Top of the big era

Chapter 611 Silver Ring

Evening, Christmas Eve.

Zhou Buqi found a French restaurant, and invited Xue Baoshan out for dinner after six o'clock.

A bouquet of roses was also given.

This scene made several foreigners around look sideways, thinking it was very interesting.

Zhou Buqi didn't care, if there weren't too many foreigners and he didn't want to be ashamed, he would have asked the waiter for scissors and chopsticks. Cut the steak with scissors and eat with chopsticks.

The lighting in the restaurant was very soft, with a reddish-yellow halo, against which Xue Baoshan's pretty face was rosy and lustrous, and the greenness between her eyebrows and eyes faded, giving her a feminine look.

"Sister Bao, you have grown up."

"No, it's makeup."

"When is the holiday? Shall we go to the south for a while?"

"No, I'm going home after the holiday, and then convince my mother to come and live with me. After graduation... I will stay here in the capital."

"Well, I'm sensible and grown up." Zhou Buqi wiped honey on his mouth and kept praising him.

Xue Baoshan said angrily: "Student Zhou, don't always treat me like a child."

Zhou Buqi still wanted to tease her a few words, but the phone rang, and it was Lei Jun from Jinshan. He is a busy person with no entertainment life at all, so he must have something to do when he called, so he passed a look to Sister Bao, and then answered: "I don't have a good time on Christmas Eve, what's the matter?"

Lei Jun was surprised and suspicious, "Is the news true?"

Zhou Buqi said: "You told me about the heavenly scriptures? It has no beginning and no end, what news?"

Lei Jun said: "Midian Antivirus has found a way to deal with panda burning incense?"


"Do you have?"

"Well, I don't know the specific technical issues. Anyway, I heard from them that they can deal with it initially and simply install some patches."

Zhou Buqi's response was ambiguous.

Currently, there are three main ways to infect Panda Burning Incense virus: First, the U disk carries the infection. Second, download unknown files from the Internet, or open unknown webpages. The third is the active attack launched by the Panda virus through the loopholes in the Microsoft system.

The first two are passive infections, as long as the user pays attention to protection, and then uses anti-virus software to seal and scan all files from unknown sources, and isolate them before the virus launches an attack, they can be resolved.

The third point is to rely on Microsoft to issue patches for vulnerabilities.

This vulnerability was actually discovered by foreign hackers a few months ago, and Microsoft has already patched it.

But there are too many loopholes.

In the past month alone, Microsoft has released more than 20 patches.

Which patch should I play?

Applying all the patches will take several hours. Most users don't have the patience and don't understand the meaning of the patches, so they often ignore them.

The best solution is to capture the Panda Burning Incense virus, deconstruct its principle, and then identify the system loopholes it exploits, and push relevant patches to users alone.

Only one patch, that is, a few minutes, can basically cover all users.

Lei Jun's eyes lit up, "Patch? Which patch did you find out?"

Zhou Buqi couldn't hide it, "Almost."

"Which one is it?"

"I said Boss Lei, we are competitors, right? How can you ask the bottom line like this? Anyway, the patch has already been applied, so you can find it from the patch list of Weidian security guards."

"Xiao Zhou, you are not mean enough, you decide such a big matter by yourself?"

"So what? Call all your peers and have a meeting to discuss it?"

Lei Jun suggested: "You are so prominent, you are easy to be targeted, and you are about Jinshan and Weidian cooperate, and let's release the news together."

Zhou Buqi was very speechless. He wanted to say that he was shameless and embarrassed, and declined politely: "It's not up to me to decide. You don't know that I am criticized every day in the company. They say I have a good vision and let me be in charge of strategic planning. Decision-making. I am not allowed to participate in the executable level, saying that I am too young and an amateur, and I don’t understand anything.”

Lei Jun sighed, "In this way, you will have the limelight."

Zhou Buqi said: "I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength really doesn't allow it, there is no way."

Lei Jun: "..."

Zhou Buqi said: "Things are all arranged, and it's too late to change. The whole network will take action tomorrow. How about this, you follow up in time, pay attention to the whole process, and then let Jinshan Antivirus cooperate with you, respond to the call of Weidian antivirus, Do a wave of network security promotion.”

Lei Jun had no interest in chatting anymore.

Boss Zhou is calling himself to be his younger brother.

After the call was over, Zhou Buqi thought he could have a happy chat with Sister Bao, but ten minutes later, another call came.

It's Zhou Hongyi from Qihoo 360.

"Midian antivirus conquered pandas and burned incense?"

"Roughly the same."

"So, the rumors are true? You have cooperated with Baidu, Sohu, Yahoo, Taobao and other websites to issue emergency warnings on network security?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "The emergency warning is just a reminder to netizens across the country, calling on everyone to download the micro-point anti-virus to protect computer security."

Zhou Hongyi was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Okay, I understand."

Then, without even saying hello, I hung up the phone very rudely.

"Who is it!" Zhou Buqi was a little angry, thinking that this person was too rude, and seeing Xue Baoshan opposite him with a smile that was not a smile, he was apologetic, "I'm sorry, I have to do something important tomorrow with a small anti-virus, and my colleagues have to sleep Not feeling well."

Xue Baoshan pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Since there is something to do, let's come here today and take me back to school."

