? How do I know which one to vote for? Didn't I say it last time, I think the team that voted for the sequel to "Crazy Stone" is quite reliable. From the director to the assistant director , from the protagonist to the supporting role, they are all talents."

Xu Baihui said: "I've made up my mind. Every year in the future, a movie controlled by Jieyu Media will be released in China. Only in this way can we gain popularity."

"Oh." Zhou Buqi nodded casually, "You can do it if you want."

Xu Baihui said angrily, "What's your attitude?"

Zhou Buqi was very surprised, "What's wrong with me?"

Xu Baihui snorted, "Aren't you too irresponsible? I asked you to give me some advice, but you just evaded in every possible way. Let me tell you, Jiang Xing will come over soon..."


Zhou Buqi snorted, raised his legs lazily, held the coffee in his left hand, and waved his right hand, "Okay, bring it here, let me have a look!"

Xu Baihui pursed her lips in joy, and took over the thick stack of scripts on the desk.

How could Zhou Buqi read this.

Only the experience of foresight and foresight can be used.

However, the names of these scripts are all weird, and none of them are officially named. You have to read the content in detail to know what the story is...

After browsing for twenty minutes, I didn't see a familiar one.

Either it was unknown in the previous life, or it was not filmed at all in the previous life.

Zhou Buqi threw the scripts away angrily, "What a mess, how can I read these? Professional things need to be done by professional people."

Xu Baihui was very melancholy, "How can there be any professional people?"

"Producer, screenwriter, director, what are you looking for?"

"It's not that easy. There are too many scammers in this industry, and there are also many fakes. This kind of thing needs to be decided by a reliable art director or a knowledgeable boss."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? Who didn't grow up from failure? Didn't Huayi almost go bankrupt at a loss in the early days? Let's go step by step. If you make more movies, you will have experience and know how to do it." .”

Xu Baihui tentatively asked, "What should I do if I lose money?"

"If you lose money, I will make up for you! Just pay the tuition fee, until you learn it!"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand with awe-inspiring righteousness.

Xu Baihui was a little moved, then rubbed her face, and said distressedly: "When will Huayi have the strength, they are co-produced with Hollywood."

Zhou Buqi snorted and said, "What's wrong with Hollywood? Just wait, I'm going to the United States this time with a mission! I'll investigate and investigate, and I'll take the lead when the time comes. Jieyu Media can also co-produce with Hollywood."

Xu Baihui curled her lips, "Bragging."

At this moment, secretary Xiao Gao came in and said softly, "Mr. Xu, Jiang Xing is here."

Xu Baihui's eyebrows became serious, and she regained her demeanor of a strong woman, and said lightly, "Well, let her in."

After a while, Jiang Xing appeared.

This time, I'm here to talk about "If You Are the One".

Not a movie, but a dating show.

Since the names are the same, there must be some linkage. Jieyu Media will cooperate with Huayi and Jingtai to find some female stars in the movie, and they will guest star as emotional guests in the first season of "If You Are the One".

Jiang Xing naturally agreed.

It doesn't matter if you don't agree, she is an artist of Jieyu Media, as long as she doesn't arrange too much, she can't go against the company's wishes. If it is some excessive request, the female artist may refuse, and then face a multi-year ban during the contract period.

Jiang Xing sat on the sofa, her legs folded together, slender and straight, without a trace of fat. The black leather skirt set off her fair skin.

His face was clean and somewhat proud, with his head held high and his chest held high, full of aura. It's not the kind of docile, well-behaved, submissive personality that makes people itch and want to ravage severely.

After talking about the business, Xu Baihui smiled and said, "Okay, let's do it this way. By the way, Mr. Zhou is going to the United States in a few days. You can tell him what gift you want."

Jiang Xing looked very pleasantly surprised, "Brother Zhou, is it okay?"

Xu Baihui rolled her eyes when she heard this.

I think female stars are all the same.

Zhou Buqi is several years younger than you, this "Brother Zhou" is really sweet and delicate!

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "I'm flying the day after tomorrow, why don't you be free tomorrow, let's come out and... talk?"

Jiang Xing bit her lip, as if hesitating.

Zhou Buqi said: "Friends, you need to move around more. They say that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Why? Don't you keep in touch with each other often. With friends, if you don't communicate often, the relationship will fade."

Jiang Xing was so angry that her eyes were staring like Xingren.

Xu Baihui behind the desk almost didn't laugh.

I feel that Boss Zhou is really shameless enough to make people stunned for a while.


I thought I could go out to meet Jiang Xing at noon the next day, and spare an hour or so to chat with her about major life events and communicate with her about friendship.

