Dangdang's headquarters is in Anwai Street on the North Second Ring Road, not too far from Beike.

After calling, Zhou Buqi came to the door directly.

"Any instructions?"

Li Guoqing signaled the secretary to pour a cup of coffee, and then joked.

Zhou Buqi was also unequivocal, straight to the point, "Are you familiar with Lenovo?"

"Familiar, in our line of business, who doesn't come to pay a visit to Boss Liu?" Li Guoqing smiled, and then his face changed slightly, thinking of something, "Aren't you doing it for He Yang?"

"it's him!"

"There's nothing I can do about it."

Li Guoqing shook his head and hastily declined.

Zhou Buqi thanked the beautiful female secretary, and after she left with her waist shaking, she raised her eyes, "Sister-in-law agrees to such a beautiful little secretary?"

"She doesn't care about that." Li Guoqing smiled, and then lowered his voice, "I'll tell you a little bit of experience, as long as a man has money, a woman can tolerate even the greatest shortcomings. The premise is that you have money!"

Zhou Buqi snorted, "It's not sure whose money it is."

Li Guoqing waved his hand, "You will understand later."

Zhou Buqi didn't talk nonsense with him, and asked, "What's the matter with He Yang? Are you familiar with him?"

"Too familiar, we met at a dinner last month."

Li Guoqing has a very wide network of contacts, from traditional industries to the Internet industry, including many high-ranking officials who have a good relationship with him. This has something to do with his early working experience in the system, and his deep understanding of the human society.

Zhou Buqi asked: "Have you made an offer?"

"Me? No." Li Guoqing shook his head. "Since last year, Dangdang has transformed from selling books and audio-visual products to online retailing of comprehensive mass products. It is busy raising funds and expanding its business."

Zhou Buqi heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "I thought you were going to make a move too, so it would be easy to handle. Help me, give me a message."

Li Guoqing frowned and said: "Xiao Zhou, I suggest you...you should go find someone else and don't waste your time on him. The Lenovo stock he holds is worth tens of millions of dollars. Don't mention that your company has been in business for more than a year. Small companies, even Dangdang, can't tolerate such a big Buddha. Start-ups, it's better not to poach people from big companies."

Zhou Buqi said: "I need someone with mature management experience to help me implement Ziweixing's corporate culture and organizational structure. My subordinates are all college students without any management experience, and the entire company is in disarray."

Li Guoqing sighed, "It's difficult! It's unrealistic! It's true that your company has great potential, but I've heard that among the companies that offered him offers, there are many big companies like NetEase and HC. You have no competitiveness." .”

"How do you know if you don't try?" Zhou Buqi looked calm, not in a hurry.

Li Guoqing glanced at him, "What do you want to do? Let me tell you, it's impossible to put hope on me. Even if I have time, it's impossible to convince him."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "No, it's just a small favor."


"You go to see him and tell him everything you know about me, and it's OK."


Li Guoqing opened his eyes wide, as if he didn't quite believe it.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Ziweixing is still in the stage of starting a business. What I am looking for is not an employee, but a partner in starting a business. Go and tell me about it, so that he can have a preliminary understanding of me."

Li Guoqing nodded, it was simple, "Do you have any information?"

"What information do you want?" Zhou Buqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I told you, just tell me what you know about me. If you know more, talk more. If you know less, talk less. The advantages can be said , the shortcomings can also be said, it doesn't matter."

Li Guoqing understood what he meant, and said with a smile: "This kind of self-introduction is quite novel."

"Then it's settled?"

"Well, I can't do it these days. Let's go on the weekend. I will find time to meet him on the weekend."

This favor must be helped.

Some time ago, Dangdang.com cooperated with Xiaonei.com to launch a sales campaign of must-read books during the winter vacation, selling nearly a million books in one go.

In just one week, sales exceeded 10 million. Li Guoqing was an eye-opener, and he deeply realized the dominance of Xiaonei in the campus market.

Left Sanli Building and went straight to Yingu Building.

There are many partners here.

The offices of Microsoft, Google, and Kingsoft are all here.

Zhou Buqi bypassed Microsoft and went directly to Zhou Shaoning, the president of Google.

In interpersonal communication, if you want to enhance the relationship with each other, drinking, eating meat, and taking care of yourself are relatively simple ways, relatively low-level. A more clever way is to come to the door with a cheeky face and ask him for help.

This job can't be too difficult, otherwise he will refuse, and it must be within a reasonable range.

As long as he helps, it means that he has invested in you, and he has the expectation in his heart to get back the "benefits" from you one day in the future.

This relationship is established stably.

Zhou Buqi is very optimistic about Zhou Shaoning and is willing to establish a friendly relationship with him. It is good for both people and yourself. In the previous life, Zhou Shaoning was fooled by Ali's boss Ma, left Google for Hangzhou, and founded Best Express. I thought it was a high-tech logistics system, but under the brutal competition of three links and one delivery, nothing was done, and I was losing money year after year.

