Top of the big era

Chapter 302 An Unremarkable Technical Secondary School Student

In the past few days, Wang Haoyang's enthusiasm for work has been unprecedentedly high, and he has already recruited five former colleagues.

Ji Zian couldn't say anything about it.

But today, Wang Haoyang is full of vigor, saying that he has recruited a master from Sina. He is the deputy general manager of Sina's corporate service department and leads the research and development of iAsk.

This is the director level, the same as when Wang Haoyang was in Sina before.

Ji Zi'an was delighted to see Lie Xin, so he planned to meet him in person.

That person is Cheng Binghao.

According to the data, he joined Sina in 1998. His first job was to be in charge of the search task on He was the only programmer for the entire search project.

After working for more than a month, the product was launched, and the effect is not bad.

Then, step by step.

Recently, he has a new task, responsible for the research and development of "Aiwen Search", which is a search platform for searching information.

As a result, Sina was unstable internally.

Because there was no profit, half of his team was laid off, the project funds were not in place, and the heads of various departments were changed... In short, the company was full of chaos.

A large number of people have left their jobs.

Cheng Binghao and Wang Haoyang had a good relationship when they were in Sina, and they were a little moved when they were called. He also heard that Dongfang Weidian, which has developed Weidian Security Guard and appeared on the news broadcast, made up his mind.

Then, a ridiculous scene happened.

"We are a start-up company, and the job responsibilities are not as clear as those of large companies. We all use one person as several people. You have to work very hard, just like the college entrance examination."


"Tell me, how did you work hard during the college entrance examination?"

"Uh...I'll try my best."

Ji Zian looked suspicious, and asked, "I said, how did you work hard during the college entrance examination?"

Boss Zhou once said that he opposed poaching people from big companies.

Because people in big companies have been influenced by the corporate culture of other companies, they may lose their ideals, or they may become old-fashioned fritters. They have no enthusiasm for work and passion, and they will be lazy when they find opportunities.

More importantly, when people from large companies jump to small companies, they often have a feeling of "helping the poor" and a sense of superiority, which is not conducive to unity.

Cheng Binghao coughed lightly, a little embarrassed, "I...have never taken the college entrance examination..."

Ji Zian's eyes lit up, "Oh? Junior class?"

Cheng Binghao shook his head quickly, "No, it's not..."

"Then you are... studying abroad?"

"I never went to college, I went to technical secondary school..."

"Secondary school?"

Ji Zi'an froze, staring at him blankly.

A scary idea suddenly popped into my mind.

That Wang Haoyang, wouldn't he regard Dongfang Weidian as a place for retirement? Those employees who couldn't survive in Sina were all accepted...

This is not allowed!

Also, executives are not the same as founders.

If the founder's education is lower, people will say that education is useless. After all, the company is his.

Executives are different. They are the specific executors and are at the center of the contradiction. For the top, we must complete the target; for the bottom, we must lead the team well.

A high degree of education is the confidence and the basic guarantee.

When the Internet was just emerging a few years ago, there must be no problem, there was a shortage of manpower everywhere. As long as they have the ability, they will all be recruited. Now that the Internet boom has come again, the situation has changed.

Without a background of overseas returnees, and without graduating from a key university, it is almost difficult to become an executive in a large company.

It's not just a matter of ability.

There is also the factor of team cohesion.

A project manager who graduated from a technical secondary school leads a group of top students from Tsinghua University and Peking University... Even if everyone respects them on the surface, they don't know how much cynicism will be said behind their backs.

Once the project is repeated and there are twists and turns, conflicts will erupt and it will be difficult to form combat effectiveness.

Unless, like Ali, he learns from Boss Ma's discernment of talents, and he does not stick to one pattern. No one from Tsinghua University or Peking University, no one from Shanghai, and go to some quasi-first-class colleges and universities to select candidates.

Everyone's identities and academic qualifications are not very good, so they are naturally obedient, and the team is easy to lead.

Like Dangdang and Baidu, high-profile publicity, non-985, 211 college graduates are not required. If you want to lead such a group of people, you don't have a hard education, and you are really not qualified.

90% of Ziweixing's employees have graduated from key universities.

Cheng Binghao, a technical secondary school student, is qualified for the position of executive?

Ji Zi'an was not sure, fearing that Wang Haoyang was playing tricks behind his back, so he quickly contacted Zhou Buqi.


Zhou Buqi was also surprised.

I really didn't expect that Wang Haoyang's efficiency was so high. The subjective initiative is mobilized, and the work ability explodes.

He wasn't too worried.

With so many employees from Sina, they definitely want to make a difference. Compared with re-establishing a new team, which requires constant running-in, training, and repeated personnel entry and exit, it is more effective, mature and stable to bring in a group of old officials from Sina, and it is easier to produce results.

"Your name is Cheng Binghao?"


"Hello, my name is Zhou Buqi, and I'm the boss of this company."

Cheng Binghao nodded again and again, "Hi, nice to meet you."

Zhou Buqi was even more surprised.

What's the matter with this man?

I feel a little out of touch with the world, and I am in my thirties. The overall impression is like a college student who has just graduated, as if I am full of awe and cautious about everything.

