Top of the big era

Chapter 547 Prohibition of Office Dating

When I went home at night, Zhou Buqi told me about learning and thinking.

Wen Zhixia was naturally very pleasantly surprised, "Am I really going to be a teacher?"

Lying on the bed, Zhou Buqi put his arms around her, and hummed, "It's so tiring to be a teacher. After you go, at least you will be an executive director, executive vice president, and a proper third-in-command."

"During the start-up period, the vice president also has to undertake teaching work, right?"

"Uh... almost, Zhang Bangxin and Cao Rundong will also go to the front line to teach. But what they teach is Mathematical Olympiad, which is the core business of Xueersi. After you go, focus on English and Chinese."

"I manage two businesses?"

"They originally wanted to cut it off. After you go, start these two businesses, even if they have taken root. They will not regard you as an investor, but as a partner."

Wen Zhixia rested on his chest, gently stroking her stomach, "What kind of investor am I?"

"You are the investor."


"This investment is not in the name of Ziwei Star. This is not in line with the company's strategic plan, and those people must not agree. Instead of talking to them, it is better for us to invest our own money and invest in our own name."

"In personal name..." Wen Zhixia hesitated a little, and looked up at him in a daze, "In personal name, you can only be a minority shareholder, right? There is no way to control it."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "What kind of shares do you hold? Don't underestimate the Xueersi team. I got in touch with Zhang Bangxin and Cao Rundong, and they are the kind of people with ideas and ambitions. We have a holding, but instead Let them be constrained in corporate management and strategic design. If you want to start this business, you should give them enough room to display.”

In fact, there is a more important point, that is, he is not sure that he can win Zhang Bangxin.

Investing 10 million, accounting for 20% of the shares, is a balanced plan.

Zhang Bangxin holds 60% of the shares, and after diluting 20%, he still holds 48%, continuing to control the company. Cao Rundong holds 30% of the shares. After 20% dilution, he still holds 24%. He is still the company's second largest shareholder and number two person.

If there are too many shares and this balance is broken, the opposition will be strong, and the internal situation of the company will be very complicated, and there will be various power confrontations.

Zhou Buqi invests in learning and thinking, not to make money, but to find a good way out for Mr. Wen.

If the internal atmosphere of Xueersi is messed up, not to mention whether Xueersi can develop as smoothly as in the previous life, even if it can, internal power struggles will arise one after another.

Zhou Buqi didn't want to turn Xueersi into a mess and let Teacher Wen suffer in it.

We have to create the best corporate environment for her to work comfortably.

The example of New Oriental's "troika" is right in front of us.

After Mr. Wen went to study and think, he almost formed a "troika" headed by Zhang Bangxin, Cao Rundong and Wen Zhixia, and the relationship between superiors and subordinates must be sorted out.

"After you go, you are the third largest shareholder, and you are also the third person when making decisions. You must have enough respect for the two founders. It is not interesting to fight for power and profit. I reckon that in the future, Xueersi will have There is a lot of room for development, and working together to build the company is more important than anything else. Don’t be like the three people at New Oriental, they all use knives and scare people to death.”

"Ok, I know."

Wen Zhixia was very calm, and felt that there was nothing wrong with being the third in command. This is the difference between men and women. In comparison, women's desire for power is lower than that of men.

Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration, thought of something, and raised her head in surprise, "Honey, you said I was the third largest shareholder?"


"I am a shareholder?"


"Isn't it you?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head with a smile, "Didn't you say that you want to be the boss, not the boss's wife? If I become a shareholder, won't you still be the boss's wife? The 20% of the shares you got this time are all yours."

Wen Zhixia pursed her lips. This share was bought with 10 million real money, and it was a bit hot to hold, "This... this is not good, why don't I hold it for you?"

But Zhou Buqi was very firm, "What is the proxy? What's yours is yours. I said a long time ago, you give your life to me, and I will help you achieve it!"

Wen Zhixia was inexplicably moved, so she snuggled into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Zhou Buqi sighed, and patted her on the back lightly, "Follow me... It's inevitable to be wronged, my secretary has been seducing me recently, I don't think I can hold on to this posture for too long. You want to open up, don't pay attention to this kind of thing, you are pregnant now, your mood is bad, and it is good for the child."

Wen Zhixia said softly, "I'm not wronged, I've thought about it a long time ago."

"That's good."

"I... I have a child now, will it affect my work?"

"Look at you, if you think it's okay, go to work. If you feel that you can't walk anymore, go home and have a rest. Don't listen to my parents, no one can control you. You are not a reproductive machine, no one can restrict you your freedom."

Wen Zhixia burst into a smile, very happy, "You are quite feminist."

Zhou Buqi raised his chin and said: "It must be, I am a real feminist. Do you know That is a community I created specifically for women. Now it is only for college students, and it will be gradually opened to all in the future. fellow women."

", wasn't that made by Linlin?"

"That's what I ordered, too."

It was a coincidence that someone knocked on the door at this time.

Wu Yu never knocked on the door.

There must be Shi Jinglin outside the door.

Wen Zhixia sat up, straightened her pajamas and hair, and shouted, "Linlin, come in!"

Sure enough, the next moment I saw Shi Jinglin walking in wearing a purple gauze nightgown with bare feet, "Are you guys busy?"

Wen Zhixia smiled and said, "It's okay, come and sit down."

