Top of the big era

Chapter 3031 Exit

Bill Gates looked at Zhou Buqi with a look of helplessness.

Zhou Buqi suppressed his laughter and asked pretending to be confused: "What's wrong? Do you want to subscribe for stocks?"

Bill Gates said: "Yes, I subscribed for 3 million shares."

The issuance price was set at US$22.42, and the price of these 3 million shares was less than US$70 million, which was a drop in the bucket for Gates. His investment style is different from Buffett's. He understands technology and is willing to invest in technology stocks.

"So few?" Zhou Buqi looked at him strangely, "Don't you have a share? How about I make emergency arrangements and give you an even share?"

Bill Gates said: "No, that's enough."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "This is an opportunity to make a lot of money. Don't blame me if you miss it. Especially after I merge with LinkedIn, the stock price will have more room to rise."

Bill Gates laughed and said: "I knew it was you who was causing trouble!"

"Why did I cause trouble?"

"Have you made peace with Reid Hoffman?"


Zhou Buqi laughed, pretending to be dumbfounded.

Bill Gates said: "Originally, I agreed with him that we would make an appointment to talk. But then, for some reason, his attitude suddenly became rude and he said that he would not do business with me for even one dollar." ”

Zhou Buqi said: "LinkedIn and Microsoft are not genetically compatible. It is not surprising that he rejected Microsoft for the long-term sake of LinkedIn."

"You still say it's not you?" Bill Gates basically understood. "Ballmer also contacted me."

Zhou Buqi remained calm, "Oh, what did you say?"

Bill Gates said: "There are three main things. First, he said he wanted to withdraw from the board of directors of Microsoft. Second, he said he opposed the plan to acquire LinkedIn. Third, he said he was working with you. , I want to buy an NBA team. The correlation is very strong!”

Zhou Buqi looked solemn and said, "Well, I think that's the case as well. Microsoft is in a period of turmoil now, so it should focus on stability."

Bill Gates sighed and said with some emotion: "When we were at Harvard, the two of us were best friends. Later, when we founded Microsoft, Paul and I had differences. He left, and I replaced Ballmer. Invited. Looking back, it’s been 20 years.”

Zhou Buqi said: "I'm sorry, I don't feel the way you feel."

"No way?"

"The friends who started my business with me are now in high positions. We often have business differences. However, if I make a decision, every one of them will be convinced. No matter whether it is right or wrong, they will Don’t hesitate to do it with me.”

"How did you do that?"

Bill Gates looked at him strangely.

This actually bothered him.

In college, he and Ballmer were best friends. When they first started working at Microsoft, the two of them worked very well together. But later it didn't work anymore, and there were more and more differences. So much so that their personal relationship became cold due to business disagreements in the company.

Ballmer never considered himself an "old man from the old days" of Microsoft. His summary of Microsoft's failures in the past few years was mainly due to a lack of execution and internal factional struggles.

Ballmer said to do this, Gates said to do that.

This leads to confusion in internal decision-making.

In particular, Bill Gates was unconvinced by Jobs and wanted Microsoft to develop a complete software and hardware ecosystem to compete with Apple's iPhone, iPad, iMac and other products. This can be called the biggest decision-making mistake in the past few years.

But on Zhou Buqi's side, there are no such ideological conflicts.

Unless Zhou Buqi didn't think about it well.

As long as he decides something and everyone rushes forward together, the team will look very sharp and sharp.

In such an occasion, Zhou Buqi couldn't analyze him too deeply. He smiled and said: "It's actually simple. It's nothing more than winning all the time. Every failure is a blow to morale. There are too many failures. , it’s not surprising that the generals are at odds and the soldiers are mutinied. If you keep winning, you will always be invincible.”

Bill Gates didn't believe that anyone would make no mistakes when running a business, but he didn't refute him, "Well, you are indeed a rare business genius. Everyone who mentions your business achievements will sincerely admire you."

"What about LinkedIn?" Zhou Buqi had no intention of letting him go.

Bill Gates said angrily: "I thought there were only two people, Hoffman and Ballmer. Just this afternoon, I received another message from Nadella, who said he wanted to withdraw from the LinkedIn acquisition. Yes. Isn’t it still you?”

Zhou Buqi laughed.

Bill Gates asked very strangely: "How on earth did you do it?"

Zhou Buqi asked: "You haven't said your attitude towards LinkedIn yet!"

"What can I do?" Bill Gates sighed, "This is Ballmer's last board proposal before leaving office. I hope we can get together well. For the last time, I hope I can reach an agreement with him." I will respect him for the unity of opinion.”

It’s no longer okay to be disrespectful.

Even new CEO Nadella doesn’t want to acquire LinkedIn.

Zhou Buqi also told the truth: "I didn't do anything, just... well, you know, I have always been a fan of Microsoft, and I have a lot of Microsoft stocks. I hope Microsoft can get through the current trough as soon as possible, and then create stock profits for me. If Microsoft cannot stabilize as soon as possible, then I think Microsoft's stock may be in a long-term trough, and I may look for new investment targets."

In fact, it is a bit threatening.

Nadella has just taken office, and what he needs is political achievements and stable stock prices.

If Boss Zhou sells a large number of Microsoft stocks in the stock market now, Microsoft's stock price will fall for a long time, or even fall sharply in a short period of time.

In this way, Nadella will be very passive.

He will be under great pressure in internal management.

So what listed companies fear most is that their mortal enemies hold a large number of their own stocks and will be controlled by others everywhere.

Bill Gates said angrily: "This is not good at all!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I am also an investor in Microsoft, and I also hope that Microsoft can help me make money."

"You succeeded."

Bill Gates really couldn't argue with him.

Zhou Buqi promised: "If Microsoft withdraws from the competition with LinkedIn, I think Microsoft can quickly get out of the trough period, at least there will not be any big fluctuations in the stock price. I still say that LinkedIn and Microsoft are not suitable!"

Bill Gates nodded, "Well, withdraw."


Zhou Buqi was in a good mood.

Finally, this day has come.

After Ziweixing, another core enterprise in his hands, Ziweixing International, is also about to go public.

Such a big happy event should indeed be seen for good luck.

That night, after Zhou Buqi returned home, he found that Wang Langli and Huo Hua, two girls, had not rested yet. They were both washed clean and sat on the sofa in the study with rosy faces waiting. It seems that Ning Yaxian, Sun Wanran, Ning Lu and others have already made arrangements.

Zhou Buqi didn't say a word, he came up and took Wang Langli's hand and left.

Huo Hua's eyes were full of tears.

Zhou Buqi didn't leave, but stood at the door and whispered to Wang Langli: "If you are not anxious, let's talk about it later? We can slowly deal with it. It seems that you don't understand me now, right?"

Wang Langli blushed and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Zhou Buqi whispered: "Then I will take Huahua back to the room?"


Wang Langli's voice was as soft as a mosquito.

Zhou Buqi leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, then stretched his head to look into the study, and said with a smile: "Okay, stop pouting, let's go!"


Huo Hua was still wiping her eyes, and was really scared by the big boss.

Zhou Buqi waved to her, "Come on! Don't waste time on this night, I have to get up early in the morning!"

"Oh!" Huo Hua wiped the corners of her eyes randomly, then forced out a brilliant smile, "I'm coming!"

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