Some time ago, the competition between Weidian and Baidu was in a period of relaxation.

A little bit of well water does not offend the river water.

Very friendly.

However, after the normalization of Weidian's search advertisements last month and the market share did not decline, Baidu couldn't sit still and took the lead in making moves.

The e-commerce department came to recruit people through group buying on campus, which was probably a trial.

After all, the relationship between Li Yanhong and Zhou Buqi has been very good in the past two years.

It's all right now, Baidu is testing, and Weidian is also testing.

The next step is to step over the thunder pool step by step and start a war little by little.

The first and the second always have irreconcilable contradictions.

The smell of gunpowder between Baidu and Weidian will become stronger and stronger.

Zhou Buqi has already made preparations.

The only trouble is that Ziweixing is working on the social software Helo!

When the product goes online, it will compete with Penguin.

Fighting with Baidu on the northern battlefield, and fighting with Penguin on the southern battlefield... The confrontation area is the core territory of the opponent. Looking at it this way, the situation is a bit urgent.

It's stressful!

This is the huge advantage of being the first to seize the track. and have grabbed the track, so they are far ahead in this market. With a daily traffic of 1 billion in Qzone, they are far from being rivals of

For the same reason, Baidu took the search track first, and QQ took the instant messaging track first. As a challenger, Ziweixing has to pay more and more to change users' surfing habits.

That night, Zhou Buqi ordered Shi Jinglin and Wu Yu to go to bed.

After finishing the work, Wu Yu wanted to sleep under the big quilt.

Shi Jinglin was lying in his arms, without the sweetness of a sage's time. It seemed that going to bed gave her the feeling that she had no other emotions except tiredness. She asked calmly: "Do you really want to start a war with Baidu and Penguin at the same time?" ah?"


"Can't you take it step by step?"

"No way, catch up."

Shi Jinglin sighed softly, "This is troublesome, it's not easy."

Zhou Buqi rubbed her smooth back, and said lightly: "Challengers must have the posture of a challenger. If you don't force yourself, no one knows how powerful Ziweixing can burst out."

"Just go straight up like that?"

"Of course not. Let's have small-scale friction with Baidu first. To fight against the outside world, we must first secure the inside. After solving the internal affairs, we will focus on defending against foreign enemies."

At this time, Wu Yu, who was sleeping on the other side of Shi Jinglin, woke up in a daze, got up and lay in her arms, blinked her big eyes, and said strangely: "If you fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside? Isn't it always the case in textbooks?" Criticism."

Zhou Buqi reached out and pinched her flushed cheek, "Sleep?"

"Can't sleep."

"Well, the rhetoric in the textbook...that is to establish a correct outlook on life and the world for middle school students. The attitude is correct, but the viewpoint may not be correct."

"What's the meaning?"

"Looking through the "Twenty-Four Histories" and "Zizhi Tongjian", we can see that Annei succeeded and took control of the world. Annei failed and lost the country. Uneasy inside and fighting against outsiders must be internal and external troubles. Except The economy of the Song Dynasty was prosperous because the Mongolian cavalry lost the country, and the failure of other dynasties came from internal conflicts that could not be resolved."

"Oh..." Wu Yu seemed to understand, "Is that so..."

Seeing her like this, Shi Jinglin was really angry and funny.

This girl, when she was with her, was amazing, she was like a kitten in front of men, and she always pretended to be stupid. What's even more exasperating is that Zhou Buqi's scumbag really likes this.

Sure enough, Zhou Buqi opened his arms with a smile, "Come here, I'll put my arms around you!"

Smiling, Wu Yu jumped over the two of them, crawled over, made the same movements as Shi Jinglin, leaned on his shoulder, and winked at her triumphantly.

Shi Jinglin pretended not to see, and frowned slightly, " want to deal with investors?"

Ziwei Star's internal conflicts are the constant chatter and finger-pointing of the two investment institutions, IDG and Jinshajiang.

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "Yes! This matter must be resolved!"

Shi Jinglin yawned, "If you want me to say, you just transfer Liu Qing back. With her here, no one dares to say no more."

"She has other great uses." Zhou Buqi hugged her left and right, and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Aunt Xue is going to open a beauty salon, so she's looking for you, right?"

Wu Yu hurriedly replied: "I found it! I found it!"


Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback.

He remembered that it was Shi Jinglin who arranged for Aunt Xue.

Wu Yu said with a smile: "Sister Lin is too busy with work, how can she have time to care about these things. It just so happens that I am not busy, so I went to help. Aunt Xue...Aunt Xue respects me."

Zhou Buqi raised a black line on his forehead, "Are you helping Aunt Xue run the beauty salon?"

Wu Yu said confidently: "Yes, the site has been selected. It will take two months to decorate, and then hire a professional general manager and a few beauty experts to train a team of about 20 technicians."

Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth.

If it's Shi Jinglin, she can arrange it however she likes.

It's just a beauty salon, and it's very simple to operate.