Shi Jinglin was not polite either, she came over and sat by the bed.

Wen Zhixia joked, "Didn't take a shower?"

Shi Jinglin snorted: "It's agreed, I will serve you once every other day, and I will rest today, so I won't serve you!"

Wen Zhixia couldn't laugh or cry.

Zhou Buqi also had nothing to do with her, so he sat up, put his arms around each other, and asked, "What's the matter? I don't think you're very happy?"

Shi Jinglin could now accept his hugs calmly, nodded slightly, and said "um".

Zhou Buqi frowned, "Did the group buying work go well?"

"How is it possible?" Shi Jinglin rolled her eyes, "100,000 MP3s are not enough to sell, okay? The group buying sold out the next day. Don't you, the big boss, care? Now group buying computers, 150,000 units have been sold. There are also moisturizing water, lip balm, group buying for a week, and the total sales have exceeded 98 million! Tomorrow it will exceed 100 million!"

"So fast?"

"Well, this will be the first time that Xiaonei's group buying has exceeded 100 million."

Zhou Buqi couldn't help feeling, "The times are changing too fast, and the wave of online shopping can't be stopped!"

Shi Jinglin snorted, "What is this? I asked about Taobao's data, and their sales this year have exceeded 12 billion."

"Group buying is doing so well, why aren't you happy?"

"Someone harassed me."


Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide.

Shi Jinglin glanced at him coldly, and said angrily, "Feng Xingguang from Weidian Technology, you fired him!"

"Feng Xingguang?"

Zhou Buqi was taken aback for a moment, isn't that the person in charge of Weidian Notes? At first, it was in the membership purchase project, and later applied for an online notebook project, which is now Weidian Note, which is doing very well. The user scale exceeds 6 million, and there are more than 200,000 paying members. The monthly income from membership fees alone is 2 million yuan.

On the side of Weidian Technology, Weidian Note's revenue-generating ability exceeds Weidian Security Guard, and it has a great reputation.

Shi Jinglin said coldly: "In June, Weidian Note's income surpassed that of security guards and became the largest source of income for Weidian's business group. He may have been full of confidence and has been pestering me. I have told him several times. No, no interest. He's still stalking."

Wen Zhixia tentatively said: "Linlin, you are so beautiful, it's normal for a boy to chase you...isn't it normal?"

Shi Jinglin said angrily: "There are many boys chasing me. In the company, there are no less than twenty people who have shown good feelings to me. Did I say that I would be fired? That Feng Xingguang is a bastard. I went downstairs the other day. He blocked me in the stairwell and said he wanted to go to dinner with me. If I didn’t agree, he wouldn’t let me go.”

Wen Zhixia was stunned for a moment, "This is a bit too much."

Zhou Buqi was also a little annoyed, "What the hell, isn't it a hooligan? You can't use force like this to chase girls, right? Is this still human?"

Then, I saw Wen Zhixia's annoyed and half-smile eyes.

All right!

At the beginning when he chased Teacher Wen, he used semi-forced methods, and even took her out for a run in winter...

But Zhou Buqi is not false at all, a successful person can play a good set of double standards, expressing that he wants to fight for his girlfriend, and coldly snorted: "Fired! Must be fired!"

Shi Jinglin looked better, glanced at him, and said sullenly: "I told He Yang about this, and he said a lot of things in a mess, and said that I should focus on the overall situation. That Feng Xingguang is the company's key The training object has a lot of room for growth, it's a pity to just open it like this, and said..."

"Nonsense!" Zhou Buqi snorted, disapproving, "Compared to you, a hundred Feng Xingguang is not enough!"

Shi Jinglin was very happy, "Then you go and tell He Yang to fire that bastard. Just now he sent me a text message and said a lot of nasty and disgusting things."

Zhou Buqi was a little embarrassed, "This..."

Shi Jinglin almost cried angrily, "Are you still my man?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said, "It's not appropriate for me to come forward in such a matter. In this way, you go to He Yang and tell him clearly that if you don't fire Feng Xingguang, you will resign!"


Shi Jinglin froze for a moment, completely astonished.

Zhou Buqi snorted coldly and said: "Fucking Feng Xingguang, how can you be more important than you? Let He Yang make the choice! Choose one! If he disagrees, you can write a resignation report and submit it. Wait until the sales of group buying break through 100 million , when the time comes, I will severely scold him and ask him to do a self-criticism to vent your anger on you!"

"Is this okay?" Shi Jinglin hesitated.

Wen Zhixia was also stunned, "It's just a small matter, is it necessary?"

Zhou Buqi said: "This is not a small matter, this is the principle. In the past, all female employees were promoted and raised, and they all wanted to have something to do with the leader. Now the times have changed, and men do the same thing. Well, who would not be happy to be a bad boy and lose ten years of struggle in life? Female managers are often the most dangerous when encountering this situation. Women are more emotional and are more likely to be emotionally impacted. Once troubled by love, The impact will be very serious, and the consequences will be unimaginable. We must resolutely put an end to this kind of behavior and make an example to others!"

Shi Jinglin was taken aback, "Then...then I'll talk to He Yang tomorrow?"

"Well, go find him! Later, I will mention it at the decision-making committee to strictly prohibit romance in the office. Whether it is true love or other purposes in the name of love, it is not allowed! This time, it must be one size fits all!"

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