Top of the big era

Chapter 53 Double Happiness

The supply chain problem of milk tea shop must be solved.

Raw materials such as tea, creamer, and plastic cups can all be assisted by Fang Qiwen. He runs a beverage factory, and was the vice president of Lehaha Group before. He has good supplier channels for many years, so you can rest assured.

The most important thing is the fruit.

Zhou Buqi called Fang Qiwen to ask, but the answer he got was speechless.

His beverage factory also produces fruit-flavored beverages. However, he never uses fresh fruit to make beverages. He purchases highly concentrated fruit pulp and has no resources for fruit suppliers.

There is no way, Zhou Buqi can only open up fruit supply channels by himself.

In the afternoon, Zhou Buqi called Meng Houkun and set off together.

Why did he choose Meng Houkun? He has considered for a long time.

Meng Houkun is a third-year student at Agricultural University, probably because of the Department of Literature, he is very careful in his work, he is meticulous in his clothes, and he is also very serious in meetings.

This character is very suitable for supplier management.

After Zhou Buqi brings it out, you might as well hand over this business to him.

The two took a taxi to a relatively well-known fruit wholesale market in HD District.

It's a pity that the eyes of the two of them were darkened.

"How's the investigation going?" Zhou Buqi asked him.

Meng Houkun said: "Ask two fruit shops, they are not too big, and the gross profit rate is around 60%. The gross profit rate I am talking about refers to the profit rate after removing rotten and damaged fruits."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "A catty of bananas is 2 yuan and 5 yuan. In this way, the price that the wholesaler gives to these retail fruit stores will not be higher than 1 yuan and 5 yuan."

Meng Houkun said: "The prices that wholesalers give retailers are based on the sales volume. These small fruit stores have limited sales, so their prices are also high. Only supermarkets and large fruit merchants with a large purchase volume can get the lowest prices. The purchase price. It's a pity that we don't have the exact data."

"Yeah, it's measured."

"Our milk tea shop, how should I put it, the off-season is coming soon. The daily fruit consumption of each milk tea shop is 100 catties, which is too low."

Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, "Our price can't be higher than that of fruit retailers, right?"

Meng Houkun said: "It's hard to say, we have no resources and no connections."

Zhou Buqi squinted his eyes and said: "Now we only have three stores, so the purchase volume is not large. However, within a year, Yuanwei Milk Tea Shop can open at least 100 stores, covering colleges and universities in the whole capital. If you can't see us clearly potential, such a supplier is unnecessary.”

Some things he didn't say clearly.

He wanted to solve the problem of the fruit supply chain once and for all, so that he would not be disturbed by it in the future.

The milk tea shop is just a small beginning of his business, and he will open up a bigger market in the future, so he doesn't have time to go back and forth on the fruit supply.

As a result, he was disappointed.

In the fruit wholesale market, the two went to more than a dozen suppliers, but the prices they offered were ridiculously high, almost equal to the retail price.

This is typical of college students with no social experience in bullying.

After walking for more than three hours, they retreated in defeat.

"It's okay. The road to success is always full of twists and turns. Don't be discouraged. Tomorrow afternoon, let's go to the Changping Shuitun Agricultural and Sideline Products Wholesale Market. There are more wholesalers there, and they are more formal."

Zhou Buqi was afraid that he would be discouraged, so he encouraged him.

Meng Houkun smiled without saying a word.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhou Buqi asked curiously.

"I'm happy."

"Walk all afternoon for nothing, and my mouth is dry, are you happy?"

Meng Houkun shook his head, "It's different, I'm happy about this experience."

Zhou Buqi nodded slightly.

Meng Houkun sighed, and said softly: "Only by your side can I realize how hard it is to start a business. The cold eyes and contempt we received this afternoon, I almost couldn't help but walk away a few times. But every time you You can put a smile on your face and pass them cigarettes. To be honest, I admire you."

"So, have you learned?"

"Well, every grandpa starts as a grandson."

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Buqi laughed.

Meng Houkun turned to look at him, "I'm going to Changping tomorrow, shall I be the host to talk about it? You can add to it."

"You can do it?"

"Let me try."



Back at school, Zhou Buqi called Wu Yu to have dinner together.

This made Wu Yu very happy, she dressed up exquisitely, her light eye shadow was very delicate, and a layer of shiny lipstick was applied on her red lips.

"Don't scribble on your mouth from now on."

During the meal, Zhou Buqi sternly warned her while serving her food.

Wu Yu was very sweet in her heart.

She understood it.

Don't look at Zhou Buqi who is usually fierce and always scolds people, but he is still very gentle and considerate in his bones.

Just like last night, didn't he take off his coat and put it on for himself?

It's just a tofu heart with a knife mouth.

"What's wrong? Doesn't it look good?"

Wu Yu blinked, very strangely. This lipstick is one of her favorites.

