Top of the big era

Chapter 52 Blue Sky Dream

It may be because Ma Pingshan has stayed in a state-owned enterprise and has a lot of knowledge, so Zhou Buqi chatted with him very speculatively.

Ma Pingshan also felt this way. After drinking a bottle of Coke, he tried to ask: "Boss Zhou, tell me the truth, do you think I can do it?"


Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback, "What do you mean by that?"

Ma Pingshan said bitterly: "In my life, I have been good at the major of aviation flight technology, but my character is too reckless, with too many edges and corners, and I can't adapt to the atmosphere of a state-owned enterprise."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "It's not a bad thing to have more edges and corners. In many cases, creativity comes from edges and corners."

Ma Pingshan waved his hand, as if he didn't want to talk about this topic, and asked: "Boss Zhou, I know that you are a person with great ambition and strong ability. I admire you very much. But what can I do if I follow you? I have no other intentions, you can point me in the direction so that I can work hard. Even finance and legal affairs are fine, I will learn."

Zhou Buqi was taken aback, "You don't want your major? You don't like this major?"

"I like it! I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say it. I've been curious about the blue sky since I was a child." Ma Pingshan sighed, his face full of helplessness, "But, reality can't be stopped."

"Why?" Zhou Buqi was puzzled.

Ma Pingshan said: "Didn't I say that I am not suitable for state-owned enterprises..."


Zhou Buqi interrupted him, with a strange expression on his face, "The state-owned enterprise is not good, so why not go to the state-owned enterprise? Our team is not a state-owned enterprise either."


Ma Pingshan didn't understand what he meant.

But Zhou Buqi understood his thoughts, and asked him firmly: "Brother Ma, tell me, what is your ideal?"


Ma Pingshan laughed and shook his head, a little lonely.

"Brother Ma, do you think I'm joking?" Zhou Buqi stared into his eyes with a serious face. At the beginning, he would choose Ma Pingshan to his team without hesitation, just because of his major.

His undergraduate major is aircraft control and information engineering, and his graduate major is unmanned aircraft system engineering.

Ma Pingshan was surprised by his serious look, "Boss Zhou, you..."

"Just say it straight, isn't your ideal the blue sky?!" Zhou Buqi's tone was a bit serious.

Ma Pingshan took a deep breath and spit out a word: "Yes!"

"Then why don't you go after it?"


Ma Pingshan was shocked.

Zhou Buqi said softly: "The national policy is being loosened little by little. As far as I know, a lot of folk technology has also been applied to the Jiuquan Launch Center."

"It's all a small matter, the supply of some auxiliary technologies." Ma Pingshan shook his head, "The core aerospace technology, including aviation technology, is in the hands of state-owned enterprises."

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, and said: "Brother Ma, you are right, but this is not a policy restriction, but a practical restriction. Private enterprises lack sufficient capital investment and a large number of scientific and technological personnel, so it is difficult for them to develop in aviation. There has been a breakthrough in the direction. You also know the situation in our country, and high-tech talents are scarce."

Ma Pingshan froze for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"I want to tell you that national policies have not restricted your blue sky dream!" Zhou Buwei said loudly.

Ma Pingshan opened his eyes wide and lost his voice completely.

Zhou Buqi was silent for a while, and asked him with a smile: "Brother Ma, do you know how those big scenes in the movie are shot? It's like the big battle in "The Lord of the Rings."

"A rocker?"

"No, it's a helicopter."

"Flying a helicopter to make a movie?" Ma Pingshan didn't know much about the market.

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "It's not just for filming. For example, aerial shots of the World Cup, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, and other large-scale events, and even Michael Jackson's concert, all need to be taken by helicopter."

Ma Pingshan shook his head, "The handwriting is really big enough, how much will it cost to use a helicopter?"

"Yes, the cost is too high. Therefore, only the largest events, only Hollywood movies can do this. If you look at the domestic "Hero", the scene is also very big, why is it not as grand as "Lord of the Rings"? It is very big The reason is that there is no aerial perspective of the helicopter, and only the rocker can be used.”

"Well, the country is still poor."

"Do you want to change this situation?"

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Ma Pingshan didn't react.

Zhou Buqi said: "Helicopters consume too much, let alone us, few countries in the world can afford it. This contains a huge business opportunity-drones."

"Drone?" Ma Pingshan thought it was ridiculous at first. UAV is the most advanced technology. The U.S. military is secretly developing it. It is the direction of the fifth-generation fighter.

Immediately, his face changed slightly, and he figured out something, and said in surprise: "You mean civilian drones? Use drones to take aerial photos?"

Zhou Buqi smiled slightly, "Actually, it's not just you, I believe that every man has a blue sky dream. The favorite of many children is toy airplanes. If they can't afford it, they make paper airplanes by themselves. I have seen the technology of many toy airplanes. They are all pretty good, can they fly twenty or thirty meters high?"

