Top of the big era

Chapter 554 The lion opened his mouth wide? Very good.

At the end of September, 360 free antivirus was launched as scheduled.

360 security guards + 360 antivirus can be regarded as a deterrent to Micropoint's core security products.

Xu Liangjie was very anxious about this, and mentioned again that he wanted to replace Ji Zi'an, but Zhou Buqi rejected it. With the airborne Mars text library package, the number of users of the micro-point input method has increased by 4 million, which is considered to be a big success.

In the past, the scale of the micro-point input method was more than 25 million, mainly college students and white-collar workers, and it was difficult to form a sinking market. Computer typing still has high requirements for some young people and low-end users. Many people have to bow their heads and use the "two-finger Zen" magic skill when chatting on QQ. It doesn't matter what kind of input method.

But Martian language is different.

This thing is mainly popular among young people, mainly for junior high school students and high school students, and shows their individuality in QQ signatures and QQ group chats. With the platform of QQ, the micro-point input method was pleasantly surprised to complete a certain degree of market sinking.

The total scale is nearly 30 million!

Especially the vitality of young people is exciting. They spread word of mouth, and through schools, relatives, QQ friends, etc., they helped the micro-point input method to complete the promotion.

The effect of tap water is much more powerful than advertising and marketing.

Judging from the data feedback, the daily increase of the micro-point input method exceeds 100,000.

This has formed the brand of "Wei Dian" in the hearts of young people.

Furthermore, after "Run, Brother" hit the air, the show that took over was "Workplace Talent". Among the many guests, the most popular is of course the gentle and masculine Ji Zi'an.

He was introduced in the program as the president of Micropoint Technology, who led the development of Micropoint Security Guard, Micropoint Antivirus, Micropoint Input Method, Micropoint Notes and other products.

This has formed a brand in the minds of some elderly people.

Zhou Buqi believes that his layout of the micro-point industry in the past two years has been perfected enough. Even if Ji Zian is not good at fighting, he can fully cope with the challenge of Qihoo 360.

However, he also communicated with He Yang secretly, asking him to take precautions.

Once there is a crisis, let Meng Houkun go up and become the vice president of the Weidian business group to help Ji Zian.

The leader of Qihoo 360 is Zhou Hongyi, the originator of rogue software. The second-in-command is Qi Xiangdong, who is also an incredible figure. He is known as a ground gun in the industry, and his relationship is surprisingly strong.

Wanting to fight against Qi Xiangdong, Meng Houkun did his part.

Unexpectedly, a surprised guy appeared in the office.

"Old Zhang? Didn't you go to the North Pole?"

"Well, I just came back yesterday!"

It was none other than Zhang Chaoyang, the big boss upstairs, who said some time ago that he had lost his love and went to explore the North Pole.

Zhou Buqi hurriedly greeted, "Yaxian, go and take out the tea leaves from the small paper bag in my cabinet, and make some tea for Boss Zhang. It's not easy, have you seen the penguins?"

Zhang Chaoyang laughed and said, "I didn't see the penguin, but I saw a few big bears."

Zhou Buqi pulled him to sit down on the sofa, and said with a smile, "Did you really see it? Is the polar bear the biggest one? Bigger than the black blind man in the zoo?"

"What black blind man?"

"It's a big black bear, um... a brown bear."


Zhang Chaoyang sighed, "Not very good."

Zhou Buqi was surprised, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Chaoyang said with emotion: "Fortunately, you didn't go. If you went, you would have to cry. The polar bear is too miserable. I saw three of them, and two of them were skinny."


"The climate is warming, and the glaciers are melting."

"Does it matter?"

"The relationship is too big!" Seeing that he didn't understand, Zhang Chaoyang explained a few more words, "Polar bears fish by lying on the ice and observing the sea water below through the ice. Slap through the ice and catch the fish under the ice."

Zhou Buqi looked very curious, "So powerful?"

"Well." Zhang Chaoyang nodded, "But now that the climate is getting warmer, the broken ice scattered on the sea has melted. After finally finding a piece, the polar bear climbed up, but the thickness of the ice was not melted enough to support itself. It shattered. Our guide said that some polar bears have to swim for days and nights in order to find a piece of ice."

Ning Yaxian was at the side, and she was quite moved when she heard it, but she couldn't bear it.

I feel so pitiful.

Zhou Buqi glared at her angrily, "Hurry up and make tea! A bear starving to death is better than a man starving to death!"

Zhang Chaoyang was a little surprised, "Are you too heartless?"

Zhou Buqi said: "If you catch the bear, kill it and eat it, you won't be pitiful."

"Depend on!"

Zhang Chaoyang cursed, thinking that this kid is too jerk.

In his previous life, Zhou Buqi climbed up from the bottom, and suffered so much hardship along the way, that even the people at the bottom couldn't care about him, so he still cared about polar bears? He didn't have that leisurely heart, and said coldly: "Some people teach others every day to have love, to be a good person and do good deeds, and to establish correct values. Yes, everyone has changed for the better and become a good person. Only then can they Make a lot of charity money, so that you can play tricks behind your back and rob good people's wallets."

Zhang Chaoyang shook his head and said, "It's over, it's over! You're young, don't look at things so extreme."

