Top of the big era

Chapter 555 Spending money is the easiest way to deal with problems

As far as the current industry structure is concerned, there is no essential difference between Sohu's Sogou, Sina's Aiwen and NetEase's Youdao.

Maybe a little bit better technically.

The market share is about the same.

The three major portals have different user groups, with little difference in volume.

But why did Aiqun and Youdao come to an end, but Sogou started?

Because of the three-stage rocket.

The helm of Sogou, Wang Xiaozhou, is very capable and even luckier.

The first wave of crisis survived by relying on the Sogou input method. The second wave of crisis, relying on Sogou browser, the main dual engine detonated the market at once.

With the boost of these two products, the effect of a three-stage rocket is truly formed.

But now, Zhou Buqi has changed the industry pattern.

The micro-dot input method has become popular, and the Sogou input excluded even by middle school students.

The first stage of the three-stage rocket failed to generate thrust. How can the second and third stages be ignited?

Rocket launch, declared failure!

Packing and selling to Ziweixing is almost the only choice for Sohu.

If we wait another year or a half, we can only find someone to take over the offer like Aiwen and Youdao.

Zhang Chaoyang's belief is not firm.

Right now, Baidu is in full swing, and Google's share has shrunk to less than 20%. The chaos in the search market made him worry. If he was determined not to sell Sogou, he would not bid at all.

If you open your mouth, it means your heart is moved.

However, seeing that Zhou Buqi agreed to the "exorbitant price" without any hesitation, he couldn't help being surprised and was stunned for two minutes.

Zhou Buqi was not in a hurry, and drank his tea slowly.

After a while, Zhang Chaoyang poured a cup of tea, and said in surprise, "Xiao Zhou, 100 million dollars, can get it out?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Old Zhang, you really look down on Ziweixing's ability to make money, don't you?"

"Don't ruin your cash flow."



"Okay, Zhang, you won't go back on your word, will you? Or do you think the price of 100 million US dollars is too little, and you want to take this opportunity to kill me?"

"What is this nonsense?"

Zhang Chaoyang waved his hand, his heart was inexplicably shaken, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

100 million US dollars, just take it out so lightly?

Sohu has a lot of cash flow, but how many years has Sohu been in business? All listed!

Ziweixing does not show its mountains and leaks, let alone listed, it does not even have a capital operation.

No financing, no loan, can you spend such a large sum of money?

Zhang Chaoyang took a deep breath, and tentatively said, "Xiao Zhou, of course you have to take risks in doing business, but you must do what you can. didn't move the money from the school group purchase, did you? Let me give you a suggestion, It’s better to be steady.”

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Don't worry, it's not the payment for goods. I said, Lao Zhang, don't you regret it? You called out the 100 million US dollars yourself. Don't you often go to Panjiayuan, you should know the rules, and you have made an offer You can't go back on your word."

"I was afraid you screwed up."

Zhang Chaoyang snorted, half truth half false.

Sogou Input Method was beaten violently, and he had the idea of ​​selling Sogou. However, the determination has not been made, and it is not very firm. He didn't want to miss the big search market so easily, and wanted to hold on a little longer.

At least we have to wait for the launch of Sogou's second-generation search engine to see the market effect.

Maybe it will be done?

Zhou Buqi would not give him a chance, and said flatly: "Old Zhang, I will tell you the truth, and the time is limited. In January next year, Weidian Search will be launched. It is definitely not enough time to do it by yourself, so we can only buy it from others." Sogou doesn’t sell it, so I’ll go and see what Aiwen and Youdao mean. Sina is vigorously developing blogs, and NetEase’s focus is on online games, so I think they’re more willing to sell.”

"So hasty?"

"It's not in a hurry, it's all planned. If you want to cultivate user habits in the search industry, the sooner you enter the game, the better. I won't bargain for $100 million. It's our buddy's personal friendship. It will exceed $20 million. Zhang, you know I'm telling the truth."

"Yeah." Zhang Chaoyang nodded, but couldn't understand more and more, "Your thinking is too weird, I can't keep up."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "It's because you have been at ease for too long."

"No, domestic Internet, you didn't do it like this. If you do it yourself for 100 million US dollars, you can also start 10 search projects. Why do you want to buy it?"

"I said, get in as soon as possible."

"That's not a reason."

"Because I stand tall and look far away, overlooking the entire Internet."

"It's too evil."

Zhang Chaoyang looked unhappy.

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "You think I'm joking with you? You know about YouTube being acquired, right?"

Zhang Chaoyang said: "I've heard a few things. This website is quite popular recently. AOL, Microsoft, News Corporation, and Comcast are all interested in acquiring it. It is said that the asking price has reached 500 million U.S. dollars! It's unbelievable!"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "What era is that news? I'm talking about the latest news! Google bought YouTube, you know?"



Only then did Zhou Buqi suddenly understand.

It seems true.

The public news hasn't reported it yet. He is a shareholder of YouTube, so he knew the inside story earlier. The two sides are conducting very complicated negotiations, and Google is very sincere.

