Top of the big era

Chapter 3052: Cannot break the circle

Many people have a bit of blind trust in Boss Zhou, thinking that he can handle everything.

Indeed, he was able to speak.

With his current influence and voice, he can communicate with the authorities to maintain a secret circle, or slow down the rectification of products such as Weibo and Toutiao, so as to reserve a certain space for serious discussions on such social platforms.

But this is only temporary after all.

Internet products have become fully popular, and are no longer the same as before. This is destined to make Internet media more and more like TV media, either singing and dancing, or entertaining to death.

Fu Hongliang said: "I'm paying attention to a phenomenon, but I actually don't quite understand it. There are many domestic legal publications, magazines, books, newspapers, etc., and there are many Weibo posts that just quote some of the sentences above, will be restricted.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Because the influence is different, the content lies in the influence of communication. In China, the vast majority of people do not read paper books, and no more than 10% read more than 5 books a year. Therefore, the number of published books , Insufficient dissemination. Because of the lack of dissemination, you can see many books that criticize current ills and discuss some serious topics. These books are originally intended for the 10% of the elites among the 10% of reading groups. , It’s not that it’s not allowed to spread, it’s that it can’t be spread on a large scale.”

Older executives have an impression of this topic. Boss Zhou said it many years ago.

Guo Pengfei was deeply impressed and nodded, "The Internet in previous years had the same logic. The Internet was not very popular, and most people did not have access to the Internet. Most of the real Internet bugs were white-collar workers, civil servants, and college students. Because The dissemination is not enough, so the content is very broad and there is a lot of room for discussion. But it is different now. There are 1 billion Internet users in the country, and the dissemination of Internet media has caught up with TV stations.”

Zhou Buqi said: "To cultivate the best scientists, the best scholars and the top entrepreneurs, we must have in-depth and thoughtful media communication. However, this is a small group after all. For the wider group, Say, take control.”

He Yang said: "To put it bluntly, we should treat them differently. We need to let some people get rich first. If you want to be rich... you don't need to build roads first, you need to learn first and improve your cognitive level first. We all know this truth when doing business. It’s much easier to make money from simple-minded people than from smart people.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Actually, the audience needs to be segmented. It is of course okay for a university professor or doctoral supervisor to teach something in the classroom. This is for college students and doctoral students. This is inevitable for cultivating outstanding talents. However, if this kind of thing is made public, it will definitely not work. "

Speaking of this, he immediately remembered an ongoing acquisition case in the United States. Zhou Buqi continued: "It just so happens that Ziweixing International is going to acquire an online education website called Coursera in the United States, which is closely related to Tsinghua University and Peking University in China. They all cooperated and uploaded some videos of professors and famous teachers giving lessons. From this, it can be seen that the uploaded courses have been reviewed by the school. Some courses can be uploaded to the Internet and can be accessed by students all over the world. Watch. Some courses can only be taught in small classrooms and are not suitable for public viewing, not only in domestic but also in foreign university courses.”

For example, former Google CEO Schmidt discusses in small circles at universities and guides young college students to start businesses in Silicon Valley.

He told the truth.

For example, he said that there is a core rule for entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley, which is to break the rules.

After breaking the rules, if you fail, no one will care about you because you didn't cause any trouble anyway; if you succeed in starting a business and many of the rules you broke are suspected of being illegal, that's okay, just spend more money and hire more big lawyers. , if it doesn’t work, just pay for it. You’ve already succeeded in starting a business, so why do you still care about the compensation?

It can be said that there is no morality at all.

But it is the underlying logic of Internet entrepreneurship.

Unexpectedly, this discussion was broadcast live by the students, causing an uproar... Schmidt originally told the truth, and he didn't say a word wrong, but he still had to stand up and apologize to the public.

It’s similar at home and abroad.

Some content cannot be disseminated, but can only be disseminated in a small circle. You cannot break out of the circle and disseminate it to the public level.

He Yang said: "This is indeed the truth. The Internet has developed for so many years. It has developed from individuals, niches, small circles, and individual groups at the beginning to covering the whole country. Its coverage is the same as that of a TV station, and its influence is even greater than that of a TV station. It’s too big. The same content could be spread on the Internet back then, but it won’t be possible in the future. We already have very strict content review, and now that the Internet has developed to this extent, strict supervision is an inevitable trend.”

Zhou Buqi said: "So, it's useless to struggle. This is the general trend. Even if I can withstand the pressure in the short term, what about next year? What about two years later or three years later? Some things have to be acknowledged. , you have to accept it. Larry Page has to cooperate and ask content moderators to monitor the content on Twitter."

Speaking of this, he immediately thought of Musk.

I felt guilty all of a sudden.


Forgot about this guy!

In his previous life, Musk acquired Twitter. One of the important reasons was that he was intolerant of the censored content on Twitter. He was fed up with the white left and extreme leftist remarks, but all the centrist and rightist remarks were banned. Content moderators in Silicon Valley have banned or restricted it.

This is really crazy.

He was so crazy that his son was influenced by "wokeism", changed gender and became a daughter, and broke up with his billionaire father. He believed that the wealth of capitalists came from exploiting the poor, and his father was not A good thing.

Musk burst into tears and bought Twitter at any cost.

After buying Twitter, as if to take revenge, they directly laid off nearly 80% of Twitter's employees and completely relaxed the supervision of speech on Twitter. Not only are there no restrictions on political views, but even large quantities of There are no restrictions on adult content.

The one who dares to "commit crimes against the wind" in Silicon Valley is Musk.

He even moved Tesla's headquarters from California, a Democratic stronghold, to Texas, a Republican-leaning state, and wanted to move Twitter there too...

But not anymore.

In this life, with Zhou Buqi’s intervention, he sold Twitter to Google!

Musk wants to buy Twitter from Google, which is impossible.

I really don’t know what kind of revenge he will take after his son “dies” in the future.

Now that everything has been said, no one has any objections.

Guo Dan said with a smile: "I have many friends who work in TV stations, including producers, directors, reporters and so on. They actually also have such troubles. I know a producer who always talks about it when we have dinner together. When talking about this kind of thing, he said that many of his colleagues were also aggrieved. They worked hard and traveled all over the country to create a program, but it was canceled when it was about to go online. Those in the media were all very painful. People with orthodox education have a moral obligation to spread information and protect the public’s right to know, and no one wants to sing praises every day.”

Meng Houkun also thought of something, "Yes, I also know a TV director, and he told me that there are policies and countermeasures. You may also pay attention to it, just watch it on TV, Things that happened in the United States will suddenly pop up, such as a shooting in a kindergarten, a robbery by a homeless person, a body hidden in a funeral home... Many times, you will feel that it is very abrupt and inexplicable, and the content before and after it is not coordinated at all. In line with the rules of TV streaming.”

Guo Dan pointed at him, "Well, I know."

But others didn’t know what it meant, so they all asked.

Meng Houkun said with a smile: "If reporting is not allowed in China, you can only report on the United States. Just like Weibo is recruiting reviewers, you can use another way to report. Just say that Twitter is recruiting a large number of content reviewers. In the future, the space for Americans to speak on the Internet will be greatly limited, and then they can severely criticize the United States. The people on TV stations are all talented people, and the elites in the media industry are there. There are many ways to understand. Those who didn’t understand it tacitly applauded.”

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Stop doing this!"

The atmosphere of the meeting was very harmonious.

Boss Zhou has not hosted such an executive meeting at Ziweixing for a long time. This feels very comfortable, much better than at Ziweixing International.

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