Medical advertising has little impact.

As long as it is labeled as an advertisement, everyone will have doubts about its authenticity. What is problematic is medical promotion, that is, those soft advertisements under the guise of sharing medical experience, disseminating medical information, and online doctor consultation.

That's what's disgusting.

For example, in a certain post bar, all the posts say that a certain hospital is good, and seeing this kind of disease has miraculous effects. Users may doubt it at first glance, but everyone believes it when they say so.

As everyone knows, everyone is trusting, and the non-compliant posts have been deleted long ago.

For example, in a question and answer, what should I do if I have a tumor? The high-quality answer below is that it is best to go to Xiehe, but Xiehe is too expensive, and ordinary people look down on it. If you have no money, go to a certain hospital, where there are experts and professors who have retired from Xiehe for consultations, and the price is affordable.

Another payment misleading.

Online doctors are even more scary. Under the guise of a certain hospital expert, they provide various guidance to patients online. After establishing a trust relationship, they will attract patients to their own hospital.

The same goes for educational outreach.

All kinds of messy education and training institutions, formal educational institutions such as New Oriental, Xueersi, Giant, Jingjing, and Zhonggong are fine. The problem is that in the bidding system, those who are willing to pay higher prices for advertising are inferior institutions.

The routine used is similar to that of medical promotion, and it is also a soft advertising model.

The problem here is very serious.

The corporate image is used as a credit guarantee, and the money is earned, but the corporate image is completely ruined.

Baidu promotion is an original thing of Baidu's localization, and search giants such as Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft dare not do this.

But those are world giants who can make money all over the world.

Baidu only has the domestic market, and if it wants to obtain higher profits, it can only play tricks on how to make money.

It is indeed very colorful and dazzling.

Not to mention ordinary people, many elites have been deceived by those soft advertisements that confuse the real with fake ones.

To do search on Weidian, learn Google first, then Baidu.


"Medical advertising can be done tentatively, and medical promotion and educational promotion can't be done at all!" Zhou Buqi declared his opinion arbitrarily, without seeking anyone's opinion, "Medical care is related to people's life and health , education is related to the future development of a nation, we want to make money, but we can’t make money that kills our children and grandchildren!”

It was very quiet in the conference room.

Zhang Chaoyang was also silent.

He suddenly felt that it was the right time to take time out to attend this meeting. He felt that he could know this brother Zhou more clearly.

He was ashamed.

When he took control of Sogou, he thought about learning the localization model promoted by Baidu.

After all, following the model of the Google alliance, the technology is not enough, and it is difficult to have high returns. Or Baidu's promotion model is more operable and has higher advertising benefits.

Unexpectedly, this week will do the opposite!

We must focus on Google alliances, and strategically abandon Baidu promotion.

The point is that he can really think of some localization operations, at least on a theoretical level, to achieve the possibility of surpassing the Google alliance.

Sure enough, young people think differently!

Wang Xiaozhou coughed lightly, and tentatively said: "Medical promotion and education promotion can be omitted, but what about other commercial promotions? Such as cosmetics, beauty products, weight loss products, including mobile phones, computers, TV sets, air conditioners and other daily products. "

This matter is really troublesome.

Because in the future, almost all content platforms will have this kind of soft advertising promotion.

Zhou Buqi frowned, "How is the recommendation effect of this soft advertisement?"

Wang Xiaozhou shook his head, "It's not clear yet, but the feedback from Baidu...their two major products are medical promotion and education promotion, and the audience for other forms of commercial promotion is not high."

Zhou Buqi rubbed his temples, "Old He, what do you think? I think Weidian Search is an information platform, and we provide users with objective and reliable information services."

He Yang said with a smile: "There is no need to be in a hurry. Our Weidian search is not yet online. The whole business model is very complicated. It is better to change quickly than to plan."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, thinking that there should be a characterization, and said: "soft advertising can be done, but it shouldn't be done by a platform as big as ours. The platform should try to be as objective and fair as possible. It can't be like Google, and it can't be like Baidu. Get closer. Moreover, we have other products to supplement. When Toutiao is online, we will mobilize more creators and use it for our own use.”

It's settled.

Micropoint Search cannot do promotion services, medical promotion, education promotion, and other commercial promotions. To do it, let other products supplement the lack of this business, such as Toutiao.

This is a major advantage of Ziweixing.

Play more brand effects!

There are many brands under Ziweixing, such as Xiaonei,, Weidian, Weimi, Weizhi, Fantuan, etc., which overlap with each other, but they are all different businesses.

The disadvantage is that each brand has to build its own popularity, and this process will be very complicated.

The advantage is that when one of the brands has a problem, it will not affect other businesses.

The most typical example is Baidu.