"This is confidential, but it's okay to tell you. The latest news is that Google has made an official offer to YouTube. According to the latest situation this morning, Google's offer has increased from US$1.2 billion to US$1.5 billion."


Zhang Chaoyang, who was drinking tea, almost choked.

"How much... how much?"

His eyes were bigger than light bulbs, and he looked shocked.

$1.5 billion?

What are you kidding?

As for YouTube, a small broken website, there is no income at all, and the website model is still being explored. Because it involves video copyright, there are lawsuits every day, which is a whirlpool of public opinion.

Just this broken website, worth $1.5 billion?

Is all American money blown by strong winds?

Zhou Buqi expressed indifferently, "However, YouTube rejected this second offer, thinking that this price is still far from the psychological price."


Zhang Chaoyang gasped in shock, already dumbfounded.

Sohu is so successful, the market value is only 900 million US dollars. Why is YouTube, a video site that has only been established for a year, asking for such a high price? Is twice as much as Sohu?

Zhou Buqi asked: "Old Zhang, tell me, what do people at Google think, and why do they charge such a sky-high price?"

Zhang Chaoyang said: "Crazy!"

Zhou Buqi said slowly: "In the face of strategy, everything has to be detoured. In my opinion, the current Google is much better than companies such as Microsoft and America Online. What is money? As long as it meets the strategic requirements, it can be perfected." The ecological structure, spending money to solve it, is the easiest way to deal with the problem.”

Zhang Chaoyang heard what he meant, "So you have to eat Sogou no matter what?"

"That's right."

"What if I just quoted $200 million?"

"Old Zhang, are you trying to trick me?"

"Small chat."

"It's a bit high, and I can't afford this price. Ziweixing only holds 10% of the shares, and the range of tolerance is limited. You are right, you can't ruin the company's cash flow for a big acquisition. Next, Ziweixing will There are a lot of moves, and there must be sufficient cash reserves in case of accidents."

Zhang Chaoyang was stunned for a moment, "10% of the shares, what do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi said: "YouTube's shares, otherwise how can I know the progress of the latest acquisition?"

Zhang Chaoyang's face changed suddenly, and he said out loud: "Damn it! Do you have shares in YouTube?"


"How did you do it?"


"Depend on!"

Zhang Chaoyang was frightened again and again, feeling like his hair was standing on end.

Zhou Buqi invited: "On the 1st of next month, I will leave for the United States to talk about YouTube, will you go?"

"What am I going to do?"

"Go and negotiate with Sohu's investors. Don't you need to communicate with the board of directors for such a big matter as the sale of Sogou? You have such a strong control?"

"Go to America..."

Zhang Chaoyang hesitated for a moment, and then his heart moved.

Zhou Buqi almost laughed out loud, thinking that this buddy is really hopeless. He just came back from the North Pole, and the company was in a mess. As a result, he didn't want to stay in the company to clean up the business, but wanted to go out to be cool... and even pretended to negotiate with investors Brand, the reason is aboveboard.

"Then go." Soon, Zhang Chaoyang made a decision, and then blinked his eyes, thinking vividly, "Who are you going with?"

"Myself... well, and my secretary."

"Secret Ning?"


"Tsk tsk..."

Zhang Chaoyang's eyes changed, becoming playful and narrow.

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly, "Don't think too much, I'm on a business trip."

Zhang Chaoyang didn't believe it. He lowered his voice, glanced at Ning Yaxian, and said with a smirk: "Xiao Zhou, your taste is quite tricky, I admire you! Last time it was Xu Qing, who was around thirty, this time With a female secretary, she is also a light and familiar young woman. She is not shy and fierce."

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't slander my innocence, I have told you many times, I am not interested in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. Don't think that I am you, messing with flowers and grass everywhere."

Zhang Chaoyang curled his lips, yawned, and got up to leave, "Okay, let's go to the United States together. You can send the flight information later, and I will arrange it."

"That's the end of Sogou's business?"

"Didn't you say that Sogou is in line with Ziweixing's grand strategy? It's all up to this point. If I hold back and don't sell it, won't it destroy your business plan?"


"Hey." Zhang Chaoyang sighed, "I'm really reluctant. I also want to see if the second-generation search engine can be implemented. I think the effect will be better than Baidu."

"Just blow!"

"Really, super powerful."

"Don't talk nonsense, let's talk about business with you. I want the business department of Sogou, and there must be a team."

Zhang Chaoyang waved his hand, "Don't worry about that, let alone personal relationships, I will definitely abide by the basic business ethics."

Zhou Buqi nodded in satisfaction, he didn't expect it to be done so easily, relaxed and happy.

Boss Zhang is really loyal!


"Well... I was bragging just now, and I exaggerated. The price of 100 million US dollars is ridiculously high! Can it be cheaper?"

Zhou Buqi was very embarrassed and wanted to bargain with the cheek.

Boss Zhang met with a mocking sneer and contemptuous eyes.

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