Top of the big era

Chapter 591 Ziwei University

Ning Yaxian's story is of great reference value.

The average life expectancy of American companies is 8.2 years, the average life expectancy of Japanese companies is 12.5 years, but the average life expectancy of domestic companies is only 3.9 years.

There are many reasons for this phenomenon, one of the most important ones is Ning Yaxian's actions at the beginning.

Neglect the cultivation of employees' own abilities.

Avoid his shortcomings, develop his strengths, keep him in his comfort zone, and only do what he is best at. In the short term, work efficiency will be significantly improved, and performance will suddenly increase.

However, the ability of employees has not improved. They do a lot of repetitive work every day, and they will soon hit the ceiling.

Good managers should be educators.

We will educate every employee well, help them develop in an all-round way, give full play to their strengths and make up for their shortcomings... We must always be in a state of coexistence of study and work, and keep doing circle exercises.

In the short term, the benefits will not be too significant.

In the long run, it can break through the ceiling and harvest greater potential and future value.

Zhou Buqi has listened to Ning Yaxian's stories many times, and he also knows many horrible corporate problems in Japanese companies, such as bloat, bureaucracy, infighting, discrimination, class solidification, corruption and incompetence...

These obvious problems must be taken as a warning.

However, there is one core issue to learn, which is the corporate philosophy of delayed gratification, which puts the cultivation of talents at the top of the list.

Zhou Buqi called He Yang over and talked about it specifically.

"The way Japanese companies do is too extreme. They are employed for life, thinking that a fool can be successful after decades of training. But the result is that the current Japanese companies have long lost the vitality of the past. More importantly Yes, they ignore the importance of genius. It is not some automatic system that changes the world, but someone with a flash of inspiration."

"How to balance?"

He Yang is an expert in management, and said solemnly: "When the company expands, it will become conservative. They feel that as long as they follow the process, they can miraculously continue to succeed, so they began to implement a strict process system, and soon Employees regard process and discipline as work itself. It is undeniable that Microsoft, IBM, Oracle are all on the decline, including Lenovo. They have too many talents who are good at managing processes, but they ignore the product itself.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "How to break through?"

He Yang praised him, "You are doing very well now!"

Zhou Buqi was at a loss, "What's wrong?"

He Yang smiled and said: "The people you use, Zhang Yiming, Wang Xiaochuan, Ji Zian, Cheng Zhenping, Guo Pengfei, Luo Ji, Fu Hongliang and others, are all young and lack systematic management capabilities. Including Xu Liangjie, his The management level... is also very average. However, they all have one advantage, that is, they all think about products, not management."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "But such people often have their own pride and don't obey management."

He Yang didn't take it seriously, "We pursue a free, open, and equal corporate atmosphere, allowing some individuality to exist. Individuality is talent. Killing talent is a huge loss. Processes and systems alone can't make good A product requires a genius idea.”

"A part of personalization?"

"Well, there is no way around it." He Yang nodded and sighed, "Not every employee has a strong desire to improve. The purpose of their work is just to have an income to survive. When the basic When the wages meet their daily needs, they will lose the motivation to make progress. They will complain about working overtime, hate learning, refuse to accept different views and new knowledge, and like to lie in the comfort zone and enjoy life.”

Zhou Buqi said: "It's human nature."

He Yangdao: "That's right, there are the most people of this type. According to the 28th rule, 80% of the employees in the company are basically of this type. So the concept of Japanese companies is wrong. They want everyone to be It is impossible to jump out of the comfort zone to learn and grow. Because it is not in line with human nature. We have to learn from each other, and you have arranged it very well."


"Of course, you are the most powerful genius I have ever seen. Talent... is really unreasonable. You obviously don't understand management, but your structure design and management method of Ziwei Star are just the most correct. Maybe You didn't realize it yourself."

Zhou Buqi's heart skipped a beat.

Feel so proud!

I rely on!

I turned out to be a genius?

I don't know myself.

He Yangdao: "For the 20% of employees, focus on training. We have internal management training and external English training to allow them to display their personality and focus on promotion. For the remaining 80% of employees , standardize the management according to the process and system, and let them become a screw in the assembly line operation in the most suitable position in their comfort zone."

Zhou Buqi blinked, wondering how Boss He said such cold words lightly.

More grim words are yet to come.

