Top of the big era

Chapter 2950 The wanderer returns home

According to the plan, Ziweixing International will complete its IPO in May, June, or July next year.

There is no doubt that this will be another super IPO.

It has to be arranged in time.

Because Alibaba has already decided that it will be listed on the New York Stock Exchange next year.

These two cases must be staggered in time and capital.

Alibaba chose to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange, while Ziweixing International chose the Nasdaq for listing.

These two super IPOs are both too large in scale. Even with the size of the U.S. financial market, it can only handle two IPOs of this level in a year, and one exchange can only handle one.

Normally, when a company is about to go public, it should do as little as possible.

Get your finances in order.

Get ready early.

However, this stage is also a good stage for "activity" in the market.

Because the company is about to IPO, everyone is watching.

In such a capital feast, all parties want to participate and get a share of the pie.

But what if you don’t have the chance to participate?

The best way is to exchange benefits.

During the period before the IPO, there will be an unprecedentedly lively capital collision period...many institutions and practitioners want to actively participate. For example, if Alibaba wants to acquire Youku now, the process will be really smooth and smooth.

Because Alibaba is about to go public.

Now it is a rare opportunity to exchange one's own stocks for Alibaba's stocks. I would rather make concessions on the asking price and various terms to complete the transaction.

The same goes for Ziweixing International.

Zheng Xiaoli has already said that Yahoo CEO Thompson intends to acquire a local search company to rebuild Yahoo search. This case will be carried out very easily, and the acquisition can be completed without any trouble and time.

Who doesn’t want to participate in Ziweixing International’s capital feast?

In addition to Thompson, Lu Qi also made some moves.

Zhou Buqi originally wanted to pay attention to the situation on Facebook, but no one at Ziweixing International seemed to care about competitors.

"We'll talk about Facebook later. I have a case that you should pay attention to!"

Lu Qi finally got the chance to be summoned by the big boss.

Zhou Buqi asked: "What case?"

Lu Qi smiled and said: "A website similar to the secret circle in the friends network. It is said that it has a lot of connection with you."

"Which website?"



Zhou Buqi did not forget.

At first, he came to the capital to go to university with nothing and started his entrepreneurial career. I didn’t have much money at all, so I used the little money I earned from selling mobile phone cards to buy hundreds of domain names. In addition to most of them being fake domain names, they also included many that could be sold like Facebook and YouTube. Pay big bucks for classic domain names.

That also includes Reddit.

I sold the domain name of Reddit and got 150,000 US dollars. I exchanged it for Huaxia coins and got a total of 1.23 million yuan!

With this money, Zhou Buqi solved the financial dilemma in starting a business, and it also allowed him to buy a house outside the school and have the opportunity to live with Teacher Wen.

Lu Qidao: "There are too many forum-type websites in the United States. Reddit does not have the largest number of users or traffic. However, the product features are very distinctive. This is actually the American version of the Secret Circle."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Many people say that Reddit is the Baidu Tieba of the United States."

"That's different." Lu Ji shook his head, "There are too many forums like Baidu Tieba in the United States, and there is no scarcity. The most distinctive feature of Reddit is actually anonymous comments. Because of the anonymous attribute, many people can There’s a lot of secrets shared here. It’s more like a secret circle.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, Secret Circle was created by Liang Rubo after he became the CEO of and integrated and Douban Group. It was merged with the main business of into the 'three circles' model. Secret Circle, Interest Circle and Circle of friends."

Lu Qidao: "The interest circle is developing very well now, and the friend circle has soared because of its integration with WeChat. There is only a secret circle, because many people anonymously share a lot of content in it that the authorities don't like to see. There are some restrictions.”

Zhou Buqi nodded and sighed, "Yes, the country is now vigorously promoting the real-name system on the Internet. It is necessary to strengthen supervision and not allow netizens to hide their identities on the Internet. Such requirements are inconsistent with the product positioning of the secret circle. . Many domestic products similar to Secret Circle have basically declined. Secret Circle can still survive with the support of Ziweixing, but... I guess it won’t last long and will have to be closed sooner or later.”

Speaking of this, I feel sad.

During the period from 2008 to 2012, Secret Circle was really popular. It was almost the most popular circle on, even more popular than Moments. Everyone can anonymously share some secrets that have never been shared with others. This is a rare opportunity for many people to talk.

Everyone has secrets, especially some dark secrets, which are hidden deep in their hearts, and the pressure they bear is too great.

