Top of the big era

Chapter 814: Injustice

Zhou Buqi firmly believed that he should take the initiative in his own hands. It is basically impossible to pin your hopes on the kindness, kindness, and promises of your competitors.

He didn't know whether the project "QQ Farm" had started.

But no matter what, Ziweixing must make a plan.

The growth of Ziweixing is largely the process of breaking through the business matrix of BAT. The stronger the strength, the greater the pressure to break through.

Like drawing circles. A small circle with a small border and a small intersection. If the circle gets bigger and bigger, the circumference will get bigger and bigger, the contact surface with the outside world will get bigger and bigger, and the pressure it will bear will increase.

Fortunately, the weekly arrangements are more appropriate.

We have established a relatively deep cooperative relationship with Ali, and recently put aside conflicts with Baidu, and the united front is consistent with the outside world. The pressure on the back eased.

It's time to puff up your chest and rush forward.

The breakup between Ziweixing and Penguin is already doomed. The search business is only a small problem, and the most fundamental thing is Helo, a social software. This is an impossible contradiction.

Ziweixing's search is also close to Baidu's core business, but the two parties can reach a certain degree of reconciliation. Because in the search field, even if Baidu is the number one in the market, it cannot achieve absolute monopoly. There are many competitors in the market.

QQ is different, it is the only one in the market.

In order to deal with this giant, Ziweixing secretly formed three Helo research and development project teams, led by Liang Rubo of M5, Fu Sheng of M5 and Fu Hongliang of M4.

Each project team has about 35 people.

However, these three projects have to go through internal competition to select the best one, the most authentic Helo, and push it to the market. Some core management of the other two teams will be transferred to other departments, and the remaining ordinary employees will be merged into the final project team to form a large team of about 100 people to officially operate Helo.

As early as August, the three products were basically finalized.

During the recent period, I have been constantly modifying, debugging, and optimizing internally, making careful preparations for the next big exam.

"QQ Farm" is a big threat.

After talking with Wang Xiaozhou, Zhou Buqi held a senior management meeting and said that he would start an internal investigation immediately!

It's time to start Helo and head-to-head with QQ!

The so-called internal research is to distribute the three versions of Helo, let some core employees use it, ask them to give evaluations, suggestions, criticisms, and accusations, and then choose the most satisfactory one.

Based on everyone's opinions, the official version of Helo is determined.

There is a problem here - confidentiality.

The current Helo is a top-secret project of Ziweixing, and many executives who are not involved in the business do not know the inside story. Even many technicians in the three project teams don't know what they are doing, and just follow orders to do some functional research and development. Because few people know about it, it is easy to control, and the news will not leak out.

Once the product is distributed and a larger area of ​​people are allowed to try it, it will be difficult to keep it secret.

It is possible to scare the snake.

Xu Liangjie was very cautious about this, and asked with a frown, "They are making a social game similar to "Happy Farm"? Is the news accurate?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "I guess."

Xu Liangjie was a little speechless.

Shen Xiangyang hesitated for a moment, and said slowly: "The "Happy Farm" seems to have started in June, right? It has been more than three months, and the other party has not launched similar products."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "You just joined the job, so you don't understand the situation. The real situation is that Soso needed Weidian's technical support at the beginning, and the two sides reached a cooperation. I talked about this with Mr. Ma, and Mr. Ma also followed up with me. I promised that I would not imitate this product. But now the situation has changed, and the cooperation between Baidu and Weidian has made Soso lose its future. The cooperative relationship between the two parties has broken down.”

Shen Xiangyang didn't think so, "It's just a crack, not a rupture."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

Shen Xiangyang pondered: "Penguin is an Internet giant. When we do Helo, it is a leap across the abyss. If it succeeds, it will be bright. If it fails, it will hurt if it falls. If you offend Penguin, life will not be easy in the future. This matter , You must be careful and careful, cautious and cautious. Before jumping, you must be fully prepared."

Xu Liangjie said: "We have had some conflicts with the penguins at present, but this is only a small problem. The matter of "Happy Farm"... They may or may not have done it. At this time, our attitude should be more friendly, and we should not let the rift Get bigger."

He Yang said: "Actually, there is a more important point, which is not at the business level. If we leak the news of Helo first, and after everyone in the circle knows, Penguin will take action again, which will be a counterattack. The nature of this matter is Ziweixing is provocative. If we do a good job of keeping secrets and let them first imitate "Happy Farm" and launch a similar product, it is a breach of promise. This is their breach of contract and they are provocative. Then we will launch Helo at the right time. A just counterattack will win the support of colleagues."

