Top of the big era

Chapter 3087: Fierce

Zhou Buqi is a bit baffled.

I don't know what Carl Icahn is crazy about.

After leaving his home, Senior Sister Zhen Yu took his arm and decrypted it for him, "Mr. Icahn's investment seems to have suffered serious losses this year."

"No way?" Zhou Buqi had heard the hot news in the market, "Didn't he buy Apple's stock in a big way?"

Senior Sister Zhen Yu said: "Yes, he did buy a lot of Apple stocks and made a lot of money. But this little money can't make up for his losses in the energy field. He bought a lot of oil and gas energy companies this year. stocks all suffered huge losses.”

"Ha! He is indeed a speculator!"

Zhou Buqi knew what was going on as soon as he heard it.

It was caused by war again.

At the beginning of the year, Russia invaded Crimea, causing panic for a while.

According to conventional logic, energy prices will rise significantly when a war breaks out. Carl Icahn probably also seized such an opportunity and bought a lot of energy stocks in a big way, hoping to make a war fortune!

Unexpectedly, the major European and American countries were so weak that they collectively chose appeasement.

It actually acquiesced to Russia's annexation of Crimea and did not take any confrontational military actions. This local battle ended quickly, as if nothing happened, and it did not create a global energy crisis at all. crisis.

Not only has there been no energy crisis, Europe and the United States have also joined forces with OPEC to increase production and reduce prices!

Causing energy prices to plummet!

It is estimated that economists in Europe and the United States have also noticed that when the war broke out, a large number of capital wolves emerged, all of them were eager to make war profits, so they were collectively bullish and energy futures. In the heat of the pandemic, everyone wants to harvest harshly regardless of the life and death of the global economy.

Now it is difficult for Europe and the United States to get out of the subprime mortgage crisis and the European debt crisis. If a local war has led to an energy crisis, then there is no need for economic development! Let people all over the world live in a tight belt? It’s better to give up the car and save the handsome man!

It is also because of this situation that Europe and the United States chose to ignore the outbreak of the war and prevent the situation from escalating.

Give up doctrine and protect the economy.

This time, energy speculators around the world were really trapped, and they generally lost more than 50%. Even the god of investment Carl Icahn was not spared.

Zhen Yu sighed softly: "Mr. Icahn suffered a heavy loss this time."

Zhou Buqi snorted: "Ignore him, he has lost money, and wants to get me involved? He just wants to use my reputation to give his investors an explanation. He also wants to sue Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola can afford to offend him." ”

The two got into the car.

A modified bulletproof Bentley is safe to drive out at night.

After getting in the car, Zhen Yu said softly: "However, Coca-Cola is indeed in trouble these days. There is a lot of controversy in the capital market. In the past year, Coca-Cola's stock price fell by 3%."

"Huh? Did it fall?"

Zhou Buqi was surprised.

It seems that Coca-Cola’s problems are quite serious now!

You know, now is the stage of economic recovery, a global bull market, and almost all companies are continuing to rise. The stock price of a high-quality, top-notch company like Coca-Cola has dropped? It seems that Carl Icahn’s statement is not groundless.

Zhen Yu said: "Well, I looked at the data. In the past year, the average growth rate of the global beverage industry was 1%, while Coca-Cola fell by 3%."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It's good if it falls, let's go buy it! Didn't you say there is still a lot of cash in the account at home?"

"Well, I don't have a good target."

Zhen Yu is in charge of the family's financial affairs, but she cannot be too casual when investing.

After all, Ziweixing International and Facebook are bitter rivals in the social business, so it is difficult to buy Facebook stocks; Ziwei Cloud and Amazon Cloud are competing fiercely, so it is not possible to buy Amazon stocks. Even the Microsoft stocks held in my hands will continue to be sold out in the next few years.

Zhou Buqi said: "Just buy Coca-Cola. Take advantage of the low point now and buy it quickly. Aren't Coca-Cola's dividends a lot?"

"Well, benchmark companies will use 80% of their profits as dividends every year. With the remaining funds, they will continue to initiate stock buybacks." Zhen Yu chose to compare again, "Moutai is also very competitive. The annual dividend payment is only 50% of the profit, and there is no stock buyback. I still can't understand that Moutai does not expand its production lines, does not engage in investment or construction, and only uses half of its profits as dividends every year. , what did the remaining half of the money do? "

"What the hell! What's Coca-Cola's current market value?"

"Maybe $100 billion."

"Then it's settled, just buy Coca-Cola!"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand.

I have always been involved in the technology circle, but my influence is still a bit weak. If you can join the board of directors of Coca-Cola, your influence in the business world can be further broken.

Kurian has not yet been named executive director.

Still going through the process.

The board of directors has passed this, and the shareholders' meeting still needs to be reviewed.

Prior to deliberation, publicity is required.

It is still in the publicity stage.

Now that Ali's affairs are over, and Zhou Buqi is about to return to Silicon Valley from New York, he can convene an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to appoint new directors. Ziweixing International is an AB share, and the voting rights are all in his hands. It is useless for everyone to oppose it. Zhou Buqi's personal voting rights exceed 83%.

This is already a sure thing.

Everyone already knows it internally.

Kurian is going to replace Tang Binchen and become the executive director of the company!

So although Kurian is not yet the executive director, he has already begun to exercise his powers as executive director and the "prince" of the company.

The target is pointed at Tang Binchen!

When Zhou Buqi and Zhen Yu returned home, they received a call from Tang Binchen.

Tang Binchen said helplessly: "This Kurian is really not humble at all!"

Zhou Buqi was puzzled, "What happened to him?"

Tang Binchen said: "He is giving me a task!"


Zhou Buqi couldn't laugh or cry.

Kurian’s current position is senior vice president and president of Ziweiyun, and Tang Binchen’s current position is senior vice president and president of new media business.

The two have the same rank, and they are both the core executives, second only to Lu Qi.

There is no reporting relationship between them.

Unexpectedly, once Kurian gained power, he began to show off.

Of course, it won't be that simple.

Even if Kurian really wields power, given his level, it would not be so clumsy. Such a clumsy performance shows that he has no selfish motives for power.

Tang Binchen said: "He ordered me to adjust Helo's business!"

Zhou Buqi was surprised, "He wants to touch Helo?"

Tang Binchen said: "Yes, you are very courageous, right? When I saw his email, I thought I had read it wrong. I am too anxious. I have not been officially appointed as the executive director, so I am so impatient. You are involved in my business, and it is also the most important business under my command.”

"Where's the land machine?"

"He asked me to find you, but he couldn't decide. Kurian's thinking was too fierce. It scared Lu Qi and also scared me. You can analyze it."

"What idea?"

Zhou Buqi knew that Kurian's decisions were often very aggressive. In just a few years, he led Ziweiyun to achieve unimaginable achievements. Many of his decisions even surprised his boss Zhou, who felt that they were as aggressive as Guan Yunchang. You rush forward with thousands of troops.

Tang Binchen said: "He asked me to fight Microsoft!"

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