Top of the big era

Chapter 612 Micropoint Antivirus VS Panda Burning Incense

The Internet environment in these years is still relatively free, so some network incidents that detonate the Internet can often break out.

For example, the female teacher "Bamboo Shadow and Green Eyes", such as "Papa Formula", such as Sister Furong, such as "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" and "Things of the Ming Dynasty", such as the arrogant Accord girl, such as Zhou Gongzi's battle with noble girls, such as entertainment The photo door of the circle, such as the wonderful little moon...

Some are accidental events that erupt suddenly.

Some are inevitable events, which are promoted by Tianya behind the scenes, relying on the gathering of a group of high-end users to affect the entire Internet and form a cultural phenomenon.

At the end of this year, the most important Internet event occurred.

Micropoint Antivirus VS Panda Burning Incense!

This was originally an Internet incident initiated by Ziweixing. The discussion communities were distributed in Baidu Tieba, Maopu, Xici Hutong, forum, Taobao forum, NetEase, Sohu, Sina and other major portal sites also launched special reports.

Surprisingly, Tianya became the center of the phenomenon again.

It's as if the origin of this incident is not Ziwei Star, but Tianya's push.

Its influence is evident.

Zhou Buqi doesn't mind this, as long as the topic of discussion is "Panda Burning Incense VS Micro-point Antivirus", that's enough.

His current focus is on the micro-point search service that will be launched on the 1st of next month.

Taking advantage of this wave of Internet incidents, the launch of Weidian Search is bound to attract a wave of extra attention. One of the reasons is network security.

Phoenix Studio will launch two browsers, one is the Micropoint Security Browser with Micropoint Network Shield, sacrificing part of the response speed to improve security, but even so, it is more secure than the much-criticized IE browser. There is user experience. One is a lightweight micro-dot browser with small size, fast response and high-speed Internet access.

Different user groups can choose different versions of browsers to install according to their own needs.

"Boss, there is something wrong with this material." Wang Xing came to the big boss's office with a serious face.

Zhou Buqi was reading the year-end bonus plan reported by the Finance Department without raising his head, "What document?"

"The development expectation plan just made by the search business group."


Zhou Buqi glanced at him strangely, and took the materials.

The above are densely packed with numbers and indicators of various KPIs.

This kind of material is the most headache for him.

Fortunately, I have read a lot, and with a quick glance, I know that this is the search business group’s summary of the current situation of Sogou Search’s imminent closure, as well as the expectations and goals of the new version of Weidian Search after it goes online.

Wang Xing said in a deep voice: "I think this way of thinking is wrong."

"What do you think?"

"The company has invested a lot in the search business, and the Weidian brand has also accumulated word-of-mouth through Weidian security products and Weidian input methods. The company has a great blueprint for the search business. Now that you have a clear goal, you firmly believe in this direction If it is correct, then we should not pay too much attention to the gains and losses in the immediate future.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, continue."

Wang Xing went on to say: "To tell you the truth, even if we rely on and, and we have a strong brand of Weidian, it will be difficult to shake the market structure of Baidu No. 1 and Google No. 2 within two or three years. Self-set These search volume metrics, market share metrics, revenue metrics, index metrics, etc., don’t make sense.”

Zhou Buqi gently tapped the table with his fingers, and said slowly: "Indeed, KPI has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it can motivate everyone to work hard towards the set goal, but the disadvantage is that it makes everyone work hard towards the short-term set goal. But ignore the longer-term value goals."

It's a wonderful feeling to be recognized.

Wang Xing has been in business for three years, and has been defeated repeatedly. Although he has strong self-motivation and self-confidence, the blows from the outside world have never weakened.

From family members to friends, from investors to his employees, he encountered obstacles everywhere, and everyone questioned him.

Even if he joined Ziweixing, he would be an exceptionally high position of vice president at once, which made many executives in the group look sideways, and the suspicion and distrust on their faces could not be concealed.

At this moment, he felt so warm.

Affirmed by Boss Zhou, the soul of the Ziwei Empire, Wang Xing felt that his body was filled with strong self-confidence and internal motivation, and his energy and spirit were raised a lot. He said happily: "Yes, that's it. Planting Only the phoenix tree can attract the golden phoenix. The most criticized professional manager is that he ignores the long-term strategy for short-term indicators, and has put the cart before the horse. The most important thing for Weidian search is to maintain the brand of "Weidian", not What other indicators."

After a pause, he went on to say: "Wedian's brand was created by the Wedian business group, and the brand effect will be stronger through this network incident with the Panda Burning Incense War. The Weidian business group cannot sit back and enjoy the benefits What indicators should the brand pursue, but should cooperate with the Weidian business group to continue to operate and maintain the brand well. Provide the best products and provide the best user experience. God-level products like Fa complement each other."

Zhou Buqi patted the table, "At 12:30 noon, all executives will meet in the conference room! According to your ideas, go back and make a plan!"