Xu Liangjie said: "What I'm most afraid of now is that if Helo doesn't start, it will offend Penguin, and even its reputation in the circle will be bad. Taking the initiative to provoke QQ, I don't know how many people will become a joke after dinner."

Zhou Buqi nodded and remained silent for a while.

He Yang said: "The more critical the moment, the less anxious you are. Now that the smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger, and the war is imminent, you must be calm. Even the German and Japanese troops back then had to find some high-sounding reasons when sending troops. This is not only It is for outsiders to see, and it is a self-motivating force. The injustice of actively bullying people will not last long, and people will be shaken. If we are bullied, we can break out if we want to resist oppression The astonishing power of hatred."

Xu Liangjie said deeply: "Helo's opponent is QQ, an opponent that is almost impossible to defeat. We take the initiative, and if we can win by blitz, that's all. If it's a long tug-of-war, people may be shaken. If it is Penguin bullied us first, the employees fought back with anger, coupled with the supportive attitude of colleagues in the industry, the Helo team can burst out with amazing energy."

This point of view convinced Zhou Buqi immediately.


It's time now, and we can't give people a handle.

More importantly, push yourself!

If the enemy doesn't force him, he will take the initiative to create conflicts, forming a general environment where the enemy forces him, which will make the unaware Helo team explode emotionally.

Take advantage of this negative emotion of being suppressed and bullied, and guide it appropriately to form a strong inner motivation of the self, burst out strength, and launch a Jedi counterattack.

Otherwise, the Helo project is not short of money, people, or resources. With such good conditions, how can there be any entrepreneurial spirit? Everyone received their wages honestly and dawdled around.

Feeling warm and lustful.

Hard work can produce a strong will.

Behind the hard work is a kind of spiritual stimulation of self-indignation.

The same is true for the Helo team. They must be given a little mental stimulation, so that the success of the project is linked to spiritual self-anesthesia.

Other Ziwei Star employees will also receive such mental stimulation, so they will pay special attention to every member of the Helo team, care for, protect, and take care of them, provide them with the best environment, and encourage them to go to war and fight hard.

At that time, the Helo team will be roasted on the fire, and it will not work without redoubled efforts.

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Well, from this point of view, Helo's secrecy work must continue to be strengthened. The injustice of this war must be placed on the other party."

He Yang nodded and said, "It should be like this."

Xu Liangjie coughed lightly, and said with some guilt: "I've recently studied large, medium and small front desks, and I think that from a management point of view, this idea can also be used."

"Oh? Tell me."

Zhou Buqi was a little funny, this Xu Liangjie was a business executive. Ziweixing's management system was constructed by Professors He Yang and Han Leshui. Old Xu also wants to join in the fun?

Xu Liangjie bit the bullet and explained: "It's still the case of the special forces. For example, the special forces have to report when they find the enemy in the front. It is up to the leaders in the rear to decide whether to fight or not. However, the front line is the one who knows the enemy's situation best. How to fight should be decided by the special forces. Whether it is a sneak attack with light rifles or an aircraft carrier launching cruise missiles should be decided by the special forces team, not led by the rear far away from the battlefield."

Zhou Buqi gave a thumbs up, "Amazing!"

Xu Liangjie said with a smile: "Talk about the Helo project. Whether you want to fight with QQ or when, it's up to you. But how to fight... Boss, you don't have to worry too much, you don't understand."

Zhou Buqi was reprimanded by him and laughed out loud.

Xu Liangjie said seriously: "About Helo, we have had hundreds of communication meetings in the past two months. We have designed more than a dozen sets of combat plans. The basic principles have been finalized. In the internal test, I will choose twenty or thirty There are excellent mid-level and low-level managers to try out and make judgments. Boss, all you have to do is one thing."

Zhou Buqi immediately stated, "Okay, I will follow the arrangement of the frontline commander."

Xu Liangjie was amused, waved his hand, and said sternly: "Create conflicts! Intensify conflicts! Now, the cooperation between Weidian and Baidu is bullying Soso. We have no moral advantage. What you have to do is to reverse the moral The situation on the Internet, let the penguins bully us! If you don’t come to me, I haven’t thought of it. You are right, the verbal promise of "Happy Farm" is an opportunity!"

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

What a trick!

I thought that the appearance of "QQ Farm" would be a major threat, and it is best not to appear forever. Unexpectedly, Xu Liangjie gave the completely opposite opinion.

Not only don't stop it, but encourage it.

Let the opponent take the lead.


"QQ Farm" will definitely be launched, without any suspense. It's nothing more than a matter of one day sooner or later.

That being the case, of course it is the best result to go online at the most favorable time for Ziweixing.

It's not that the later the launch, the better.

Controllable is the best.

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