Zhou Buqi snorted: "You are a big boss, you don't have to worry about food and clothing, and you have been financially free long ago. You have never seen the suffering of the people at the bottom."

"have you seen?"


"Say one thing and one thing. If you are not in the position, you will not seek the government. Just be yourself."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Okay, then let's talk about the matter in his place."

Zhang Chaoyang narrowed his eyes, "Sogou?"

"You didn't come here for that?"

"Xiao Zhou, you are too hurt, aren't you?"

"What's this called? You didn't let me dig Gong Yu, so I quickly stopped and never had any contact with you again. I put personal friendship before commercial interests. I'm doing my utmost to you, Boss Zhang, right?" ?”

Zhang Chaoyang said helplessly: "I just went to the North Pole, and it turned out to be good. Before I went, Sogou Input Method still had some share and was a little competitive. But when I came back, everything changed. Mars text library package, thanks to you can figure it out !"

Zhou Buqi laughed, "Old Zhang, hand in your gun, you won't kill me if you hand in your gun!"

"Give up your gun? How?"

"Didn't I say that, if you pack Sogou, I want it."

Zhang Chaoyang shook his head, "You can't eat it."

Zhou Buqi didn't think so, "That's not necessarily true."

Zhang Chaoyang glanced at him, "Sogou is our R\u0026D center and a technology integration site. Sogou search... I told you, the second-generation engine will be launched soon. The previous Sogou was a bit poor. The market The share is not high. But this second-generation engine has made great progress in technology, which is no worse than Yahoo search.”

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "Old Zhang, you can really blow it!"

Zhang Chaoyang said indifferently: "You don't understand this. Don't look at the contention of a hundred schools of thought in the search market, but all Internet companies with a reputation have their own search business. But the final structure can only be three pillars, Baidu, Google and Sogou."

"Old Zhang, you made me laugh."

"You do not believe?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Baidu and Google rule the river, but Sogou is the river?"

Zhang Chaoyang's face darkened, "If you don't believe me, just wait and see, I didn't tell you this. I won't do Sogou Input Method, do you want to take over?"

Zhou Buqi curled his lips, a little disdainful, "What's the use of me taking over a defeated general? If you want to take over, just take over Sogou."

"You are not optimistic about Sogou."

"It's not optimistic, so after taking over the offer, I want to completely transform Sogou, upgrade its technology, and build an ecosystem. Zhang, you may not be better than me in terms of understanding of search."

"It's still the same sentence, you can't eat it!"

Zhang Chaoyang snorted, feeling that this kid was a little ignorant.

Zhou Buqi said leisurely: "If you don't try it, how do you know I can't eat it?"


"You make an offer?"

"Xiao Zhou, are you pissing me off?"

"No, just to find out your bottom line. Have you spent a lot of money on Sogou? You will spend more money in the future. Is the board of directors not under pressure? Don't be kicked out like Wang Zhidong of Sina."

Zhang Chaoyang's face darkened, not very happy.

This kid, which pot can't be opened and which pot can be lifted!

It almost happened.

At the beginning, he took the female star to climb mountains in other places, and suddenly heard that the Americans on the board of directors were plotting to remove the chairman who was not doing his job properly.

At that time, he was really scared into a cold sweat, and he became impotent on the spot. I was not in the mood to accompany the female star anymore, so I hurried back to the company and tried my best to finally stabilize the company's power.

Zhou Buqi took the teacup and it was a little hot, so he slowly smelled the fragrance of the tea and asked, "Old Zhang, what's the price?"

Zhang Chaoyang was a little angry, and said slightly mockingly: "100 million! Can you afford it?"

Zhou Buqi blurted out: "Deal!"

"Huh?" Zhang Chaoyang was stunned for a moment, then laughed and shook his head again and again, "Xiao Zhou, let me remind you that Sohu is a listed company in the United States, and the reporting currency here is US dollars."

This is definitely the lion's mouth.

Sogou is just a division of Sohu, and its internal value is similar to that of Changyou, which makes games. It is comparable to Sina's Aiwen and NetEase's Youdao.

Not to mention making a profit, you have to spend money in it year after year to make up for it.

Now Sohu, the stock price is about 20 US dollars.

In fact, it was raised to $30 during the World Cup stage. As a result, Boss Zhang went on an expedition to the North Pole this month. Affected by this negative news, the company’s stock price fell for a month in a row.

Those American stockholders who bought Sohu stock were miserable.

The current market value of Sohu is only 900 million US dollars.

No one will accept the offer of US$100 million to Sogou.

Three years ago, Yahoo bought 3721, the largest search platform in China, and only spent 120 million US dollars.

Compared with 3721 in the past, Sogou is far behind.

With a calm expression, Zhou Buqi took a sip of the fragrant hot tea, which was a little hot, then put down the cup, and said decisively: "100 million US dollars, that's it!"

Zhang Chaoyang was stunned for a moment, before he could react, "Xiao Zhou, you...don't make trouble."

Zhou Buqi looked serious, "Old Zhang, it's no fun haggling between us buddies. I don't need to look at the price for something I like. You think Sogou is worth 100 million US dollars, I believe you!"


I'm not afraid that you, a lion, will open your mouth, but I'm afraid that you will not open your mouth!

Here's your chance!

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