Top of the big era

Chapter 388 Listening to a speech

The parking lot is on fire.

Half a month after its launch, the number of active users has exceeded 2 million, which is almost three times that of friends buying and selling.

Zhou Buqi also felt at ease.

It shows that his way of taking social games is basically successful.

In the previous life, Facebook launched the Facebook application platform in 2007. Developers can develop some small applications by themselves, and then connect with Facebook.

Facebook users can use these services directly on the website, and developers can get some advertising revenue.

This platform has indeed supported a large number of small companies.

This also includes large companies.

Like Amazon.

Develop an Amazon application and hang it on Facebook. When users use Facebook to see good things shared by friends, they don’t need to jump to the page. They can directly open Amazon through Facebook, and then use the Facebook account to automatically complete the docking, and then they can place an order. Bought. (Actually, it is a WeChat applet)

In this mode, some web game companies also participated, and then... social web games became popular all over the world. There are also various social games on and in China.

Basically imitation.

This life is different.

Friends Network has become the birthplace of social games, and it is likely to be promoted to the world!

For example, Cyword in South Korea sent out an invitation again, wanting to access the game "Grab Parking Space", hoping that can send a technical team to complete the docking.

This time, has enough confidence.

In addition to fixed cooperation fees and advertising dividends, the technical team's travel expenses, air tickets, and work remuneration must also be paid to the technical team.

The other party readily agreed.

Now everyone is working together, so Zhou Buqi doesn't have to run around anymore.

Go downstairs directly and go to the office floor of

"Well, when are you leaving?"

"Next week."

Tang Binchen didn't even raise his head. He seemed to be indifferent to answers. He was sitting at his desk, busy answering emails. He communicated in English, which seemed to be mixed with Japanese.

Zhou Buqi said, "What are you doing? Are you good at Japanese literature?"

"There's business again."


"Japanese mixi website, do you know?"

Zhou Buqi blinked, "I seem to have heard that it is the largest SNS website in Japan?"

"Yes." Tang Binchen smiled, "He is a veteran, born earlier than Facebook."

Zhou Buqi said pleasantly: "They are also interested in grabbing parking spaces?"

"It is an intention to cooperate."

After Tang Binchen finished replying to the email, he turned his head with great air.

Zhou Buqi punched him on the shoulder, "You can do it Tang Binchen, you are very good at dealing with foreigners! I think Ziweixing's overseas business can be entrusted to you..."

"Stop! Don't set me up!"

Tang Binchen immediately stopped him. He had no interest in working for others, but he had a stubbornness and pursuit of starting a business in his heart.

Zhou Buqi is not in a hurry.

The other party still has two years to graduate from graduate school. In other words, in the next two years, he is likely to stay at Ziwei Star as a part-time job.

With a part-time salary of 2,500 yuan per month, doing work worth 25 million yuan...

Zhou Buqi felt a little sorry, and lowered his voice, "It stands to reason that part-time jobs do not have options, but your performance is outstanding, so I can grant you an exception..."

"Don't! I don't want anything." Tang Binchen interrupted him before he finished speaking, "I work here to train myself and also to learn. I don't want options. It’s time to go away.”

"I think you are a big fool!"


Both of them are students, and they have not been influenced by any working class, so they will be more casual when communicating.

The main reason is that Tang Binchen is full of confidence.

Now Zhou Buqi is begging him, not him trying to please the boss.

Zhou Buqi was very helpless, and waved his hands, "Okay, you can figure it out. By the way, when are you leaving? Go to Korea or Japan first?"

Tang Binchen shook his head, "Don't worry, we'll leave after listening to Mr. Ni's report."

"Old Ni's report?"

"The report held in the auditorium of Peking University, don't you know?"

Zhou Buqi was a little speechless, "What's there to listen to? You don't understand Academician Ni, he is nothing more than shouting for the domestic operating system and domestic chips, and scolding Boss Liu by the way."

Tang Binchen frowned, with a puzzled expression on his face, "Why do I hear your tone... a bit disapproving? Aren't you also pursuing self-developed core technology, which is the same as Mr. Ni's idea."

Zhou Buqi said: "I really do it, but he is shouting slogans, is it the same?"

" misunderstood?"

Tang Binchen was not very confident.

Zhou Buqi had been favored by Mr. Liu, so he instinctively retaliated against Academician Ni, and said flatly: "He is a scientist and an academician. Since he is keen on domestic operating systems and domestic chips, he should apply for projects and lead the team." Do it, what’s the point of shouting slogans every day? Scientists don’t do scientific research, who do they count on?”

Academician Ni is a fighter, and his pursuit of independent research and development of operating systems and chips is undoubtedly correct strategically. But there is a problem that all scientific researchers have, that is, they are ignorant of world affairs and current affairs.

