Top of the big era

Chapter 700 It's Not My Heart

Now, among the three BAT giants, Baidu has the best public reputation. The problem of medical advertising has not yet exploded. In addition to the official endorsement, the company itself also has great ambitions. It is doing large-scale scientific research projects in line with Silicon Valley, and its image in the media is very good.

The worst is Ali, which has no technology and no talents. When it competed with eBay a few years ago, Taobao became synonymous with rogue software. Netizens hated Taobao advertisements.

Penguin's problems are also many, but they have been masked by huge success.

That's right, Penguin is the most profitable company in BAT right now.

There are three main ways to monetize the Internet: Internet advertising, e-commerce and online games. Now Monternet is still there, so the value-added services of mobile and telecom are also counted.

Barely counted as four.

Baidu's business is only Internet advertising.

Ali's business is Internet advertising and e-commerce.

Penguin's business is Internet advertising, e-commerce, online games and telecom value-added services. The four major businesses are all covered!

Moreover, because of membership services such as Q coins, QQ skins, and QQ shows, Penguin has also exclusively created a set of Internet value-added services, which is also a major profit point.

Baidu has only one Internet advertisement, but Penguin has five profit-making sectors!

Earning ability varies greatly.

However, Penguin is still not satisfied, and has already hatched a sixth profit-making sector with great market prospects-Qzone.

The daily traffic has reached 1 billion levels, and the monthly active users have exceeded 100 million. In this data, Qzone is the first in the world, crushing, and even higher than MySpace.

But earning power...

Don't even compare it with MySpace, it can't even compare with

Last year, MySpace signed a search advertising contract with Google, with a total price of 900 million US dollars in 3 years! Not counting other advertising contracts, the income is frighteningly high.

The monthly profit of also exceeded 100 million yuan.

The results are very impressive.

Qzone is miserable, relying on the value-added services of selling yellow diamonds and skins to barely make ends meet.

Such a large traffic, but can't make much money.

This made Penguin anxious and jealous.

MySpace is a Silicon Valley giant, that's all. But friends in China can make a lot of money, so hurry up!

Coupled with the recent vigorous open platform rumored in the industry...

For this matter, Penguin has held three meetings to discuss it.

What to do?

The quotation of 300 million is too bullying!

After some decision-making, Penguin said that it will wait and see what happens.

There is no rush to respond.

Until May 14th, open platform is officially launched!

This is the world's first social networking site with an open platform!

Just like the previous information flow service and personal advertising customization service, continues to lead the world in the field of social platforms, becoming the first person in the industry to eat crabs.

With the launch of the open platform, an "Application Center" section appeared under the left sidebar of Youyou. After entering, there were 102 third-party applications associated with Youyou through the open platform.

There are listening to music MP3, a calendar, fortune-telling on birthdays, a Martian text library, searching for train tickets, marriage and love, making friends and chatting...

The variety is very rich.

However, the most classified applications among them are web games.

As many as 78 kinds!

Almost all well-known browser games on the market have joined the Friends Network open platform immediately.

For web games, what is most needed is traffic.

In order to promote, many web games have to cooperate with other websites in the form of rogue pop-up windows. For example, when you open some novel websites, a page game pop-up window will pop up behind you, and a terrified voice will erupt to attract attention.

This model has been criticized.

But there is no way.

Web games are online games, which lack suitable marketing methods.

Now, with the emergence of the Friends Network open platform, it has become a holy place in their hearts. There is no need to play any rogue tricks to pop up windows to scare people, just hang it in the application center of, and use the traffic of to promote it.

If you have a bad ranking in the app center and a lack of attention, there are ways to do it. The open platform provides a "traffic purchase" service. The smallest traffic package is 10,000 traffic, and the price is 3,000 yuan. There are discounts for buying more.

In other words, will use its own resources to help advertise web games that have purchased traffic packages.

0.3 yuan per click.

The 100,000 traffic package means that the user completes 100,000 clicks on the game through the promotion resources of After the number reaches the standard, will no longer actively promote the product. Whether the product can be successful depends on the playability and attractiveness of the game.

The price of advertisements on's information flow is between 0.5 and 0.8 yuan.

Such an offer is already considered very cheap.

Of course, it is impossible for to satisfy all traffic package promotions through the information flow platform. In many cases, it has to rely on the recommendation position and ranking improvement in the "Application Center" to complete the traffic import.

In short, as soon as the open platform was launched, it became the center of web games nationwide!

Penguin couldn't stand it after only the first day of going online.

Too jealous!

Facts have proved that Ziweixing is not a prank, they have really developed their own open platform, which is stable, powerful and has very mature functions.

Penguin wanted to use the traffic of Qzone to make money, and web games were the best way!