"It can be higher. Our school has a model airplane competition, which is refitted by students. It's pretty good." Ma Pingshan's voice was trembling, and his surging heart could no longer be controlled.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Isn't that right? The distance between ideal and reality is very far?"


Ma Pingshan's eyes lit up, looking at him almost crazy.

Zhou Buqi stretched out three fingers and said: "To use drones for aerial photography, in my opinion, there are three technologies that must be broken through. First, the drone must be large enough, have enough load capacity, and be able to carry A small digital camera. Second, the aerial photography needs to be stable, which requires the UAV to be able to hover and remain stationary in the air, which uses the helicopter spiral principle, and is more precise. Third, there must be information transmission, no The aerial footage of the man-machine can be displayed through the device in hand, so that the direction and focal length can be adjusted at any time.”

Ma Pingshan looked at him excitedly, his voice trembling: "Boss Zhou, this is my specialty!"

"Can you do it?"


"Would you like to do it?"

"This is what I have been pursuing, why would I not want to?"

Zhou Buqi stood up and said loudly: "Isn't that enough? Brother Ma, your future direction, isn't this the way to find it?"

Ma Pingshan was so excited that he also stood up.

However, he soon calmed down and said hesitantly: "This direction is unprecedented, and I'm afraid it doesn't exist in the whole world. If you want to do some research in this area, you will need to invest a small amount of money."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "Brother Ma, don't forget, we are a team! I will solve the problem of funds! Your problem is to go deeper and more sophisticated professionally, and to go to the top of the world. At the forefront. We have found a world-leading topic, so we have a reason to always be ahead of the world.”

"Leading the world..."

Ma Pingshan took a deep breath, and his mood, which had just calmed down, beat violently and frantically again.

This is a great goal!

At the beginning, when he resigned from the state-owned enterprise, he felt very guilty.

It is not easy for the country to cultivate high-end talents, especially those in aerospace. In this regard, the motherland has been constrained and suppressed by international giants. If it wants to rise, it must be self-improving, and it needs the struggle of this generation of Chinese people.

But after he finished his studies, he didn't want to continue on, and he felt somewhat guilty of failing the country in his heart.

Now, after hearing Zhou Buqi's words, the guilt and uneasiness in his heart disappeared!

Yes, without being in a state-owned enterprise, he can still make great contributions to the country's aviation industry, and even have the opportunity to take a shortcut and climb to the top of the world!

This is his great pride as a Chinese!

He raised his head up to the sky, lowered his head to his heart, and opened his arms. He was ashamed of the land under his feet!

Ma Pingshan sank.

He fell completely into the aviation dream that Zhou Buqi wove for him.

Seeing that the corners of his eyes were wet, Zhou Buqi patted him on the shoulder, led him out of the cafeteria, and asked as he walked, "Now that the goal has been set, what do you think should be done next?"

Ma Pingshan took a deep breath, "Specialized research! Master the most advanced UAV technology in the world as much as possible, and go deeper and wider in the technical field."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "In my opinion, you need to do three things right now. The professional skills you mentioned are just one of them."

"Speak, I'll listen."

At this time, Ma Pingshan has completely dormant under Zhou Buqi's personality charm.

It can be said that Zhou Buqi's words pointed out a clear path for him, like a guiding light, which changed his whole life. If there is no Zhou Buqi, his next life will roughly go in two directions, either returning to a state-owned enterprise or changing his career.

Zhou Buqi said: "You must actively participate in all the projects and activities of the Entrepreneurship Alliance. Even if our next entrepreneurial project has nothing to do with drones, but the commercial attributes are common, you must learn from me Business thinking, improve their own management capabilities."

"Well, I remember." Ma Pingshan nodded heavily.

"The last point is particularly important. You are backed by the best university in my country's aerospace engineering, which gathers a group of top scientific and technological talents in my country's aerospace industry. There are dozens of academicians of the two academies. In the next one or two years, you It is necessary to organize a sufficiently good team to create a great cause with you.”

"Hehe." Ma Pingshan grinned, "This shouldn't be difficult. In fact, few elite talents are willing to work in state-owned enterprises if they have a choice. In the field of aerospace, there are almost no private enterprises. If I have a suitable project, It means that there are no competitors, and a team of one or two hundred people can be easily pulled together with a wave of climbing."

"Elite!" Zhou Buqi looked at him with a dignified voice, "I said, since we want to do it, we must go to the top of the world, or even the best in the world! What I need is the best talents. If you can, you can even You can extend an olive branch to your mentor, to the Yangtze River Scholars, and to the academicians of the two academies. Do you understand what I mean?"

Ma Pingshan's eyes widened with shock.

He finally saw clearly.

Zhou Buqi's ambition is so great and boundless!

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