Top of the big era

Chapter 471 What do you think of me?

At the security meeting, a very serious thing was said.

It is said that during this period of time, they continued to encounter DDOS attacks, and the actions were very secretive and the technology was very good. At first glance, it is not the work of ordinary hackers, but an organized continuous incident, attempting to invade the databases of Friends Network and Xiaonei Network and steal information.

It is impossible to find out who it is.

There are too many suspicious targets.

Certain data from and are of great use to all Internet companies.

Fortunately, the defense network headed by Wu Hanqing is very strong, which ensures information security.

Zhou Buqi made a request to ensure the security of the database, and at the same time strengthen the antivirus engine and firewall functions of Micropoint Antivirus, and be ready to meet the possibility of large-scale new epidemic viruses at any time.

At nearly 10 o'clock, Zhou Buqi saw Wang Xiaojun in the office.

"Woke up so early?"

Zhou Buqi asked the secretary to pour tea for him.

Wang Xiaojun waved his hand, "The show will be recorded next month, so I have to get up early. Besides, Xiaogang's new movie is also being prepared, so I'm going to be busy."

"new movie?"

"Well, it's a war movie. There are differences in the choice of the leading actor. Xiao Gang doesn't like the star of the Hong Kong government."


"It's a bad experience. When I was filming "A World Without Thieves", I almost got into a fight."

Zhou Buqi was surprised and said, "No way? Andy Hua is making trouble?"

"It's not Hua Tsai. The bigger the star, the better the temper. It's a kid who is difficult to deal with. There are too many shits." Wang Xiaojun shook his head and sighed, "Xiao Gang has been in the arts since the 1980s, and he has met many Hong Kong people. The thing about bullying our mainland actors. At that time... you know? Our national treasure-level actress Liu Xiaoqing was bullied by the crew from the Hong Kong government. During filming, she suddenly broke down and cried, saying she was hungry and wanted to eat meat."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said with a sneer: "Don't worry, the development here is so good and the economy is booming. Just watch, in a few years, they will have to kneel and lick each other. stinky dog/shit!"

Some things, he has heard.

When recording "Run, Brother", those people from Baodao obviously came to the mainland to make money, but one or two of them spoke rudely. Talk about how disgusting the hospital here is, how old-fashioned the people here are, and talk about their own country at every turn. The most exaggerated thing is that there is a male assistant of a pseudo-mother, who even said that Lao Jiang was unwilling to shoot for the common people to not be harmed, so he deliberately let the mainland out, and he didn't want to face.

For this reason, Xu Baihui was furious.

If it weren't for the persuasive persuasion of the leader of the TV station, asking her to put the overall situation first and calm down, she might have just slapped and fired all the people from Baodao.

In Zhou Buqi's view, it is still the leaders who are far-sighted.

Actors, there's no need to be familiar with them.

Slapping faces is just a moment of pleasure, let them kneel down to serve us, this is the real skill.

In a few years, they will have to show their loyalty collectively in order to continue to come to the mainland to make money.

It can also express a family on both sides of the strait.

Wang Xiaojun smiled and said: "Coincidentally, I came here this time to discuss with you about celebrities."


"Didn't you tell me?"

"Tell me what?"

""Workplace Talent"."


"Workplace Talent" is a job-seeking program jointly launched by Jieyu Media and Yanjing TV. The name of the program was chosen by Xu Baihui. The slogan is: "Workplace Talent, a million annual salary is waiting for you."

Zhou Buqiben tentatively suggested to call it "It's Not You", but he was deeply despised and felt that the name was inexplicable.

At this time, Wang Xiaojun took out a stack of photos from his briefcase and handed them over, "Didn't you tell me to recruit an actress to cooperate with the hype of the show? ?”

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "I don't understand, what am I looking at?"

"I would like to recommend it. This is a program planned by you, and the hype idea is also yours. It must cooperate with you."


Looking down, the first picture is a girl; the second picture is a girl; the third picture is a girl; the fourth picture is a girl...

There are a dozen of them in total, all of them are beautiful girls!

Zhou Buqi immediately understood what Boss Wang meant, and was speechless and helpless.

What do you take me for?

That set of unspoken rules in the entertainment industry, don't use it on me, okay?

I'm not like those coal bosses.

I invest in the entertainment industry because I am really optimistic about this industry, not because I am interested in any female stars.

Not everyone wants to reap the additional remuneration of female stars for their efforts.

Just as Zhou Buqi was about to push it out, his eyes suddenly lit up.


This girl is very nice! The image is beautiful, the temperament is brilliant!

what do you say that is?

Wang Xiaojun came over to take a look, and couldn't help laughing: "Coincidentally, the hero has the same opinion, and I also think she is suitable! Not to mention, she is the artist that Hua Yi focuses on recently, and she plans to sign a contract."

"What's her name?"

"Deng Jiajia."


Zhou Buqi nodded, remembering.

Wang Xiaojun said: "She used to film a TV series, and then she took the exam and went to Zhongchuan to study. She was a top student in school and her grades were very good. However, she lacked luck in her career and never got the chance to act again."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "The master of the school, wanted to give up acting to apply for a secretarial job, but was caught by the boss of Huayi on the show, and starred in Director Feng's big movie... It's full of gimmicks!"