Baidu has many excellent businesses, and is a domestic leader in the fields of artificial intelligence, driverless driving, big data computing, IOT, hardware and multimedia technology. However, when Baidu promotes one business, it ruins Baidu's entire brand image, and other businesses with the "Baidu" logo are also dragged down.

Another example is Ali, no one will vent their grievances on Taobao and Tmall if something happens to

Guo Pengfei raised his hand to signal, and after getting permission, he said, "However, I think our Weidian Encyclopedia can open some enterprise-level services."

"how to say?"

"We can make micro-point entries for enterprises, companies, and brands, and lock them to prevent outsiders from modifying to add some wrong information or negative information. If you don't renew the fee, the certification will be cancelled. We charge 6888 yuan a year. If you can get 10 Thousands of similar brand certifications are also a huge income."


Everyone gasped in shock.

100,000, this is more than 600 million, almost like a white wolf with empty gloves, it can be called a money printing machine!

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "100,000? How dare you think about it!"

Guo Pengfei said: "There are 5 million companies in the country! In addition to foreign brands, in order to maintain the corporate image, it is not right to spend a sum of money on the brand?"

He Yang shook his head and said: "This kind of certification information is generally only valid for large companies. In order to maintain their own brand image, they will pay this marketing fee. For small and medium-sized enterprises, they do not have their own brand at all. Whether it is certified or not is meaningless. big."

"However..." Zhou Buqi squinted his eyes, "This idea is very good and can be relaxed. If the enterprise is not enough, then use individuals to make up for it."

"Personal certification?"


"Is this very sensitive?" He Yang was slightly taken aback, a little unsure.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Officials and scientists are of course not easy to do, but there is a group of people who are the most vulnerable group in the field of public image."

Guo Pengfei immediately understood, "That's right! Celebrities! Celebrities have the most gossip and gossip, and they also have the most scandals. If any celebrity doesn't come to be certified, his entry can be filled with his black history. He is for personal image , you can only authenticate obediently."

Zhang Chaoyang's heart "thumped" all of a sudden.

I want to scold these two!

What a bad idea!

It's like robbery!

His relationship with the entertainment industry is not shallow, and there are lace information everywhere on the Internet. Once in his Weidian encyclopedia entry, it is written that he has a relationship with a certain female star and has been to a hotel with a certain female model...

Celebrities are a disadvantaged group with a public image. If their personal image is damaged, their careers will suffer from Waterloo. The same is true for businessmen. If the personal image is damaged, the company will suffer.

I have to hurry up and get close, let Boss Zhou let me go, and stop playing tricks on my entry.

Just listen to the bastard boy surnamed Zhou with a smile and say: "Not only celebrities, but also some businessmen, football players, reporters, hosts, they will buy certification in order to protect their brand. Pengfei, you can do this ?”


Guo Pengfei was taken aback for a moment.

Dealing with the society is really not what his student soldier team can do.

Zhou Buqi appropriately sent a sweet date to Wang Xiaochuan, and said, "Well, you are still in charge of the main business of Weidian Encyclopedia. But you are in charge of entry verification, Xiaochuan. The two of you will Coordinate well, don’t make mistakes in the opposite direction.”

At the end of the meeting, Sohu was mentioned.

It means that Weidian Search will provide Sohu with free search services forever, and at the same time, Sohu will provide its own content to the maximum extent.

Zhang Chaoyang was not satisfied.

After attending this meeting, he knew what kind of chess Zhou Buqi was playing.

This is building an Internet business empire!

He has a very keen sense of smell, and he must make good use of the advantages of his neighbors to establish a deep cooperative relationship. Now, Sogou is also sold, and there is no competition between the two companies, and they can completely benefit and win each other.

So after the meeting was over, he came to Zhou Buqi's office with emotion, "Xiao Zhou, I didn't expect it! I really didn't expect it!"

Zhou Buqi asked Secretary Ning to pour coffee, and said with a smile, "What's wrong?"

"You actually want to do such a big thing, you... aren't you afraid of failure?"


"How can entrepreneurship only succeed and never fail? You, it's just that this road is going so smoothly, you don't realize the crisis at all. Just building this entire set of commercial advertising models does not require hundreds of millions of investments. Can't get up."

Zhou Buqi looked relaxed, "I'm not short of money."

Zhang Chaoyang said angrily, "If you're not short of money, pay it back quickly!"

Zhou Buqi laughed and snorted, "Don't worry, you can't fail! Sogou has such a good foundation, and I have made breakthroughs and improvements in the strategic model, content model and business model, and I have Xu Liangjie, Cheng Binghao and Wang Xiaochuan to check it out. , success is just around the corner.”

"Okay, I have something to do with you."

"What's the matter?"

"Sohu can establish a further cooperative relationship with Ziweixing."

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