Top of the big era

Chapter 361 Everyone Collecting Firewood

According to the feedback information, at least six or seven well-known domestic headhunters have contacted He Yang. It can even be said that he is currently the most popular talent in the domestic high-end recruitment circle.

It is said that at least 20 large companies have sent invitations to him, including Wanda, Vanke, Wantong, Baidu, Huicong, Netease, Midea, BBK, Digital China and other well-known large companies.

No way, Lenovo's influence is too great.

Jingdong and Lenovo have been partners for many years, and they are very familiar with the executives there, so after several inquiries, they sent back information to Zhou Buqi.

"He is Mr. Liu's right-hand man, and the core backbone of Lenovo's corporate culture implementation and organizational structure improvement in the past few years. He should be regarded as the biggest practitioner of Mr. Liu's management philosophy."

On the phone, Liu Qiangdong explained the results of his investigation clearly.

Zhou Buqi was puzzled: "How could such a person leave the job?"

"He is mainly in charge of human resources. He was promoted to senior vice president the year before last, and he will also be in charge of marketing, sales, marketing and other business departments. In terms of marketing, he had a disagreement with Boss Liu."



"Tell me secretly, it's not a leak of secrets."

Liu Qiangdong sighed, "It's not a secret. Lenovo's executives know that he had a big fight with Boss Liu. This is unimaginable within Lenovo. Others think that he will be gone if he makes some achievements. Boss Liu does not allow rumors about this matter, and is still trying his best to keep him."

"Arguing with Boss Liu?" Zhou Buqi's heart moved. It is not necessarily a bad thing to quarrel with Boss Liu in terms of market positioning, because Lenovo's strategy is wrong. "Do you know the specific situation?"

Liu Qiangdong said: "Last year, Lenovo completed the acquisition of IBM's personal computer division. It was a feat and shocked the whole world. In the 1980s, Japanese companies went to the United States to buy and buy. In the new century, the whole world is watching. It reached the economic capacity of our country. Since then, Lenovo has officially started its global layout..."

"Get to the point!"

"Hard to say."


"Ahem, let's chat casually in private, what I said may not be accurate. I think Boss Liu's goal positioning is a bit high. He established a global headquarters in the Hong Kong government, and... how should I put it, a bit too much attention Overseas market, while neglecting the domestic market.”

Zhou Buqi understood, "Boss Liu's corporate strategy is to prioritize overseas first, then domestic?"

"Yes, didn't you just issue a statement, saying that Lenovo is a world enterprise."

"This kind of argument is fooling capital and the supply chain, right? Lenovo is a real national enterprise. Mr. Liu's market strategy of overseas first and then domestic may also have the intention of the above people."

"That's not clear." Liu Qiangdong sighed and thought for a while, "But from the perspective of the country, Lenovo focuses its business overseas, which is more in line with the current domestic and foreign business environment. It is hard to go out. , definitely make good use of it.”

"Hey, this should be the task of the state-owned enterprises. As a result, none of the state-owned enterprises failed when they went overseas, and a loss of 18 billion is considered small. It has become the laughing stock of the whole world. The big investment banks saw our state-owned enterprises going overseas for mergers and acquisitions. Don't make a fortune? The internationalization of national enterprises... this task, that is, Boss Liu can take over."

At this moment, Zhou Buqi felt that he had a clearer understanding of the country's economic situation.

As the only national enterprise that has gone global and achieved success, Lenovo must increase the process of internationalization under the influence of various aspects.

This is a rewriting of the meaning of the words "Made in China".

At that time, "Made in Japan" was once synonymous with plagiarism, imitation, and infringement. Its low quality and shoddy production were cast aside by the whole world. Later, the Japanese government began to vigorously promote the development of technology industries such as semiconductors, and spent huge sums of money to promote industrial upgrading...

Big hit.

Companies such as Sony, Panasonic, Sharp, Nikon, and Canon rose to fame and went global.

"Made in Japan" completed a triple jump in a short period of time, from rough manufacturing to synonymous with fine manufacturing.

Industrial upgrading must be the general direction of the country's sustainable economic development.

Lenovo wants to lead the way.

However, the higher priority of overseas markets must be detrimental to Lenovo itself. Lenovo is currently gaining momentum in China. As long as it does a good job in the market and marketing, and plays the patriotic card of national sentiment, other computer companies will have no chance at all.

If one day Lenovo's overseas market development is unfavorable, it will be too late to pay attention to the domestic market after looking back. Competitors have already grown bigger.

This is not some advanced strategic theory, Boss Liu can definitely see this. The reason why he didn't do this is probably because the boss was too impatient.

After Lenovo's strategy fails, it will probably be able to learn a lesson.

Another national enterprise, Huawei, has used various marketing methods to firmly stabilize the domestic market. Even if it suffered overseas setbacks and even suffered multiple fatal blows, it can still develop steadily with the guarantee of a huge domestic market.

In the process of crossing the river by feeling the stones, many pioneers are destined to fall into the river.

"What are you thinking? Why are you silent?" Liu Qiangdong couldn't help asking when he saw that he was silent for a long time.

Zhou Buqi sighed, "I was thinking, if it were us, whether we would choose the former between national interests and corporate interests."

"There's no need to think about that." Liu Qiangdong was in a good mood, and his tone was very relaxed, "Make the company bigger, provide more jobs, pay more taxes, and be able to lend a helping hand in a timely manner in times of catastrophe. This is enough."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Okay, you are right."

