Top of the big era

Chapter 3030 Prelude

Going public is a big project.

For most companies, going public is the ultimate goal. Because only by going public can shareholders have the opportunity to cash out. The purpose of everyone's hard work in running a business is to list the company, and only by going public can they cash out.

To put it bluntly, it is to go public for the sake of going public.

For this reason, regulatory agencies in various countries have very strict review procedures for listed companies.

The listing requirements of Nasdaq are relatively loose, but it is still difficult to pass the review.

Generally speaking, there are three stages for a company to go public.

First, from preparing for listing to launching the listing, this process requires finding a financial officer who is proficient in finance, finance and listing standards to preside over, and to carry out shareholding reform and transparency of financial processes, which usually takes 3-4 months;

Second, from launching the listing to submitting the prospectus, it takes 4-6 months;

Third, from submitting the prospectus to completing the public offering opening, it takes 2-4 months.

Generally speaking, if it is a technology company, the process may be shorter, and some companies have successfully gone public after operating for 6 months.

Because the internal finance, process, audit, shareholders and so on of technology companies are more in line with the regulations, they have been prepared when investing and financing. If it is a traditional type of company, it will be troublesome and it will take at least a year to operate.

Ziweixing International has been preparing for the listing since October last year.

Now, it has finally entered the final stage!

Tuesday, June 17th, is suitable for marriage, travel, house cleaning, moving, marriage and engagement, signing contracts, collecting money, opening a business, making an alliance, breaking ground, praying, planting, setting up beds, offering sacrifices, repairing, making livestock, dismantling, releasing water, laying foundations, installing incense, digging wells, opening pools, erecting pillars, building ships, and setting steps.

This is a good day!

Ziweixing International will officially IPO on this day!

However, the previous few days were really busy.

Even Saturday and Sunday were not idle.

All the executives of Ziweixing International went to New York, including Zhang Yiming, He Yang, Guo Pengfei, Ji Zian, Meng Houkun and others from Ziweixing. Xu Baihui, Chen Dong, Zhang Yinlei, Ma Pingshan and other friends from the Entrepreneurship Alliance also came.

Monday is the busiest day, and Zhou Buqi also has to personally explain the potential of Ziweixing International to the big investment banks, big institutions and big capitals in New York, calling on everyone to subscribe to stocks enthusiastically, hold them for a long time, and make steady profits!

Even Buffett, who has never been interested in technology stocks, attended the charity reception that night.

With his third wife.

The so-called third wife is his third wife.

As a rich man, how can he not be romantic and happy.

When Buffett was a poor boy, he married his first wife. Later, when he had money, he met a female boss of a newspaper, and they fell in love and separated. The first wife was jealous, but did not divorce him. How to win back the man's heart?

The first wife used a beauty trick and found a young and beautiful female nanny at home.

Sure enough, Buffett often went home to live.

But the relationship outside was not broken.

This formed a complex relationship among the three wives, each with their own division of labor.

The first wife was responsible for giving birth to children, and all three of Buffett's children were born to her; the second wife was responsible for business, and worked hard with Buffett to make money outside; the third wife was a nanny, and her main job was to take care of Buffett's daily life.

Now the first and second wives have passed away, and the third wife is a legal couple with him.

Zhou Buqi is not interested in other people's private lives. Anyway, when it comes to contemporary romantic figures, no one can compare to himself. He took Lu Qi, Kurian and Thompson, executives of Ziweixing International, together and greeted Mr. Buffett with a smile on his face, "They told me you would come, but I didn't believe it!"

Buffett smiled and shook hands with him, "Is everything going well?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's okay, it's going better than expected."

Then, he briefly introduced several executives around him.

Buffett is well-known and can be as famous as Bill Gates.

Even in Silicon Valley

Buffett has not invested much in technology stocks, but he just doesn't buy technology stocks, which doesn't mean he doesn't support the development of technology companies. More often, he buys bonds of technology companies. For example, Amazon, Buffett has never bought Amazon's stock, but when Amazon was short of money, Buffett helped solve the urgent problem by lending money several times.

After entering the venue of the cocktail party, Buffett knew almost all the leaders present and said with a smile: "The big shots are here."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Everyone give me face."

"What's the use of face?" Buffett shook his head, "The key is that you are doing a good business. Ziweixing International is a good company."

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, "Why don't you buy some stocks this time?"

"Me?" Buffett laughed, "Forget about stocks, I don't understand your business."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's actually very simple. I'll give you two data and you will understand. The first data is that the average time Americans spend on digital media every day is 9 hours, and the total time spent on Ziweixing International's products is less than 2 hours, which means there is still great potential for growth. And Facebook's data is 52 minutes, only half of ours."

Buffett said seriously: "Well, very direct data!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Second, it is the emerging advertising model on mobile terminals. There are not as many advertising spaces on mobile apps as on PC terminals, and the total number will be reduced by 25%. However, the advertising value of mobile apps is more than double that of PC terminals, especially some dynamic ads..."

"I don't understand what you are saying."

Buffett interrupted him hurriedly.

Lu Qi next to him added: "The Internet is a major trend, and Ziweixing International is far more competitive than Facebook in the social field. It's just that our current PC business is not so strong, which makes the financials look not as good as Facebook. Once our mobile business is fully rolled out and has normal commercial operations, we can quickly surpass Facebook and come up with amazing financial reports..."

Buffett was even more confused, he really didn't understand.

His investment philosophy is not to look at these complex modern analytical data, but to evaluate the value of a company through the most traditional financial reports.

Buffett declined: "Forget about stocks, but I have bought a lot of your corporate bonds, more than 200 million US dollars."

Lu Qi was helpless and could only express his gratitude repeatedly.

Not buying stocks, buying bonds is also a huge support.

In the past few years, Ziweixing International has survived by issuing bonds, with a total of $10.2 billion in corporate bonds issued.

Zhou Buqi invited Mr. Buffett to come over.

He clearly did not want to buy Ziweixing International's stocks, but he still came here to help.

Lu Qi was beside him, whispering, "Zuckerberg might come, too."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "Really?"

Lu Qi said, "Well, the latest news, his assistant contacted me. Zuckerberg is in New York now, and his assistant said that he is very likely to come...well, to attend tonight's charity dinner, to donate."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile, "It's nothing more than trying to find out the enemy's situation, to see if the scale of Ziweixing International's listing can exceed that of Facebook two years ago."

Lu Qi said, "Do you want to arrange a reporter later? The two of you standing together will be very topical."

"I'm not going, you go if you want." Zhou Buqi didn't want to be like an entertainment star, relying on personal gimmicks to attract attention, "Don't you see the situation now? Tomorrow's IPO , it can be said to be foolproof!"

At this time, the president of Warner Records also came over, stretched out his hand from a distance to shake hands with him, and said with a smile and half criticism: "Zhou, that AI music, did you make it? That's also called music?"

"Not very mature AI music can be improved."

"Improvement is useless. No matter how powerful AI is, it can't surpass humans in artistic achievements! I went to listen to the AI ​​music concert you organized, and I left in less than 20 minutes. There were too many mistakes in both technique and emotion..."

"Sorry, an old friend is coming, I'll go to greet him."

Zhou Buqi was a busy man that night. He had to personally receive important guests. The next one was really a big shot. Bill Gates and his friends also came. Taking this opportunity, I have to tell him about LinkedIn.

It's almost enough!

LinkedIn is what I like. You should do less unethical things like intercepting halfway!

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