Wang Xing was right.

It is impossible for Weidian Search to be the opponent of Baidu and Google in the short term. Relying on the brand of "Wedian", at most it will surpass Yahoo and become the third in the market.

It is meaningless to chase short-term benefits and indicators, and it is impossible to shake the plates of Baidu and Google.

The best way is to practice internal strength and wait for the opportunity.

When Google is heavily supervised and paralyzed continuously, Weidian Search is a good opportunity to compete for the second-ranking leader. When Baidu has a thunderstorm, it is the time to compete with Baidu and compete for the industry leader.

Wang Xing's vision and strategic vision are indeed top-notch.

In contrast, the style of such a plan that Wang Xiaochuan produced as if offering a treasure is a bit low-key.

"Ya Xian!"


"Is my test paper done?"

"It's done, it's all tidied up, and it's in my place. Wait an hour before the exam, you read the answers, write down what you need, and it's almost the same. You will have the exam at 9 am the day after tomorrow."

Zhou Buqi rubbed his forehead, "Okay, remind me when the time comes."

According to the school, it is enough to let him take the test papers to the examination room to drop the bag. The invigilator has made arrangements and will cooperate.

But Zhou Buqi felt that the formalization was too serious, so he planned to be a good student and go to the examination room to take the test himself.

University exams have full freedom to answer questions. If the general meaning is correct, you can basically pass it.

At this time, the phone on the desk rang, it was an internal line.

After answering, it was Meng Houkun who cursed and said, "Zhou Hongyi is too damaged! Come here!"

Zhou Buqi was taken aback.

In his opinion, "Midian Antivirus VS Panda Burning Incense" has become an Internet incident, not to mention 360 antivirus, all domestic and foreign antivirus software must die!

The stronger the aggressiveness of Panda Burning Incense, the greater the reputation of Micropoint Antivirus.

The situation is already clear.

Micropoint Antivirus will break the inherent impression of "cheap but not good" and become the most powerful antivirus software in China, but it is still free, so it can go a step further and open up all user classes.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Hongyi was doing something again?

At this time, what tricks can he play?

Zhou Buqi took Ning Yaxian and went directly to the security team of Weidian. Meng Houkun and Wu Hanqing were talking excitedly. Seeing Zhou Buqi, he said loudly: "Old Zhou, I have never seen such a brazen person. !"

"Who is it?"

"Old Zhou!"

Zhou Buqi's face darkened, "Who?"

Meng Houkun coughed lightly, "Another old Zhou, Zhou Hongyi, don't take your seat."

"What's up with him?"

"Didn't we say that Weidian Antivirus has conquered Panda Burning Incense, which can effectively protect users' computers? Qihoo 360 immediately followed up, saying that 360 Antivirus has also conquered Panda Burning Incense, calling on everyone to download it for free!"


Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

Wu Hanqing said coldly: "Impossible! The level of 360 anti-virus, not to mention compared with Weidian anti-virus, is far behind Rising, Kingsoft, Norton, and Kaspersky. It is just an entry-level anti-virus software. Don't Talking about conquering pandas and burning incense, they can't even catch viruses!"

"Is this cheating users?"

"That's the only explanation."

"Depend on!"

It was also the first time for Zhou Buqi to see such a shameless routine, and he was stunned. Maybe he has experienced it in his previous life, but he was an outsider before, an Internet layman, and he didn't know if he was deceived.

But this time it's different, he is an insider, he knows that this is just playing tricks, and he is blatantly attracting some unsuspecting netizens to become his users.

Meng Houkun gritted his teeth and said, "His deceit must be exposed!"

Zhou Buqi sighed, "This old Zhou is crazy!"

Wu Hanqing said: "Panda burning incense is very powerful, but the infection rate is not high. Some users may not be infected even if they do not install anti-virus software. This is a gamble. It means that if it succeeds, it can become their user. If it is infected... it is nothing more than losing a user that should not belong to him. From this point of view, they have not lost anything."

Meng Houkun snorted, "Who said there is no? If the brand reputation is gone, the brand will collapse! If a security software company does not even have basic integrity, how will it be recognized by users?"

Zhou Buqi pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "Old Zhou played such a trick, it can only be said that their company is in trouble. It is estimated that they have no money on the books and cannot get financing. They are dying. We have already used A set of dog-beating sticks, but there is no need to kill them all."

"Ah? Won't you expose it?"

"The dog jumped over the wall when he was in a hurry, which made us all flirtatious."

Meng Houkun said: "Then don't issue an official statement, and go to Tianya to do science popularization as a netizen. Anyway, there is the center, and let Tianya meet the anger of the dog jumping over the wall. Alright, leave this to me! I promise not to let their tricks succeed !"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Don't offend people, don't give them a chance to touch porcelain, don't hurt the brand image of Weidian."

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