"Huh? What time is it..."

"It just so happens that it's not too late. I'm going to sing KTV with my classmates in the dormitory."

"Hey, sister Bao will still go to entertainment venues?"

"I sing pretty well."

"Oh, I'm so lucky."

"Stop making trouble, let's go."


Sending Baomei back to school, Zhou Buqi went back to the company, but didn't go upstairs, so he made a phone call: "I'm downstairs, you go downstairs, let's go home."

After a while, Shi Jinglin appeared wearing a dark gray woolen coat, half of her face was covered by a scarf, looked around a few times, and quickly got into the car.

"For you!"

Zhou Buqi sent out a large bouquet of roses.

"Thank you..." Before Shi Jinglin could say "thank you", she immediately shut up, her attitude became cold, and she snorted, "No sincerity!"

There are two bouquets of roses on the side, which must be for Teacher Wen and Miss Wu.

Zhou Buqi stretched out his hand with a smile, and pulled her to sit beside her, "By the way, is your sister coming to inspect me?"

Shi Jinglin almost laughed, she curled her lips and said, "Yeah, are you scared?"

"Am I afraid?" Zhou Buqi snorted, but couldn't help asking, "Who is it? Are you the eldest sister or the second sister?"

"Big sister and big brother-in-law."


"Your eyeballs are rolling around, what the hell are you thinking?"

"No." Zhou Buqi shook his head repeatedly, then took out a very old red matchbox-sized box from the inner pocket of his suit, and handed it over.


"It's for you."

Shi Jinglin knew the goods, and at first glance it was an old thing. When she opened the box, she found a silver ring inside, which had no luster, and was a little black with age.

She has seen so many precious gold, silver and jewelry that she has lost interest.

But he was immediately attracted by this old silver ring, with unconcealable surprise in his eyes, and a rare and beautiful smile on his face, he whispered joyfully: "This... Is it yours?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "My grandma passed it on to my grandma, and later on to my mother. I went home to visit her two days ago, and asked for this thing."

"Give it to me?"



"Don't like it?" Zhou Buqi glanced at her and wanted to stretch out his hand to take it back.

Shi Jinglin pursed her lips, and quickly covered the ring in her bosom. She couldn't hide the joy in the corners of her eyes and the shame in the corners of her mouth. She was very happy, "You gave it to me, what will Teacher Wen do?"

Zhou Buqi responded flatly, "There is nothing to do."

Shi Jinglin pursed her lips and smiled, "Are you not afraid that she will be jealous?"

"Then what should I do?" Zhou Buqi looked embarrassed, "Why don't you return the things to me after your sister finishes the inspection, and I'll go to Teacher Wen to express my heart..."

"Scumbag! Shameless!"

Shi Jinglin was so angry that she stretched out her hand to pinch him, and refused to pay back what she said. After losing her temper, she stretched out her left hand again, and said softly, "Put it on for me!"

Zhou Buqi pursed his lips and said, "How ugly is this broken thing, how do you wear it? Just keep it as a souvenir."

"Don't instill in me your local tyrant's aesthetics, I will wear it!"

"That's fine."

Zhou Buqi couldn't understand the thoughts of this young lady. If Wu Yu gave the ring, she would not be able to wear it no matter what.


The next day, Christmas.

The Internet is fried!,, Taobao, Sohu, hao123, Taobao, Youku, Tianya, Baidu, Google, Dangdang,, Kuliu,,, Weizhi, YY, Douban,, Ctrip, MSN ...

More than 20 websites responded at the same time!

In the way of information flow on the home page, the same piece of news is recommended.

Issue an emergency warning of computer viruses to netizens!

A new type of virus called "Panda Burning Incense" is raging on the Internet. It has infected more than 1.5 million computers, and the situation is getting worse.

There have been more than 40 variants of the virus, and it is extremely harmful. It is a super aggressive virus that has never been seen before.

Netizens are advised to download Micropoint Antivirus immediately to protect personal computer security, ensure healthy and safe surfing.

Click the four words "Midian Antivirus", you can directly switch to the download source of Weidian homepage, download and install directly.

Internet security is closely related to every website.

These cooperative websites are mainly divided into three categories.

The first category is the websites owned by Ziweixing and invested in, such as Xiaonei,,, Douban, Youku, etc.

The second category is companies that have a good relationship with Ziweixing, such as Taobao, Baidu, Sohu, YY, MSN, Google, Dangdang, etc.

The third category is companies that sell domain names every week, such as, Ganji, Qunar, and PPTV.

In fact, all the resources of Ziwei Star were mobilized.

But in the eyes of some people who don't know the truth, this scene is too shocking!

There are so many different types of websites involved, and among them are Baidu and Google, Taobao, Dangdang and, Qunar, Ctrip, Ganji and, Youku, Kuliu and PPTV, which have obvious competition.

The movement is very loud, it is amazing!

In addition, Panda Burning Incense is indeed a computer virus that everyone has heard about this month, especially some non-professionals. Seeing that it is so aggressive, it can be called the number one computer virus in history.

It must be taken seriously! Cooperate!

Then, more websites joined in, Netease, Sina, Mop and other major websites also set up special discussion forums one after another, teaching everyone how to use Micropoint Antivirus correctly.

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