Zhou Buqi buried his head in his meal, "How can you kiss with those messy things?"

Wu Yu's face turned red suddenly, and he lowered his head and let out a "hmm". While eating, he suddenly thought of the funny look of his lips covered in balm, couldn't hold back for a while, and burst into a "puchi" laugh.

Zhou Buqi glared at her angrily, "It's not honest to eat!"


Wu Yu suppressed a laugh, and replied softly, the smile on the corner of her mouth, but she couldn't hide it no matter what.

Zhou Buqi was very convincing, I don't know why this girl is acting stupid, "You really live up to your name, Wu Yu, you are really speechless!"

"You're killing me again."

Wu Yu pursed her mouth and looked at him coquettishly.

Zhou Buqi was a little mad at her, very helpless, "Forget it, do you still have any fruit in your bedroom?"

Wu Yu bowed his head and said, "There's no more food, our roommates are all eating, I'm too embarrassed to refuse."

"Well, it's fine."

Zhou Buqi didn't care, he took out his phone and made a call, "Master, is the fruit gone? Yes, let's buy some more."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Yu was stunned.

Zhou Buqi snorted and said, "Is it strange? When a girl falls in love, her boyfriend has to raise her in a dormitory. When a boy falls in love, he has to rely on his dormitory to support her. If I don't ask the dormitory for help, can I afford you? "

"How can it be so exaggerated?" Wu Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Zhou Buqi sighed: "It's true, I have no money now, not only have no money, but I still owe someone 20,000 yuan outside."

If the domain name business doesn't start as soon as possible, his capital chain will really be broken.

At this time, he was probably the most stressed period since he came to Beijing.

Fortunately, there is a girl by my side.

She gave him the greatest relaxation with the sweetest kiss.

It just doesn't feel good with full lip balm.


At the doorman downstairs, Zhou Buqi received a package.

He thought it was from Dad Xiongbao, and it must be something inappropriate for children, so he took it away secretly for fear of being seen.

After going back to bed, while waiting for Wang Dalong to come back from buying some fruit, he turned on his computer and checked his MSN mailbox.

May a miracle happen.

The domain name business needs to start quickly.

"Huh? There is still mail. I'll go, junk mail..."

Zhou Buqi was a little disappointed, but just as he was about to skip it, his eyes suddenly stopped, no!

This English email does not seem to be spam!

He quickly sat up straight and tried his best to read this "reading comprehension" with his shallow English skills. Then, the eyes became brighter and brighter, and the expression became more and more joyful.


It's really here!

The domain name business is about to open!

This is an email from the United States, sent by a college graduate named Steve. The general idea is that he wants to start a news website and has already found angel funding. The only regret is that his preferred domain name has been registered.

He hopes to buy the domain name for $50,000.

Finally, he also attached a business license of the American company and some approval documents issued by the San Francisco City Hall, as well as his personal contact information and photos.

This proves that what he said is true and that the intention of cooperation is sincere.

Zhou Buqi already knew that this year's domain name business would definitely start, because the global Internet market started to boom again. 2005 was the first year of the new Internet, and countless excellent Internet companies were established in this year.

He originally thought that the first domain name business would be a domestic website like or

Unexpectedly, it came from Silicon Valley!

Moreover, the opening price was 50,000 US dollars!

Converted into domestic currency, that is more than 400,000!

Get rich.

Now that I am rich, all problems are solved.

Zhou Buqi was very excited, and carefully read the email from the other side of the ocean several times, so that he didn't even notice that Wang Dalong came back after buying fruit.

"What's the mail?"

People from the Northeast are careless and careless. Wang Dalong is like this. He put the fruit on the table and took the express package and opened it.


Zhou Buqi dealt with it casually, glanced back inadvertently, and then his face changed drastically, "My package! Don't move!"

This is something his bear father mailed to him, it is a shameful thing!

"What's wrong?"

Wang Dalong felt baffled, at this time he had already opened the package, and looked inside, "The book in the post? What book is so important?"

"Huh? Books?"

Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback, a little surprised.

Dad Bear Bao mailing himself a book?

No way?

It's not his character.

At this time, Wang Dalong had already taken out the book, and said with a smile: "So it's a magazine, "Chinese Food"? Why are there three copies, all of which are the same."


Zhou Buqi was also a little puzzled, who mailed him the magazine?

After taking a look, under the "Chinese Food" magazine, I saw that it was the China Food Magazine Publishing House, and suddenly realized.

I understand.

It turned out that this package was not sent by Dad Xiongbao, but by the Capital Institute of Food Science and Technology.

China Food Magazine is a subsidiary of the Capital Institute of Food Research.

Look at the cover of this magazine again, ho!

Enough style!

There is a shining headline - "Pearl Milk Tea, Do You Dare to Drink It?" "

This is double happiness.

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