Wang Xiaojun thought about it for a while, and he really felt that this was a very eye-catching hype point.

The "Night Banquet" was a failure this time, and the next "Assembly Number" will be a success no matter what. Taking advantage of the popularity and hype of "Workplace Talent", it happens to be able to promote a wave of Xiaogang's new movie.

I haven't turned it on yet, let's build up the momentum first.

good idea!

"I didn't expect Mr. Zhou to be so good at celebrity hype."

"It's incomparable to you professionals."

Zhou waved his hand politely.

Wang Xiaojun was also unambiguous, and simply talked about some of Huayi's next star building strategies.

For example, Zhou Xun has a lot of negative news during this period, so we need to reduce her exposure, and then promote her to environmental protection and charity, and then match up with the United Nations Development Program to make her the first Chinese goodwill ambassador appointed by the agency. Personal image is fixed.

Another example is Wang Baoqiang, who wants to make him a common hero, or Huang Xiaoming, who wants to make him a female idol...

After talking for a long time, it was like using fans as a tool, guiding them as they wanted, and fooling them as they wanted.

Zhou Buqi said sincerely: "Sure enough, he is a high-achieving student majoring in mass media, I admire him!"

Wang Xiaojun looked at the time, smiled and waved his hands, "Okay, then I won't disturb your work, I'm leaving. By the way, on the 15th of next month, my brother will move house, are you free?"

For the people of China, housewarming is a big deal unless there is no ceremony, and Zhou Buqi has to save face and said with a smile: "Of course."

Wang Xiaojun put away the stack of photos, got up and left. After walking halfway, he came back again and put Deng Jiajia's delicate and glamorous swimsuit photo on his desk.


The next arrangement is the interview.

After the initial test and the second test, this time is the final test. Zhou Buqi will attend in person, accompanied by Wang Haiyang, the director of human resources.

Wang Haiyang is suffering too.

He has been working in human resources for seven or eight years, and he has never encountered such a thing.

When choosing a secretary, he even selected older ones.

One or two is enough, all male executives above M3 have to follow this standard. The upper limit is 50 years old and the lower limit is 30 years old.

However, he also kept an eye on it.

The boss is only 20 years old this year, so he really found a female secretary in her 40s, isn't it justified? At that age, she could be his mother, which is weird.

Therefore, he made his own claim and left five candidates with particularly good conditions. The oldest is 37 years old and the youngest is 30 years old. The appearance and figure are still real, and they are still in the stage of charm.

The female secretary is not only for serving tea and water, but also for being beautiful and beautiful, providing leaders with pleasing visual enjoyment.

"Boss, let's start with Zhang Yin first." Wang Haiyang recommended it first, and handed over the file, "She is our internal employee and works in the finance department. She worked in Yahoo before and has rich administrative experience."

"Well, let's start then."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

If the internal candidates are suitable, they must give priority to using their own people.

Zhang Yin is 36 years old this year. Her husband is a teacher and her son is in junior high school. The family is stable and she has no worries. Personal temperament is very good, let her be Zhou Buqi's secretary, and there is no shame in taking her out.

First impressions are good.

Wang Haiyang asked a few questions, and she answered them fluently, very well. Zhou Buqi asked two more questions, and answered them fluently, which showed that she was quick-witted and quick-responsive.

So much so that Zhou Buqi didn't want to continue the interview, so he wanted to fix her.

"Well, one last question."

"Boss, please ask."

"How are your grades?"

"Very sensitive."


Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback.

Wang Haiyang, who was next to him, was almost suffocated to death, and Zhang Yin, who was sitting opposite, also had eyes full of autumn water, and cast a wink.

Zhou Buqi vomited a lump of old blood in his chest, and suppressed his anger, "I'm asking about your performance."

"Oh... performance, it was 3.9 last month."

"It's okay, that's it, you go back and wait for the news."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and saw off the guests.

When she disappeared, I was a little angry.


What do you take him for?

Wang Haiyang was also very embarrassed, and persuaded: "Boss, when interviewing a female secretary, don't use words like 'last', 'special', 'in-depth understanding', and 'serious understanding'. After all, this position... is more complicated. It’s easy for people to think wrong, thinking that you are hinting.”

"I misunderstood her?"

"Of course, it was her fault."

Zhou Buqi snorted, a little displeased, "Scan this person off! I don't know why!"

The next interviewer is Tang Yao, who is 33 years old this year. She previously worked in a fund company and was engaged in secretarial work. She has ten years of work experience in this industry.

Zhou Buqi has experience, try to use some neutral words when asking questions, so as not to cause ambiguity.

Tang Yao showed four white teeth throughout the whole process, her smile was standard, and her answers to questions were well-founded and smooth. Business skills are even better. In addition to being proficient in Microsoft's office software, I can also use some of Adobe's office software. I can also write shorthand and draft some simple contracts.


However, Zhou Buqi found an unacceptable place in her file.

She was never married and had no children.

A 33-year-old young man with protruding lordosis and backward curls, charming and charming. Every frown and smile is full of charm, full of attraction to men.

What is she trying to do?

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