The entrepreneur with the most strategic vision in China is Mr. Ren of Huawei, who also pursues core technologies. But how did Huawei do it? Never make a fuss, develop in a low-key manner, step by step. In the first ten years, it was to imitate and copy Cisco; in the second decade, it was to catch up with the world's mainstream communication technology; in the third decade, it tried to be a world leader in a certain single field and lead the 5G trend...

Everything is developing in low-key obscurity.

Most of the time, I do it secretly, for fear that others will know.

The national conditions are such that only by keeping a low profile can we not be discovered by foreign competitors and have a more stable development space.

Even so, after Dacheng, Huawei's Hongmeng operating system must be equipped with ADB (Android kernel), and Kirin chips must also purchase design frameworks and drawings from abroad...

It can be said that the operating system is the most difficult project in the software field, and the chip is the most difficult project in the hardware field.

If the difficulty of making an atomic bomb is 1, then the difficulty of manned spaceflight is 10, the difficulty of aerospace engines is 50, and the difficulty of chips is 100.

The current domestic technical level is about 5, which is still a long way from manned spaceflight.

It's like a leader of the Football Association calling for the national football team to win the World Cup every day. Isn't this crazy? Our goal, of course, is to win the World Cup, which is the expectation of all Chinese people. But the question is, can we break into the top twelve first?

As the most experienced person in the industry, it is too impetuous to say such things every day. With this time, why not go down to the grassroots to lead more youth teams and train young players.

Tang Binchen is young after all, he doesn't know much about the industry, and he hasn't heard stories from bigwigs. I don’t have the experience of being a human being in two lifetimes. I don’t know that Academician Ni will stand on the platform for big liars many times in the next few years, from Northeast chips to “Hanxin”, from OEM HTC systems to “Redchip”.

Almost every disaster-like scandal in the technology circle has the figure of this old man.

This can be regarded as a tragedy of an era, and the influence of the system is too great.

At that time, he was one of the founders of Lenovo, the chief engineer, and took charge of Lenovo with Mr. Liu. Later, there was a strategic conflict with Boss Liu. He wanted to take the route of "technology, industry and trade", and Boss Liu wanted to take the route of "trade, industry and technology".

Later, the Chinese Academy of Sciences went to investigate and felt that Academician Ni had a fighting spirit and a lot of hard work, but lacked management skills and a rough style of work, so he was dismissed directly.

At that time, the Chinese Academy of Sciences gave Lenovo 30% of the employee shares, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences accounted for 70%.

As the chief engineer, Academician Ni can hold at least 5% of the shares.

After the result was exempted, it was directly reduced to 0.

I can only live on the salary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Since then, Academician Ni has never participated in front-line scientific research. He ran around calling signs every day, reporting Lenovo, cursing Mr. Liu, and calling for operating system and chip research and development.

"Didn't academician Ni promote the Red Flag Linux system? He is still promoting it vigorously."

"Do you think it's possible for ordinary people to use the Linux system? I don't even understand it. Didn't you read the news in Xincheng District? It said that the higher-level leadership department forced the district government to purchase the Hongqi Linux system. When the higher-level leaders inspected it, Everyone will log in to Hongqi Linux to deal with the inspection. After the inspection is over, they will all be replaced with Microsoft's system."

Tang Binchen asked again: "Isn't Northeast Chips very popular recently?"

Zhou Buqi had just discussed this topic with Wen Zhixia, so he went back to check the information, "The company in the northeast claims to be engaged in the development of microelectronics technology, integrated circuit chip design, manufacturing, packaging and testing. The first manufacturing plant is expected to It will be completed and put into production within one year, and the first phase will mainly produce FBAR communication chips for 6-inch mobile phones and 2-inch blue and white light diodes W/BLED."

Then, he paused, "Currently, only the United States and South Korea can do this in the world."

Tang Binchen immediately caught the word, "Estimated?"

"Do you believe?"


Tang Binchen stopped talking.

Zhou Buqi sighed, "The difficulty of the operating system is the ecology. The difficulty of the chip is the craftsmanship... Forget it, let's not talk about it, there is no need to go to Academician Ni's report speech, hurry up and solve the problem of grabbing a parking space Good. The road has to be walked step by step, and the meal has to be eaten bite by bite.”

Then, he went straight to He Yang's office.

"Do you have contact with Huawei?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"This summer, I want to organize our middle and high-level management to go to Pengcheng, to visit and study at Huawei's headquarters, and it is best to listen to a report by Mr. Ren."


He Yang couldn't laugh or cry.

This young boss, why do you think it's only a matter of time?

Zhou Buqi said: "Our company is mostly young people, with more enthusiasm than calmness. Especially when doing scientific research, we must be down-to-earth, from rough to fine."

He Yang's complexion was complete, and he said seriously: "That's right, Huawei's research and development atmosphere is definitely the best in China. Three to four percent of the country's annual nuclear high-tech capital investment is Huawei's. It's good to feel it, Avoid impetuosity."

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