"You really want to dig He Yang?"

"Isn't he going to resign?"

"I haven't left my job yet, Lenovo doesn't want to let go."

"Lenovo's strategic direction, I think it's not enough. In comparison, Huawei's low-key and pragmatic style, which is steady and steady, is better. So, I don't call it poaching people, I call it saving people from suffering."

Liu Qiangdong was silent for a while, "I've met He Yang several times, let me see if I can make an appointment for you."


"Brother, why didn't you say something in advance?"

Yan Guangming was pleasantly surprised, as if seeing the city leader, he stretched out his hands to shake Zhou Buqi's hand, and welcomed him back to his office with a smile on his face.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Ma Pingshan said he just left, I knew you were here, so I came here."

"Isn't it right to help out with such trivial things? You can rest assured. Don't look at our small broken factory, but the flashlights and LED lights are also exported to Europe. Brother, I have friends over there. , to help you order a batch of spare parts from Germany, no problem!"

With a wave of Yan Guangming's hand, he was very reliable in his work.

Ma Pingshan has relatively high requirements for the spare parts of drones. His electronics factory can't produce them, but he can help import them from Germany, which can be regarded as a big help.

"But Lao Yan, your factory can't just produce low-end products such as flashlights and electric mosquito swatters, you have to have technology." Zhou Buqi has been dealing with him for so long, and he feels pretty good.

Yan Guangming's eyes lit up, "Would you like to help brother? Don't worry, you are willing to help. This factory... I will give you half!"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "What do I want your factory for? I just think that your business operation is so good, your interpersonal skills are also high, and you have connections in Europe. It's a pity that you only do small businesses like flashlights and LED lights. "

"What should I do?" Yan Guangming's eyes were burning, he looked very excited, and said sincerely, "Brother, brother, I'm not playing tricks with you, just waiting for you to give me a few words and point me in the right direction. .I've seen the bottleneck of this factory long ago, but I don't have enough vision, so I want to find someone to help me guide the way."

It's no wonder that since we met, he has shown himself over and over again.

Even Xu Wenxuan contributed.

Still want to go further in business.

This vision is also considered sharp.

An old fritter in his forties, willing to lower his profile to please a college student, is really extraordinary.

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Lao Yan, I want to ask you for a favor."

"No problem! As long as I can do it, you can mention it! If you are short of money, brother, do I have more? I can still afford ten to twenty million." Yan Guangming said angrily.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "It's not about money, it's... I've fallen in love with someone, and it's a bit tricky, I want to ask you for help."

Yan Guangming was slightly startled, and then laughed loudly: "Understood! Understood! Haha, you really are young and passionate! But... with your conditions, there are still people who can't handle it? Rich and career, sunny and handsome, and a famous university ..."

"The conditions of others are better!"

"Really? Whose girl?"

"What girl?" Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment, angry and funny, "Where are you going? It's not a girl, it's a man."


Yan Guangming was taken aback, stood up from the sofa suddenly, took a deep breath, "Brother, you... are you so tricky?"

Zhou Buqi was a little broken, and said with a dark face: "Brother, where are you going? The person I'm talking about is He Yang, the senior vice president of Lenovo."

Yan Guangming was stunned for a moment, "Lenovo's senior vice president?"

My heart felt a little cold.

Although he also has a net worth of tens of millions, the gap from Lenovo is still too big, it is simply the height difference between Princess Tomb and Mount Everest.

It is completely out of reach of his circle.

Immediately, his face flushed and cheered up.

If he had the opportunity to meet the top business elites like Lenovo's senior vice president, it would be a step forward for him.

A higher level of contacts represents a higher level of business.

Zhou Buqi said: "I don't know that person, but it's okay. I'll find out later, and I'll tell you his contact information. You'd better meet him a few times."

"Ahem..." Yan Guangming was a little embarrassed, lost his usual demeanor, and said with a guilty conscience: "Brother, I'm not trying to shirk, but we are just big bastards, and we have nothing in common with those high-level intellectuals, so we can't invite him How about going to play in heaven and earth?"

"why not?"


"Don't think too highly of him. Men, who doesn't like looking at beautiful women? But this is not the most important thing. After you see him, just tell him I am."

"saying you?"

Yan Guangming didn't quite understand.

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, just tell him about my situation from your perspective. For example, how did we meet? I am a young college student. Why do you value me? My shortcomings and advantages? Tell him In the cooperation process of Xiaonei, I will recommend you to make electric mosquito swatters, etc., and you can talk about everything related to me. Uh... except for Xu Wenxuan."

Yan Guangming was a little suspicious, "That's all?"


"So he can leave Lenovo and go to Xiaonei?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Everyone gathers firewood and the flames are high."

Yan Guangming immediately understood what he meant and gave a thumbs up: "High! Really high! The objective perspective of a third party is often more convincing than the subjective perspective."

"Well, it's up to you to help." Zhou Buqi didn't waste much time, so he got up and planned to leave. When he walked to the door, he slapped his forehead and said with a smile: "I almost forgot the business, old Yan, your factory Can MP3 be produced here?"


"Then find a way to set up a second-hand production line. Many domestic MP3 companies have closed down, so it's not difficult."

Yan Guangming frowned, "Do you want to make MP3?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, let's make MP3 first, let's try the water, if you lose money, forget it."

Yan Guangming waved his hand, patted his chest and said loudly, "What's this called? College students need MP3 to learn English. My old Yan is obliged!"

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