He doesn't have the aura of being a business director at Sina at all.

However, he was in charge of the search business at Sina before, and his ability is definitely no problem.

"Are you at the director level in Sina?"


"If you go up one level, you'll be the vice president, right? You're in technology, so you should be the chief technology officer?"


Cheng Binghao shrugged, looking nonchalant.

Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, waved his hand, let Ji Zi'an go out, and then closed the door.

"Why did you leave Sina?"

"Actually, as early as 2001, I wanted to leave. It was Zhidong who persuaded me to stay, because I was bragging that I could make a profit from the search business, and I was motivated by him."

"Is it profitable?"

Cheng Binghao shook his head.

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Why do you want to leave again this time? Because of Wang Haoyang's call?"

Cheng Binghao thought for a while, "It's mainly driven by the heart."

"Oh?" Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up.

Cheng Binghao said: "I have been working in Sina for six years. When I look back at many things, I find that I am very naive. Or, I can do the same well if I change someone else. In short, the past few years in Sina have given me It just feels like nothing is going to happen.”

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "I've reached the director level, but I still can't achieve anything?"

Cheng Binghao said calmly: "Those things I did at Sina... now it seems that they are so insignificant. Haoyang told me that there are new positions and new projects here. I didn't think much about it, so I came here .In my opinion, products like Weidian Security Guard are the real business.”

Between words, honest and sincere.

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "The security guards don't need manpower anymore, the new business is..."

"I know, Haoyang told me that it is a good direction to build a high-end and in-depth knowledge sharing platform."

"No, that's just a preliminary idea, and more details need to be perfected. Within half a year, the work here will only be a data search, a small project, and it may not be as good as Sina's Aiwen search."

"Why?" Cheng Binghao was really straightforward, and asked unabashedly, "Is it because you haven't found a profit model?"

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback, and then asked back, "Do you think I am a security guard for Weidian to make money?"

Cheng Binghao said: "But in my opinion, a high-end, professional, in-depth interactive community that can help more people acquire knowledge is no less meaningful than Weidian security guards. In the book reading less and less Today, such a platform helps to improve the overall quality of the whole people."

Zhou Buqi looked up at him, and said lightly: "I am a Weidian security guard. Apart from combating rogue software, there is another very important reason, that is, I want to enter the field of network security, and... it is the security market. Leader."

"Knowledge sharing platform..." Cheng Binghao half-spoken, suddenly had an epiphany, and opened his eyes wide, "Are you worried that you won't be able to become the number one in the industry?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The more high-end, the more professional, the more niche it is, which means fewer users. Moreover, once Baidu's interests are touched, search engines will block it. On this point, you must have sex and ask knowledge." Very thoughtful."

Cheng Binghao nodded approvingly.

Sina's Aiwen Knowledge was introduced to the market earlier. As a result, Baidu Zhizhi just launched a few months ago, and Sina Aiwen was wiped out. Sina has no choice but to do love search.

If you search on Baidu, you will find all the content that Baidu knows. In the question-and-answer community of Sina Aiwen, you will not be able to find anything.

Cheng Binghao sighed, understood Zhou Buqi a little bit, and murmured: "Yes, unless there is a big change in the Internet structure, Baidu Search will be the unshakable absolute hegemony in the field of content."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

The big change is actually the era of mobile Internet.

With the popularization of smart phones, various vertical applications are installed in the mobile phone in the form of APP, and there is no need to search through Baidu.

Search's status plummeted.

Baidu also fell from the first place in BAT to the last place, and was left far behind.

That's five or six years away.

"The knowledge sharing platform, as you said, has very important social value, which is in line with Ziweixing's values. It must be done in the future, but not now."

"I see."

Cheng Binghao sighed.

"Are you still willing to come here?" Zhou Buqi looked at the other party expectantly. He liked this kind of talents with ideals and pursuits very much.

"I'm already going through the resignation procedures." Cheng Binghao didn't hide anything, and his eyes were frank, "I've already made an agreement with Haoyang, I will come to work for two or three years. If the company's business development and my personal positioning exist during this period In and out, maybe I will leave and do something I want to do."

"Is there a direction?"

"A little."

"Is it convenient to say?"

"Community site."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Like a friend network? This is the Red Sea."

Cheng Binghao said: "I have worked in Sina for so many years, and my biggest feeling is that white-collar workers are under too much work pressure. is very good, but it lacks some leisure and entertainment content, as well as some fresh attributes to maintain communication. Among white-collar workers in the workplace For work, they need to keep in touch for a long time, but they are not friends, so they don’t know what to say. If there are some interactive casual games, it will not only relax the body and mind, but also keep in touch. For white-collar workers It’s a huge attraction.”

Sure enough, the ass determines the thinking.

Zhou Buqi is a college student, so he has done very well in the field of college students. Cheng Binghao is a white-collar worker, so he has a good understanding of white-collar culture and needs.


Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide and looked at him intently, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Cheng Binghao had a strange expression, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath and nodded, " is thinking about this. It just bought two small companies that make web games this month."

The heart is already extremely shocked, and there is a feeling of a gold digger.

He vaguely knew.

This guy seems to be the one who founded

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