Top of the big era

Chapter 577 Old Zhang, You Are Too Low

"Further establish a cooperative relationship? How to do it?"

"A deep multifaceted collaboration."

Zhang Chaoyang briefly talked about several important businesses of Sohu.

The core, of course, is Sohu News.

In addition, there are Sohu Auto, Sohu Mailbox, 17173,, Chinaren, Sohu Video, Sohu Wireless and so on.

Another one is the game business that has not attracted enough attention.

In fact, Sohu's game business was once doing well, and Changyou, which was spun off, was once the third largest game company in China after Penguin and Netease.

But Lao Zhang is not very optimistic about the game, he is a bit idealistic, and does not pay attention to the game, which leads to the decline of Changyou.

Zhou Buqi said strangely: "Old Zhang, cooperation is of course good. I welcome it with both hands. But the premise of cooperation is mutual benefit and win-win results. How can we cooperate?"

Zhang Chaoyang opened his eyes wide, "Sohu has so many businesses, are you not interested?"


Zhou Buqi was embarrassed to tell the truth.

Apart from being very interested in the content of Sohu News, other businesses are like tasteless to Ziweixing. 17173 is a small game website, is for selling houses, and Chinaren is for alumni records... It's really not close to each other.

Zhang Chaoyang's face darkened, "There are so many white-collar workers on the Internet, do they want to buy a car? Buy a house? Watch online videos? Send emails? Our products can just provide similar services."

Zhou Buqi wondered: "Old Zhang, that's enough. The design of is already complicated enough, and we can't add more business. It's good to add some new channels to Xiaonei, but college students are a little far away from buying a car or a house. Far away."

"What about the video?"

"With the current Internet speed, the video business is looking for abuse, which will seriously affect the user experience of the website. And don't you know that I invested in Youku, so there is no reason to cooperate with outsiders?"

Zhang Chaoyang was gloomy and unhappy.

Zhou Buqi said kindly: "Lao Zhang, let me remind you that Internet video can't be done without an investment of billions of dollars. Moreover, the video industry requires high investment and high consumption, even if it can be done. , and the profit model is also difficult to grasp.”

"Huh?" Zhang Chaoyang raised his brows slightly, "Video ads aren't good?"

"How much is that? A drop in the bucket!"

"Don't fool me."

"Why am I fooling you? Haven't you seen the current international situation? The US is putting pressure on us every day, asking us to protect intellectual property rights. Especially Hollywood movies. It's not like you don't know Hollywood's influence on the White House. Other intellectual property rights can be suspended, and film and television copyright must bear the brunt."


Zhang Chaoyang pondered for a long time.

Zhou Buqi said: "Old Zhang, I'm not afraid to tell you, I'm planning to strike early!"


"Video copyrights! Hollywood has to wait for a few years, they are all human beings over there, and copyright operations are too slippery. But it is different in China. Few people in China realize the importance of copyright. I just want to give it to you. If you have enough money, you can easily sweep goods in the market. The better ones are all copyrights, and the worse ones can buy out online copyrights.”

Zhang Chaoyang understood what he meant, and said in surprise: "After you bought the copyright, you just waited for the policy change and the introduction of the intellectual property protection policy?"

Zhou Buqi generously admitted, "Yes, once this policy comes out, most of the video sites will die, and only industry giants can survive. So I am not in a hurry to make online videos. Now the Internet speed is slow and it burns a lot of money. I can’t play. After three to five years, I got the copyright, and the speed of the Internet has improved, so it’s not too late to enter the game.”

Zhang Chaoyang looked shocked, "What do you mean by telling me this?"

"How about Lao Zhang, do you want to work with me?"

"What are you doing?"

"Go to the film and television industry to scan the goods! Take all the film and television copyrights you can win, and wait for policy changes. This is an investment! It is much more powerful than investing in stocks or real estate. After this is done, your Sohu video , at least I have a family."

Zhang Chaoyang didn't believe this kid was so kind, "How much will it cost?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I told Wang Xiaojun about this, and he asked someone to estimate that there are about 5,000 valuable domestic movies and TV series. Except for a few copyrights in the hands of private companies, they may be more expensive. Most of the copyrights They are all in the hands of TV stations and state-owned film studios, and they are packaged and purchased directly. In total, 100 million is guaranteed to be won!"

Zhang Chaoyang shook his head again and again, "No, there are too many!"

"More than 100 million?"

Zhou Buqi was very speechless, this is a more cost-effective deal than robbing a bank, you won’t do it if you make money, Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang, you really have no ambition at all, what’s wrong with taking a little risk?

Do this now, and it will be a huge profit in the future.

In his previous life, Jobs, relying on the guidance of the nobles, grasped the policy trends in advance, went to the market to scan the goods, obtained these film and television copyrights, made LeTV, and became a big boss in the film and television industry, and countless stars became his horsemen.

