Top of the big era

Chapter 504 Enterprise software is hard to do

After a busy day, Zhou Buqi worked as a product designer for a while. According to the template of Nokia 1100, he rewrote a set of customized ultra-low-cost mobile phone design drawings for college students.

He is a layman, so he rarely goes into details.

The general direction is set.

According to Zhou Buqi's vision, in October or November, this mobile phone can be put on the market and sold to college students.

It's mid-July, so time is a bit rushed.

Generally speaking, it takes about 12 months for a set of procedures to launch an electronic product from project approval to launch. However, in these 12 months, 9 months were basically spent on research and design.

Zhou Buqi spent 1 day alone, which is equivalent to completing 8 months of hard work by 200 people.

If this gets out, he will be the number one product design master in the world!

Call Yan Guangming, he said that he has gone to other places to run the supply chain, and he will not be back until tomorrow afternoon. In addition to mobile phones, we also need to make MP3 players, which will be released when school starts in September. According to this plan, production will start in August.

Zhou Buqi simply brought his own design plan, called Ning Yaxian, and went to Google China.

Go see Zhou Shaoning.

Weizhiwang has been online for half a month, with more than 30,000 questions raised and more than 100,000 answers posted. Among them, more than 1,200 high-quality posts have passed the review.

Every day, high-quality posts are evaluated according to the number of words, content, professionalism and reading attributes, and subsidy ranging from 10 yuan to 500 yuan will be rewarded to the answerers.

Half a month after going online, a total bonus of 230,000 yuan has been spent.

The champion of's overall list is an economics professor from Beijing Normal University. He mainly explains social phenomena through economic principles, and uses the most popular language to explain social problems that confuse everyone, which is deeply loved by everyone. A total of more than 190 answer posts have been made, and there are more than 130 high-quality answers. He is the biggest master and has a personal bonus of 28,000 yuan.

The second one is a civil lawyer for marriage disputes, mainly telling various marriage stories, explaining the real problems in the love relationship through stories, calm and cruel. There are more than 160 high-quality answers, and the personal bonus is 26,000 yuan.

The third place is a current student and the champion of the "Knowledge Ranking" on the Xiaonei website. It is Guan Ting, a sophomore student from the School of Economics and Management of Beijing University of Science and Technology.

Well, it turned out to be one of our own!

She mainly introduces the gameplay, functions and money-making skills of Xiaonei, as well as the understanding of college students in terms of academics, social practice and interpersonal relationship. They will also participate in answers about employment, postgraduate entrance examinations, and love.

The answer direction is very broad, but only for college students.

She is the most sought-after answerer among college students on Xiaonei. She is not only beautiful, but also has an amazing reserve of knowledge. More importantly, she holds an important position on as a part-time job. She is nicknamed "Miss Banzhu".

The current Weibo has very limited influence.

The main reason is that college students actively participate in it in order to make money, and the coverage is relatively small.

But it's already off to a good start.

It's time to reach a strategic partnership with Google.

Zhou Shaoning's complexion was not very good. He understood the purpose of his visit and didn't express much. He said calmly: "Weizhiwang, I have followed it. It is a very valuable website."

Zhou Buqi shook his head and sighed, "Baidu doesn't give traffic."

Zhou Shaoning smiled and said, "You are robbing people too hard, aren't you?"

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, "What is this? I have already called Li Yanhong personally. If he sets up a card for me for this matter, it would be too petty. In order to thank him, I plan to find an opportunity to send him a sum of money." Where's the money!"

"Send money?"

"Well, is going to launch a new social game of stealing food, which is very playable. At that time, we will use Baidu's resources to promote it."

"Ziweixing's innovative ability, not to mention domestic, is not bad even compared to those giants in Silicon Valley. The information flow function of has been learned by Facebook, which has caused quite a stir!"

What Zhou Shaoning said was obviously meant as a joke.

Information flow means that on the homepage, friends’ dynamics are pushed out in the form of information. If some recommended advertisements are mixed in during the period, it is an information flow advertisement. has been extremely successful in this business.

But Facebook had a problem. As soon as the information flow business was launched, it was criticized in the United States.

Users feel that their privacy has been violated.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Information flow is the general trend, and opposition is useless."

"Did you poach a lot of people from Baidu this time?"

"Well, 162 people."

"A lot!"

"There are 107 engineers, which is not bad. There are more than 30 sales, and some administrative, operational finance and personnel."


Zhou Buqi nodded, and said with a smile: "At first, I wanted to make strict requirements on personnel affairs and cancel some of them. As a result, their overall level is too high, and it is a waste to cancel one. Except for a dozen or so who are unwilling to come, basically It’s all accepted.”

Zhou Shaoning twitched the corners of his mouth, wanting to laugh.

