Once upon a time, Xiaonei was the most important business under Ziweixing. It was not only an important display of corporate value, but also an important source of cash flow.

In the early days of entrepreneurship, the advertising contract signed by Xiaonei.com and Taobao, as well as the great success of group buying in Xiaonei, provided sufficient logistical support for Ziweixing.

But with the development of Ziweixing, the status of Xiaonei has declined.

Friends.com has become Ziwei Star's largest business.

Weidian search ranked second.

Xiaonei is ranked third at most.

As the president of the school's business group, Shi Jinglin must be unwilling. Similarly, Guo Pengfei, another big boss of the school's business group, is also full of energy in his heart!

The "Today's Toutiao" project has basically been completed!

However, Boss Zhou kept pressing him and refused to let him go.

The main reason is that the project is not perfect enough.

The content is too scarce.

Hastily launched, when users browse and find nothing interesting, it may fail. Zhou Buqi attaches great importance to this project and requires full internal preparation before going online.

Guo Pengfei made a big plan and handed over the report.

He wants to hire 100 full-time editors.

This kind of content platform must have review editors. The quality of the content is second, mainly to prevent some content from stepping on the red line and violating the corresponding laws and regulations.

In addition, 1,000 part-time employees will be recruited.

It is mainly for college students of Beijing University, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University, Minda University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, and Beihang University.

This semester, there will be a holiday in one month.

During this month, connect these 1,000 part-time employees. During this summer vacation, let these college students start to mass-produce content.

To put it bluntly, it is plagiarism.

Manually copy the contents of platforms such as Sina, Netease, Global, Tianya, Tieba, etc., modify them slightly, and treat them as your own. At the same time, there are also many paper magazines, such as "Friends", "Sprout", "Youth Digest"...themes are not limited, as long as the story is good. Of course, there must be entertainment gossip, even if it is old news, if it is related to the entertainment industry, there is something to watch, and you can pick it up and generate articles.

Some people are in charge of covering Sohu, some are in charge of Sina, some are in charge of "Sprout", some are in charge of "Southern Weekend", and some are in charge of websites such as World Wide Web and CCTV. mainstream news.

100 full-time editors coordinate, schedule, direct and assign work to avoid duplication in content production.

Zhou Buqi felt that Guo Pengfei was a little enlightened, so he called him to the office.

"This summer vacation, I plan to produce at least 500,000 high-quality articles. First, I will enrich the content library of Toutiao. Picking up articles is not original, and the technology is not strong. It is easy to write twenty or thirty articles in a fast day. I want to apply A start-up capital of 2 million. Each article will be reviewed by the editor according to the quality of the article, and rewards ranging from 1-10 yuan will be given."

"Two million, not much."

Seeing that Zhou Buqi seemed to agree with this idea, Guo Pengfei said happily: "If Toutiao wants to develop, the most important thing is to gather enough creators. This is also the most difficult thing in early operations. In this case, we might as well Just spend money to buy it, and develop it internally first. These 1,000 college students are the first batch of self-media creators in today’s headlines.”

Zhou Buqi nodded with a smile, "This is the correct way of thinking. It's like opening a restaurant. What if there are no customers in the early days? Then hire someone to be a customer and heat up the place."

Guo Pengfei nodded and said: "Let them join in first. There will be 2 million start-up funds in the early stage to motivate them to complete these 500,000 articles. In the future, they will continue to distribute dividends to their articles according to the effect of the advertisement. As long as there is an effect, there will be more More and more people are getting involved.”

Zhou Buqi approved his idea, "What is the standard for advertising dividends?"

"Like Embarrassment, 50-50."



"Embarrassment is a small project, an experimental product. That kind of embarrassing jokes are highly original and can be used across the board. But the content of today's headlines is not competitive if you go to other places to pick up articles. It should still be in terms of the sharing mechanism. The original attributes come through.”

Guo Pengfei blinked, "More details?"

Zhou Buqi said: "If it is a high-quality original article, the creator can share 50% of the advertising fee. If it is a low-quality original article, it can get 40% of the advertising fee. If it is a high-quality non-original article, You can get 20%-30% of the advertising share. For low-quality scraped articles, 10% of the share is enough.”

Guo Pengfei twitched his lips, "This is troublesome, and we have to recruit a group of content rating editors. Moreover, it is difficult to tell whether an article is original or non-original."

Zhou Bu said angrily: "Fuck! Immediately after the A-round contract is signed, the investors will come in, and we will follow the rules in the future. Don't think about it. Don't you want to recruit 100 review editors? It won’t take so much in the short term, let them manually rate the content of the article first. How the whole model works, you go back and think for yourself.”

This kind of large company usually sets its development goals for this year at the beginning of the year, such as revenue, profit, R\u0026D budget, and recruitment quota, etc.

At the beginning of the year, the recruiting goal set was that by the end of this year, the total number of Ziwei Star's employees would reach 2,000.

But the internal mechanism of Ziwei Star is not strict enough.

All departments are like birds waiting to be fed, frantically expanding their enrollment for the development of their own business. Now, Ziweixing has a total of more than 1,480 employees.

