Top of the big era

Chapter 2949 Rebuilding the search?

Generally speaking, the property rights of all work outputs of an employee who has signed a labor contract during his working period do not belong to him personally, but to the company.

This is not only professional ethics, but also legal provisions.

For example, a scientist invented an important patent at Ziweixing, and the copyright of the patent has nothing to do with him, and the copyright belongs entirely to the company; for example, a teacher teaches in a teaching and training institution such as New Oriental, and all the content of his class, including video materials and audio materials, has nothing to do with him personally, but belongs to the company; for example, an investor has invested in dozens of successful cases for Sequoia Capital, creating tens of billions or hundreds of billions of wealth, and these wealth have nothing to do with him, but belong to the company.

During her work at Ziweixing International, Zheng Xiaoli realized the product logic from destination traffic to unexpected traffic in the process of work... This is of course also the property rights of the company, and Zhou Buqi can openly take such property rights for himself.

Many large companies do this.

Many big bosses have a brilliant image in the outside world, as if they are omnipotent, but in fact most of the achievements are attributed to the company behind them.

The team he spent money to raise should serve him.

As it should be.

It's just that some people are very shameless in this process, the most typical one is Steve Jobs.

After creating the iPhone, the outside world put Steve Jobs on the altar.

But in fact, this is the common crystallization of a large team of Apple.

Steve Jobs always cruelly takes back the credit of his subordinates and turns it into his own achievement.

For example, Apple's Home button.

Apple's products are mainly designed by chief designer Jonathan Ive. According to Jobs's requirements, when designing the Home button, Ive took out seven or eight plans and explained the design reasons for each plan for him to choose.

Some are circular plans, some are square, some are oval, some are semi-circular and semi-square, some are black, some are white...

After reading it, Jobs scolded Ive.

He said that all his designs were rubbish.

Let him go back and change it!

Jonathan Ive has long been accustomed to this cruel and ruthless working environment, and can only go back and design more plans with the team.

Unexpectedly, two days later, Jobs excitedly called Ive over and said that he had come up with a brilliant idea that could be used on the Home button and it would definitely work! Jonathan Ive was of course very happy and went to see the idea proposed by Jobs.

After seeing it, he almost vomited blood in anger.

The brilliant idea that Jobs came up with was the circular design that he had submitted to him two days ago, and even the design reason was exactly the same!

At that time, he was scolded by Jobs.

Looking back, this became his own creativity and his own brilliant idea.

Jobs always likes to boast that he is the best designer and the most outstanding product manager. If he wants to prove this to the team, he always has to come up with some of his own designs and clever ideas, and he has done this kind of trickery.

The reason why Jonathan Ive became Jobs' most relied-on right-hand man is that he has a strong tolerance, can accept such unfair treatment, and can persist in such a working environment.

Zhou Buqi really couldn't do such a thing.

He also didn't like the kind of leadership style that treated subordinates coldly and brutally.

After asking Zheng Xiaoli for her opinion, she of course agreed unconditionally.

Zheng Xiaoli was still worried about the video streaming business, and tentatively said: "Yahoo Video... Then I will go back and plan and prepare to launch such a new product?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Okay."

Zheng Xiaoli said: "I heard that in China, Alibaba intends to acquire Youku."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "That's right, Alibaba wants to build the so-called big entertainment business, and Boss Ma is full of artistic cells."

"But Ziweixing didn't participate."

Although Zheng Xiaoli works in the United States, her success factor actually lies in the combination of China and the United States.

This requires her to understand the domestic business in addition to the American market.

She also has certain privileges and can read Ziweixing's internal documents.

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, we are early investors of Youku. I have helped Youku achieve its current success. To some extent, this is the right of first refusal. If Alibaba wants to acquire Youku, Youku must communicate with us first."

"So we just watch Alibaba swallow Youku?"

Zheng Xiaoli actually doesn't agree with this decision.

Zhou Buqi said: "Lao Ma saw it first, and it would be a bit hurtful for me to compete with him. Why not let them do it! The advertising fees in the United States are really high, and many video websites can really be supported by advertising income. It's not so good in China. The advertising fees are too low, and it's hard to support heavy assets like video websites."

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Ziweixing has been listed and is already very rich. Even if the video website does not make money in the short term, it can strategically improve its product matrix. Video content will be more attractive than text content. This is a general trend."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "You are right, but it is too expensive to acquire Youku in the past. It costs billions of dollars, which is not cost-effective. After two or three years, when the time is ripe, Ziweixing can launch its own video streaming platform. With the promotion of platforms such as Toutiao, Weibo, and WeChat, it will be able to do it soon. Enterprise integration is too complicated, so it is better to start from scratch. As you said, the domestic culture and soil determine that revolution is easier than reform."

In corporate mergers and acquisitions, the acquisition process is easy, and the difficulty lies in the integration after the acquisition.

Different companies have different corporate cultures.

Even if Ziweixing acquires Youku now, it will probably take two years to fully incorporate Youku into Ziweixing's system. With this time, Ziweixing can launch a new streaming platform by itself.

Zheng Xiaoli was able to succeed so quickly after taking over Yahoo's business because she opened a new mobile business and there was no integration process.

She is now the senior vice president of Yahoo.

Because Yahoo's CEO Scott Thompson is still pushing forward the reform of Yahoo's internal business and the integration of Yahoo with Ziweixing International.

Yahoo's recovery is only on the mobile side.

The traditional PC side business is still the same as before.

Zheng Xiaoli nodded, "Well, I heard Scott say before that he intends to acquire a search company."


Zhou Buqi didn't hear such news.

Zheng Xiaoli said: "The contract between Yahoo and Microsoft in the search field will expire next year. You said that Yahoo should have its own search business and can no longer outsource it."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

Once, Yahoo was the largest search giant.

Later, Yahoo gradually fell into decline.

In 2009, in order to maintain a good book flow in the financial crisis, Yahoo even laid off the search department. Then it cooperated with Microsoft and outsourced Yahoo search to Microsoft. The current Yahoo search is actually Bing search.

Next year is 2014, and the contract will expire.

What should Yahoo do?

Actually, there are three options.

First, renew the contract with Microsoft and continue to outsource Yahoo search to Microsoft;

Second, do not renew the contract with Microsoft and Yahoo will rebuild its own search business;

Third, give up search.

Giving up is impossible. Even if it is outsourced to Microsoft, it can still earn more than 100 million US dollars in revenue per year.

But now that Yahoo has "risen", it is a bit too embarrassing to outsource with such a big backer as Ziweixing International. The solution chosen by Yahoo CEO Thompson is to acquire a small local search company and then transform it into Yahoo Search, so that the reconstruction of the search business can be completed quickly.

Zheng Xiaoli said, "This seems to be quite troublesome. Yahoo's share in the search market is too small. A small share will lead to too high marginal costs. Outsourcing to Microsoft, relying on Yahoo's brand and share, can still earn 120 million to 150 million US dollars a year. If we do it ourselves, the advertising revenue from Yahoo Search may not be able to cover the daily expenses of the search team."

"What about you? What do you think?"

Zhou Buqi asked her what she meant.

Zheng Xiaoli smiled, "From my point of view, of course it is better to do it ourselves, so that Yahoo's product matrix can be made more complete and richer. Our own search business can search our own content first."

Zhou Buqi thought for a while and didn't dare to make a rash decision, "Let's have a meeting later and discuss it."

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