It has been spread in the industry that Ziweixing's boss Xiao Zhou has a big hobby, which is to pick up junk, and he really turns waste into treasure and manages the family diligently.

"Baidu abolished the enterprise software department. You have recruited so many you want to make enterprise software?"

"That's what it means."

Zhou Shaoning frowned, and pointed out: "It's very difficult to make enterprise-level software, but it's not as simple as targeting individual users. It's understandable that even Baidu can't do it."

Not only was Baidu unable to continue, but Ali also established a software department in 2007. As a result, it worked hard to spend more than one billion yuan, and had to abolish the last feather.

The very important reason is that foreign countries already have very mature enterprise software systems.

Small private enterprises use pirated versions, while large private enterprises prefer foreign products. As for the government, state-owned enterprises and public institutions, it is even more difficult for ordinary private companies to enter. All the well-established software companies in China, such as Chinasoft, Neusoft, Inspur, UFIDA, ZTE, and TravelSky... basically have a deep official background.

In a word, making enterprise software is not the way of market economy.

Zhou Buqi said: "Relying on the government and relying on affiliated transactions to survive, what kind of enterprise software do those companies make? The gap is too big. If you want to really make good products, world-class products, you must We must follow the market economy and stand out from the fierce competition. This is the only way to avoid being stuck by foreigners on the road of enterprise software.”

"But not now, the market has not yet been cultivated."

"Yeah, the longer you delay, the bigger the gap will be."

"This kind of thing can't be rushed. As an enterprise, we can only ride the wind and waves behind the general trend of the times. It is impossible to sail alone in the dark night."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "It's quite philosophical."

Zhou Shaoning said very seriously: "Don't do enterprise software, at least not in the next few years. This is my suggestion."

Zhou Buqi had a big plan and a different idea, so he stretched his waist, "For the time being, let's do it on a small scale, get some simple enterprise management software, and use it first. Fortunately, I have many companies and can be self-sufficient. .”

In Ziwei Star alone, there must be management software for finance, human resources, and administration, as well as an office communication system for all employees. Using MSN or QQ as a communication tool is very inappropriate.

In addition, if you want to make mobile phones, you need to integrate integrated management software such as "sales + production + procurement + inventory + finance + customers + projects + human resources + after-sales", including milk tea business.

However, for different companies, different details are required.

In addition, Bajixing, which makes drones, will help, Youku, Douban, and UC to do it...not just to make a lot of money, but at least to reserve talents and technologies.

When the era of cloud computing comes, a series of enterprise-oriented services that match cloud computing will usher in the spring.

Zhou Buqi didn't want to explain too much about this, so he changed the subject, "By the way, didn't you submit the report to the headquarters? How about it?"

Zhou Shaoning shook his head, it seemed that he was rejected.

"Then what to do?"

"Write another one."

"What if the Americans don't agree?"

"Then there's no way."

Zhou Shaoning looked very determined.

Zhou Buqi hurriedly saw the needles and said, "By the way, I wrote a document. You are an expert. Please read it for me."

The postal department and the postal company have separated, and the spring of the domestic express delivery industry is coming. If Boss Ma didn't keep it all in order, he would trick him into making a courier, but he couldn't be intercepted.

Ning Yaxian stood up lightly, took out a document, handed it over, and said with a light smile: "President Zhou, this was written by our boss after a hard day."

Zhou Shaoning took the materials and couldn't help being surprised: "Mobile phone?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, I want to customize a mobile phone, which imitates the design of Nokia 1100. Some redundant functions that are not needed have been cancelled."



"You want to make an ultra-low-cost mobile phone?"

Zhou Shaoning is an expert, his understanding of the communication industry is much deeper than that of the Internet, and he can understand the other party's mind at a glance.

Zhou Buqi said: "I got the data from the Education Portal, saying that there are more than 5 million college students across the country who still don't have mobile phones. As a responsible businessman, you should not place all your hopes on the social service system."

Zhou Shaoning looked calm, looked down for a while, wrote and drew with a pen, picked out three small problems, and then looked up at him, "It's a thankless job, and it won't make a profit."

"I think ideals are more valuable than profits, what do you think?"

"Do you make a mobile phone?"

"The high-end mobile phone market is monopolized by foreign giants. It is said that they have a high level. But I went to Zhongguancun that day and found it ridiculous. The low-end mobile phone market is dominated by small domestic manufacturers. It is a well-known brand. But the mobile phone with the lowest price is actually Nokia. The high-end ones can’t compare with the low-end ones. Can the domestic mobile phone market not be sluggish? Can it not be depressed? The gap is too big!”

Zhou Shaoning narrowed his eyes, "What do you want to do?"

Zhou Buqi said indifferently: "Give back the low-end market first, at least let impoverished college students across the country have access to mobile phones. This is the mission."

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