"Screws will rust if they are used for a long time, so they need to be replaced frequently. The Internet is a technology industry, but in fact only 20% has technology content, and the remaining 80% is a labor industry, which is no different from moving bricks. A few bugs are fixed every day. , How many lines of code have been written... What is done is a lot of repetitive work, without technological content and innovation. Experience and qualifications are useless."

"Do you want to promote youthfulness?"

"Yes, the average age of the company is 27.7 years old. I think it is very good. We must not raise a bunch of old people who have been eliminated by the times like Japanese companies. Let's make a rule that the average age of our employees should not exceed 35. Years old. If you cross the line, you will be laid off."

"You can't spread this word." Zhou Buqi sighed, "He Yang, He Yang, you are so cruel. If other executives have opinions, you have to persuade them, and I can't spare my face. "

He Yang almost died of anger.

You accepted this suggestion without even thinking about it, and you still call me cold? You have thought about it a long time ago, and you are making use of it, right? Boss Zhou, you can really find the blame man.

However, there is more appreciation in my heart.

This is the way a genius boss should behave.

He Yangdao: "So from the company's point of view, we only need to focus on cultivating the 20% of the people, and arrange for them to stay up late every day and work overtime. standardized career arrangements. For the remaining 80%, just use the system to standardize management.”

"It sounds like it is much more advanced than that of Japanese companies."

"Well, in a word, 20% of the people use 80% of the company's resources to cultivate. The company's benefits are more for the 80% of the people, and this part of the expenditure accounts for 20% of the expenses."

Zhou Buqi took it for granted, thinking that Boss He's insights were indeed profound, and he was an expert in this field of knowledge.

Prior to this, the two had basically confirmed some of the new employee benefits of Ziwei Star - the 5K plan.

First, during the five traditional festivals of Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Qixi Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Chongyang Festival every year, the company will give gifts to employees. The value of gifts given on each festival is 200 yuan, totaling 1,000 yuan.

Second, during the Spring Festival, red envelopes will be given out, and each employee will be given 1,000 yuan.

Thirdly, every year, the company will distribute 1,000 yuan of charitable funds to employees, allowing them to use this money to make donations and charity, reflecting their personal social value.

Fourth, the company will issue Yuanwei milk tea consumption cards worth 1,000 yuan to employees every year. Two milk tea shops will be added to Sohu Building soon, so that everyone can enjoy good quality milk tea.

Fifth, the company will give each newlywed employee a companion, 1,000 yuan per person.

The total is 5,000 yuan, so it is called "5K plan".

As for traveling abroad, maternity leave subsidy, serious illness assistance, annual physical examination, etc., they were all rejected by He Yang.

It is not because the expenditure is too large and the finances cannot afford it.

But there is also a serious lack of personnel in terms of personnel. They are too busy to get so many new benefits at once. Once it is not handled well, it will not be implemented properly, self-defeating, and good things will be turned into bad things.

It's better to take it step by step, starting from the simple ones, and gradually improve Ziweixing's welfare system.

However, the benefits are more for the 80% of ordinary employees.

For the remaining 20%... the company must have greater investment, not money, but ability training and guidance.

Zhou Buqi said: "Nowadays there is a very bad argument in the society, which is boycotting English, saying that it is worshiping foreigners. Fortunately, the leaders of the education department are not confused and are working hard to promote English education. Even if you are a security guard, you can understand English. You can go to an international community, and your monthly income can be 10,000 to 20,000. Our English training must be normalized. Mr. Ren is in his 60s, and he still learns English every day. Our young people should not fall behind."

"Should we also include English in our training system?"

"I think it can be expanded. We can open an internal lecture hall. In addition to training corporate values ​​and management methods, we can also invite some experts, professors, and scholars from outside to give lectures. It should not be limited to the company's business. It can be literature, history, law, philosophy, or astronomy, economics, and business. Today's college students are basically learning what is in the books. Even if they get perfect marks in each subject, there are still huge shortcomings. Let's add this one. To Only by cultivating outstanding people in a generalist way can they have a wider range of knowledge."

"Isn't this the same as college?"

"Maybe it's called the internal university, um...Ziwei University. I don't have time to go to the university campus, but it's good to take time to attend lectures at our internal university."

He Yang silently settled the accounts in his mind and nodded, "This is a large expenditure, and it will take time to operate, so we can't be in a hurry. It's best to hire a scholar from Guanghua College to be the person in charge of this project."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Take your time, the working environment here is limited. When our headquarters park is completed, we will build a large auditorium, and there will be senior lectures every week. Think about is a grand event. "

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