Top of the big era

Chapter 303 Brothers broke into the United States

Xiaonei has appointed two new vice presidents, Luo Ji and Shi Jinglin.

In the decision-making meeting, besides Zhou Buqi and Guo Pengfei, two more people were added.

When the new officials took office, both Luo Ji and Shi Jinglin came up with their own management ideas.

Luo Ji made three points——

First, in terms of organizational structure, there should be less reporting, less hierarchy, and more sharing.

"I suggest that from now on, every Wednesday afternoon, will hold a sharing meeting. Dozens of people from the whole company will gather in a circle. Any colleague can share their understanding of the business and industry, or introduce new products. .If a new colleague joins the job, he can make a sharing to introduce himself, he can use the PPT to put the places he has traveled, and he can talk about his specialties and hobbies, so that everyone can understand the colleagues more comprehensively.”

"This kind of sharing meeting is held every two weeks. It is not a weekly meeting-style report, but purely sharing knowledge. In this process, everyone will praise who has done well in the past two weeks. The person who is praised is not determined by the leader, but by colleagues. We proposed it ourselves. Just like the class meeting, there will be a small gift on the Xiaonei website to reward those who are praised. This kind of sharing meeting can help many people overcome barriers in interpersonal communication, and everyone can learn from each other and make progress together. "

"In addition, we also need to establish a knowledge base and OKR. The technical information and strategic planning of the school intranet should not be kept secret from employees. The knowledge base can make all the company's knowledge and information explicit to employees, reducing the transmission and management costs."

Zhou Buqi frowned, and asked: "If it is not kept secret, it means that the secret may be leaked. We are a technical company with a large number of original technologies. There are also group buying operation models, the selection mechanism for school flowers and grass, etc. Once publicized It will greatly increase the risk of core information leakage.”

Luo Jidao: "I think that for Internet companies, pure technical secrecy is of little significance, and even patents are of little significance, because there are always several realization paths for a method, and there is no technology that can achieve the same level as Coca-Cola's formula. Confidentiality, so retaining talents is the foundation of retaining technology, rather than keeping technology itself secret.”

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, and he felt that his thoughts had expanded again.

This is really the truth!

Penguin copied and copied, and was sued by many companies. As a result... Penguin has won many battles and is known as Nanshan Pizza Hut.

Obviously it is exactly the same product, why did the court find that it does not constitute plagiarism?

Because the law clearly stipulates that the ideas can be the same, but the process of realizing the ideas cannot be the same.

Lianzhong has built a Lianzhong game platform, and Penguin has also built a QQ game platform. The idea is the same. However, Penguin did not plagiarize the underlying code at all, it was written entirely by itself.

This is the difference in the implementation process.

So, no plagiarism involved.

Guo Pengfei also agrees with this idea, "It is valuable to choose a culture that is open to employees. I think Google's corporate culture is the benchmark for all Internet companies. Risks exist, but this risk is already predicted. , that is, 'willing to pay this price for this goal'."

Shi Jinglin said: "For college students, Xiaonei is a mission, but the employees here are all college students. An open mind is conducive to promoting the cultivation of loyalty."

Zhou Buqi recorded it in his notebook, nodded, "What about the second point?"

"The second point is to form a gentle corporate culture. Boss Zhou, I'm not saying that sometimes your a little rough. I went to to investigate some time ago, and I feel that the company atmosphere there is better. It's as cool as a mountain spring, with a refreshing sense of comfort."

Luo Ji made some outspoken criticisms.

Zhou Buqi remained calm and looked up at him, "What's the specifics?"

Luo Ji said: "I have communicated with them. Every employee of, whether it is a supervisor or a programmer, is full of praise for Zhang Yiming. His temper is very good, he is really good, not suppressing himself, but really good. He is a modest gentleman. He is not aggressive, nor is he harshly critical, even if he is extremely dissatisfied, he is only mildly reasoning and encouraging. This kind of character has inner charm."

Zhou Buqi nodded, feeling deeply about this, "That's true, he is completely friend-like, this friend is the kind of friend who loves you and me, and is very sincere."

Luo Ji said: "Yeah, what's the use of getting angry? Getting angry is the most enjoyable way to look, but it's actually a lazy expression. Its result is that I vented my emotions, but the matter didn't get resolved. So, I hope the supreme And next, try to solve the problem in a gentle way. People who get angry are inevitable, but we don’t advocate it.”

Guo Pengfei thought of something, looked at Zhou Buqi with a guilty conscience, and said tentatively: "There are many part-time students here, who dare not say anything, for fear of offending others. I think this kind of corporate atmosphere is wrong and cannot exist. Class. It is still necessary to advocate relative equality, not to be superior, not to be bureaucratic, not to emphasize 'leadership', and to weaken hierarchy and titles."

Shi Jinglin raised her hands high and agreed: "Yes! That's how it should be! Boss Zhou, Boss Zhou, I don't know, I thought you were a member of gangsters. From now on, you should ban the president, vice president, brother, sister, Boss and other respectful titles, everyone must call him by his first name."

