Top of the big era

Chapter 3045: Bow to fate

After communicating with this young girl, Zhou Buqi can be said to have accurately captured a mentality that exists in the outsourcing industry.

When migrant workers who are satisfied with their academic background or work experience and fall into the "outsourcing workplace", they will almost inevitably experience a round of disruption and reorganization of their self-confidence, self-perception and positioning.

This is certainly worthy of sympathy.

I believe that there is not just one young man like Xiang Shuwen. There must be many similar stories repeated. The huge gap between ideals and reality is often difficult to explain. Only the "South Wall" can make them understand.

However, in a sense, this is also a precious wealth.

Failure is not terrible.

The scary thing is that if you fall into failure and surrender, you will never be able to get out of it for the rest of your life.

Obviously, Xiang Shuwen was not discouraged.

She didn't give in, she was still working hard!

She wants to take back the position in the workplace that should belong to her. Even if she is just an ordinary employee at the bottom, as long as she becomes a regular employee, it will be an important turning point for her to get out of the vortex of failure and welcome a new life in the workplace!

And once she becomes a regular employee, her state and mentality will be adjusted back to the same as other regular employees. Her past experience of hitting a wall will become an important guarantee for her future struggle in the workplace.

She knows what despair feels like.

She knows the pain of hitting a wall.

She can have a more thorough understanding of reality than others, and she is more down-to-earth, which can make her have more potential.

Zhou Buqi encouraged: "Actually, the rules of this world are not the examination system, but the selection system."


Xiang Shuwen was slightly startled, obviously unable to understand what the big boss meant.

Zhou Buqi said: "Whether you are interviewing to find a job, whether you work hard to achieve performance, strive for performance and want to be promoted, they are all tests. As long as the test meets the standards, you are qualified and you pass. It is actually simple. "

Xiang Shuwen's face turned pale, "It's already difficult for me."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Be confident, I know you can do it. A top student at Nankai University, why is this little thing so difficult for you?"


Xiang Shuwen bit his lip, knowing that the big boss was encouraging him.

Zhou Buqi continued: "However, the examination is only the lowest level of logic. What really determines who you are is the selection system. What is selection? It means that everyone has passed the examination. Among all the people who have passed the examination, only one or two There are a number of places that can be selected, this is the selection.”

Xiang Shuwen's expression changed slightly, "Are you talking about the management position?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "At least in the middle-level management positions and above, there are too many outstanding people. They all have glorious resumes and beautiful achievements. They have passed many workplace examinations. But there are very few positions. This Who should provide the scarce positions? "

"So there is a selection."

Only then did Xiang Shuwen understand that promotion in the workplace was based on this logic.

Zhou Buqi said: "As I said before, the exam is easy. As long as you pass it, you will pass. It is fair and just. Selection is difficult, there will be various complicated situations, and it is highly subjective. Those who pass the exam There are many, but there are very few positions. How do you choose?”

Xiang Shuwen's mind went blank.

This topic is too big.

How could she ever consider such a big thing? She hasn't even passed the "examination" to become a full-time employee.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "We all know that Harvard is the best university in the world. Every year, the best young people in the world apply for Harvard. This is the selection system. How to select? There are mainly three conditions, either art Well, either you are good at sports or you have experienced hardship. For most people, hardship is tragedy. But for people with ideals and knowledge, ups and downs are wealth."


Xiang Shuwen took a deep breath and seemed to understand what Boss Zhou meant. She felt that in her life filled with dark clouds, there was sunshine again. It was the ray of sunshine that gave her infinite longing for her future life when she graduated from college!

It seems to be back again!

Zhou Buqi said: "Just like a Wall Street investment manager I know, he graduated from Harvard. He is Vietnamese. He escaped from Vietnam alone and encountered pirates on the way. This experience became the most important thing in his life. The precious wealth allowed him to overcome financial difficulties again and again. This is actually a kind of spirit. Only by stepping out of the darkness can you be braver against the darkness."

Xiang Shuwen burst into tears, "Mr. Zhou, what you said is so good. Thank you for your encouragement."

"This is not encouragement, it is my expectation for you."


"Let's add WeChat."

"Oh, okay...okay!"

Xiang Shuwen blushed a little.

I feel that the big boss is so gentle and considerate. Fortunately, she has grown up, matured, and is self-aware. She knows that with her talent and appearance, it may be difficult for her to get closer to the big boss in terms of male-female relationships.

Zhou Buqi added her on WeChat and said, "I believe you can become a full-time employee. After that, you have to work harder. If one day you are promoted to M4, you can contact me."

