Top of the big era

Chapter 771 The head of the family

As expected.

Investors are pissed off.

Softbank and Ali are very silent. These domestic investment institutions have organized a group to visit and question how such absurd decision was passed.

Among them, IDG's reaction was the strongest, and even clamored to send a financial team to take over Ziwei Star's financial department!

We must hold Ziweixing's financial power in our own hands.

These young people from Ziweixing are really unreliable.

If you have a little money, you don't know the heights of the sky and the earth.

Spending 10 billion to build a building, is it crazy?

If I knew this earlier, would I just invest my money in real estate companies?

Sudden huge wealth is easy to get lost. Especially for young people with little social experience, once they get rich overnight, many embarrassing things will happen.

Unexpectedly, the young managers of Ziwei Star also made this mistake.

IDG is the oldest venture capital institution in China, and it can be called a big brother in this field. Great appeal. However, only GSR Ventures followed closely behind.

The others are all watching the fire from the other side. They came forward to exert pressure together, they accepted, and wanted them to help wave the flag, they disagreed.

The real main force is IDG and Jinshajiang.

He came to the door aggressively.

I want to see Zhou Buqi and ask for an explanation!

Zhou Buqi didn't see anyone, so he sent it to Wang Haoyang directly. He is the chief financial officer, and he caused this disaster. If he can't handle it well, he should leave as soon as possible.

It's annoying!

He has no interest and no time to pay attention to these crap.

Things at home are enough to worry about.

It's August.

As agreed before, Wen Zhixia is going to work. If she doesn't go to work, she will almost be depressed. And her job is to lead a team of 7 people as the vice president of Xueersi to open up new training markets in Shanghai.

She went easy.

But what about the child?

The baby is only more than 3 months old and has not yet reached 100 days.

What Wen Zhixia meant was to take the child with her and go to Shanghai with her. What my mother meant was to let the children stay in the capital and let the elders take care of them. She even thought that Mr. Wen should not go to work.

This has been going on for days.

Wen Zhixia's formalities at the company have been completed, and the time for going south has been set. August 8th is a very auspicious date, intended to be a successful start. This is the second education market that Xueersi has developed besides the headquarters in the capital. It is very important and we will strive for a good start.

Zhou Buqi naturally supported Teacher Wen.

But no matter what you say, my mother doesn't agree.

Wen Zhixia didn't say anything on the surface, and cried secretly several times when she was sleeping at night.

Zhou Buqi hugged her in his arms, feeling very distressed, and said ruthlessly: "Don't worry! I'll bring grandpa back tomorrow and have a family meeting! Don't worry, Nian Nian was born in October of your pregnancy, and no one can snatch her away." Don't go. She will follow you!"

"Ah?" Wen Zhixia's eyes were red and swollen, "What if Mom disagrees?"

"Leave her alone!"

Zhou Buqi snorted.

After bringing grandpa back from the nursing home, there are older elders in charge, so mom has to rest too!

The old man is old stubborn, old feudal. A few years ago, in my hometown in Northeast China, women were not even allowed to participate in family meetings, the rules were scary.

The next afternoon, Zhou Buqi went to the nursing home in person, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, bought some precious gifts, and sent them to his grandfather's old friends in the nursing home.

It just so happened that one of them, a grandfather surnamed Wang, was the leader of the ministry before he retired. While playing chess, he talked about the land.

"Well, this matter is easy to handle. It's not without precedent." After listening to Zhou's grandson's consultation, Grandpa Wang naturally taught the younger generation.

Zhou Buqi has already got the news, and the city has come up with a preliminary land support plan, but he still humbly asks for advice, "Grandpa, can you teach me?"

Grandpa Wang said with a smile: "I don't know much about the current policy. When I was in office, it was more than ten years ago. At that time, software parks were popular in China."

Zhou Buqi quickly seconded, "That's right, I was young at the time, but I also knew that software parks were being built all over the country. At that time, the richest man Mou built a lot of them all over the country and made a lot of money from the country. Got caught."

Grandpa Wang nodded and said calmly: "At that time, businessmen made money through the software park project, and the operation process was basically the same. In the name of high technology, they obtained land from the government at a super low price or even free of charge. After getting the land, By clearing up the relationship and changing commercial land to residential land little by little, real estate can be developed.”

"This is an illegal operation."

"Yes, 99% of them are illegal operations."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

With a heartbeat, it really is so!

99% are illegal operations, which means that 1% are compliant operations. What is compliance? It is the consent of senior leaders and the approval of relevant departments openly. It is a legitimate change in the nature of land to develop real estate to make money.

In the 1990s, there were no venture capital institutions in China.

What should high-tech companies do if they want to develop but have no money? The country does not have real money, the easiest way is to make a fuss on the land.

Lenovo, Huawei, New Oriental, TCL, SMIC, ZTE, Haier and other pillar high-tech companies in the past few years have basically received huge amounts of state support.

