Top of the big era

Chapter 3088 Cutting Meat

"Microsoft?" Zhou Buqi knew about Kurian's conflict with Microsoft, but he didn't expect him to be so anxious. "He wants you to go against Microsoft? Social business?"

Tang Binchen said: "Yes, it's Helo!"

"How is he going to do it?"

"Very fierce, he wants to turn Helo into a paid product."


Zhou Buqi has now witnessed Kurian's courage in decision-making.

He was just nominated as an executive director, and he is going to change the positioning of Helo. You know, Helo can be said to be the core product of Ziweixing International's social business, and it is free to conquer the world.

He dared to use such a big move right from the start, which shows that he had thought about it a long time ago.

Helo overseas is WeChat in China.

To turn a free product into a paid product, it really requires extraordinary courage.

Tang Binchen said, "Give me an explanation. What should we do with Helo? I told Lu Qi and he was also scared. No one can decide this except you."

Zhou Buqi pondered for a moment before slowly saying, "I want him to be the CEO. I have given many high-level reasons before. From a business perspective, it is mainly because he is good at making paid products. He has successfully made many paid products. And your past experience and product concepts are all free products."

"Hmm?" Tang Binchen heard what he meant, "Payment? Are we going to adopt a paid model?"

Zhou Buqi said, "Social advertising itself has hidden dangers. Payment can, to a certain extent, share the potential risks of future revenue."

Tang Binchen was shocked, "Do you really support payment?"

Zhou Buqi said, "Although Helo is the overseas version of WeChat, Helo is different from WeChat. In China, WeChat is the only one that exists and has no competitors; Helo is different. There are too many competitors."

"What does this mean?"

"I will return to the company tomorrow, and we will talk about it in detail then!"


The huge success of Alibaba's listing was like a shot of chicken blood for Boss Ma.

He even contacted Zhou Buqi specifically.

It is said that Alibaba's listing will be a landmark event, marking that the domestic Internet economy has officially come to the fore and become an industry leading the times. In order to commemorate and unite colleagues at home and abroad to jointly promote the construction and development of the Internet industry, he wants to hold a global Internet conference.

In the past, he held the "West Lake Sword Discussion".

However, the scale was too small at that time.

They were all domestic Internet entrepreneurs, and they discussed the progress of the company and the development of the industry together, and invited Jin Yong to come. Now the situation has changed, and the Internet can stand up proudly. The companies with the highest market value in China are all Internet companies, which is enough to explain the problem!

It's time to keep pace with the international community.

An Internet conference should be held, inviting Internet people at home and abroad to participate, and jointly promote the global integration and win-win cooperation of the Internet.

For this kind of thing, please ask Boss Zhou to participate!

Zhou Buqi couldn't refuse, so he could only say that he would not organize it, but he could participate. He has left New York and is going back to Silicon Valley to hold a board meeting.

This board meeting mainly has two topics.

The first topic is the change of directors.

The second topic is the new option reward plan.

Now that Ziweixing International is a listed company, it is not possible to discuss such a big thing privately like before. Especially the option reward plan, this thing is indeed not very friendly to small shareholders to a certain extent.

Option incentives are to give out stocks to reward company employees.

How to get these stocks?

Need to issue more stocks.

Issue more stocks, and then issue these stocks to the company's management and employees. The core salary structure of Internet companies is stocks. All employees can get stocks. Even if the cleaning lady wants stocks, she can adjust the salary structure independently and use stocks instead of wages.

Salaries must be accompanied by five insurances and one housing fund and income tax.

Stock issuance does not require.

This can also save a lot of costs for the company.

But once the stock is issued, the stocks in the hands of shareholders will be diluted.

The dilution ratio is not low.

For example, in the option incentive plan of Ziweixing International, if the company's market value reaches 1 trillion US dollars within five years and remains stable at the level of 1 trillion US dollars in half a year, executives and employees can get stock rewards with a total value of 40 billion US dollars!

However, this 40 billion US dollars worth of stocks is calculated based on the future market value of 1 trillion US dollars.

This means a 4% dilution.

If this is placed on traditional companies, it will be painful for shareholders, just like Buffett and Carl Icahn. This is simply the management teaming up with employees to cut the shareholders' flesh.

Technology companies are different.

This is the norm.

Whoever doesn't do this will die!

This is indeed cutting flesh, but cutting flesh is better than dying.

The most important reason why state-owned enterprises cannot do well in technology companies, technological innovation and technological upgrading is this. The stocks of state-owned enterprises are all state-owned assets, and few people dare to give the stocks of state-owned enterprises to executives, technicians and every ordinary employee in the company.

And cutting flesh is the only way for technology companies.

Because the technology industry changes too fast, technology changes, and changes with each passing day.

The competition is too fierce.

The staff turnover is too strong.

This stock reward mechanism can not only give employees a "working for themselves" mentality, but also provide great motivation for their hard work. In fact, there is a more important relationship, which is the company's "kidnapping" of employees.

Ziweixing International's option plan is for five years.

The five-year period means that all employees in the company will be kidnapped for five years!

If you change jobs and leave within five years... then I'm sorry, you won't get the huge stock reward that originally belonged to you. In this way, employees' job-hopping can be restricted to maintain the stability of the company's internal structure.

If there is no such interest binding, everyone will look at the mountain and the mountain is higher, and they will constantly change jobs, especially those excellent employees with skills and abilities. They have the ability to work in any company and they can change jobs as they want. If this phenomenon is allowed, no company can bear it and will always be in chaos.

The model of landlords and housekeepers in the past was a personal dependence relationship.

There were even indentures.

So the housekeeper must not cut the meat of the landlord's family.

In traditional enterprises, such as Coca-Cola, business changes are small and employee mobility is very weak. As long as an employee does not make any mistakes, it is basically no different from lifetime employment, and he can work from young to old.

Technology companies are different. They are all top talents, and they are not afraid of not finding a job anywhere and changing jobs too frequently.

If there is no special means to bind excellent employees, it is impossible for technology companies to build their own core talent team. They have been hooked up by headhunters and have left for other jobs.

Zhou Buqi held an interim board meeting.

The voting rights are all in his hands.

It's just a formality.

Both resolutions were passed.

Tang Binchen and Xu Liangjie both withdrew from the board of directors, and even Yang Zhiyuan submitted his resignation report and left the board of directors of Ziweixing International. Only Kurian joined the board this time. As for whether there will be other new directors added, they still need to be found slowly.

After the meeting, everyone shook hands with Kurian and congratulated him.

Kurian smiled and expressed his hope to cooperate with everyone in a friendly manner in the future to jointly promote the development and progress of the company.

It was not until he shook hands with Zhou Buqi that he stopped smiling and said seriously: "I have something important to tell you!"

"Is it related to Helo?"

"Yes! I think Helo needs to change its positioning and needs..."

"Let's go! Let's talk in the office!"

Zhou Buqi called Lu Qi and Tang Binchen and went back to the office together.

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