But Wu Yu... feels a little foolish.

Seeing his worried face, Wu Yu was not very happy, "Honey, you don't believe me."

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly, still doting on her, "I believe you, don't you think you have no experience in opening a store?"

Wu Yu pouted and said: "Beike's milk tea shop, I have been the manager for several years, and the performance has not been bad. I have already thought about it, go to those powerful beauty centers to find some management experts, as well as beauty professionals. Experts come over, give up 40 points of shares, and..."

"Wait!" Zhou Buqi was taken aback, his eyes widened, "What? Give up 40% of the shares?"

Wu Yu said leisurely, "That's right, just like when you opened a milk tea shop back then, how did you attract first-rate talents without giving equity? Give up 40 points, and there are still 60 points left..."

Zhou Buqi was laughed angrily, "You arranged this for Aunt Xue?"

"Well, Aunt Xue thinks what I said makes sense."


Zhou Buqi was speechless and convinced.

This Aunt Xue!

It also looks unreliable!

When he first opened the milk tea shop, he came to the capital alone, poor and white, without helpers, so he could only find a partner to open the chain store as quickly as possible, in exchange for time with shares.

More importantly, Zhou Buqi’s milk tea shop was just a test project to test the team, build a team, and pave the way for a larger business plan.

Aunt Xue opened a beauty salon, how could she have so much foresight?

It's just that Aunt Xue came to the capital and wanted to find something to do and start a small business. Not to mention chain stores, it is not bad to be able to successfully open a store.

In this mode, not to mention giving up 40 points of shares, it is not allowed to give up 1 point!

It's like a self-employed person.

Zhou Buqi was too embarrassed to hit her, so he said euphemistically: "To open a beauty salon, you don't need any first-class talents, recruit a group of beautiful girls, and do a good job of service. You don't need to transfer shares."

"That's it..."

"You can help if you want. I'll teach you a way. You can discuss it with Sister Bao."


"Well, she is Aunt Xue's daughter. She is very sensible, and I am too embarrassed to teach my mother how to do things. You go to discuss with her secretly and listen to her opinion. Then, according to what she said, just open the store with Aunt Xue. "

"Oh, okay..."


To fight against the outside world, we must first settle down inside.

Zhou Buqi is about to start.

His idea is very straightforward, just clear IDG and Jinshajiang out!

With good intentions as the liver and lungs of a donkey, this kind of venture capital institution doesn't matter if it doesn't cooperate! Anyway, there are more and more domestic private equity institutions, and more and more hot money. For some disobedient institutions, they will never communicate with each other.

In fact, what Shi Jinglin said was right, if Liu Qing was transferred back to the State Administration, there wouldn't be so many bad things at all.

Miss Liu leaned her back against her father, she had enough face.

Didi, which she worked in her previous life, received a total of 21 rounds of financing, with a total amount of more than 20 billion US dollars, creating the world's largest. But Didi’s valuation is only 50 billion US dollars. In other words, Didi's valuation is entirely based on the money Liu Qing brought in.

However, Zhou Buqi does not give up on the European and American markets, and her position is not easy to move.

I can only go into battle in person.

On the last day of July, Ziweixing held a board meeting and unanimously passed an important decision!

In the next three years, Ziweixing will invest 6 billion yuan to build a headquarters park in the capital!

In addition, another real estate project has been approved.

The current investment budget for the headquarters of the Pengcheng branch is 1 billion yuan, but this is only a preliminary project, and a large piece of land has been set aside. When the time is right, an additional 3 billion yuan will be added to build a landmark super modern building, with a total investment of 4 billion yuan!

In other words, Ziweixing will invest 10 billion to build a building!

With such a resolution, let alone investors, many executives who had failed before were dumbfounded.

All crazy!

Among them was Nie Caijun, the chief financial officer. After hearing the news, he rushed to the boss's office immediately and asked what was going on.

In the past two months, Ziweixing has spent enough money!

Financing 1.5 billion US dollars is not enough!

Now Ziweixing's cash flow is only 11 billion yuan.

They are all used to build buildings. Isn't the enterprise developing?

This... this is too nonsense!

Zhou Buqi frowned, not very happy, "Caijun, do your job well. At the end of this year or early next year, we will launch the B round of financing. With me here, the problem of money will never be a problem."

Nie Caijun said worriedly: "Even if it is the B round...but if we spend so much money on projects that are irrelevant to the main business, it will affect the confidence of the capital, and the capital's valuation of our company will be greatly reduced. .”

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "It's a capital game, no one can escape from chasing ups and downs, this is determined in genes."

"Chasing up and down..."

Nie Caijun savored these words deeply.

Chasing up... It's easy to understand. It should be that Ziweixing's performance exploded. Capital institutions chased up and actively participated in the B round of financing, further raising Ziweixing's valuation.

It seems that Boss Zhou is full of confidence in the company.

But how do you understand the fall?

A sharp drop in the stock market often means liquidation and exit!

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