In July, a new batch of fresh graduates entered the job, with a scale of 400 people.

According to this development trend, the quota of 2,000 people is simply unstoppable.

In the past, there were no investors, and everyone did it casually.

With the supervision of investors in the future, they will definitely make irresponsible remarks on this kind of behavior that casually destroys the established plan.

Guo Pengfei sighed, "Boss Zhou, it's easy for you to say, this is not easy!"

Zhou Buqi snorted: "What do you need to do? I'll give you an idea, you can go back and study it. If you understand it, you can solve the manual problem."


"Use technical means."

"What's the meaning?"

"Don't forget, we have Weidian! The inventory of webpages searched by Weidian has reached 20 billion, and almost all Chinese webpages have been entered. You can use a set of algorithms to compare and check the duplicates. Take the article of Toutiao , Compared with the articles in these 20 billion web pages, those with a repetition rate of more than 40% or 50% can be judged as non-original.”

"I rely on it!"

Guo Pengfei was shocked.

I feel that Boss Zhou is a little drifting.

How large a calculation is this?

Not to mention whether this complex and intelligent plagiarism checking system can be made, even if it is done, with such a large computing power, the current server of Ziwei Star is simply not enough.

Have to build a data center!

Zhou Buqi said: "Let's classify these 20 billion web pages. Then let the articles in the relevant direction go to the classified web pages to compare and check the duplicates. Maybe it's only 1 billion."

"That's too big! Can't do it!"

"So do cloud computing!"


Guo Pengfei blinked his eyes a few times, and was slightly dazed. He felt that Boss Zhou seemed to have designed all the business connections. This is ecological thinking.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "That's it, the start-up capital of 2 million has been approved, and 100 full-time editors have also been approved. You can do it. Go to Chen Tong and ask him to focus on today's As for the headlines, come up with a complete development plan. When the next semester starts, I will take today’s headlines as a gift and give them to college students across the country!"

"Well..." Guo Pengfei felt a little guilty, "Let Chen Tong come to help, who will take the lead?"

Zhou Buqi smiled angrily: "Who do you think is the main one? Are you stupid? Let him take the main content."


Guo Pengfei breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Buqi suddenly asked: "By the way, what method will you use to recruit 1,000 college students this time?"

"Offline recruiting."

"Online plus offline. This is to provide part-time job opportunities for college students during their summer vacation. It is Xiaonei.com doing a good job. There is no need to hide it. For the convenience of management, it is only for students in the capital area. Online registration and review .Then find an opportunity offline, do a group training, and speak clearly. The choice of schools should be as diverse as possible.”



May 29th is Wen Zhixia's birthday.

Zhou Buqi could only make a phone call to greet him early in the morning, because he was very busy today.

Ziweixing's financing case is officially completed!

Sign up today!

The heads of Softbank, Alibaba, IDG, Sequoia China, Hony Capital, Hillhouse Capital, Capital Today and GSR Capital all came to Beijing to participate in this grand and unprecedented signing ceremony.

This will be the largest private company financing case in the world this year.

The financing amount is as high as 1.5 billion US dollars!

After the financing is completed, Ziweixing's market valuation has reached 12.5 billion US dollars.

Among them, Softbank invested 1 billion US dollars and got 100 million shares, accounting for 8% of the shares.

The share of leading investors is so small, and the share of follow-up investors is even less.

Ali invested 300 million US dollars and got 30 million shares, with a share of 2.4%.

Sequoia Capital and IDG each invested 50 million US dollars and got 5 million shares, with a share of 0.4%;

Hillhouse Capital and Capital Today each invested US$30 million and received 3 million shares, with a share of 0.24%;

Hony Capital and GSR Capital each invested 20 million US dollars and got 2 million shares, with a share of 0.16%.

Most of the shares are still in the hands of the founder team.

Polaris Venture Capital holds 550 million shares, with a share of 44%; Zhou Buqi holds 200 million shares, with a share of 16%; Zhang Yiming holds 120 million shares, with a share of 9.6%; Guo Pengfei holds 120 million shares, with a share of 9.6% %...

After the signing, the structure of the board of directors was confirmed.

The chairman of the board of directors is Zhou Buqi, the executive director He Yang, the director Wang Haoyang, the director Zhang Yiming, and the director Sun Zhengyi. There are only 5 members, not even a board secretary. Except Sun Zhengyi, they are all their own people.

Fewer people can reduce trouble.

In addition, there are three other independent directors, namely Zhou Hongyi, Shen Nanpeng and Ma Boss.

Zhou Hongyi represents IDG, Shen Nanpeng represents Sequoia, and Boss Ma represents Ali.

Independent directors have no salary, but they have an annual consulting fee of 60,000 yuan.

Zhou Buqi can't be polite to them, just talk to Shen Nanpeng as an important person. Today's Toutiao lacks a vice president in charge of applications, please help!

Shen Nanpeng was also unambiguous, and immediately stated that there was no problem, and he would find the director of Netease News Operations Department. That's his college classmate, they have a very good relationship, and they can get it done with just one sentence!

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