Some time ago, Zhou Buqi took the initiative to come to the door, trying to promote the cooperation between Google and Ziweixing, but it was not smooth.

But this does not hinder the communication between the two.

"He Yang?" Zhou Shaoning was a little confused when he heard the other party's intention, "I know this person, Lenovo's executive, I heard that he is going to resign recently. But I don't know him, and I have never dated him before."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's okay, just send an email."


"Yes, I'll send you his email address later. Then you take the time to write down some basic knowledge about me, and just send it over."

Zhou Shaoning laughed and said, "A compliment?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said, "No, to be honest, what I'm looking for is a partner, and I hope to invite him to join the team in the most honest way."

Zhou Shaoning glanced at him, and there was some praise on his face, "I have visited the thatched cottage several times, and this is the first time I have seen your recruitment method."

"There is no way, the opponent is too strong." Zhou Buqi sighed, "Baidu, Netease, Midea, and Backgammon have all offered olive branches, and they must be different from them."

Zhou Shaoning smiled and nodded, "Then I wish you success."

Executives at this level are too busy.

Zhou Buqi didn't waste his time, sat in his office for five minutes and left.

Then go upstairs, go to Jinshan, and look for Lei Jun.


For professionals, the normal resignation process should be to file a resignation application with the current company after confirming the offer from the next company.

If you don't, it will be a disaster if there are gaps on your resume.

However, it doesn't matter for executives of He Yang's level.

It is normal for a professional elite of this level to spend half a year at home waiting for the next opportunity.

He rejected the persuasion of Boss Liu and many old colleagues, and resolutely handed in his resignation report.

I am determined to leave the company I have worked for for 13 years.

As Lenovo's senior vice president, he is in charge of the market. However, in terms of strategic understanding, he and Boss Liu had serious differences. He firmly believed that the local market should be the main focus, and then overseas markets should be developed. The strategic risk of All_in's overseas market is too great, and it is easy to shake Lenovo's foundation.

He firmly believes in his own strategic understanding, and even feels that if Lenovo continues to promote the "All_in Overseas" strategy, something unbearable will happen.

As the top person in charge of the marketing business, he does not want to be Lenovo's sinner.

Leaving is the best option.

The resignation report has been approved. As a group executive, his resignation procedures are very complicated, and the transfer of power will take time. However, the colleagues are very friendly, and it is not difficult for him at all. It is estimated that he will officially leave the job after the Spring Festival.

During this period of time, his mobile phone was about to explode.

Either it's a colleague's retention, or a colleague's inquiry, or...a headhunter.

"Wantong? Sorry, I don't have much interest in the real estate business. I still want to stay in the high-tech field."

Sitting in the office, He Yang rejected another headhunter and rubbed his temples wearily.

In fact, Lenovo also has a real estate business, and he is no stranger to this industry.

But that's not what he's after.

In the past few days, he has rejected countless headhunters. It's also very annoying. In today's information explosion, there is no privacy at all. MSN, email, phone numbers were leaked.

He got up, went to the president's office, and handed over a document. After waiting for half an hour, I came back and received another call. This time it was not a headhunter, but the human resources director of BBK.

He Yang refused without thinking.

It is true that he is leaving Lenovo, but his feelings for Lenovo have not changed.

Lenovo is the place where he is trained to become a talent and his home.

It is impossible for him to go to a company that has many business overlaps with Lenovo and will generate business competition. Companies like BBK, Midea, and Digital China must be excluded.

In this way, there is only the Internet left.

From the perspective of the global situation, the Internet has ushered in its second spring, and it has exploded with enthusiasm no less than that at the turn of the century. This will be a very promising direction.

Last night, he met an Internet tycoon—Ding Sanshi of Netease.

The talk was very good, and the other party agreed to offer the position of senior vice president and report directly to him. The annual salary is 800,000 US dollars, and a total of 500,000 shares of options are provided for 4 years... Converted into Huaxia currency, the annual income is almost 10 million.

The salary is very satisfactory, which is equivalent to 2.5 times of his salary in Lenovo.

There is one thing that I am not satisfied with, and I need to go to Hangzhou to work.

He Yang has a family in Yanjing, and his parents took it over. It would be a bit troublesome to go to Hangzhou again...

Not long after, he received another call.

"Hello, is this Mr. He Yang from Lenovo?" The other party's voice was very gentle and pleasing to the ear.

Knowing that He Yang must be here to recruit again, he said softly, "I'm He Yang, may I ask who you are?"

"I'm Li Yanhong, I sent an email before."

"President Li!"

He Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he blurted out.

It turned out to be the number one person on the Internet in China, the big boss of Baidu!

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