Take a look at Huawei's headquarters in Pengcheng. There is a central lake with black swans, which is as beautiful as a park.

Grandpa Wang's level of chess is much higher than that of Boy Zhou, and he threw away his helmet and armor in a short while, "By the way, you are an Internet company?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, Ziweixing Technology Company."

Grandpa Wang frowned, "Internet companies... There seems to be no precedent for this in China, and the focus of support is on electronics, materials, biomedicine, and semiconductor companies."

Zhou Buqi hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice, "I heard that the city seems to be making an exception for us."

"Oh?" Grandpa Wang paused for a while, looked up at him, and smiled slightly, "Then it means that you have done a good job and have a national-level project."

Zhou Buqi scratched his head like a fool, "Let's just say so."

This time, he felt more confident.

The game of chess with Mr. Wang was lost, but the game of chess with the investors was sure to win.

In the evening, Zhou Buqi took his grandfather home.

In the car, he brainwashed the old man, saying that the child is too young to leave his mother. Wen Zhixia works very hard and is not afraid of getting tired. She can let her go to work and take care of the children at the same time. At that time, just recruit two or three assistants to help.

The old man was silent.

Zhou Buqi sighed, and said aggrievedly: "Grandpa, if you don't help me this time, I will fall. I have so many women, and they are all staring at them. If Mr. Wen's matter is not handled well, others should feel the same way. When the time comes My position as the head of the family is about to be shaken."

The old man finally spoke, and said very flatly: "Women, you have to be beaten when you should. The authority of the head of the family depends on both kindness and power. Grace is not enough, but prestige is also necessary."

Zhou Buqi felt guilty, "Grandpa, that's my mother, my real mother, let me beat her?"

The old man was almost pissed to death by this bastard.

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly, "Grandpa, you are now retired and recuperating... I am the head of the Zhou family now. My dad usually doesn't say anything."

The old man was a little surprised, "He agrees?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Grandpa, you still have prejudice against my father. How self-aware is my father? In ancient times, that was the level of Yao, Shun and Yu Tang, who knew how to abdicate and let the virtuous. Compared with some people who cling to power even when they are dying The emperor is much stronger. Well... my father also inherited you, the fine tradition of our old Zhou family."

The old man was amused by the little grandson, "There is no emperor in our family."

Zhou Buqi said with a little eagerness: "Grandpa, what do you think about this matter? Teacher Wen is too wronged. She gave birth to a daughter for me without a name, and she was snatched away by my mother. This is too much." .”

The old man glanced at him, his face indifferent, "Aren't you the head of the family? What do you say? "

Zhou Buqi was a little ashamed, and said helplessly: "How can I compare with you, the head of your family can say everything, but I can't, that is my own mother. She is mad at me, what can I do?" manage?"

The old man was silent for a while, then nodded, "I see."

Zhou Buqi is overjoyed!

This is tacit approval!

It seems that after coming to Beijing to recuperate, the old man not only gradually improved his depleted body, but also his mind became brighter, not as stubborn and confused as before.

During dinner, the old man gave a speech, somewhat reflecting on his own life——

"I have come to the capital for two years to recuperate, and I have come to understand the truth that young people are talented, have ideas, and are capable. They know what they should do, and have a clear understanding of society and themselves. This understanding may not be the same as that of older people. Some people have differences, but it doesn’t mean they are wrong. Times are changing, and the way of thinking in the past may not necessarily adapt to the new era.”

"There are always people who are older and like to show off their old status to teach young people. In fact, there are two kinds of people."

"First, he has lived a lifetime of failures, with a lot of sophistication and social experience, eager to show off. But they didn't understand, if his principles are useful, how could he be such a failure."

"The second type is me. It's the kind that has no real ability. With the help of the wind of the times, we have caught up with the opportunities of the times and made some achievements, but we can't find our way. But flipping through the books, we It is surprising to find that once the critical moment is reached, it is often young people who promote the development of history and society."

"When I came back in the afternoon, Buqi told me the little things. I think I should stay at home. However, I think I should support him. Parents raised him, went to college, started a company. So to speak , the success of the instrument is inseparable from the discipline of your parents."

"However, when a child grows up, he cannot be disciplined for a lifetime."

"No Qi is the most educated and the most accomplished in our old Zhou family. This shows that he is the best descendant of our old Zhou family, better than us. No one in our family is qualified to act like he was when we were young. Discipline him that way."

"We have to admit that he is better than all of us now. We may not understand what he understands, but he must understand what we understand. He said that the little one will go to Shanghai with his mother, so he will go. You can't just because you are an elder. Rely on the old and sell the old."

"Don't tell me that he is the head of the family, and I agree."


At this moment, all of Zhou Buqi's negative impressions of the old man disappeared.

I feel that his frail body is so stalwart.

This life is really clear.

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