Saying it out means letting go of the pressure.

Secret Circle provides such a platform.

For many young people today who are burdened with huge workplace pressure, family pressure and interpersonal pressure, this is a good place to express their feelings and release stress.

Not anymore.

The general environment does not allow it.

It is estimated that Ziweixing will give up the Secret Circle product completely within a few years.

Of course Lu Qi also felt it was a pity, "When I communicated with colleagues in China, they all felt the same regret. Liang Rubo once told me that since it can't be done at home, why not build a similar anonymous community abroad? This It was originally a major mission to spin off Ziweixing International, which is not allowed in China, so that we can continue our product ideals overseas. "I immediately thought of Reddit."

Zhou Buqi has actually been paying attention to Reddit for a long time. After all, he got the domain name from him. He said very strangely: "Wasn't Reddit acquired by a big company?"

Lu Qi smiled and said: "That is a traditional media company that cannot do well on the Internet. It has to subsidize millions of dollars every year. It will not be able to make up for it after a few years. Reddit was split up a year ago and let them be self-reliant." . Life is not easy for Reddit now. The interim CEO Altman is looking for connections to seek Series B financing.”

"Series B?"

Zhou Buqi was slightly startled.

Reddit was founded in 2006, right? After all these years, it has just received Series B financing?

It seems that the development is indeed not very good.

If it weren't for Reddit's relationship with Boss Zhou and its product attributes similar to the "Secret Circle", it is estimated that Lu Qi would not have paid attention to such an inconspicuous and small Internet project.

Lu Qi explained: "Yes, it has just been round B. After the previous round of A round of financing, it was acquired by a large company. After the split, without the blood transfusion of the parent company, we can only return to the venture capital market to find new investment opportunities." Helped.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "You mean to acquire Reddit?"

Lu Qi said: "Yes, I have been feeling this recently. The acquisition of Reddit can be regarded as satisfying the emotional transfer of domestic colleagues, as well as some pursuits in product concepts. The secret circle has developed so well, it is because of everyone Children are not allowed in China, and they all hope to put their trust abroad. "

"Well, you should!"

Zhou Buqi thinks this reason is very strong.

Regardless of whether Reddit can do a good job in catering to the thoughts of domestic friends and healing the inner trauma of being banned from secret circles, it should also create a new secret circle overseas. As the most well-known anonymous forum currently, Reddit can indeed be a good alternative.

Lu Qi smiled and said: "Of course, for Ziweixing International, the acquisition of Reddit can also further enrich and strengthen our product matrix. In the real-name forum, we have Quora, where the most professional and excellent content is shared; We also have Yahoo Answers and Yahoo Blog. By acquiring Reddit, we can make up for our shortcomings in the field of anonymous forum products, thus forming a highly competitive matrix product on the whole, thereby maximizing the transfer of traffic to external sources. ”

Zhou Buqi coughed and said sternly: "The conversion from intended traffic to unexpected traffic can be completed more conveniently."

"Ah?" This was the first time Lu Qi heard this concept. He quickly understood what he meant and said in awe, "Well, this is a very complete product concept and the important meaning of the product matrix. Indeed That’s the idea!”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "This is the third book I want to write. When it is published, you can write a preface."

"Okay! It's an honor!"

Lu Qi was very happy and thought it was a huge honor.

Boss Zhou seldom writes books.

The previous two books, "From Traffic to Traffic Pool" and "Platform Economy", are regarded as standards by industry peers.

It can be said that the current Internet world is proceeding according to the traffic ideas and platform ideas mentioned in his previous two books. This third book seems to be talking about products from the perspective of traffic. I’m really looking forward to it!

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and asked, "If we acquire Reddit, how much will it cost?"

Lu Qi said: "It won't be too expensive. It is estimated that US$200 million to US$300 million is about the same. Ziweixing International will soon be IPO listed. If we give a quotation, they will definitely be more anxious than us and hope to get it as soon as possible." to make a deal.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Okay, let's put it into operation as soon as possible and finalize it as soon as possible. Don't delay our IPO."

Lu Qi smiled and said: "If you want to conclude a deal as quickly as possible, it's actually easy. You just have to come forward."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Okay, I will come forward when you need me. After all... As you said, after all, Reddit does have a lot to do with me. I sold this domain name to them at the beginning, and now Reddit’s return to the embrace of Ziweixing is like a wanderer returning home.”

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