Of course, Jobs couldn't afford that much money. But he has a lot of connections. In the public institution, it's just a matter of a phone call, lying flat all the way, sweeping goods at super low prices, and everything can be settled for a few million.

Zhou Buqi is not good at doing this, so there will definitely be a premium.

Zhang Chaoyang's concept is different from that of security, and he said seriously: "Xiao Zhou, you are an Internet company, so don't make a mistake. It's like, do I need a house listing? No! We only We need to build a platform, and just recommend it to real estate companies. Earn service fees and platform advertising fees safely, this is the Internet. The same is true for video websites, why do you need so many copyrights? What we are doing is a platform.”

Zhou Buqi broke down a bit, "Old Zhang, think about it carefully, don't be too judgmental!"

Zhang Chaoyang didn't listen at all, and had no interest in such things at all. He shook his head and said, "Acquisition of copyright, isn't this a transition to heavy assets? The core of our Internet company is light assets."

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, and said in a deep voice: "It's wrong, the early Internet companies were asset-light. But with the development of the times, as companies grow bigger and bigger, Internet companies must become more and more heavy, in order to resist bigger and bigger companies. Risks. Otherwise, the next wave of financial crisis will still be nothing."

Zhang Chaoyang was unmoved, "It's too ridiculous."

It's over!

The old and new generations of Internet people have serious differences in ideas.

Zhou Buqi sincerely wanted to help him, after all, he had been taken care of by Lao Zhang during this time. As long as you get the copyright of the video, go to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to scan the goods, and then go to Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand... It is like holding a golden mountain.

It's a pity that Lao Zhang doesn't appreciate it.

Then forget it.

It's better to have something intuitive that he can accept.

"That's fine, but I'm still very interested in Sohu News, and we can cooperate."


"Our customized advertisement, do you need it?"

Zhang Chaoyang's eyes lit up, "Are you willing to transfer technology?"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "You think too much. If you need it, I can ask them to create an API to provide Sohu with similar services. But you have to share your data, otherwise you can't do information collection and analysis. .”

"What a crazy idea!"

"Do you want to cooperate?"

"What do you need so much data for?" Zhang Chaoyang asked suspiciously.

Zhou Buqi said: "At the end of this month...or early next month, I will finalize Ziweixing's corporate philosophy. Ziweixing's DNA double helix, one is data, and the other is intelligence. We will position ourselves as a data company. Companies, of course, value data.”

"What is intelligence? Artificial intelligence?"


"'re so damn good!"

Zhang Chaoyang took a deep breath and was speechless.

This kid is playing too much!

Internet companies now position themselves as either game companies, media companies, or e-commerce, communications, and security software companies.

Look at Xiao Zhou, he has already jumped out of this dimension!

They are positioned as a data company!

It's an artificial intelligence company!

This damn, can really drive people to death.

"Xiao Zhou, can you die if you don't blow a few words?"

Zhou Buqi taught me old-fashionedly: "Old Zhang, I have to talk about you. Didn't you say that financial freedom is very painful, and the spiritual world is too empty? Either climb mountains, or practice Buddhism and Taoism, yoga, or Just fooling around with female celebrities every day, I think your status is too low!"

"I'm low-level?"

"If someone scolds you downstairs, if you stand on the first floor, it will be very painful. If you stand on the 10th floor, you may think it is greeting you. If you stand on the 100th floor, you can't see him at all. Your pain The source is your lack of height. If you are not high enough, all you see are problems. If the layout is too small, all the entanglements are trivial. Only by enlarging your layout can you achieve detachment."

"Fuck! You are at the level of an MLM master!"

"I'm serious!"

"Don't follow me like this, let's talk about data sharing later. During the meeting, I heard what you said about Toutiao, what's going on? It seems to be content creation?"

Zhou Buqi was completely helpless.

Thinking of myself as a big boss, I still have to pay attention to such trivial matters. I was really pulled to the same level by Lao Zhang, so I can't learn from him!

Then, I gave the general idea of ​​today's headlines.

Zhang Chaoyang was very interested, his eyes sharp, "Very good! Sohu News can open a subscription account to push Sohu news to college students. We have finance, military, culture, fashion, women, luxury goods, mother and baby, and health. Wait for the channels to be integrated, and use your uncertain mechanism to push. You get the content, and I get the traffic, killing two birds with one stone!"

Zhou Buqi curled his lips, shook his head and said, "The page jump is too slow, we still have to stay on the sub-page of Toutiao. Sohu provides the content, and we get 50/50 of the advertising fee."


Zhang Chaoyang almost died of anger, does he care about the advertising fee? What he wants is to have an opportunity to bring traffic to Sohu from college students.

If you can't jump, Sohu only provides content and earns some advertising fees... Doesn't this mean that Sohu is working for Toutiao?

Well, you are not good at a week, you are quite sinister!

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