Unfortunately, the old Ma came to Beijing.

Zhou Buqi had no choice but to talk about life with Miss Jiang Xing when he came back from the United States.

The two went to a business club for tea.

Boss Ma laughed, "A distant relative is not as good as a close neighbor, you need to move around more."

Zhou Buqi snorted, "Come on! Tell me, what's the matter?"

Boss Ma encountered some small troubles, and sighed: "Two days ago, our architect told me that Taobao's server was a bit unsustainable. The transaction volume peaks at noon and evening every day, and the redundancy of the server is only 2 % up."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "Isn't this a good thing! The smaller the redundancy, the higher the traffic and transaction volume of Taobao. Why are you so sad?"

Boss Ma said: "There are not enough servers, so we need to purchase servers. However, they told me that Taobao's current structure has a ceiling!"


"Taobao uses the IOE structure. This structure can only call up 5,000 servers at most, and it can handle the scale of 50 million people. According to Taobao's current growth rate, there will definitely be problems within three years."

"Oh, that's how it is……"

Zhou Buqi secretly laughed.

Xin said that the old horse was one step slower after all.

In terms of traffic, Ziweixing and Baidu are even better. Taobao's IOE architecture can only call 5,000 servers, which is actually the same all over the world. This is a template.

But there is always a solution to the problem, to build a larger server cluster.

However, the problem came again.

The algorithmic logic of small-scale data is different from the algorithmic logic of large-scale data. Only with a big data processing system can we efficiently deal with big data problems.

The many distributed systems that Ziweixing is working on, as well as distributed databases, cloud computing, and the "pyramid" project that Baidu is working on, are actually seeking to use new technical models to solve many problems brought about by large data flows.

Boss Ma asked: "How did Ziweixing do it? and Weidian, the traffic is not low, right?"

Zhou Buqi said: "We are not far behind, and it is also the IOE set. We rented 20,000 servers in CNNIC's data center, and built three sets of models, each with 5,000 sets, and another 5,000 sets for backup... um, It's like that, I don't understand."

When the old horse heard it, he was envious and jealous.

This is the advantage of the capital!

The infrastructure is too complete!

State agencies have spent billions building data centers that are leased to internet companies. There is no such infrastructure in Hangzhou, and it can only be done by Ali himself.

That price is too expensive.

The price of an IBM top-level server is more than 100,000 US dollars.

Websites like and Baidu don’t need top-notch servers. For this kind of information websites, even if there are some information errors, there is no problem. But Taobao is no good. When it comes to financial transactions, there can be no mistakes at all, and the best equipment must be used.

Boss Ma said with emotion: "We still have to do big data research!"

Zhou Buqi gave a thumbs up, "Sight-seeing!"

"Ziweixing has done a lot of research in this area, right?"

"Well, Baidu's research is deeper. Oh, old horse, if you ask me, you don't have to worry too much. Taobao only has more traffic? Can it compare to Ziweixing? The biggest characteristic of me is that I am willing to give. Ziwei Have you used the page loading system made by MSI Institute of Engineering? Does it work?"

The meaning is obvious.

When I finish my research, I will sell it to you!

Ma, you just sit back and enjoy your achievements.

The road to the success of a great enterprise must not lack luck. The old horse in the previous life started to find people in China during this period of time to help Taobao with big data.

After looking around, I ran into Dr. Wang Jian.

But Wang Jian was even more ambitious, he wanted to do cloud computing, and he drew a grand blueprint for Lao Ma. According to Ali's internal statement, it was Wang Jian who fooled the old horse. It is obvious that a big data system is enough, and he has to do cloud computing that is useless.

When Bole and Maxima met, Alibaba Cloud was launched vigorously.

Now, Dr. Wang Jian has been poached by Zhou Buqi to work on Ziwei Cloud, and Alibaba Cloud probably won't be able to see it in the short term.

Unexpectedly, Boss Ma suddenly asked: "The cloud computing platform you mentioned... How many servers can this platform call?"

Zhou Buqi said: "In theory, there is no upper limit."

"No upper limit?"

"There are only so many people in the country. Even if people from all over the country log on to a website at the same time, hundreds of thousands of servers are enough. There is no upper limit in theory, but in practice there is no need for so many."


Boss Ma nodded thoughtfully.

Zhou Buqi sighed: "It's too risky to do cloud computing, and the amount of capital is too large. If such a platform is not really needed in China to solve some Internet problems, I don't want to do it either. Well, if Ziwei Cloud really does it, At that time, Taobao can directly settle in.”

"Is it stable?"


Zhou Buqi was categorical, "When it's done, will be the first to upload it, and you'll know when the time comes."

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