Top of the big era

Chapter 389 I want to be number one in the world

Every time the school starts, there will be a wave of enthusiasm on

A mini-program for snapping up train tickets is already online.

The internal test of the micro-dot input method has also come to an end, with rave reviews. Almost everyone who has used it said that it is better than the most popular Ziguang Pinyin and Smart ABC.

The fuzzy input among them is amazing.

For example, if you input the word "hello", you must input "nihao" accurately when using those two input methods, but when people type too fast, the letters may be confused, for example, it becomes "nihoa", other input methods will report an error. The micro-point input method can intelligently judge and continue to give the result of "Hello".

There are also some popular words.

The micro-point input method is a community input method, as long as it is the new words that appear most frequently on, it can update and fill the thesaurus as soon as possible, bringing convenience to users' input.

Zhou Buqi also used it, and felt that there was still a big gap with the input method of later generations, so he put forward some suggestions for rectification.

According to the plan of, on March 1st, the sign-in welfare section was launched; on March 5th, the micro-point input method was launched; on March 10th, micro-point notes were launched; on March 15th, was officially launched.

The first few are relatively simple, and the most difficult one is

This is the case with many things. It feels easy when you don’t do it, but the more you do it, the more difficult it will be. Shi Jinglin has already gone to Hangzhou to negotiate with Taobao, and she is a bit battered. It is estimated that... Taobao's service will be difficult to get online this semester.

On the third day of school, Zhou Buqi welcomed an important person——Yang Zhenkun.

He's officially hired.

He is a technical talent, especially with a very high annual salary of 1.5 million. There are relatively few options. He has 80,000 options, which can be exercised in four years.

After joining Ziweixing, he will not enter the management position, but will continue to follow his scientific research direction, that is, the research of distributed processing algorithms.

Academician Ni's report and speech at Peking University, Zhou Buqi did not go, but Zhang Yiming went, and was deeply encouraged.

The topic of his speech was "Science and Technology Injury", saying that our country is developing extremely fast, but it is big but not strong. In many key core technology fields, it is still controlled by others.

Then, he listed 100 core technologies that are still missing in our country, hoping to call on college students to study in these fields and serve the motherland.

Among them, the hardware field includes lithography machines, photoresists, chips, aero-engine nacelles, tactile sensors, mobile phone radio frequency devices, ICLIP technology, heavy-duty ignition turbines, high-end capacitor resistors, laser radar, aviation steel, high-end bearing steel, high-voltage Piston pumps, subsea connectors, epoxies, high-strength stainless steel, and more.

The software field includes operating systems, core industrial software, core algorithms, aviation design software, database management systems, and more.

The distributed processing algorithm studied by Yang Zhenkun belongs to the core algorithm, and it is also a blank area abroad.

In contrast, software is less difficult than hardware.

For example, the core algorithm, as long as we get the architecture, drawings, codes, etc., we can make world-class algorithms, which makes up for the lack of this field.

The difficulty is ecology.

The software is designed, but there is no ecology for survival, it is the same as nothing. Just like the Hongqi Linux system, it was made many years ago, but it has no ecology at all, and it cannot be compared with Windows at all.

The hardware is different, the difficulty of hardware is the craftsmanship.

Even if we have obtained other people's drawings and mastered a complete set of technical processes, we can't do it because the level of craftsmanship is not enough. For example, high-strength stainless steel, the principle is very simple, you can learn it at the undergraduate level, but you just can't make it.

Therefore, the software field is relatively simple. Even as long as we find a field that is still blank in foreign countries and has not established an ecological environment, our country can attack accurately and form a catch-up.

Typical representatives are the flight control system of DJI drones and the recommendation algorithm of Douyin.

Zhou Buwei is born again, of course he is not reconciled to just making money.

He's going to do something a little different.

Instead of shouting slogans like Mr. Ni, he wants to do it with real knives and guns.

"Scientific research must be combined with market products."

In his office, Zhou Buqi expressed his views.

Yang Zhenkun has a deep understanding of this. Whether he is at Peking University, Founder, or Lenovo, his research is combined with practice, and the research results have been made into products for marketization.

This is the best scientist.

It is not that scientific research must pursue results, but that only with considerable results can more young people be willing to participate. Otherwise, if you spend a lot of money and get no results, you will be discouraged, and no one will be interested in scientific research.

"The idea of ​​a distributed firewall is right. Lao Liu and I have known each other for many years, and we never thought we could cooperate again." Yang Zhenkun said with a smile.