The user base of is white-collar workers, civil servants, and college students. Such groups are not very fond of games. The main user group of the game is still teenagers.

Teenagers are the core user group of Qzone.

Web games and Qzone are a pair of crouching dragons and phoenixes!

Can't wait!


Zhou Buqi will end his vacation in June.

However, Sanya is very close to the Pengcheng branch, and he will also participate in the important events of the branch.

For example, to sign a formal land transfer contract with the government, it was Boss Zhou who came forward.

Then, sign a loan contract with the bank with a loan amount of 420 million.

Then, it signed a carte blanche agreement with Vanke for the construction of the park, with a total cost of 420 million yuan.

In Vanke, they took out the sketches of the design plan of the headquarters building, which were densely hung all over the wall.

Those are all projects that Vanke gave up in the past.

They all belong to the kind of economical, practical and beautiful style.

Zhou Buqi put forward a very strict requirement, "The design of the building and the park must have a modern artistic sense. What I want is a world-class classic building."

Wang Shi was very blunt, "Have you thought too much?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "This is in line with Ziweixing's positioning."

Wang Shidao: "Then you have to hire a world-class architectural firm, and you have to pay more."

"Add money? What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi was a little confused and didn't quite believe it.

420 million, not enough?

Old Wang, with our relationship, you still want to kill me?

Wang Shi saw that he really didn't understand, so he shook his head dumbfounded, "With this little money, don't try to build any world-class buildings, just build a few beautiful buildings in a proper manner. If you want to show art forms, 4.2 100 million is not enough, 4.2 billion is about the same. The National Center for the Performing Arts in the capital knows it? How big is that? The construction cost alone cost 3 billion. Do you think that the building with artistic flavor is so easy to make?"

"I rely on it!"

Zhou Buqi was taken aback.

Wang Shi snorted, "420 million, that is, to pay the design fee."

Zhou Buqi twitched the corners of his mouth, deeply feeling that he was a poor man, a little numb, "Then what should I do?"

Wang Shidao: "For such a small amount of money, if you still want to plan the entire headquarters park, don't contact world-class architectural firms. Domestic design institutes are enough. Except for the beautiful design of the main building, the rest of the ancillary buildings It’s still about benefit.”

"I'm not reconciled!"

"You are a technology company, not a real estate company. If you go to the CBDs of major cities, the architectural styles are very ordinary. Just the Sohu Building, which is a landmark building, what artistic flavor does it have? If you count the land price, it costs It's 1 billion."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "That's different. Sohu Building was originally built by a real estate company, and the land price was too expensive. If Sohu developed it itself, it would be much cheaper."

Wang Shi glanced at him, "Would Ziwei Star's board of directors approve the construction of a building worth billions? Or are you really filthy rich?"

Zhou Buqi smiled mischievously.

In the short term, there is no need to think about it.

However, from the bottom of his heart, he really hopes that Ziwei Star can have a world-class headquarters building that can be recorded in the palace of architectural history, representing the image of Ziwei Star.

"You are an expert, you can figure it out, I don't care!" Zhou Buqi waved his hand, and he was about to become the shopkeeper.

Wang Shi was stunned, "Don't you read the drawings?"

Zhou Buqi snorted and said, "There's nothing to see. You can discuss it with He Yang. He said it's fine. It's not a world-class building, so I'm not interested! It's simple and practical, as long as you can work."

After leaving Vanke, Zhou Buqi went to inspect the branch office.

I heard that there has been a lot of turmoil in the branch recently.

Embarrassment's functions are almost complete, and starting next month, it will launch a new project - the research and development of the secret network.

Meitu Xiuxiu’s small team already has 4 people, has an independent small office, and has financial freedom, personnel freedom, and market freedom... Just like a startup company, they are responsible for everything.

If it succeeds, all staff will be rewarded hugely.

Fail, and the team disbands.

Those who performed well were assigned to other departments, and those who performed poorly were fired on the spot.

The responsibility is heavy.

On the way to the branch office, I received a pleasantly surprised call from He Yang: "Good news! The goose factory has responded! It seems that the launch of the open platform has brought them a lot of shock, and they can't bear it. "

"Oh? They agreed?"

"No, I said I wanted to discuss it in detail."

"There is nothing to talk about! We talked about it a while ago, and there is still room for discussion. Now that the open platforms are all online, their lives are already hanging by a thread."

"Then kill 300 million?"

" deal with it on the fly, where can we talk about it?"

"I'm going to Pengcheng tomorrow."

"That's just right, I'm here too, let's go together tomorrow and meet them!"

Zhou Buqi let out a long sigh.


It's not that the dude is too dark.

I can't even build a building, I'm so short of money!

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