The implication is twofold.

First, although you added WeChat, don’t contact me.

Second, if you are really capable and can reach the middle level of Ziweixing, then congratulations, you have not only passed the exam, you have also received selection priority, and you have directly entered the direct circle of Boss Zhou. .

Next, Zhou Buqi found two more outsourced employees in the company.

Two men.

One has graduated from college two years ago and is very young; the other is a bit older, in his thirties.

Zhou Buqi feels a bit disappointed.

I feel that they really cannot meet the standards to become employees of Ziweixing.

The young one is not from a top prestigious school like Nankai, or even a 211 University. He is just a computer department from an ordinary university. This is actually nothing, academic qualifications are a stepping stone, but once the door is opened, academic qualifications are meaningless.

The most important thing is that Zhou Buqi didn't feel the upward fighting spirit from him.

Completely different from that girl Xiang Shuwen.

Especially when Zhou Buqi asked: "What is the happiest thing about working at Ziweixing?"

His answer turned out to be that his salary was 8,000 yuan, and he could save 4,000 yuan every month.

Zhou Buqi was really stunned.

A platform as big as Ziweixing provides many opportunities in every track in the Internet industry. For ordinary people, as long as they work hard to seize an opportunity, they will have the opportunity to change their destiny!

Not to mention the far-off goal of becoming a technical expert or company executive and then earning tens of millions. Even if you become a grassroots boss of a small project, the total package of options, bonuses and salary will only last a year. I can have an income of 300,000.

After saving 4,000 yuan a month, you are actually satisfied?

This is too low a judgment of self-worth!

The mentality of "being rich means settling down" is not impossible.

I believe that there are many regular employees in Ziweixing who have this mentality. They are just workers anyway, so they just need to do their job well and get paid safely.

But there is a prerequisite for this, they are regular employees!

Regular employees have the best welfare guarantee in Ziweixing. Regular employees have an aura of equality. Even if their income may be a little less, everyone is equal in terms of personality.

The same cannot be said for outsourced employees. They are obviously experiencing discrimination!

Not only is the salary not as high as that of regular employees, but there are also company benefits such as housing allowance, car allowance, physical examination, annual leave, and even the snacks and drinks provided by the company for free, which are not allowed to outsourced employees.

Isn't this humiliation? !

You have been discriminated against, and you don’t work hard or fight, and you still feel so happy that you can save 4,000 yuan a month and you are very satisfied. This is not just a lack of ambition, it is a defect in your personality. Concession is an attitude of "admitting defeat", which means admitting that I am worse than you and that I should be inferior.

Another thirty-year-old male outsourcer has almost the same mentality.

Zhou Buqi asked him: "You are thirty years old, but you have to accept five or six children who are six or seven years younger than you to assign work. Can you accept it?"

His answer was also very straightforward: "I have tried to manage people before, but I was tired. It's better to do it this way. I will do whatever others arrange."

Zhou Buqi asked again: "What unfair treatment have you encountered while working in an outsourcing position at Ziweixing?"

As a result, the other party's answer was very shocking: "There is no unfair treatment. Isn't that what outsourcing is? Some young people, who may have just started outsourcing, are too impetuous, unable to calm down, and have no self-positioning, so they feel that this is unfair." That’s not fair. Isn’t that what it’s like for outsourced jobs? If you have the ability, apply for a formal position. If you don’t have the ability, just be practical and don’t cause trouble for the company!”

He also feels that he is very mature and understands justice well.

Zhou Buqi was so angry that he couldn't speak.

My heart says that you have been discriminated against based on your personality, why don’t you fight? You have such a good attitude and such a strong servility, why should you take the civil service exam?

What the hell!

It’s as if outsourcing jobs should be lower than people!

I have been discriminated against, but I still feel that it is natural.

Zhou Buqi replaced Zhang Yiming this time and took care of Ziweixing's affairs for a few days. The first thing he wanted to solve was the problem of outsourced employees. Even if it cannot be completely solved, workplace discrimination must be eradicated and an equal working atmosphere must be formed within the company. Both outsourced employees and regular employees should be treated equally.

I asked a few random people and found that most of them didn't care at all.

What is discrimination and non-discrimination, what is equality and inequality.

They had long since compromised with fate.

Accept your fate!

This is a bit difficult.

You can wake up a person who doesn't want to sleep, but how do you wake up a person who doesn't want to wake up?

Not every outsourced employee is as good as Xiang Shuwen, and not willing to bow to fate.

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