Zhou Buqi said: "The distributed firewall is not too difficult, right? As long as the distributed algorithm is made, it will be fine if it is extended to the firewall."

Yang Zhenkun froze for a moment, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath, "Academician Ni gave a speech in the auditorium of Peking University two days ago, talking about the damage of science and technology in a big country, and he said that in the field of database management systems, we are still dominated by foreign giants."

Almost all the databases of large companies around the world use Oracle's Oracle.

Just like a personal computer needs a Windows system.

Yang Zhenkun's complexion changed drastically, "You mean we want to build a database?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Didn't we communicate last time? Oracle is a stand-alone relational database, which is a bit behind the times. American giants including Amazon and Facebook have begun to abandon it. It just so happens that distributed The database market is still blank.”

The two said last time that the current mainstream thinking abroad is to build a non-relational database to alleviate the huge storage and management pressure in the web2.0 era.

And what Yang Zhenkun meant was that relational databases are better and more stable. They have been doing it for decades. Don't change the model at will, but should upgrade! It is necessary to change from a stand-alone relational type to a multi-machine relational type, that is, a distributed relational database.

"Xiao Zhou...Mr. Zhou..." Yang Zhenkun's voice trembled a little, "This is no joke!"

"How to say?"

"The traditional database has already built the ecological chain and is very stable."


"The database has been around for decades, but basically its market structure has not changed much. The first few manufacturers have always occupied a dominant position. Because the database is very difficult to be replaced, especially if it manages a large amount of data. The risk of replacement is too great. What if the data is lost? And the transfer time of massive data is too long. During this period, it is equivalent to the paralysis of the entire service system. The database is at the bottom of the entire product or industrial chain. , the replacement risk is high, but the benefits are much smaller in comparison.”


"IBM and Microsoft have also launched their own databases, but they can't replace Oracle at all. This has led to the database becoming a field with extremely high thresholds and strong players. It is difficult for latecomers to catch up."

Zhou Buqi said: "If you can't catch up, you have to catch up! I don't agree with Academician Ni's approach, but I agree with him. The core technology must be in our own hands. We don't have a local database yet."

Yang Zhenkun sighed, "Even if there is one, no one will pay for it. The domestic operating system has been promoted for so many years, but who uses it? Many people have never even heard of the name Hongqi Linux."

Zhou Buqi said firmly: "Whether we buy it or not, we have to do it! Others don't use it, we use it ourselves! Mr. Yang, you have seen Ziweixing's business structure, and we will definitely become a great company. You put the database If we make it, even if we purchase it ourselves, we can still support ourselves.”

This is more conservative.

Traditional relational databases are essentially stand-alone systems. Usually expensive high-end servers and high-end storage are used, and it is difficult to meet the challenges of high scalability, high performance, high availability and low cost of Internet applications.

Therefore, the Internet giants in the future will definitely abandon the expensive "IOE" one after another, even IBM servers, Oracle databases and EMC storage devices.

Especially after the "Prism Gate" broke out, it brought a lot of political color to the promotion of Internet products in our country. Only by using our own products can we ensure that the U.S. imperialists do not eavesdrop and steal information.

"There is a big difference between the database and the operating system. The operating system is aimed at ordinary people. It is okay for them to shout slogans. It is almost impossible for them to give up the more accustomed operating system for the sake of their family and country. But the database The difference is that the database is aimed at enterprises and government departments, and some far-sighted entrepreneurs can play a demonstration effect. If there is a policy drive, domestic databases may not be able to be promoted.”

Zhou Buqi's attitude is very firm, that is, he must build a database!

Distributed relational databases, let alone 2006, even after three to five years, foreign countries have not set foot in this field, and they are all on the road of non-relational databases.

In other words, even if it takes a few more years of research, as long as it is done, Ziweixing will be the world's number one in this field!

With this reputation, are you afraid that the country will not promote policies?

Yang Zhenkun took a deep breath and looked at him with a serious face, "Mr. Zhou, are you really doing it?"

"Do it!"


Of course Yang Zhenkun is willing. This is not only the research of scientific research technology, but also a matter of success and fame. Then, he pondered, "However, to make a distributed database, I need a huge technical team and recruit people."

"how many people?"

"No less than 200 people."


"And a huge budget."

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes, "Report the number?"

Yang Zhenkun took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, "100 million a year, at least three years!"

Zhou Buqi didn't even think about it, and said loudly, "Just do it like this!"

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