Zhou Buqi felt a little anxious, but he knew that this was the trend of the future, so he approved it on the spot: "Yes!"

Luo Ji glanced at Shi Jinglin, and said lightly: "The third point is to have fewer rules, less procedures, and high efficiency. Mr. Shi...Shi Jinglin, I will criticize you for this. At yesterday's regular meeting , you made a PPT, talking about the performance of the group buying department this month. This PPT, made 26 pages! 26 pages, how terrible? I can understand that your work should reflect the results, you can have one page, two pages, three pages Five pages is fine, but 26 pages are all about your grades, which is a waste of everyone's time."

Shi Jinglin blushed and wanted to refute.

But from the corner of the eye, Zhou Buqi glanced at the indifferent face, took a deep breath, and said coldly: "Okay, I understand!"

Zhou Buqi almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

This old witch also has today!

However, she also reflected from the side that she really cherishes this job.

Next, it was Shi Jinglin's turn to set fire, two in total.

The first fire: "Zhou Buqi, I know you have great ambitions, from,, to Dongfang Weidian and Shengshi Bicycle. However, our goals are very low, or even have no goals. I suggest , We must speak out this high goal and convey it to every employee. The current Internet landscape is chaotic and complicated. If you want to stand out from the fierce competition, there is a way for the team to dare to set high goals. Make a big vision, Pushing everyone forward together, this is the power source.”

Zhou Buqi snorted and made a big vision?

Isn't that bragging!

He's good at it.

Immediately stated his position, and said in a deep voice: "What is Ziweixing? It is the master of fighting numbers, and it is the emperor star! This is the positioning of Ziweixing Group, and it is the king of the ninety-five years!"

Guo Pengfei, Shi Jinglin and Luo Ji all looked at each other, as if they had been hit by a wave of success learning.

Zhou Buqi smiled awkwardly, a little embarrassed, "I want to be number one in the country and defeat BAT."

The three remained silent.

Zhou Buqi said: "What expressions do you have? Do you think I'm joking? The cooperation between Group Buy and is to deploy the e-commerce market. is to deploy the social field. Next, you may have to do search and knowledge Sharing the platform is invading Baidu's territory! Rising and Jiangmin, the rivals in the security field, are not worth mentioning at all."

Guo Pengfei was silent for a while, and waved his hands: "This is not the goal. If it is popularized to the employees, let alone motivate them, it will probably discourage them."

Zhou Buqi laughed, "Guo Pengfei, you are the CEO of, set a reasonable goal later and report it to me. My vision is all about internationalization... What's your expression? Do you think I'm joking? ? Huh, let me tell you, my industrial layout has already broken into the United States!"


"Isn't Zhenyu studying for an MBA in the United States? I have arranged a task for her... Forget it, let's not talk about this, Shi Jinglin, go ahead, what else do you think?"

"Yes." Shi Jinglin nodded and said, "I think that when recruiting, core executives should be the person in charge of HR, rather than HR being fully responsible for the recruitment business."


This is an odd suggestion.

Shi Jinglin said indifferently: "HR selects candidates, paying special attention to interpersonal communication. To put it bluntly, they are afraid that they will not get along with colleagues after being selected, or even cause some troubles and be punished. But in fact, real talents are out of tune with society. Yes, they all have obvious shortcomings, and they all have different personalities. The big boss of Oracle is a big money-seeking pervert, and the big boss of Apple is a selfish and rude megalomaniac..."

"Well, I see." Zhou Buqi nodded, interrupted her very gentlemanly, and said with a smile, "Let's not talk about Xiaonei, there is no dedicated human resources department on and Dongfangweidian. I will talk about the HR matter later, anyway, you will be responsible for recruiting your people in the future.”


There was really good news from Zhen Yu.

It is said that an agreement has been reached with the YouTube team, with an investment of 1.2 million US dollars, plus the domain name of, accounting for 20% of the shares.

This was an unexpected surprise.

In Zhou Buqi's expectation, it would be lucky to be able to account for 10% of the shares.

However, this is also due to Zhen Yu's going to Wharton Business School to study for an MBA, which greatly expanded her network.

She has a classmate who is the old boss of one of the founders of YouTube, so she has a relationship. There is another classmate who works as an investment consultant and spent 100,000 US dollars to hire a professional negotiating team and advisory team.

In addition, it also spent $50,000 in additional expenses such as attorney fees, audit fees, and travel expenses.

In other words, a total of $1.35 million was spent.

Zhou Buqi arranged for Guan Ting to fax some Ziweixing Technology documents according to the document requirements sent back by Zhen Yu.

The whole process is relatively cumbersome.

It is estimated that it will take more than a month to complete all the procedures.

It's always a good thing!

Ziwei Star holds 20% of the shares of YouTube, so it has the cash flow in the future.

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